2 Kings 4:14 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  14 H559 He said, H6213 "What then is to be done H1522 for her?" Gehazi H559 answered, H61 "Most certainly H1121 she has no son, H376 and her husband H2204 is old."

Genesis 15:2-3

  2 H87 Abram H559 said, H136 "Lord H136 Yahweh, H5414 what will you give H1980 me, since I go H6185 childless, H1121 and he H1004 who will inherit my estate H1931 is H461 Eliezer H1834 of Damascus?"
  3 H87 Abram H559 said, H5414 "Behold, to me you have given H3808 no H2233 seed: H1121 and, behold, one born H1004 in my house H3423 is my heir."

Genesis 17:17

  17 H85 Then Abraham H5307 fell H6440 on his face, H6711 and laughed, H559 and said H3820 in his heart, H3205 "Will a child be born H3967 to him who is one hundred H8141 years H1121 old? H8283 Will Sarah, H8673 who is ninety H8141 years H1323 old, H3205 give birth?"

Genesis 18:10-14

  10 H559 He said, H7725 "I will certainly H7725 return H6256 to you when the season H2416 comes round. H8283 Behold, Sarah H802 your wife H1121 will have a son." H8283 Sarah H8085 heard H168 in the tent H6607 door, H310 which was behind him.
  11 H85 Now Abraham H8283 and Sarah H2205 were old, H935 well advanced H3117 in age. H8283 Sarah H2308 had passed H3117 the age H734 of H802 childbearing.
  12 H8283 Sarah H6711 laughed H7130 within herself, H559 saying, H310 "After H1086 I have grown old H5730 will I have pleasure, H113 my lord H2204 being old also?"
  13 H3068 Yahweh H559 said H85 to Abraham, H4100 "Why H8283 did Sarah H6711 laugh, H559 saying, H552 ‘Will I really H3205 bear H589 a child, yet H2204 I am old?'
  14 H6381 Is H1697 anything H6381 too hard H3068 for Yahweh? H4150 At the set time H7725 I will return H6256 to you, when the season H2416 comes H8283 round, and Sarah H1121 will have a son."

Genesis 25:21

  21 H3327 Isaac H6279 entreated H3068 Yahweh H5227 for H802 his wife, H6135 because she was barren. H3068 Yahweh H6279 was entreated H7259 by him, and Rebekah H802 his wife H2029 conceived.

Genesis 30:1

  1 H7354 When Rachel H7200 saw H3205 that she bore H3290 Jacob H7354 no children, Rachel H7065 envied H269 her sister. H559 She said H3290 to Jacob, H3051 "Give H1121 me children, H369 or else H4191 I will die."

Judges 13:2

  2 H259 There was a certain H376 man H6881 of Zorah, H4940 of the family H1839 of the Danites, H8034 whose name H4495 was Manoah; H802 and his wife H6135 was barren, H3205 and didn't bear.

1 Samuel 1:2

  2 H8147 and he had two H802 wives; H8034 the name H259 of the one H2584 was Hannah, H8034 and the name H8145 of other H6444 Peninnah: H6444 and Peninnah H3206 had children, H2584 but Hannah H3206 had no children.

1 Samuel 1:8

  8 H511 Elkanah H376 her husband H559 said H2584 to her, "Hannah, H1058 why do you weep? H398 Why don't you eat? H3824 Why is your heart H3415 grieved? H2896 Am I not better H6235 to you than ten H1121 sons?"

Luke 1:7

  7 G2532 But G846 they G2258 had G3756 no G5043 child, G2530 because G1665 Elizabeth G2258 was G4723 barren, G2532 and G846 they G297 both G2258 were G4260 well advanced G1722 in G2250 years.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.