1 Corinthians 4:1-5

  1 G3779 So G1473 [4us G3049 1let 3consider G444 2a man] G5613 as G5257 servants G5547 of Christ, G2532 and G3623 managers G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God!
  2 G3588 But G1161   G3062 remaining, G2212 it is sought G1722 in G3588 the G3623 managers G2443 that G4103 [3trustworthy G5100 1one G2147 2should be found].
  3 G1473 But to me G1161   G1519   G1646 [2a least thing G1510.2.3 1it is G2443 3that G5259 5by G1473 6you G350 4I should be examined], G2228 or G5259 by G442 a human's G2250 day. G235 But G3761 not even G1683 myself G350 do I examine.
  4 G3762 For nothing G1063   G1683 by myself G4894 am I fully conscious; G235 but G3756 not G1722 in G3778 this G1344 have I been justified; G3588 but the one G1161   G350 examining G1473 me G2962 is the Lord. G1510.2.3  
  5 G5620 So that G3361 [2not G4253 4before G2540 5 its time G5100 3anything G2919 1judge]! G2193 until G302 whenever G2064 [3should come G3588 1the G2962 2Lord], G3739 who G2532 both G5461 will give light to G3588 the G2927 hidden things G3588 of the G4655 darkness, G2532 and G5319 will make manifest G3588 the G1012 counsels G3588 of the G2588 hearts. G2532 And G5119 then G3588 the G1868 high praise G1096 shall be G1538 to each G575 from G3588   G2316 God.
  1 G3779 ούτως G1473 ημάς G3049 λογιζέσθω G444 άνθρωπος G5613 ως G5257 υπηρέτας G5547 χριστού G2532 και G3623 οικονόμους G3466 μυστηρίων G2316 θεού
  2 G3588 ο δε G1161   G3062 λοιπόν G2212 ζητείται G1722 εν G3588 τοις G3623 οικονόμοις G2443 ίνα G4103 πιστός G5100 τις G2147 ευρεθή
  3 G1473 εμοί δε G1161   G1519 εις G1646 ελάχιστόν G1510.2.3 εστιν G2443 ίνα G5259 υφ΄ G1473 υμών G350 ανακριθώ G2228 η G5259 υπό G442 ανθρωπίνης G2250 ημέρας G235 αλλ΄ G3761 ουδέ G1683 εμαυτόν G350 ανακρίνω
  4 G3762 ουδέν γαρ G1063   G1683 εμαυτώ G4894 σύνοιδα G235 αλλ΄ G3756 ουκ G1722 εν G3778 τούτω G1344 δεδικαίωμαι G3588 ο δε G1161   G350 ανακρίνων G1473 με G2962 κύριός εστιν G1510.2.3  
  5 G5620 ώστε G3361 μη G4253 προ G2540 καιρού G5100 τι G2919 κρίνετε G2193 έως G302 αν G2064 έλθη G3588 ο G2962 κύριος G3739 ος G2532 και G5461 φωτίσει G3588 το G2927 κρυπτά G3588 του G4655 σκότους G2532 και G5319 φανερώσει G3588 τας G1012 βουλάς G3588 των G2588 καρδιών G2532 και G5119 τότε G3588 ο G1868 έπαινος G1096 γενήσεται G1538 εκάστω G575 από G3588 του G2316 θεού
Stephanus(i) 1 ουτως ημας λογιζεσθω ανθρωπος ως υπηρετας χριστου και οικονομους μυστηριων θεου 2 ο δε λοιπον ζητειται εν τοις οικονομοις ινα πιστος τις ευρεθη 3 εμοι δε εις ελαχιστον εστιν ινα υφ υμων ανακριθω η υπο ανθρωπινης ημερας αλλ ουδε εμαυτον ανακρινω 4 ουδεν γαρ εμαυτω συνοιδα αλλ ουκ εν τουτω δεδικαιωμαι ο δε ανακρινων με κυριος εστιν 5 ωστε μη προ καιρου τι κρινετε εως αν ελθη ο κυριος ος και φωτισει τα κρυπτα του σκοτους και φανερωσει τας βουλας των καρδιων και τοτε ο επαινος γενησεται εκαστω απο του θεου
    1 G3779 ADV ουτως G2248 P-1AP ημας G3049 [G5737] V-PNM-3S λογιζεσθω G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G5613 ADV ως G5257 N-APM υπηρετας G5547 N-GSM χριστου G2532 CONJ και G3623 N-APM οικονομους G3466 N-GPN μυστηριων G2316 N-GSM θεου
    2 G5602 ADV ωδε G3063 A-ASN λοιπον G2212 [G5743] V-PPI-3S ζητειται G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G3623 N-DPM οικονομοις G2443 CONJ ινα G4103 A-NSM πιστος G5100 X-NSM τις G2147 [G5686] V-APS-3S ευρεθη
    3 G1698 P-1DS εμοι G1161 CONJ δε G1519 PREP εις G1646 A-ASN ελαχιστον G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν G2443 CONJ ινα G5259 PREP υφ G5216 P-2GP υμων G350 [G5686] V-APS-1S ανακριθω G2228 PRT η G5259 PREP υπο G442 A-GSF ανθρωπινης G2250 N-GSF ημερας G235 CONJ αλλ G3761 ADV ουδε G1683 F-1ASM εμαυτον G350 [G5719] V-PAI-1S ανακρινω
    4 G3762 A-ASN ουδεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G1683 F-1DSM εμαυτω G4894 [G5758] V-RAI-1S συνοιδα G235 CONJ αλλ G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1722 PREP εν G5129 D-DSN τουτω G1344 [G5769] V-RPI-1S δεδικαιωμαι G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 CONJ δε G350 [G5723] V-PAP-NSM ανακρινων G3165 P-1AS με G2962 N-NSM κυριος G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν
    5 G5620 CONJ ωστε G3361 PRT-N μη G4253 PREP προ G2540 N-GSM καιρου G5100 X-ASN τι G2919 [G5720] V-PAM-2P κρινετε G2193 CONJ εως G302 PRT αν G2064 [G5632] V-2AAS-3S ελθη G3588 T-NSM ο G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3739 R-NSM ος G2532 CONJ και G5461 [G5692] V-FAI-3S φωτισει G3588 T-APN τα G2927 A-APN κρυπτα G3588 T-GSN του G4655 N-GSN σκοτους G2532 CONJ και G5319 [G5692] V-FAI-3S φανερωσει G3588 T-APF τας G1012 N-APF βουλας G3588 T-GPF των G2588 N-GPF καρδιων G2532 CONJ και G5119 ADV τοτε G3588 T-NSM ο G1868 N-NSM επαινος G1096 [G5695] V-FDI-3S γενησεται G1538 A-DSM εκαστω G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου
  1 G3779 ADV Οὕτως G2248 P-1AP ἡμᾶς G3049 V-PNM-3S λογιζέσθω G444 N-NSM ἄνθρωπος G5613 ADV ὡς G5257 N-APM ὑπηρέτας G5547 N-GSM Χριστοῦ G2532 CONJ καὶ G3623 N-APM οἰκονόμους G3466 N-GPN μυστηρίων G2316 N-GSM θεοῦ.
  2 G5602 ADV ὧδε G3063 A-ASN λοιπὸν G2212 V-PPI-3S ζητεῖται G1722 PREP ἐν G3588 T-DPM τοῖς G3623 N-DPM οἰκονόμοις G2443 CONJ ἵνα G4103 A-NSM πιστός G5100 X-NSM τις G2147 V-APS-3S εὑρεθῇ.
  3 G1473 P-1DS ἐμοὶ G1161 CONJ δὲ G1519 PREP εἰς G1646 A-ASN-S ἐλάχιστόν G1510 V-PAI-3S ἐστιν G2443 CONJ ἵνα G5259 PREP ὑφ' G5210 P-2GP ὑμῶν G350 V-APS-1S ἀνακριθῶ G2228 PRT G5259 PREP ὑπὸ G442 A-GSF ἀνθρωπίνης G2250 N-GSF ἡμέρας· G235 CONJ ἀλλ' G3761 CONJ-N οὐδὲ G1683 F-1ASM ἐμαυτὸν G350 V-PAI-1S ἀνακρίνω·
  4 G3762 A-ASN-N οὐδὲν G1063 CONJ γὰρ G1683 F-1DSM ἐμαυτῷ G4894 V-RAI-1S σύνοιδα, G235 CONJ ἀλλ' G3756 PRT-N οὐκ G1722 PREP ἐν G3778 D-DSN τούτῳ G1344 V-RPI-1S δεδικαίωμαι, G3588 T-NSM G1161 CONJ δὲ G350 V-PAP-NSM ἀνακρίνων G1473 P-1AS με G2962 N-NSM κύριός G1510 V-PAI-3S ἐστιν.
