2 Thessalonians 1

  1 G* Paul, G2532 and G* Silas, G2532 and G* Timothy, G3588 to the G1577 assembly G* of Thessalonians, G1722 in G2316 God G3962 our father G1473   G2532 and G2962 the Lord G* Jesus G5547 Christ.
  2 G5484 Favor G1473 to you, G2532 and G1515 peace G575 from G2316 God G3962 our father, G1473   G2532 and G2962 the Lord G* Jesus G5547 Christ.
  3 G2168 [2to give thanks G3784 1We ought] G3588 to G2316 God G3842 at all times G4012 concerning G1473 you, G80 brethren, G2531 as G514 it is worthy, G1510.2.3   G3754 that G5232 [2is caused to grow exceedingly G3588   G4102 1your belief], G1473   G2532 and G4121 [7 is superabundant G3588 1the G26 2love G1520 4one G1538 3of each G3956 5of all G1473 6of you] G1519 to G240 one another;
  4 G5620 so as G1473 for us G1473 ourselves G1722 [2in G1473 3you G2744 1to boast] G1722 in G3588 the G1577 assemblies G3588   G2316 of God G5228 over G3588   G5281 your endurance G1473   G2532 and G4102 belief G1722 in G3956 all G3588   G1375 your persecutions G1473   G2532 and G3588 the G2347 afflictions G3739 which G430 you endure;
  5 G1730 a demonstration G3588 of the G1342 righteous G2920 judgment G3588   G2316 of God, G1519 in G3588 the G2661 deeming you worthy G1473   G3588 of the G932 kingdom G3588   G2316 of God, G5228 for G3739 of which G2532 also G3958 you suffer;
  6 G1512 if indeed G1342 it be righteous G3844 by G2316 God G467 to recompense G3588 the ones G2346 afflicting G1473 you G2347 with affliction;
  7 G2532 and G1473 to you G3588 the ones G2346 being afflicted, G425 a relaxation G3326 with G1473 us, G1722 in G3588 the G602 revelation G3588 of the G2962 Lord G* Jesus G575 from G3772 heaven, G3326 with G32 angels G1411 of his power, G1473  
  8 G1722 in G4442 fire G5395 of flame, G1325 giving G1557 punishment G3588 to the ones G3361 not G1492 knowing G2316 God, G2532 and G3588 to the ones G3361 not G5219 obeying G3588 the G2098 good news G3588   G2962 of our Lord G1473   G* Jesus G5547 Christ;
  9 G3748 ones who G1349 with punishment G5099 shall pay, G3639 [2ruin G166 1eternal] G575 from G4383 the face G3588 of the G2962 Lord, G2532 and G575 from G3588 the G1391 glory G3588   G2479 of his strength; G1473  
  10 G3752 whenever G2064 he should come G1740 to be glorified G1722 among G3588   G39 his holy ones, G1473   G2532 and G2296 to be marveled at G1722 by G3956 all G3588 the ones G4100 having believed G3754 (because G4100 [4was believed G3588   G3142 1our testimony G1473   G1909 2to G1473 3you]) G1722 in G3588   G2250 that day. G1565  
  11 G1519 For G3739 which G2532 also G4336 we pray G3842 at all times G4012 for G1473 you, G2443 that G1473 you G515 should be worthy G3588 of the G2821 calling G3588   G2316 of our God, G1473   G2532 and G4137 should fulfill G3956 every G2107 good-pleasure G19 of goodness, G2532 and G2041 work G4102 of belief G1722 with G1411 power,
  12 G3704 so that G1740 [6should be glorified G3588 1the G3686 2name G3588   G2962 3of our Lord G1473   G* 4Jesus G5547 5Christ] G1722 in G1473 you, G2532 and G1473 you G1722 in G1473 him, G2596 according to G3588 the G5484 favor G3588   G2316 of our God G1473   G2532 and G2962 of the Lord G* Jesus G5547 Christ.
