1 Kings 16:3 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  3 H2005 Behold, H1197 I will take H310 away the posterity H1201 of Baasha, H310 and the posterity H1004 of his house; H5414 and will make H1004 your house H1004 like the house H3379 of Jeroboam H1121 the son H5028 of Nebat.

1 Kings 14:10

  10 H2005 Therefore, behold, H935 I will bring H7451 evil H1004 on the house H3379 of Jeroboam, H3772 and will cut H3379 off from Jeroboam H8366 him that urinates H7023 against the wall, H6113 and him that is shut H5800 up and left H3478 in Israel, H1197 and will take H310 away the remnant H1004 of the house H3379 of Jeroboam, H1197 as a man takes H1557 away dung, H5704 till H8552 it be all gone.

1 Kings 15:29-30

  29 H1961 And it came H4427 to pass, when he reigned, H5221 that he smote H3605 all H1004 the house H3379 of Jeroboam; H7604 he left H3379 not to Jeroboam H3605 any H5397 that breathed, H5704 until H8045 he had destroyed H1697 him, according to the saying H3068 of the LORD, H834 which H1696 he spoke H5650 by his servant H281 Ahijah H7888 the Shilonite:
  30 H5921 Because H2403 of the sins H3379 of Jeroboam H834 which H2398 he sinned, H834 and which H3478 he made Israel H2398 sin, H3708 by his provocation H834 with which H3068 he provoked the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H3707 to anger.

1 Kings 16:11-12

  11 H1961 And it came H4427 to pass, when he began to reign, H3427 as soon as he sat H5921 on H3678 his throne, H5221 that he slew H3605 all H1004 the house H1201 of Baasha: H7604 he left H8366 him not one that urinates H7023 against a wall, H1350 neither of his kinfolks, H7453 nor of his friends.
  12 H2174 Thus did Zimri H8045 destroy H3605 all H1004 the house H1201 of Baasha, H1697 according to the word H3068 of the LORD, H834 which H1696 he spoke H413 against H1201 Baasha H3058 by Jehu H5030 the prophet.

1 Kings 21:21-24

  21 H2005 Behold, H935 I will bring H7451 evil H1197 on you, and will take H310 away your posterity, H3772 and will cut H256 off from Ahab H8366 him that urinates H7023 against the wall, H6113 and him that is shut H5800 up and left H3478 in Israel,
  22 H5414 And will make H1004 your house H1004 like the house H3379 of Jeroboam H1121 the son H5028 of Nebat, H1004 and like the house H1201 of Baasha H1121 the son H281 of Ahijah, H3708 for the provocation H834 with which H3707 you have provoked me to anger, H3478 and made Israel H2398 to sin.
  23 H348 And of Jezebel H1571 also H1696 spoke H3068 the LORD, H559 saying, H3611 The dogs H398 shall eat H348 Jezebel H2426 by the wall H3157 of Jezreel.
  24 H4191 Him that dies H256 of Ahab H5892 in the city H3611 the dogs H398 shall eat; H4191 and him that dies H7704 in the field H5775 shall the fowls H8064 of the air H398 eat.

Isaiah 66:24

  24 H3318 And they shall go H3318 forth, H7200 and look H6297 on the carcasses H582 of the men H6586 that have transgressed H8438 against me: for their worm H4191 shall not die, H3808 neither H784 shall their fire H3518 be quenched; H1860 and they shall be an abhorring H3605 to all H1320 flesh.

Jeremiah 22:19

  19 H6912 He shall be buried H6900 with the burial H2543 of an ass, H5498 drawn H7993 and cast H1973 forth beyond H8179 the gates H3389 of Jerusalem.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.