  5 G5620 CONJ ὥστε G3361 PRT-N μὴ G4253 PREP πρὸ G2540 N-GSM καιροῦ G5100 X-ASN τι G2919 V-PAM-2P κρίνετε, G2193 ADV ἕως G302 PRT ἂν G2064 V-2AAS-3S ἔλθῃ G3588 T-NSM G2962 N-NSM κύριος, G3739 R-NSM ὃς G2532 CONJ καὶ G5461 V-FAI-3S φωτίσει G3588 T-APN τὰ G2927 A-APN κρυπτὰ G3588 T-GSN τοῦ G4655 N-GSN σκότους G2532 CONJ καὶ G5319 V-FAI-3S φανερώσει G3588 T-APF τὰς G1012 N-APF βουλὰς G3588 T-GPF τῶν G2588 N-GPF καρδιῶν· G2532 CONJ καὶ G5119 ADV τότε G3588 T-NSM G1868 N-NSM ἔπαινος G1096 V-FDI-3S γενήσεται G1538 A-DSM ἑκάστῳ G575 PREP ἀπὸ G3588 T-GSM τοῦ G2316 N-GSM θεοῦ.
Tregelles(i) 1
Οὕτως ἡμᾶς λογιζέσθω ἄνθρωπος, ὡς ὑπηρέτας χριστοῦ καὶ οἰκονόμους μυστηρίων θεοῦ. 2 ὧδε λοιπὸν ζητεῖται ἐν τοῖς οἰκονόμοις ἵνα πιστός τις εὑρεθῇ. 3 ἐμοὶ δὲ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν ἵνα ὑφ᾽ ὑμῶν ἀνακριθῶ ἢ ὑπὸ ἀνθρωπίνης ἡμέρας· ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ ἐμαυτὸν ἀνακρίνω. 4 (οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐμαυτῷ σύνοιδα· ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ ἐν τούτῳ δεδικαίωμαι)· ὁ δὲ ἀνακρίνων με κύριός ἐστιν. 5 ὥστε μὴ πρὸ καιροῦ τι κρίνετε, ἕως ἂν ἔλθῃ ὁ κύριος, ὃς καὶ φωτίσει τὰ κρυπτὰ τοῦ σκότους καὶ φανερώσει τὰς βουλὰς τῶν καρδιῶν· καὶ τότε ὁ ἔπαινος γενήσεται ἑκάστῳ ἀπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ.
  1 G3779 ADV ουτως G2248 P-1AP ημας G3049 (G5737) V-PNM-3S λογιζεσθω G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος G5613 ADV ως G5257 N-APM υπηρετας G5547 N-GSM χριστου G2532 CONJ και G3623 N-APM οικονομους G3466 N-GPN μυστηριων G2316 N-GSM θεου
  2 G3739 R-ASN ο G1161 CONJ δε G3063 A-ASN λοιπον G2212 (G5743) V-PPI-3S ζητειται G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DPM τοις G3623 N-DPM οικονομοις G2443 CONJ ινα G4103 A-NSM πιστος G5100 X-NSM τις G2147 (G5686) V-APS-3S ευρεθη
  3 G1698 P-1DS εμοι G1161 CONJ δε G1519 PREP εις G1646 A-ASN ελαχιστον G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G2443 CONJ ινα G5259 PREP υφ G5216 P-2GP υμων G350 (G5686) V-APS-1S ανακριθω G2228 PRT η G5259 PREP υπο G442 A-GSF ανθρωπινης G2250 N-GSF ημερας G235 CONJ αλλ G3761 ADV ουδε G1683 F-1ASM εμαυτον G350 (G5719) V-PAI-1S ανακρινω
  4 G3762 A-ASN ουδεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G1683 F-1DSM εμαυτω G4894 (G5758) V-RAI-1S συνοιδα G235 CONJ αλλ G3756 PRT-N ουκ G1722 PREP εν G5129 D-DSN τουτω G1344 (G5769) V-RPI-1S δεδικαιωμαι G3588 T-NSM ο G1161 CONJ δε G350 (G5723) V-PAP-NSM ανακρινων G3165 P-1AS με G2962 N-NSM κυριος G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν
  5 G5620 CONJ ωστε G3361 PRT-N μη G4253 PREP προ G2540 N-GSM καιρου G5100 X-ASN τι G2919 (G5720) V-PAM-2P κρινετε G2193 CONJ εως G302 PRT αν G2064 (G5632) V-2AAS-3S ελθη G3588 T-NSM ο G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3739 R-NSM ος G2532 CONJ και G5461 (G5692) V-FAI-3S φωτισει G3588 T-APN τα G2927 A-APN κρυπτα G3588 T-GSN του G4655 N-GSN σκοτους G2532 CONJ και G5319 (G5692) V-FAI-3S φανερωσει G3588 T-APF τας G1012 N-APF βουλας G3588 T-GPF των G2588 N-GPF καρδιων G2532 CONJ και G5119 ADV τοτε G3588 T-NSM ο G1868 N-NSM επαινος G1096 (G5695) V-FDI-3S γενησεται G1538 A-DSM εκαστω G575 PREP απο G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου
Nestle(i) 1 Οὕτως ἡμᾶς λογιζέσθω ἄνθρωπος ὡς ὑπηρέτας Χριστοῦ καὶ οἰκονόμους μυστηρίων Θεοῦ. 2 ὧδε λοιπὸν ζητεῖται ἐν τοῖς οἰκονόμοις ἵνα πιστός τις εὑρεθῇ. 3 ἐμοὶ δὲ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν ἵνα ὑφ’ ὑμῶν ἀνακριθῶ ἢ ὑπὸ ἀνθρωπίνης ἡμέρας· ἀλλ’ οὐδὲ ἐμαυτὸν ἀνακρίνω· 4 οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐμαυτῷ σύνοιδα, ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἐν τούτῳ δεδικαίωμαι· ὁ δὲ ἀνακρίνων με Κύριός ἐστιν. 5 ὥστε μὴ πρὸ καιροῦ τι κρίνετε, ἕως ἂν ἔλθῃ ὁ Κύριος, ὃς καὶ φωτίσει τὰ κρυπτὰ τοῦ σκότους καὶ φανερώσει τὰς βουλὰς τῶν καρδιῶν· καὶ τότε ὁ ἔπαινος γενήσεται ἑκάστῳ ἀπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ.
   1 G3779ADVουτωvG1473P-1APημαvG3049 [G5737]V-PNM-3SλογιζεσθωG444N-NSMανθρωποvG5613ADVωvG5257N-APMυπηρεταvG5547N-GSMχριστουG2532CONJκαιG3623N-APMοικονομουvG3466N-GPNμυστηριωνG2316N-GSMθεου
   2 G3739R-ASNοG1161CONJδεG3063A-ASNλοιπονG2212 [G5743]V-PPI-3SζητειταιG1722PREPενG3588T-DPMτοιvG3623N-DPMοικονομοιvG2443CONJιναG4103A-NSMπιστοvG5100X-NSMτιvG2147 [G5686]V-APS-3Sευρεθη
   3 G1473P-1DSεμοιG1161CONJδεG1519PREPειvG1646A-ASN-SελαχιστονG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-3SεστινG2443CONJιναG5259PREPυφG4771P-2GPυμωνG350 [G5686]V-APS-1SανακριθωG2228PRTηG5259PREPυποG442A-GSFανθρωπινηvG2250N-GSFημεραvG235CONJαλλG3761CONJ-NουδεG1683F-1ASMεμαυτονG350 [G5719]V-PAI-1Sανακρινω
   4 G3762A-ASN-NουδενG1063CONJγαρG1683F-1DSMεμαυτωG4894 [G5758]V-RAI-1SσυνοιδαG235CONJαλλG3756PRT-NουκG1722PREPενG3778D-DSNτουτωG1344 [G5769]V-RPI-1SδεδικαιωμαιG3588T-NSMοG1161CONJδεG350 [G5723]V-PAP-NSMανακρινωνG1473P-1ASμεG2962N-NSMκυριοvG1510 [G5719]V-PAI-3Sεστιν
   5 G5620CONJωστεG3361PRT-NμηG4253PREPπροG2540N-GSMκαιρουG5100X-ASNτιG2919 [G5720]V-PAM-2PκρινετεG2193ADVεωvG302PRTανG2064 [G5632]V-2AAS-3SελθηG3588T-NSMοG2962N-NSMκυριοvG3739R-NSMοvG2532CONJκαιG5461 [G5692]V-FAI-3SφωτισειG3588T-APNταG2927A-APNκρυπταG3588T-GSNτουG4655N-GSNσκοτουvG2532CONJκαιG5319 [G5692]V-FAI-3SφανερωσειG3588T-APFταvG1012N-APFβουλαvG3588T-GPFτωνG2588N-GPFκαρδιωνG2532CONJκαιG5119ADVτοτεG3588T-NSMοG1868N-NSMεπαινοvG1096 [G5695]V-FDI-3SγενησεταιG1538A-DSMεκαστωG575PREPαποG3588T-GSMτουG2316N-GSMθεου
SBLGNT(i) 1 Οὕτως ἡμᾶς λογιζέσθω ἄνθρωπος ὡς ὑπηρέτας Χριστοῦ καὶ οἰκονόμους μυστηρίων θεοῦ. 2 ⸀ὧδε λοιπὸν ζητεῖται ἐν τοῖς οἰκονόμοις ἵνα πιστός τις εὑρεθῇ. 3 ἐμοὶ δὲ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν, ἵνα ὑφ’ ὑμῶν ἀνακριθῶ ἢ ὑπὸ ἀνθρωπίνης ἡμέρας· ἀλλ’ οὐδὲ ἐμαυτὸν ἀνακρίνω· 4 οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐμαυτῷ σύνοιδα, ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἐν τούτῳ δεδικαίωμαι, ὁ δὲ ἀνακρίνων με κύριός ἐστιν. 5 ὥστε μὴ πρὸ καιροῦ τι κρίνετε, ἕως ἂν ἔλθῃ ὁ κύριος, ὃς καὶ φωτίσει τὰ κρυπτὰ τοῦ σκότους καὶ φανερώσει τὰς βουλὰς τῶν καρδιῶν, καὶ τότε ὁ ἔπαινος γενήσεται ἑκάστῳ ἀπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ.