  1 G* Παύλος G2532 και G* Σιλουανός G2532 και G* Τιμόθεος G3588 τη G1577 εκκλησία G* Θεσσαλονικέων G1722 εν G2316 θεώ G3962 πατρί ημών G1473   G2532 και G2962 κυρίω G* Ιησού G5547 χριστώ
  2 G5484 χάρις G1473 υμίν G2532 και G1515 ειρήνη G575 από G2316 θεού G3962 πατρός ημών G1473   G2532 και G2962 κυρίου G* Ιησού G5547 χριστού
  3 G2168 ευχαριστείν G3784 οφείλομεν G3588 τω G2316 θεώ G3842 πάντοτε G4012 περί G1473 υμών G80 αδελφοί G2531 καθώς G514 άξιόν εστιν G1510.2.3   G3754 ότι G5232 υπεραυξάνει G3588 η G4102 πίστις υμών G1473   G2532 και G4121 πλεονάζει G3588 η G26 αγάπη G1520 ενός G1538 εκάστου G3956 πάντων G1473 υμών G1519 εις G240 αλλήλους
  4 G5620 ώστε G1473 ημάς G1473 αυτούς G1722 εν G1473 υμίν G2744 καυχάσθαι G1722 εν G3588 ταις G1577 εκκλησίαις G3588 του G2316 θεού G5228 υπέρ G3588 της G5281 υπομονής υμών G1473   G2532 και G4102 πίστεως G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G1375 διωγμοίς υμών G1473   G2532 και G3588 ταις G2347 θλίψεσιν G3739 αις G430 ανέχεσθε
  5 G1730 ένδειγμα G3588 της G1342 δικαίας G2920 κρίσεως G3588 του G2316 θεού G1519 εις G3588 το G2661 καταξιωθήναι υμάς G1473   G3588 της G932 βασιλείας G3588 του G2316 θεού G5228 υπέρ G3739 ης G2532 και G3958 πάσχετε
  6 G1512 είπερ G1342 δίκαιον G3844 παρά G2316 θεώ G467 ανταποδούναι G3588 τοις G2346 θλίβουσιν G1473 υμάς G2347 θλίψιν
  7 G2532 και G1473 υμίν G3588 τοις G2346 θλιβομένοις G425 άνεσιν G3326 μεθ΄ G1473 ημών G1722 εν G3588 τη G602 αποκαλύψει G3588 του G2962 κυρίου G* Ιησού G575 απ΄ G3772 ουρανού G3326 μετ΄ G32 αγγέλων G1411 δυνάμεως αυτού G1473  
  8 G1722 εν G4442 πυρί G5395 φλογός G1325 διδόντος G1557 εκδίκησιν G3588 τοις G3361 μη G1492 ειδόσι G2316 θεόν G2532 και G3588 τοις G3361 μη G5219 υπακούουσι G3588 τω G2098 ευαγγελίω G3588 του G2962 κυρίου ημών G1473   G* Ιησού G5547 χριστού
  9 G3748 οίτινες G1349 δίκην G5099 τίσουσιν G3639 όλεθρον G166 αιώνιον G575 από G4383 προσώπου G3588 του G2962 κυρίου G2532 και G575 από G3588 της G1391 δόξης G3588 της G2479 ισχύος αυτού G1473  
  10 G3752 όταν G2064 έλθη G1740 ενδοξασθήναι G1722 εν G3588 τοις G39 αγίοις αυτού G1473   G2532 και G2296 θαυμασθήναι G1722 εν G3956 πάσι G3588 τοις G4100 πιστεύσασιν G3754 ότι G4100 επιστεύθη G3588 το G3142 μαρτύριον ημών G1473   G1909 εφ΄ G1473 υμάς G1722 εν G3588 τη G2250 ημέρα εκείνη G1565  
  11 G1519 εις G3739 ο G2532 και G4336 προσευχόμεθα G3842 πάντοτε G4012 περί G1473 υμών G2443 ίνα G1473 υμάς G515 αξιώση G3588 της G2821 κλήσεως G3588 ο G2316 θεός ημών G1473   G2532 και G4137 πληρώση G3956 πάσαν G2107 ευδοκίαν G19 αγαθωσύνης G2532 και G2041 έργον G4102 πίστεως G1722 εν G1411 δυνάμει
  12 G3704 όπως G1740 ενδοξασθή G3588 το G3686 όνομα G3588 του G2962 κυρίου ημών G1473   G* Ιησού G5547 χριστού G1722 εν G1473 υμίν G2532 και G1473 υμείς G1722 εν G1473 αυτώ G2596 κατά G3588 την G5484 χάριν G3588 του G2316 θεού ημών G1473   G2532 και G2962 κυρίου G* Ιησού G5547 χριστού
    1 G3972 N-NSM παυλος G2532 CONJ και G4610 N-NSM σιλουανος G2532 CONJ και G5095 N-NSM τιμοθεος G3588 T-DSF τη G1577 N-DSF εκκλησια G2331 N-GPM θεσσαλονικεων G1722 PREP εν G2316 N-DSM θεω G3962 N-DSM πατρι G2257 P-1GP ημων G2532 CONJ και G2962 N-DSM κυριω G2424 N-DSM ιησου G5547 N-DSM χριστω
