Proverbs 11:13 Cross References - new

  13 H1980 H7400 [H8802] A talebearer H1540 [H8764] revealeth H5475 secrets: H539 [H8738] but he that is of a faithful H7307 spirit H3680 [H8764] concealeth H1697 the matter.

Leviticus 19:16

  16 H3212 [H8799] Thou shalt not go H7400 up and down as a talebearer H5971 among thy people: H5975 [H8799] neither shalt thou stand H1818 against the blood H7453 of thy neighbour: H3068 I am the LORD.

Joshua 2:14

  14 H582 And the men H559 [H8799] answered H5315 her, Our life H4191 [H8800] for yours, H5046 [H8686] if ye utter H1697 not this our business. H3068 And it shall be, when the LORD H5414 [H8800] hath given H776 us the land, H6213 [H8804] that we will deal H2617 mercifully H571 and truly with thee.

Joshua 2:20

  20 H5046 [H8686] And if thou shalt utter H1697 this our business, H5355 then we will be free H7621 of thy oath H7650 [H8689] which thou hast made us to swear.

Nehemiah 6:17-19

  17 H3117 Moreover in those days H2715 the nobles H3063 of Judah H1980 [H8802] sent H7235 [H8688] many H107 letters H2900 to Tobiah, H2900 and the letters of Tobiah H935 [H8802] came to them.
  18 H7227 For there were many H3063 in Judah H1167 H7621 sworn H2860 to him, because he was the son in law H7935 of Shechaniah H1121 the son H733 of Arah; H1121 and his son H3076 Johanan H3947 [H8804] had taken H1323 the daughter H4918 of Meshullam H1121 the son H1296 of Berechiah.
  19 H559 [H8802] Also they reported H2896 his good deeds H6440 at the face of H3318 [H8688] me, and uttered H1697 my words H2900 to him. And Tobiah H7971 [H8804] sent H107 letters H3372 [H8763] to put me in fear.

Proverbs 14:5

  5 H529 A faithful H5707 witness H3577 will not lie: H8267 but a false H5707 witness H6315 [H8686] will utter H3576 [H8762] lies.

Proverbs 20:19

  19 H1980 [H8802] He that goeth about H7400 as a talebearer H1540 [H8802] revealeth H5475 secrets: H6148 [H8691] therefore meddle H6601 [H8802] not with him that flattereth H8193 with his lips.

Proverbs 25:9

  9 H7378 [H8798] Debate H7379 thy cause H7453 with thy neighbour H1540 [H8762] himself; and reveal H5475 not a secret H312 to another:

Proverbs 26:20-22

  20 H657 Where no H6086 wood H784 is, there the fire H3518 [H8799] goeth out: H5372 so where there is no talebearer, H4066 the strife H8367 [H8799] ceaseth.
  21 H6352 As coals H1513 are to burning coals, H6086 and wood H784 to fire; H4079 H4066 [H8675] so is a contentious H376 man H2787 [H8771] to kindle H7379 strife.
  22 H1697 The words H5372 of a talebearer H3859 [H8693] are as wounds, H3381 [H8804] and they go down H2315 into the innermost parts H990 of the belly.

Jeremiah 38:27

  27 H935 [H8799] Then came H8269 all the princes H3414 to Jeremiah, H7592 [H8799] and asked H5046 [H8686] him: and he told H1697 them according to all these words H4428 that the king H6680 [H8765] had commanded. H2790 [H8686] So they stopped speaking H1697 with him; for the matter H8085 [H8738] was not perceived.

1 Timothy 5:13

  13 G1161 G2532 And G260 at the same time G3129 [G5719] they learn G692 to be idle, G4022 [G5740] wandering about G3614 from house to house; G1161 and G3756 not G3440 only G692 idle, G235 but G5397 tattlers G2532 also G2532 and G4021 busybodies, G2980 [G5723] speaking G3588 things which G1163 [G5752] they ought G3361 not.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.