f35(i) 1 ουτως ημας λογιζεσθω ανθρωπος ως υπηρετας χριστου και οικονομους μυστηριων θεου 2 ο δε λοιπον ζητειται εν τοις οικονομοις ινα πιστος τις ευρεθη 3 εμοι δε εις ελαχιστον εστιν ινα υφ υμων ανακριθω η υπο ανθρωπινης ημερας αλλ ουδε εμαυτον ανακρινω 4 ουδεν γαρ εμαυτω συνοιδα αλλ ουκ εν τουτω δεδικαιωμαι ο δε ανακρινων με κυριος εστιν 5 ωστε μη προ καιρου τι κρινετε εως αν ελθη ο κυριος ος και φωτισει τα κρυπτα του σκοτους και φανερωσει τας βουλας των καρδιων και τοτε ο επαινος γενησεται εκαστω απο του θεου
  1 G3779 ουτως So G2248 ημας Of Us G3049 (G5737) λογιζεσθω Let Reckon G444 ανθρωπος A Man G5613 ως As G5257 υπηρετας Attendants G5547 χριστου Of Christ G2532 και And G3623 οικονομους Stewards G3466 μυστηριων Mysteries G2316 θεου Of God's.
  2 G3739 ο   G1161 δε But G3063 λοιπον As To The Rest, G2212 (G5743) ζητειται It Is Required G1722 εν   G3588 τοις In G3623 οικονομοις Stewards G2443 ινα That G4103 πιστος Faithful G5100 τις One G2147 (G5686) ευρεθη Be Found.
  3 G1698 εμοι   G1161 δε   G1519 εις But To Me G1646 ελαχιστον The Smallest Matter G2076 (G5748) εστιν It Is G2443 ινα That G5259 υφ By G5216 υμων You G350 (G5686) ανακριθω I Be Examined, G2228 η Or G5259 υπο By G442 ανθρωπινης Man's G2250 ημερας Day. G235 αλλ But G3761 ουδε Neither G1683 εμαυτον Myself G350 (G5719) ανακρινω Do I Examine.
  4 G3762 ουδεν   G1063 γαρ For Of Nothing G1683 εμαυτω In Myself G4894 (G5758) συνοιδα I Am Conscious; G235 αλλ But G3756 ουκ Not G1722 εν By G5129 τουτω This G1344 (G5769) δεδικαιωμαι Have I Been Justified : G3588 ο   G1161 δε But He Who G350 (G5723) ανακρινων Examines G3165 με Me "the" G2962 κυριος Lord G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is.
  5 G5620 ωστε So That G3361 μη Not G4253 προ Before "the" G2540 καιρου Time G5100 τι Anything G2919 (G5720) κρινετε Judge, G2193 εως   G302 αν Until G2064 (G5632) ελθη May Have Come G3588 ο The G2962 κυριος Lord, G3739 ος Who G2532 και Both G5461 (G5692) φωτισει Will Bring To Light G3588 τα The G2927 κρυπτα   G3588 του Hidden Things G4655 σκοτους Of Darkness, G2532 και And G5319 (G5692) φανερωσει Will Make Manifest G3588 τας The G1012 βουλας   G3588 των Counsels G2588 καρδιων Of Hearts; G2532 και And G5119 τοτε   G3588 ο Then G1868 επαινος Praise G1096 (G5695) γενησεται Shall Be G1538 εκαστω To Each G575 απο   G3588 του From G2316 θεου God.
   1 G3779 ADV ουτως Thus G444 N-NSM ανθρωπος Man G3049 V-PNM-3S λογιζεσθω Let Him Regard G2248 P-1AP ημας Us G5613 ADV ως As G5257 N-APM υπηρετας Helpers G5547 N-GSM χριστου Of Anointed G2532 CONJ και And G3623 N-APM οικονομους Managers G3466 N-GPN μυστηριων Of Mysteries G2316 N-GSM θεου Of God
   2 G1161 CONJ δε And G3063 A-ASN λοιπον Beyond G3739 R-ASN ο That G2212 V-PPI-3S ζητειται It Is Sought G1722 PREP εν In G3588 T-DPM τοις Thos G3623 N-DPM οικονομοις Managers G2443 CONJ ινα That G5100 X-NSM τις Any G2147 V-APS-3S ευρεθη Should Be Found G4103 A-NSM πιστος Faithful
   3 G1161 CONJ δε But G2076 V-PXI-3S εστιν It Is G1646 A-ASN ελαχιστον Very Small G1519 PREP εις To G1698 P-1DS εμοι Me G2443 CONJ ινα That G350 V-APS-1S ανακριθω I Might Be Appraised G5259 PREP υφ By G5216 P-2GP υμων You G2228 PRT η Or G5259 PREP υπο By G2250 N-GSF ημερας Day G442 A-GSF ανθρωπινης Of Mankind G235 CONJ αλλ Yet G3761 ADV ουδε Neither G350 V-PAI-1S ανακρινω Do I Appraise G1683 F-1ASM εμαυτον Myself
   4 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G4894 V-RAI-1S συνοιδα I Know G3762 A-ASN ουδεν Nothing G1683 F-1DSM εμαυτω On Myself G235 CONJ αλλ Yet G1344 V-RPI-1S δεδικαιωμαι I Have Been Made Righteous G3756 PRT-N ουκ Not G1722 PREP εν In G5129 D-DSN τουτω This G1161 CONJ δε But G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G350 V-PAP-NSM ανακρινων Who Appraises G3165 P-1AS με Me G2076 V-PXI-3S εστιν Is G2962 N-NSM κυριος Lord
   5 G5620 CONJ ωστε Therefore G2919 V-PAM-2P κρινετε Judge G3361 PRT-N μη Not G5100 X-ASN τι Anything G4253 PREP προ Before G2540 N-GSM καιρου Time G2193 CONJ εως Until G302 PRT αν Ever G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G2962 N-NSM κυριος Lord G2064 V-2AAS-3S ελθη Comes G3739 R-NSM ος Who G2532 CONJ και Both G5461 V-FAI-3S φωτισει Will Bring To Light G3588 T-APN τα Thes G2927 A-APN κρυπτα Hidden G3588 T-GSN του Of The G4655 N-GSN σκοτους Darkness G2532 CONJ και And G5319 V-FAI-3S φανερωσει Will Make Public G3588 T-APF τας Thas G1012 N-APF βουλας Deliberations G3588 T-GPF των Of Thas G2588 N-GPF καρδιων Hearts G2532 CONJ και And G5119 ADV τοτε Then G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G1868 N-NSM επαινος Praise G1096 V-FDI-3S γενησεται Will Come G1538 A-DSM εκαστω To Each G575 PREP απο From G3588 T-GSM του Tho G2316 N-GSM θεου God
  1 G3049 0 Let G444 a man G3779 so G3049 [G5737] account G2248 of us, G5613 as G5257 attendants G5547 of Anointed, G2532 and G3623 stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3739 G1161   G3063 Moreover G2212 [G5743] it is required G1722 in G3623 stewards, G2443 that G5100 a man G2147 [G5686] be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G2076 [G5748] it is G1519 G1646 a very small thing G2443 that G350 [G5686] I should be judged G5259 by G5216 you, G2228 or G5259 by G442 man's G2250 day: G235 yea, G350 [G5719] I judge G3761 not G1683 my own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 [G5758] I know G3762 nothing G1683 against myself; G235 yet G1344 0 am I G3756 not G1722 G5129 hereby G1344 [G5769] justified: G1161 but G350 [G5723] he that judgeth G3165 me G2076 [G5748] is G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 [G5720] judge G3361 G5100 nothing G4253 before G2540 the season, G2193 G302 until G2962 the Lord G2064 [G5632] shall come, G3739 who G2532 will both G5461 [G5692] bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness, G2532 and G5319 [G5692] will reveal G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts: G2532 and G5119 then G1538 shall every man G1096 [G5695] have G1868 high praise G575 from G2316 God.
