2 Thessalonians 3:15 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  15 G2532 Yet G2233 count [G5737]   G3361 him not G5613 as G2190 an enemy G235 , but G3560 admonish [G5720]   G5613 him as G80 a brother.

Leviticus 19:17-18

  17 H8130 Thou shalt not hate [H8799]   H251 thy brother H3824 in thine heart H3198 : thou shalt in any wise [H8687]   H3198 rebuke [H8686]   H5997 thy neighbour H5375 , and not suffer [H8799]   H2399 sin upon him.
  18 H5358 Thou shalt not avenge [H8799]   H5201 , nor bear any grudge [H8799]   H1121 against the children H5971 of thy people H157 , but thou shalt love [H8804]   H7453 thy neighbour H3644 as thyself H3068 : I am the LORD.

Psalms 141:5

  5 H6662 Let the righteous H1986 smite [H8799]   H2617 me; it shall be a kindness H3198 : and let him reprove [H8686]   H7218 me; it shall be an excellent H8081 oil H5106 , which shall not break [H8686]   H7218 my head H8605 : for yet my prayer H7451 also shall be in their calamities.

Proverbs 9:9

  9 H5414 Give [H8798]   H2450 instruction to a wise H2449 man, and he will be yet wiser [H8799]   H3045 : teach [H8685]   H6662 a just H3254 man, and he will increase [H8686]   H3948 in learning.

Proverbs 25:12

  12 H5141 As an earring H2091 of gold H2481 , and an ornament H3800 of fine gold H2450 , so is a wise H3198 reprover [H8688]   H8085 upon an obedient [H8802]   H241 ear.

Matthew 18:15

  15 G1161 Moreover G1437 if G4675 thy G80 brother G264 shall trespass [G5661]   G1519 against G4571 thee G5217 , go [G5720]   G2532 and G1651 tell G846 him G1651 his fault [G5657]   G3342 between G4675 thee G2532 and G846 him G3441 alone G1437 : if G191 he shall hear [G5661]   G4675 thee G2770 , thou hast gained [G5656]   G4675 thy G80 brother.

1 Corinthians 4:14

  14 G1125 I write [G5719]   G3756 not G5023 these things G1788 to shame [G5723]   G5209 you G235 , but G5613 as G3450 my G27 beloved G5043 sons G3560 I warn [G5719]   you .

1 Corinthians 5:5

  5 G3860 To deliver [G5629]   G5108 such an one G4567 unto Satan G1519 for G3639 the destruction G4561 of the flesh G2443 , that G4151 the spirit G4982 may be saved [G5686]   G1722 in G2250 the day G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus.

2 Corinthians 2:6-10

  6 G2425 Sufficient G5108 to such a man G3778 is this G2009 punishment G3588 , which G5259 was inflicted of G4119 many.
  7 G5620 So G5121 that contrariwise G5209 ye G3123 ought rather G5483 to forgive [G5664]   G2532 him, and G3870 comfort [G5658]   G3381 him, lest G4458 perhaps G5108 such a one G2666 should be swallowed up [G5686]   G4055 with overmuch G3077 sorrow.
  8 G1352 Wherefore G3870 I beseech [G5719]   G5209 you G2964 that ye would confirm [G5658]   G26 your love G1519 toward G846 him.
  9 G1063 For G1519 to G5124 this end G2532 also G1125 did I write [G5656]   G2443 , that G1097 I might know [G5632]   G1382 the proof G5216 of you G1487 , whether G2075 ye be [G5748]   G5255 obedient G1519 in G3956 all things.
  10 G1161   G3739 To whom G5483 ye forgive [G5736]   G5100 any thing G1473 , I G2532 forgive also G2532 : for G1063   G1473 if I G5483 forgave [G5766]   G1536 any thing G3739 , to whom G5483 I forgave [G5766]   G1223 it, for your sakes G5209   G1722 forgave I it in G4383 the person G5547 of Christ;

2 Corinthians 10:8

  8 G1063 For G2532   G1437 though G5037   G2744 I should boast [G5667]   G5100 somewhat G4055 more G4012 of G2257 our G1849 authority G3739 , which G2962 the Lord G1325 hath given [G5656]   G2254 us G1519 for G3619 edification G2532 , and G3756 not G1519 for G5216 your G2506 destruction G153 , I should G3756 not G153 be ashamed [G5701]  :

2 Corinthians 13:10

  10 G5124 Therefore G1223   G1125 I write [G5719]   G5023 these things G548 being absent [G5752]   G3363 , lest G3918 being present [G5752]   G5530 I should use [G5667]   G664 sharpness G2596 , according G1849 to the power G3739 which G2962 the Lord G1325 hath given [G5656]   G3427 me G1519 to G3619 edification G2532 , and G3756 not G1519 to G2506 destruction.

Galatians 6:1

  1 G80 Brethren G1437 , if G2532   G444 a man G4301 be overtaken [G5686]   G1722 in G5100 a G3900 fault G5210 , ye G3588 which G4152 are spiritual G2675 , restore [G5720]   G5108 such an one G1722 in G4151 the spirit G4236 of meekness G4648 ; considering [G5723]   G4572 thyself G3361 , lest G4771 thou G2532 also G3985 be tempted [G5686]  .

1 Thessalonians 5:14

  14 G1161 Now G3870 we exhort [G5719]   G5209 you G80 , brethren G3560 , warn [G5720]   G813 them that are unruly G3888 , comfort [G5737]   G3642 the feebleminded G472 , support [G5737]   G772 the weak G3114 , be patient [G5720]   G4314 toward G3956 all men .

Titus 3:10

  10 G444 A man G141 that is an heretick G3326 after G3391 the first G2532 and G1208 second G3559 admonition G3868 reject [G5737]  ;

James 5:19-20

  19 G80 Brethren G1437 , if G5100 any G1722 of G5213 you G4105 do err [G5686]   G575 from G225 the truth G2532 , and G5100 one G1994 convert [G5661]   G846 him;
  20 G1097 Let G846 him G1097 know [G5720]   G3754 , that G1994 he which converteth [G5660]   G268 the sinner G1537 from G4106 the error G846 of his G3598 way G4982 shall save [G5692]   G5590 a soul G1537 from G2288 death G2532 , and G2572 shall hide [G5692]   G4128 a multitude G266 of sins.

Jude 1:22-23

  22 G2532 And G3303   G3739 of some G1653 have compassion [G5720]   G1252 , making a difference [G5734]  :
  23 G1161 And G3739 others G4982 save [G5720]   G1722 with G5401 fear G726 , pulling [G5723]   G1537 them out of G4442 the fire G3404 ; hating [G5723]   G2532 even G5509 the garment G4695 spotted [G5772]   G575 by G4561 the flesh.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.