    2 G5485 N-NSF χαρις G5213 P-2DP υμιν G2532 CONJ και G1515 N-NSF ειρηνη G575 PREP απο G2316 N-GSM θεου G3962 N-GSM πατρος G2257 P-1GP | | " ημων " G2532 CONJ | και G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2424 N-GSM ιησου G5547 N-GSM χριστου
    3 G2168 [G5721] V-PAN ευχαριστειν G3784 [G5719] V-PAI-1P οφειλομεν G3588 T-DSM τω G2316 N-DSM θεω G3842 ADV παντοτε G4012 PREP περι G5216 P-2GP υμων G80 N-VPM αδελφοι G2531 ADV καθως G514 A-NSN αξιον G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν G3754 CONJ οτι G5232 [G5719] V-PAI-3S υπεραυξανει G3588 T-NSF η G4102 N-NSF πιστις G5216 P-2GP υμων G2532 CONJ και G4121 [G5719] V-PAI-3S πλεοναζει G3588 T-NSF η G26 N-NSF αγαπη G1520 A-GSM ενος G1538 A-GSM εκαστου G3956 A-GPM παντων G5216 P-2GP υμων G1519 PREP εις G240 C-APM αλληλους
    4 G5620 CONJ ωστε G846 P-APM αυτους G2248 P-1AP ημας G1722 PREP εν G5213 P-2DP υμιν G2744 [G5738] V-PNN εγκαυχασθαι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPF ταις G1577 N-DPF εκκλησιαις G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G5228 PREP υπερ G3588 T-GSF της G5281 N-GSF υπομονης G5216 P-2GP υμων G2532 CONJ και G4102 N-GSF πιστεως G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPM πασιν G3588 T-DPM τοις G1375 N-DPM διωγμοις G5216 P-2GP υμων G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DPF ταις G2347 N-DPF θλιψεσιν G3739 R-DPF αις G430 [G5736] V-PNI-2P ανεχεσθε
    5 G1730 N-NSN ενδειγμα G3588 T-GSF της G1342 A-GSF δικαιας G2920 N-GSF κρισεως G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASN το G2661 [G5683] V-APN καταξιωθηναι G5209 P-2AP υμας G3588 T-GSF της G932 N-GSF βασιλειας G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G5228 PREP υπερ G3739 R-GSF ης G2532 CONJ και G3958 [G5719] V-PAI-2P πασχετε
    6 G1512 COND ειπερ G1342 A-NSN δικαιον G3844 PREP παρα G2316 N-DSM θεω G467 [G5629] V-2AAN ανταποδουναι G3588 T-DPM τοις G2346 [G5723] V-PAP-DPM θλιβουσιν G5209 P-2AP υμας G2347 N-ASF θλιψιν
    7 G2532 CONJ και G5213 P-2DP υμιν G3588 T-DPM τοις G2346 [G5746] V-PPP-DPM θλιβομενοις G425 N-ASF ανεσιν G3326 PREP μεθ G2257 P-1GP ημων G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G602 N-DSF αποκαλυψει G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2424 N-GSM ιησου G575 PREP απ G3772 N-GSM ουρανου G3326 PREP μετ G32 N-GPM αγγελων G1411 N-GSF δυναμεως G846 P-GSM αυτου
    8 G1722 PREP εν G4442 N-DSN πυρι G5395 N-GSF φλογος G1325 [G5723] V-PAP-GSM διδοντος G1557 N-ASF εκδικησιν G3588 T-DPM τοις G3361 PRT-N μη G1492 [G5761] V-RAP-DPM ειδοσιν G2316 N-ASM θεον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-DPM τοις G3361 PRT-N μη G5219 [G5723] V-PAP-DPM υπακουουσιν G3588 T-DSN τω G2098 N-DSN ευαγγελιω G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2257 P-1GP ημων G2424 N-GSM ιησου
    9 G3748 R-NPM οιτινες G1349 N-ASF δικην G5099 [G5692] V-FAI-3P τισουσιν G3639 N-ASM ολεθρον G166 A-ASM αιωνιον G575 PREP απο G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2532 CONJ και G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSF της G1391 N-GSF δοξης G3588 T-GSF της G2479 N-GSF ισχυος G846 P-GSM αυτου