Vulgate(i) 1 sic nos existimet homo ut ministros Christi et dispensatores mysteriorum Dei 2 hic iam quaeritur inter dispensatores ut fidelis quis inveniatur 3 mihi autem pro minimo est ut a vobis iudicer aut ab humano die sed neque me ipsum iudico 4 nihil enim mihi conscius sum sed non in hoc iustificatus sum qui autem iudicat me Dominus est 5 itaque nolite ante tempus iudicare quoadusque veniat Dominus qui et inluminabit abscondita tenebrarum et manifestabit consilia cordium et tunc laus erit unicuique a Deo
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 1 Sic nos existimet homo ut ministros Christi, et dispensatores mysteriorum Dei. 2 Hic jam quæritur inter dispensatores ut fidelis quis inveniatur. 3 Mihi autem pro minimo est ut a vobis judicer, aut ab humano die: sed neque meipsum judico. 4 Nihil enim mihi conscius sum, sed non in hoc justificatus sum: qui autem judicat me, Dominus est. 5 Itaque nolite ante tempus judicare, quoadusque veniat Dominus: qui et illuminabit abscondita tenebrarum, et manifestabit consilia cordium: et tunc laus erit unicuique a Deo.
Wycliffe(i) 1 So a man gesse vs, as mynystris of Crist, and dispenderis of the mynysteries of God. 2 Now it is souyt here among the dispenderis, that a man be foundun trewe. 3 And to me it is for the leest thing, that Y be demyd of you, or of mannus dai; but nether Y deme my silf. 4 For Y am no thing ouer trowynge to my silf, but not in this thing Y am iustified; for he that demeth me, is the Lord. 5 Therfor nyle ye deme bifore the tyme, til that the Lord come, which schal liytne the hyd thingis of derknessis, and schal schewe the counseils of hertis; and thanne preisyng schal be to ech man of God.
Tyndale(i) 1 Let men this wyse esteme vs eve as the ministers of Christ and disposers of ye secretes of God. 2 Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faithfull. 3 With me is it but a very smal thinge that I shuld be iudged of you ether of (mans daye) No I iudge not myn awne selfe. 4 I know nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustified. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. 5 Therfore iudge no thinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come which will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes and ope the counsels of the hertes. And then shall every man have prayse of God.
Coverdale(i) 1 Let euery man this wyse esteme vs, euen for the mynisters of Christ, and stewardes of the secretes of God. 2 Now is there no more requyred of the stewardes, then, that they be founde faithfull. 3 It is but a small thinge vnto me, that I shulde be iudged of you, or of mans daye, nether iudge I myne awne selfe. 4 I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me. 5 Therfore iudge ye nothinge before ye tyme, vntyll the LORDE come, which shal brynge it to lighte that is hyd in darknesse, and ope the councels of ye hertes, and the shal euery one haue prayse of God.
MSTC(i) 1 Let men this wise esteem us, even as the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the secrets of God. 2 Furthermore it is required of the stewards that they be found faithful. 3 With me is it but a very small thing, that I should be judged of you, either of man's day. No I judge not mine own self. 4 I know nought by myself: yet am I not thereby justified. It is the Lord that judgeth me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, which will lighten things that are hid in darkness: and open the counsels of the hearts. And then shall every man have praise of God.
Matthew(i) 1 Let men thus wyse esteme vs, euen as the ministers of Christ, and disposers of the secretes of of God. 2 Furthermore it is requyred of the dysposers, that they be found faithfull. 3 Wyth me it is but a very smal thinge, that I shoulde be iudged of you, eyther of (mans daye). No I iudge not myne owne selfe. 4 I knowe nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustified. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. 5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come, who wyll lyghten thinges, that are hyd in darckenes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue praise of God.
Great(i) 1 Let a man this wyse esteme vs, euen as the minysters of Christ, and stewards of the secretes of God. 2 Furthermore it is required of the stewardes, that a man be founde faythfull. 3 Wyth me is it but a very small thynge, that I shuld be iudged of you, ether of mans iudgement. No I iudge not myne awne selfe. 4 For I knowe nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustifyed. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. 5 Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntyll the Lorde come, whych wyll lyghten thinges that are hyd in darcknes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue prayse of God.
Geneva(i) 1 Let a man so thinke of vs, as of the ministers of Christ, and disposers of the secrets of God: 2 And as for the rest, it is required of the disposers, that euery man be found faithfull. 3 As touching me, I passe very litle to be iudged of you, or of mans iudgement: no, I iudge not mine owne selfe. 4 For I know nothing by my selfe, yet am I not thereby iustified: but he that iudgeth me, is the Lord. 5 Therefore iudge nothing before the time, vntill the Lord come, who will lighten things that are hid in darkenesse, and make the counsels of the hearts manifest: and then shall euery man haue praise of God.
Bishops(i) 1 Let a man so esteeme of vs, as the ministers of Christe, and disposers of the secretes of God 2 Furthermore, it is required of the disposers that a man be founde faythfull 3 With me it is but a very small thyng that I shoulde be iudged of you, either of mans iudgement: No, I iudge not mine owne selfe 4 For I knowe nothing by my selfe, yet am I not thereby iustified: but he that iudgeth me is the Lorde 5 Therefore iudge nothyng before the tyme, vntyll the Lorde come, who wyl lyghten thynges that are hyd in darkenesse, & open the counsels of the heartes, and then shall euery man haue prayse of God
DouayRheims(i) 1 Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God. 2 Here now it is required among the dispensers that a man be found faithful. 3 But to me it is a very small thing to be judged by you or by man's day. But neither do I judge my own self. 4 For I am not conscious to myself of anything. Yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore, judge not before the time: until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall every man have praise from God.
KJV(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
  1 G3049 Let G444 a man G3779 so G3049 account [G5737]   G2248 of us G5613 , as G5257 of the ministers G5547 of Christ G2532 , and G3623 stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3739   G1161   G3063 Moreover G2212 it is required [G5743]   G1722 in G3623 stewards G2443 , that G5100 a man G2147 be found [G5686]   G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G2076 it is [G5748]   G1519 a very small thing G1646   G2443 that G350 I should be judged [G5686]   G5259 of G5216 you G2228 , or G5259 of G442 man's G2250 judgment G235 : yea G350 , I judge [G5719]   G3761 not G1683 mine own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 I know [G5758]   G3762 nothing G1683 by myself G235 ; yet G1344 am I G3756 not G1722 hereby G5129   G1344 justified [G5769]   G1161 : but G350 he that judgeth [G5723]   G3165 me G2076 is [G5748]   G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 judge [G5720]   G3361 nothing G5100   G4253 before G2540 the time G2193 , until G302   G2962 the Lord G2064 come [G5632]   G3739 , who G2532 both G5461 will bring to light [G5692]   G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness G2532 , and G5319 will make manifest [G5692]   G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts G2532 : and G5119 then G1538 shall every man G1096 have [G5695]   G1868 praise G575 of G2316 God.
Mace(i) 1 Let men consider us, as the ministers of Christ, who dispense the divine mysteries. 2 now it is required in a steward, that he be found faithful. 3 as for me, it is a matter of no great concern that I should be called to account by you, or any human authority; not that I am my own judge; 4 (for though I am not conscious to my self of any unfaithfulness, yet am I not hereby absolved:) but he that is my supreme judge, is the Lord. 5 therefore suspend your judgment till the Lord comes, who will bring to light the secrets of darkness, and expose the counsels of mens hearts: and then shall every man have his due reward from God.
Whiston(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing, that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by my self, yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come; who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall every one have praise of God.
Wesley(i) 1 Let a man so account us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But it is a very small thing with me, to be judged by you or by any man's judgment; yea, I judge not myself. 4 For I am not conscious to myself of any thing, yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall every one have praise from God.
Worsley(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But to me it is of very small moment to be judged by you, or by any man's judgement; nor indeed do I judge myself: 4 (for I am conscious to myself of nothing; though I am not hereby justified;) but He that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore judge nothing before the time; even until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every one have praise from God.
Haweis(i) 1 LET a man so account of us, as the under servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is expected of stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But it is my least consideration that I should be judged by you, or by human opinion: yea I decide not respecting myself. 4 For though I am not conscious to myself of any unfaithfulness, yet am I not thereby justified; but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord come, who also will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will manifest the counsels of men's hearts; and then shall praise be given to each from God.
Thomson(i) 1 In this manner let a man reckon us, as servants of Christ and stewards of divine mysteries. 2 Now that, which is principally required in a steward, is, that he be found faithful. 3 To me indeed it is a matter of very small concern, to be tried by you or by human process; nay, I will not be my own judge. 4 For though I am not conscious to myself of an' thing amiss, yet even in that case I am not justified; but he who trieth me is the Lord. 5 So pass no judgment prematurely, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and expose to view the counsels of the hearts, and then the praise for every one will be from God.
