24H4196A altarH127of earthH6213you shall makeH2076unto me, and shall sacrificeH5930on it your burnt offerings,H8002and your peace offerings,H6629your sheep,H1241and your oxen:H4725in all placesH2142where I recordH8034my nameH935I will comeH1288unto you and I will bless you
25H6213And if you will makeH4196me a altarH68of stone,H1129you shall not buildH1496it of cut stone:H5130for if you lift upH2719your toolH2490upon it, you have polluted it.
4H4283And it came to pass on the morrow,H5971that the peopleH7925rose early,H1129and builtH4196there an altar,H5927and offeredH5930burnt offeringsH8002and peace offerings.