    10 G3752 CONJ οταν G2064 [G5632] V-2AAS-3S ελθη G1740 [G5683] V-APN ενδοξασθηναι G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G40 A-DPM αγιοις G846 P-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G2296 [G5683] V-APN θαυμασθηναι G1722 PREP εν G3956 A-DPM πασιν G3588 T-DPM τοις G4100 [G5660] V-AAP-DPM πιστευσασιν G3754 CONJ οτι G4100 [G5681] V-API-3S επιστευθη G3588 T-NSN το G3142 N-NSN μαρτυριον G2257 P-1GP ημων G1909 PREP εφ G5209 P-2AP υμας G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSF τη G2250 N-DSF ημερα G1565 D-DSF εκεινη
    11 G1519 PREP εις G3739 R-ASN ο G2532 CONJ και G4336 [G5736] V-PNI-1P προσευχομεθα G3842 ADV παντοτε G4012 PREP περι G5216 P-2GP υμων G2443 CONJ ινα G5209 P-2AP υμας G515 [G5661] V-AAS-3S αξιωση G3588 T-GSF της G2821 N-GSF κλησεως G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2257 P-1GP ημων G2532 CONJ και G4137 [G5661] V-AAS-3S πληρωση G3956 A-ASF πασαν G2107 N-ASF ευδοκιαν G19 N-GSF αγαθωσυνης G2532 CONJ και G2041 N-ASN εργον G4102 N-GSF πιστεως G1722 PREP εν G1411 N-DSF δυναμει
    12 G3704 ADV οπως G1740 [G5686] V-APS-3S ενδοξασθη G3588 T-NSN το G3686 N-NSN ονομα G3588 T-GSM του G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2257 P-1GP ημων G2424 N-GSM ιησου G1722 PREP εν G5213 P-2DP υμιν G2532 CONJ και G5210 P-2NP υμεις G1722 PREP εν G846 P-DSM αυτω G2596 PREP κατα G3588 T-ASF την G5485 N-ASF χαριν G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G2257 P-1GP ημων G2532 CONJ και G2962 N-GSM κυριου G2424 N-GSM ιησου G5547 N-GSM χριστου
  1 G3972 Paul G2532 , and G4610 Silvanus G2532 , and G5095 Timotheus G1577 , unto the church G2331 of the Thessalonians G1722 in G2316 God G2257 our G3962 Father G2532 and G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ:
  2 G5485 Grace G5213 unto you G2532 , and G1515 peace G575 , from G2316 God G2257 our G3962 Father G2532 and G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  3 G3784 We are bound [G5719]   G2168 to thank [G5721]   G2316 God G3842 always G4012 for G5216 you G80 , brethren G2531 , as G2076 it is [G5748]   G514 meet G3754 , because G5216 that your G4102 faith G5232 groweth exceedingly [G5719]   G2532 , and G26 the charity G1538 of every G1520 one G5216 of you G3956 all G1519 toward G240 each other G4121 aboundeth [G5719]  ;
  4 G5620 So G2248 that we G846 ourselves G2744 glory [G5738]   G1722 in G5213 you G1722 in G1577 the churches G2316 of God G5228 for G5216 your G5281 patience G2532 and G4102 faith G1722 in G3956 all G5216 your G1375 persecutions G2532 and G2347 tribulations G3739 that G430 ye endure [G5736]  :
  5 G1730 Which is a manifest token G1342 of the righteous G2920 judgment G2316 of God G1519 , that G5209 ye G2661 may be counted worthy [G5683]   G932 of the kingdom G2316 of God G5228 , for G3739 which G3958 ye G2532 also G3958 suffer [G5719]  :
  6 G1512 Seeing G1342 it is a righteous thing G3844 with G2316 God G467 to recompense [G5629]   G2347 tribulation G2346 to them that trouble [G5723]   G5209 you;