Webster(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by man's judgment: yes, I judge not my own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord shall come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise from God.
  1 G3049 0 Let G444 a man G3779 so G3049 [G5737] account G2248 of us G5613 , as G5257 of the ministers G5547 of Christ G2532 , and G3623 stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3739 G1161   G3063 Moreover G2212 [G5743] it is required G1722 in G3623 stewards G2443 , that G5100 a man G2147 [G5686] be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G2076 [G5748] it is G1519 G1646 a very small thing G2443 that G350 [G5686] I should be judged G5259 by G5216 you G2228 , or G5259 by G442 man's G2250 judgment G235 : yea G350 [G5719] , I judge G3761 not G1683 my own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 [G5758] I know G3762 nothing G1683 against myself G235 ; yet G1344 0 am I G3756 not G1722 G5129 hereby G1344 [G5769] justified G1161 : but G350 [G5723] he that judgeth G3165 me G2076 [G5748] is G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 [G5720] judge G3361 G5100 nothing G4253 before G2540 the time G2193 G302 , until G2962 the Lord G2064 [G5632] shall come G3739 , who G2532 will both G5461 [G5692] bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness G2532 , and G5319 [G5692] will reveal G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts G2532 : and G5119 then G1538 shall every man G1096 [G5695] have G1868 praise G575 from G2316 God.
Living_Oracles(i) 1 So, then, let a man consider us as servants only of Christ, and stewards of the secrets of God. 2 Now, it is required in stewards, that every one be found faithful. 3 Therefore, to me it is a very small matter that I be condemned by you, or by human judgment, seeing I do not condemn myself. 4 For I am conscious to myself of no fault. However, I am not by this justified; but he who judges me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore, do not, before the time, pass any judgment, till the Lord come; who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and lay open the counsels of the hearts; and then praise shall be to every one from God.
Etheridge(i) 1 Thus let us be accounted of you as ministers of the Meshiha, and stewards of the mysteries of Aloha. 2 So now is it required of a steward that he be one found faithful. 3 But to me it is a little thing to be Judged by you, or by any man; neither do I judge myself, 4 for of nothing in myself am I conscious; but not by this am I justified, but my judge is the Lord. 5 Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the thoughts of hearts. Then will there be praise to each man from Aloha.
Murdock(i) 1 Let us be so accounted of by you, as the servants of Messiah, and the stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required of stewards, that each be found faithful. 3 But to me, it is a light matter to be judged of by you, or by any man whatever; nay, I am no judge of myself. 4 -(For I am not conscious in myself of any thing flagrant; yet I am not by this justified; for the Lord is my judge.) 5 Therefore pronounce not judgments before the time, or until the Lord come, who will pour light upon the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the thoughts of men's hearts: and then will each one have due praise from God.
Sawyer(i) 1 (1:9) Let a man so regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 But, moreover, it is required of stewards that one should be found faithful. 3 But it is of little account to me that I should be judged by you or by man's day [judgment]; but I judge not myself; 4 for I am not conscious to myself [of wrong], but I am not on this account justified; but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Judge nothing therefore before the time, till the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden deeds of darkness, and make known the purposes of the hearts; and then shall each one have praise from God.
Diaglott(i) 1 Thus us let regard a man, as assistants of Anointed, and stewards of mysteries of God. 2 What but remaining, it required in the stewards, that faithful one should be found. 3 To me but for least thing it is, that by you I should be condemned, or by a human day; but not even myself do I condemn; 4 (nothing for in myself I am conscious, but not in this I have been justified;) he but condemning me, Lord is. 5 Therefore not before proper season any thing judge you, till may come the Lord, who both will bring to light the things hidden of the darkness, and will make manifest the purposes of the hearts; and then the praise shall be to each one from the God.
ABU(i) 1 So let a man account us, as ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by man's day; nay, neither do I judge myself. 4 For I am conscious to myself of nothing; yet am I not hereby justified, but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 So then judge not anything before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall each one have his praise of God.
Anderson(i) 1 Let each one so think of us as ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required in stewards, that each one be found faithful. 3 But with me, it matters very little, that I should be judged by you, or by the judgment of men: indeed, I do not judge myself. 4 For, though I am conscious of no wrong, yet by this I am not justified: but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 So, then, judge nothing be fore the time, till the Lord comes, who will bring to light the secret works of darkness, and will also make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall each have his praise from God.
Noyes(i) 1 Let a man so account us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by a human tribunal; nay, I do not even judge myself; 4 for though I am conscious to myself of nothing wrong, yet not by this am I cleared of blame; but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 So then judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the purposes of mens hearts; and then shall every one have his praise from God.
YLT(i) 1 Let a man so reckon us as officers of Christ, and stewards of the secrets of God, 2 and as to the rest, it is required in the stewards that one may be found faithful, 3 and to me it is for a very little thing that by you I may be judged, or by man's day, but not even myself do I judge, 4 for of nothing to myself have I been conscious, but not in this have I been declared right—and he who is discerning me is the Lord: 5 so, then, nothing before the time judge ye, till the Lord may come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of the darkness, and will manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then the praise shall come to each from God.
JuliaSmith(i) 1 So let a man reckon us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 And besides it is sought in stewards, that any one be found faithful. 3 And to me it is the least that I be judged by you, or by man's day: but neither do I judge myself. 4 For I know nothing by myself; but in this I have not been justified: and he examining me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge ye nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who also, will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of hearts: and then shall praise be to each from God.
Darby(i) 1 Let a man so account of us as servants of Christ, and stewards of [the] mysteries of God. 2 Here, further, it is sought in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But for me it is the very smallest matter that I be examined of you or of man`s day. Nor do I even examine myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing in myself; but I am not justified by this: but he that examines me is the Lord. 5 So that do not judge anything before [the] time, until the Lord shall come, who shall also both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and shall make manifest the counsels of hearts; and then shall each have [his] praise from God.
ERV(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall each man have his praise from God.
ASV(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall each man have his praise from God.
  1 G3049 Let G444 a man G3779 so G3049 account G2248 of us, G5613 as G5257 of ministers G5547 of Christ, G2532 and G3623 stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3063 Here, moreover, G3739   G2212 it is required G1722 in G3623 stewards, G2443 that G5100 a man G2147 be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G1519 it G2076 is G1646 a very small thing G2443 that G350 I should be judged G5259 of G5216 you, G2228 or G5259 of G442 man's G2250 judgment: G235 yea, G350 I judge G3761 not G1683 mine own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 I know G3762 nothing G1683 against myself; G235 yet G1344 am I G3756 not G5129 hereby G1722   G1344 justified: G1161 but G3588 he G350 that judgeth G3165 me G2076 is G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Wherefore G2919 judge G5100   G3361 nothing G4253 before G302   G2540 the time, G2193 until G2962 the Lord G2064 come, G3739 who G2532 will both G5461 bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness, G2532 and G5319 make manifest G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts; G2532 and G5119 then G1096 shall G1538 each man G1096 have G1868 his praise G575 from G2316 God.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment; yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself, yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then shall each man have his praise from God.
Rotherham(i) 1 Let a man, so, be reckoning of us, as officers of Christ, and stewards of sacred secrets of God. 2 Here, furthermore, it is sought in stewards, that, faithful, one be found. 3 With me, however, it counteth for the very smallest thing, that, by you, I should be examined, or by a human day. Nay! I am not even examining myself, 4 For, of nothing, to myself, am I conscious: nevertheless, not hereby, am I declared righteous, but, he that doth examine me, is the Lord. 5 So then, not before the fitting time, be judging anything,––until the Lord shall come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and, then, the praise shall come to each one, from God.
Twentieth_Century(i) 1 Let men look upon us as Christ's servants, and as stewards of the hidden truths of God. 2 Now what we look for in stewards is that they should be trustworthy. 3 But it weighs very little with me that I am judged by you or by any human tribunal. No, I do not even judge myself; 4 For, though I am conscious of nothing against myself, that does not prove me innocent. It is the Lord who is my judge. 5 Therefore do not pass judgment before the time, but wait till the Lord comes. He will throw light upon what is now dark and obscure, and will reveal the motives in men's minds; and then every one will receive due praise from God.
Godbey(i) 1 So let a man consider us, as ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here, moreover, it is required among stewards, that every one must be found faithful. 3 But to me it is the smallest matter, that I may be judged by you, or by human day: but I do not judge myself. 4 For I know nothing against myself; but in this I am not justified; and the Lord is the one judging me. 5 So judge nothing before the time, until the Lord may come, who will also bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then praise shall be to each one from God.
