Psalms 119:126 Cross References - new

  126 H6256 It is time H3068 for thee, LORD, H6213 [H8800] to work: H6565 [H8689] for they have made void H8451 thy law.

Genesis 22:10-11

  10 H85 And Abraham H7971 [H8799] stretched forth H3027 his hand, H3947 [H8799] and took H3979 the knife H7819 [H8800] to slay H1121 his son.
  11 H4397 And the messenger H3068 of the LORD H7121 [H8799] called H8064 to him from heaven, H559 [H8799] and said, H85 Abraham, H85 Abraham: H559 [H8799] and he said, Here am I.

Genesis 22:14

  14 H85 And Abraham H7121 [H8799] called H8034 the name H4725 of that place H3070 the LORD hath seen: H834 as H559 [H8735] it is said H3117 to this day, H2022 In the mount H3068 of the LORD H7200 [H8735] it shall be seen.

Deuteronomy 32:36

  36 H3068 For the LORD H1777 [H8799] shall judge H5971 his people, H5162 [H8691] and sigh H5650 for his servants, H7200 [H8799] when he seeth H3027 that their hand H235 [H8804] is gone, H657 and there is none H6113 [H8803] shut up, H5800 [H8803] or left.

Psalms 9:19

  19 H6965 [H8798] Arise, H3068 O LORD; H582 let not man H5810 [H8799] prevail: H1471 let the nations H8199 [H8735] be judged H6440 in thy sight.

Psalms 102:13

  13 H6965 [H8799] Thou shalt arise, H7355 [H8762] and fondle H6726 Zion: H6256 for the time H2603 [H8800] to favour H4150 her, yea, the set time, H935 [H8804] is come.

Isaiah 42:14

  14 H5769 I have long time H2814 [H8689] held my peace; H2790 [H8686] I have been still, H662 [H8691] and restrained H6463 [H8799] myself: now will I scream H3205 [H8802] like a travailing woman; H5395 [H8799] I will pant, H8074 [H8799] moan, H7602 [H8799] and gasp H3162 at once.

Jeremiah 8:8

  8 H559 [H8799] How do ye say, H2450 We are wise, H8451 and the law H3068 of the LORD H403 is with us? Lo, certainly H8267 in vain H6213 [H8804] he hath made H5842 it; the pen H5608 [H8802] of the scribes H8267 is in vain.

Habakkuk 1:4

  4 H8451 Therefore the law H6313 [H8799] is feeble, H4941 and judgment H5331 doth never H3318 [H8799] go forth: H7563 for the wicked H3803 [H8688] doth surround H6662 the righteous; H4941 therefore judgment H3318 [H8799] goeth forth H6127 [H8794] perverted

Malachi 2:8

  8 H5493 [H8804] But ye have departed H1870 out of the way; H7227 ye have caused many H3782 [H8689] to stumble H8451 at the law; H7843 [H8765] ye have decayed H1285 the covenant H3878 of Levi, H559 [H8804] saith H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts.

Matthew 15:6

  6 G2532 { And G5091 [G5661] honour G3364 not G846 his G3962 father G2228 or G846 his G3384 mother, G2532 he shall be free. Thus G208 0 have ye made G1785 the commandment G2316 of God G208 [G5656] of no effect G1223 by G5216 your G3862 tradition.}

Romans 3:31

  31 G2673 0 Do we G3767 then G2673 [G5719] render useless G3551 law G1223 through G3588 the G4102 faith? G3361 G1096 [G5636] By no means: G235 but, G2476 [G5719] we establish G3551 law.

Romans 4:14

  14 G1063 For G1487 if G1537 they who are of G3551 the law G2818 are heirs, G4102 faith G2758 [G5769] is made void, G2532 and G1860 the promise G2673 [G5769] rendered useless:

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