26 "Whenever the One called alongside to aid, comfort, encourage and bring relief (the Helper; the Paraclete)
should (or: may)
come – the Spirit of the Truth (or: the Breath-effect of, and which is, reality; the attitude which is genuineness)
Which (or: Who)
is constantly (habitually; progressively)
proceeding and traveling out from beside the Father (= emanating from the Father's presence; or: from a presence which is the Father), [
Which (or: Whom)
I, Myself, will continue sending to you from the Father's side (or: from the presence which is the Father) –
that One will continue bearing witness (giving testimony; showing evidence)
about Me.
27 "Now you folks, also, are constantly giving witness (are habitually testifying; are being evidence),
because – from [
beginning (= the start or the outset) –
you are with Me (or: because you constantly exist, being with Me from [the] origin).