WNT(i) 1 As for us Apostles, let any one take this view of us--we are Christ's officers, and stewards of God's secret truths. 2 This being so, it follows that fidelity is what is required in stewards. 3 I however am very little concerned at undergoing your scrutiny, or that of other men; in fact I do not even scrutinize myself. 4 Though I am not conscious of having been in any way unfaithful, yet I do not for that reason stand acquitted; but He whose scrutiny I must undergo is the Lord. 5 Therefore form no premature judgements, but wait until the Lord returns. He will both bring to light the secrets of darkness and will openly disclose the motives that have been in people's hearts; and then the praise which each man deserves will come to him from God.
Worrell(i) 1 Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that one be found faithful. 3 But, with me, it is a very small thing, that I should be judged by you, or by man's day; yea, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am conscious to myself of nothing; yet have I not thereby been justified; but He Who judges me is the Lord. 5 Wherefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, Who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then will each one have his praise from God.
Moffatt(i) 1 This is how you are to look upon us, as servants of Christ and stewards of God's secret truths. 2 Now in this matter of stewards your first requirement is that they must be trustworthy. 3 It matters very little to me that you or any human court should cross-question me on this point. I do not even cross-question myself; 4 for, although I am not conscious of having anything against me, that does not clear me. It is the Lord who cross-questions me on the matter. 5 So do not criticize at all; the hour of reckoning has still to come, when the Lord will come to bring dark secrets to the light and to reveal life's inner aims and motives. Then each of us will get his meed of praise from God.
Goodspeed(i) 1 The right way for a man to think of us is as Christ's servants, and managers authorized to distribute the secret truths of God. 2 Now further, what is always demanded of managers is that they can be depended on. 3 I for my part care very little about being examined by you or by any human court. I do not even offer myself for investigation. 4 For while my conscience does not trouble me at all, that does not prove that I am innocent. It is the Lord who must examine me. 5 Do not form any premature judgments, therefore, but wait until the Lord comes back. For he will light up the darkness that now hides things and show what the motives in people's minds are, and then everyone will get from God the praise he deserves.
Riverside(i) 1 LET a man view us as servants of Christ and stewards of God's mysteries. 2 Moreover, in the case of stewards it is required that a man be found faithful. 3 But it is of very slight importance to me to be judged by you or any human court. I do not even pass judgment on myself. 4 For I am not conscious of any wrong, but I am not proved by that to be faultless. The Lord is my judge. 5 So do not judge anything before the time, before the Lord comes. He will throw light on the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the purposes of hearts. Then each one will have his praise from God.
MNT(i) 1 Let any man look upon us as servants of Christ, and stewards of the secret truths of God. 2 Now it is required of stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But to me it matters very little that I am judged by you, or by any earthly court. 4 Indeed I do not even judge myself; for though I know nothing against myself, yet that does not vindicate me; for he who judges me is the Lord. 5 So make no hasty judgment until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make plain the purpose of men's hearts. Then each man's due praise will come to him from God.
Lamsa(i) 1 THIS is the way you should consider us: as the servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Henceforth it is required of stewards, that every one of them must be faithful. 3 But as for me, it is of little importance that I am judged by you or by any one else: because I do not judge myself. 4 For I know nothing of which I am guilty; yet I may not be right in this, for my judge is the LORD. 5 Therefore do not judge before the time, until the LORD comes, and brings to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveals the thoughts of the hearts; then shall every man have praise from God.
CLV(i) 1 Thus let a man be reckoning with us - as deputies of Christ, and administrators of God's secrets." 2 Here, furthermore, it is being sought in administrators that any such may be found faithful." 3 Now to me it is the least trifle that I may be being examined by you or by man's day. But neither am I examining myself. 4 For of nothing am I conscious as to myself, but not by this am I justified. Now He Who is examining me is the Lord." 5 So that, be not judging anything before the season, till the Lord should be coming, Who will also illuminate the hidden things of darkness and manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then applause will be coming to each one from God."
Williams(i) 1 As for us apostles, men ought to think of us as ministers of Christ and trustees to handle God's uncovered truths. 2 Now in this matter of trustees the first and final requirement is that they should prove to be trustworthy. 3 As for me, myself, it is of very little concern to me to be examined by you or any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself. 4 For although my conscience does not accuse me, yet I am not entirely vindicated by that. It is the Lord Himself who must examine me. 5 So you must stop forming any premature judgments, but wait until the Lord shall come again, for He will bring to light the secrets hidden in the dark and will make known the motives of men's hearts, and the proper praise will be awarded each of us.
BBE(i) 1 Let us be judged as servants of Christ, and as those who are responsible for the secret things of God. 2 And it is right for such servants to be safe persons. 3 But it is a small thing to me that I am judged by you or by man's judging; I am not even a judge of myself. 4 For I am not conscious of any wrong in myself; but this does not make me clear, for it is the Lord who is my judge. 5 For this reason let there be no judging before the time, till the Lord comes, who will make clear the secret things of the dark, and the designs of the heart; and then will every man have his praise from God.
MKJV(i) 1 So let a man think of us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 And the rest, it is sought among stewards that one be found faithful. 3 But to me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by a man's day; but I do not judge my own self, 4 for I know nothing by myself. Yet I have not been justified by this, but He who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall each one have praise of God.
LITV(i) 1 Let a man think of us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 And the rest, it is sought among stewards that one be found faithful. 3 But to me it is a small thing that I should be judged by you, or by a man's day. But neither do I judge myself. 4 For I know nothing of myself, but I have not been justified by this; but He judging me is the Lord. 5 Then do not judge anything before time, until the Lord comes, who will both shed light on the hidden things of darkness and will reveal the counsels of the hearts. And then praise will be to each one from God.
ECB(i) 1
Humanity, reckon us thus: as attendants of Messiah and administrators of the mysteries of Elohim. 2 Finally it is sought in administrators, to find each trustworthy. 3 And for me, it is insignificant to be judged by you, or of the day of humanity: yet, I judge not myself. 4 For I am aware of naught; yet I am not justified herein: but he who judges me is Adonay. 5 So judge naught preceding the season, until ever Adonay comes, who both lights the secrets of darkness and manifests the counsels of the hearts: and then each becomes the halal of Elohim.
AUV(i) 1 So, a person should look at us as servants of Christ and property managers entrusted with the secret truths of God. 2 Furthermore, one thing required of [good] property managers is that they prove dependable. 3 But it is a small matter for me to be judged by you or by any human court, for I do not [even] judge myself [to be wrong]. 4 For I am not aware of anything [wrong] against myself, but that does not make me right. But the One who judges me is the Lord. 5 So, do not judge anything until the appointed time, when the Lord returns [i.e., to do the judging]. He will both shed light on the hidden things done in the dark and make known the motives of people’s hearts. Then each person [i.e., who deserves it] will receive praise from God.
ACV(i) 1 Thus let a man regard us as of helpers of Christ, and managers of mysteries of God. 2 And beyond that, it is sought in managers that any man should be found faithful. 3 But it is a very small thing to me that I might be appraised by you or by a day of mankind. Yet neither do I appraise myself, 4 for I know nothing on myself. Yet I have not been made righteous in this, but he who appraises me is the Lord. 5 Therefore do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make public the deliberations of the hearts. And then praise will come to each man from God.
Common(i) 1 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by any human court; I do not even judge myself. 4 I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not acquitted by this. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts. Then every man will receive his praise from God.
WEB(i) 1 So let a man think of us as Christ’s servants, and stewards of God’s mysteries. 2 Here, moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by man’s judgment. Yes, I don’t judge my own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself. Yet I am not justified by this, but he who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each man will get his praise from God.
  1 G3779 So G3049 let G444 a man G3049 think G2248 of us G5613 as G5547 Christ's G5257 servants, G2532 and G3623 stewards G2316 of God's G3466 mysteries.
  2 G3063 Here, moreover, G3739   G2212 it is required G1722 of G3623 stewards, G2443 that G5100 they G2147 be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G1519 it G2076 is G1646 a very small thing G2443 that G350 I should be judged G5259 by G5216 you, G2228 or G5259 by G442 man's G2250 judgment. G235 Yes, G3761 I don't G350 judge G1683 my own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 I know G3762 nothing G1683 against myself. G235 Yet G1344 I G3756 am not G1344 justified G5129 by G1722 this, G1161 but G3588 he G350 who judges G3165 me G2076 is G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 judge G5100   G3361 nothing G4253 before G302   G2540 the time, G2193 until G2962 the Lord G2064 comes, G3739 who G2532 will both G5461 bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness, G2532 and G5319 reveal G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts. G2532   G5119 Then G1538 each man G1096 will G1096 get G1868 his praise G575 from G2316 God.
NHEB(i) 1 So a person should consider us as Christ's servants, and stewards of God's mysteries. 2 Here, moreover, it is required of stewards, that they be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by man's judgment. Yes, I do not judge my own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself. Yet I am not justified by this, but he who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one will get his praise from God.