  7 G2532 And G5213 to you G2346 who are troubled [G5746]   G425 rest G3326 with G2257 us G1722 , when G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G602 shall be revealed G575 from G3772 heaven G3326 with G846 his G1411 mighty G32 angels,
  8 G1722 In G5395 flaming G4442 fire G1325 taking [G5723]   G1557 vengeance G1492 on them that know [G5761]   G3361 not G2316 God G2532 , and G5219 that obey [G5723]   G3361 not G2098 the gospel G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ:
  9 G3748 Who G1349 shall be punished G5099   [G5692]   G166 with everlasting G3639 destruction G575 from G4383 the presence G2962 of the Lord G2532 , and G575 from G1391 the glory G846 of his G2479 power;
  10 G3752 When G2064 he shall come [G5632]   G1740 to be glorified [G5683]   G1722 in G846 his G40 saints G2532 , and G2296 to be admired [G5683]   G1722 in G3956 all G4100 them that believe [G5723]   G3754 (because G2257 our G3142 testimony G1909 among G5209 you G4100 was believed [G5681]   G1722 ) in G1565 that G2250 day.
  11 G1519 Wherefore G3739   G2532 also G4336 we pray [G5736]   G3842 always G4012 for G5216 you G2443 , that G2257 our G2316 God G515 would count G5209 you G515 worthy [G5661]   G2821 of this calling G2532 , and G4137 fulfil [G5661]   G3956 all G2107 the good pleasure G19 of his goodness G2532 , and G2041 the work G4102 of faith G1722 with G1411 power:
  12 G3704 That G3686 the name G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G1740 may be glorified [G5686]   G1722 in G5213 you G2532 , and G5210 ye G1722 in G846 him G2596 , according to G5485 the grace G2257 of our G2316 God G2532 and G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
ERV(i) 1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ; 2 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 We are bound to give thanks to God alway for you, brethren, even as it is meet, for that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the love of each one of you all toward one another aboundeth; 4 so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions which ye endure; 5 [which is] a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God; to the end that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer: 6 if so be that it is a righteous thing with God to recompense affliction to them that afflict you, 7 and to you that are afflicted rest with us, at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of his power 8 in flaming fire, rendering vengeance to them that know not God, and to them that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus: 9 who shall suffer punishment, [even] eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might, 10 when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at in all them that believed (because our testimony unto you was believed) in that day. 11 To which end we also pray always for you, that our God may count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire of goodness and [every] work of faith, with power; 12 that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.