AKJV(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yes, I judge not my own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
  1 G444 Let a man G3779 so G3049 account G5257 of us, as of the ministers G5547 of Christ, G3623 and stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3739 Moreover G2212 it is required G3623 in stewards, G5100 that a man G2147 be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1646 But with me it is a very G1646 small G350 thing that I should be judged G2228 of you, or G442 of man’s G2250 judgment: G235 yes, G350 I judge G1683 not my G1683 own G1683 self.
  4 G1492 For I know G3762 nothing G1683 by myself; G235 yet G1722 am I not hereby G5129 G1344 justified: G350 but he that judges G2962 me is the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 judge G3385 nothing G4253 before G2540 the time, G2193 until G2962 the Lord G2064 come, G3739 who G2532 both G5461 will bring G5461 to light G2927 the hidden G4655 things of darkness, G5319 and will make G5319 manifest G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts: G5119 and then G1538 shall every G1096 man have G1868 praise G2316 of God.
KJC(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yes, I judge not my own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
KJ2000(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not my own self. 4 For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not thereby justified: but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
UKJV(i) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
RKJNT(i) 1 Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. 3 But with me it is a very small thing if I should be judged by you, or by any human court: in fact, I do not even judge my own self. 4 For I know of nothing against myself; yet I am not by this justified: but he who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore, judge nothing before the time; before the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the things hidden in darkness, and will disclose the motives of the heart: and then every man shall have his praise from God.
  1 G3049 Let G444 a man G3779 so G3049 think G2248 of us, G5613 as G5257 of the ministers G5547 of Christ, G2532 and G3623 stewards G3466 of the mysteries G2316 of God.
  2 G3063 Moreover G3739   G2212 it is required G1722 in G3623 stewards, G2443 that G5100 a man G2147 be found G4103 faithful.
  3 G1161 But G1698 with me G1519 it G2076 is G1646 a very small thing G2443 that G350 I should be judged G5259 by G5216 you, G2228 or G5259 by G442 man's G2250 judgment: G235 Yes, G350 I judge G3761 not G1683 my own self.
  4 G1063 For G4894 I know G3762 nothing G1683 by myself; G235 yet G1344 am I G3756 not G5129 hereby G1722   G1344 justified: G1161 but G3588 he G350 that judges G3165 me G2076 is G2962 the Lord.
  5 G5620 Therefore G2919 judge G5100   G3361 nothing G4253 before G302   G2540 the time, G2193 until G2962 the Lord G2064 come, G3739 who G2532 both G5461 will bring to light G2927 the hidden things G4655 of darkness, G2532 and G5319 will make manifest G1012 the counsels G2588 of the hearts: G2532 and G5119 then G1096 shall G1538 every man G1096 have G1868 praise G575 of G2316 God.
RYLT(i) 1 Let a man so reckon us as officers of Christ, and stewards of the secrets of God, 2 and as to the rest, it is required in the stewards that one may be found faithful, 3 and to me it is for a very little thing that by you I may be judged, or by man's day, but not even myself do I judge, 4 for of nothing to myself have I been conscious, but not in this have I been declared right -- and he who is discerning me is the Lord: 5 so, then, nothing before the time judge you, till the Lord may come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of the darkness, and will manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then the praise shall come to each from God.
EJ2000(i) 1 ¶ Let us reckon men as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required in stewards that each one be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by man’s judgment; I do not even judge my own self. 4 For although I have nothing on my conscience, yet am I not hereby justified, but he that judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts; and then shall each one have praise of God.
CAB(i) 1 Let a man so consider us, as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now furthermore what is required among the stewards, is that one be found faithful. 3 But to me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by a human court. Indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing, but I have not been justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. 5 So then judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who also will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make clear the purposes of the hearts. Then each one's praise shall come from God.
WPNT(i) 1 Let a man consider us like this: as Christ’s subordinates and stewards of God’s mysteries. 2 Moreover, what is required of stewards is that each be found faithful. 3 So to me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court; in fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing against myself, although I am not justified by this; it is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and expose the motives of the hearts. At that time the praise that comes to each will be from God.
JMNT(i) 1 Thus, let a person (a human) continue logically considering (or: measuring and classifying) us as God's subordinates (God's deputies; those under God's orders; God's under-rowers) and house-managers (or: administrators) of God's secrets (or: mysteries from God which require initiation for receiving; secrets which are God). 2 In this situation, furthermore, it is constantly being looked for and sought after, in house-managers (administrators), that this person may be found [to be] full of faith (loyal; reliable; trustworthy; faithful). 3 Now to (or: for) me, it is of little importance (a very trivial matter) that I am being constantly critiqued (sifted, critically reviewed and evaluated; put up for judgment) by you folks, or by a human day (= day of reckoning; man's tribunal or day in court). In contrast, by habit, neither do I set myself up for critique (or: review, evaluate or judge myself). 4 For, in and regarding (or: [as] to; for) myself, I have been conscious of nothing; but yet in this I have not been set forth as (or: made to be) fair and equitable (just and rightwised with right relationship in the Way pointed out). Now the One continually setting me up for evaluation (sifting, reviewing and deciding about me) is [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]. 5 Hence (or: And so), do not be constantly evaluating (or: stop judging, making decisions about or critiquing) anything before [its] season (before a fitting, due or appointed situation; prior to a fertile moment): until the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] would come – Who will continue giving light to (or: shine upon and illuminate) the hidden things of the Darkness (or: the hiding things which are things in the shadows and dimness of obscurity), and will progressively set in clear light (or: manifest) the intentions and purposes (designs, dispositions, motives and counsels) of the hearts – and then the praise and applause from God will repeatedly be birthed (will happen; come into being) in each human (or: for every person)!
NSB(i) 1 People should regard us as servants of Christ. God has trusted us with his secrets. 2 It is required of stewards that a man is trustworthy. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. I do not even judge myself. 4 I know nothing against myself. Yet this does not acquit me, but he that judges me is God. 5 Do not judge anything before the time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and make apparent the counsels of the hearts. Then each man’s praise will come from God.
ISV(i) 1 Faithful Servants of the MessiahThink of us as servants of the Messiah and as servant managers entrusted with God’s secrets. 2 Now it is required of servant managers that each one should prove to be trustworthy. 3 It is a very small thing to me that I should be examined by you or by any human court. In fact, I don’t even evaluate myself. 4 For my conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who examines me. 5 Therefore, stop judging prematurely, before the Lord comes, for he will bring to light what is now hidden in darkness and reveal the motives of our hearts. Then each person will receive his praise from God.
LEB(i) 1 Thus let a person consider us as servants of Christ and stewards of God's mysteries. 2 In this case, moreover, it is sought in stewards that one be found faithful. 3 But to me it is a very little matter that I be judged by you or by a human court,* but I do not even judge myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing against myself, but not by this am I vindicated. But the one who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord should come, who will both enlighten the hidden things of darkness and will reveal the counsels of hearts, and then praise will come to each one from God.
BGB(i) 1 Οὕτως ἡμᾶς λογιζέσθω ἄνθρωπος ὡς ὑπηρέτας Χριστοῦ καὶ οἰκονόμους μυστηρίων Θεοῦ. 2 ὧδε λοιπὸν ζητεῖται ἐν τοῖς οἰκονόμοις ἵνα πιστός τις εὑρεθῇ. 3 Ἐμοὶ δὲ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν ἵνα ὑφ’ ὑμῶν ἀνακριθῶ ἢ ὑπὸ ἀνθρωπίνης ἡμέρας· ἀλλ’ οὐδὲ ἐμαυτὸν ἀνακρίνω· 4 οὐδὲν γὰρ ἐμαυτῷ σύνοιδα, ἀλλ’ οὐκ ἐν τούτῳ δεδικαίωμαι· ὁ δὲ ἀνακρίνων με Κύριός ἐστιν. 5 Ὥστε μὴ πρὸ καιροῦ τι κρίνετε, ἕως ἂν ἔλθῃ ὁ Κύριος, ὃς καὶ φωτίσει τὰ κρυπτὰ τοῦ σκότους καὶ φανερώσει τὰς βουλὰς τῶν καρδιῶν· καὶ τότε ὁ ἔπαινος γενήσεται ἑκάστῳ ἀπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ.
BIB(i) 1 Οὕτως (So) ἡμᾶς (us), λογιζέσθω (let regard) ἄνθρωπος (a man) ὡς (as) ὑπηρέτας (servants) Χριστοῦ (of Christ) καὶ (and) οἰκονόμους (stewards) μυστηρίων (of the mysteries) Θεοῦ (of God). 2 ὧδε (In this case) λοιπὸν (moreover), ζητεῖται (it is required) ἐν (in) τοῖς (the) οἰκονόμοις (stewards), ἵνα (that) πιστός (faithful) τις (one) εὑρεθῇ (shall be found). 3 Ἐμοὶ (Me) δὲ (however) εἰς (to) ἐλάχιστόν (the smallest matter) ἐστιν (it is), ἵνα (that) ὑφ’ (by) ὑμῶν (you) ἀνακριθῶ (I be examined), ἢ (or) ὑπὸ (by) ἀνθρωπίνης (a human) ἡμέρας (court). ἀλλ’ (In fact) οὐδὲ (neither) ἐμαυτὸν (myself) ἀνακρίνω (do I examine). 4 οὐδὲν (Nothing) γὰρ (for) ἐμαυτῷ (against myself) σύνοιδα (I am conscious of), ἀλλ’ (yet) οὐκ (not) ἐν (by) τούτῳ (this) δεδικαίωμαι (have I been justified); ὁ (the One) δὲ (however) ἀνακρίνων (judging) με (me) Κύριός (the Lord) ἐστιν (is). 5 Ὥστε (So then), μὴ (not) πρὸ (before the) καιροῦ (time) τι (anything) κρίνετε (judge), ἕως (until) ἂν (-) ἔλθῃ (shall have come) ὁ (the) Κύριος (Lord), ὃς (who) καὶ (both) φωτίσει (will bring to light) τὰ (the) κρυπτὰ (hidden things) τοῦ (-) σκότους (of darkness), καὶ (and) φανερώσει (will make manifest) τὰς (the) βουλὰς (motives) τῶν (of the) καρδιῶν (hearts); καὶ (and) τότε (then) ὁ (the) ἔπαινος (praise) γενήσεται (will come) ἑκάστῳ (to each) ἀπὸ (from) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God).
BLB(i) 1 So let a man regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries. 2 In this case, moreover, it is required in the stewards, that one shall be found faithful. 3 But to me, it is the smallest matter that I be examined by you or by a human court. In fact, neither do I examine myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet I have not been justified by this; but the One judging me is the Lord. 5 Therefore do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord shall have come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the motives of the hearts; and then the praise will come to each from God.
BSB(i) 1 So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 3 I care very little, however, if I am judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
MSB(i) 1 So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 3 I care very little, however, if I am judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
MLV(i) 1 So let a man count us as attendants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 But furthermore, it is required in stewards, in order that someone should be found faithful. 3 But it is at the least concern to me, in order that I might be judged by you or by a human judgment day. But I am not even judging myself. 4 For I have been conscious of nothing in myself, but I have not been made righteous in this thing. But he who is judging me is the Lord. 5 So-then, do not judge anything before the time, until the Lord should come, who will both be illuminating the hidden things of darkness and will be manifesting the plans of the hearts, and then the praise from God will happen for each.
VIN(i) 1 So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Now it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 I care very little, however, if I am judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the proper time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
Luther1545(i) 1 Dafür halte uns jedermann, nämlich für Christi Diener und Haushalter über Gottes Geheimnisse. 2 Nun sucht man nicht mehr an den Haushaltern, denn daß sie treu erfunden werden. 3 Mir aber ist's ein Geringes, daß ich von euch gerichtet werde oder von einem menschlichen Tage; auch richte ich mich selbst nicht. 4 Ich bin mir wohl nichts bewußt, aber darinnen bin ich nicht gerechtfertiget; der HERR ist's aber, der mich richtet. 5 Darum richtet nicht vor der Zeit, bis der HERR komme, welcher auch wird ans Licht bringen, was im Finstern verborgen ist, und den Rat der Herzen offenbaren; alsdann wird einem jeglichen von Gott Lob widerfahren.
  1 G3779 Dafür G3049 halte G2248 uns G444 jedermann G5613 , nämlich für G2316 Christi G5257 Diener G2532 und G3623 Haushalter G5547 über Gottes G3466 Geheimnisse .
  2 G3063 Nun G2212 sucht G5100 man G1722 nicht mehr an G3623 den Haushaltern G2443 , denn daß G1161 sie G4103 treu G2147 erfunden werden .
  3 G1698 Mir G1161 aber G2076 ist‘s G2443 ein Geringes, daß G5259 ich von G5216 euch G350 gerichtet G350 werde G2228 oder G5259 von G442 einem menschlichen G2250 Tage G235 ; auch G1683 richte ich mich selbst G3761 nicht .
  4 G4894 Ich bin G1683 mir G3762 wohl nichts G1063 bewußt, aber G1344 darinnen bin G3756 ich nicht G2962 gerechtfertiget; der HErr G2076 ist‘s G235 aber G3165 , der mich G350 richtet .
  5 G5620 Darum G2919 richtet G2532 nicht G4253 vor G2540 der Zeit G2962 , bis der HErr G2064 komme G302 , welcher G2532 auch G1096 wird G5461 ans Licht bringen G3739 , was G4655 im Finstern G2927 verborgen G5319 ist G2532 , und G1012 den Rat G2588 der Herzen G5119 offenbaren; alsdann G5100 wird einem G1538 jeglichen G575 von G2316 GOtt G1868 Lob widerfahren.
Luther1912(i) 1 Dafür halte uns jedermann: für Christi Diener und Haushalter über Gottes Geheimnisse. 2 Nun sucht man nicht mehr an den Haushaltern, denn daß sie treu erfunden werden. 3 Mir aber ist's ein Geringes, daß ich von euch gerichtet werde oder von einem menschlichen Tage; auch richte ich mich selbst nicht. 4 Denn ich bin mir nichts bewußt, aber darin bin ich nicht gerechtfertigt; der HERR ist's aber, der mich richtet. 5 Darum richtet nicht vor der Zeit, bis der HERR komme, welcher auch wird ans Licht bringen, was im Finstern verborgen ist, und den Rat der Herzen offenbaren; alsdann wird einem jeglichen von Gott Lob widerfahren.
  1 G3779 Dafür G3049 halte G2248 uns G444 jedermann G5613 : G5547 für Christi G5257 Diener G2532 und G3623 Haushalter G3466 über G2316 Gottes G3466 Geheimnisse .
  2 G1161 Nun G2212 sucht G3063 man nicht mehr G1722 an G3623 den Haushaltern G2443 , denn daß G5100 sie G4103 treu G2147 erfunden werden.
  3 G1698 Mir G1161 aber G2076 ist’s G1519 G1646 ein Geringes G2443 , daß G350 ich G5259 von G5216 euch G350 gerichtet G2228 werde oder G5259 von G442 einem menschlichen G2250 Tage G235 ; auch G350 richte G1683 ich mich selbst G3761 nicht .
  4 G1063 Denn G4894 ich G1683 bin mir G3762 nichts G4894 bewußt G235 , aber G1722 G5129 darin G1344 bin G3756 ich nicht G1344 gerechtfertigt G2962 ; der HERR G2076 ist’s G1161 aber G3165 , der mich G350 richtet .
  5 G5620 Darum G2919 richtet G3361 G5100 nicht G4253 vor G2540 der Zeit G2193 G302 , bis G2962 der HERR G2064 komme G3739 , welcher G2532 auch G5461 wird ans Licht bringen G2927 , was G4655 im Finstern G2927 verborgen G2532 ist, und G1012 den Rat G2588 der Herzen G5319 offenbaren G2532 ; G5119 alsdann G1538 wird einem jeglichen G575 von G2316 Gott G1868 Lob G1096 widerfahren .
ELB1871(i) 1 Dafür halte man uns - für Diener Christi und Verwalter der Geheimnisse Gottes. 2 Übrigens sucht man hier an den Verwaltern, daß einer treu erfunden werde. 3 Mir aber ist es das Geringste, daß ich von euch oder von einem menschlichen Tage beurteilt werde; ich beurteile mich aber auch selbst nicht. 4 Denn ich bin mir selbst nichts bewußt, aber dadurch bin ich nicht gerechtfertigt. Der mich aber beurteilt, ist der Herr. 5 So urteilet nicht etwas vor der Zeit, bis der Herr kommt, welcher auch das Verborgene der Finsternis ans Licht bringen und die Ratschläge der Herzen offenbaren wird; und dann wird einem jeden sein Lob werden von Gott.
  1 G3779 Dafür G3049 halte G444 man G2248 uns G5613 - für G5257 Diener G5547 Christi G2532 und G3623 Verwalter G3466 der Geheimnisse G2316 Gottes.
  2 G3063 Übrigens G2212 sucht G1161 man hier G1722 an G3623 den Verwaltern, G2443 daß G5100 einer G4103 treu G2147 erfunden werde.
  3 G1698 Mir G1161 aber G2076 ist G1646 G1519 es das Geringste, G2443 daß G5259 ich von G5216 euch G2228 oder G5259 von G442 einem menschlichen G2250 Tage G350 beurteilt G350 werde; ich beurteile G1683 mich G235 aber auch G3761 selbst nicht.
  4 G1063 Denn G4894 ich bin G1683 mir selbst G3762 nichts G4894 bewußt, G235 aber G1722 G5129 dadurch G1344 bin G3756 ich nicht G1344 gerechtfertigt. G3165 Der mich G1161 aber G350 beurteilt, G2076 ist G2962 der Herr.
  5 G5620 So G2919 urteilet G3361 nicht G5100 etwas G4253 vor G2540 der Zeit, G2193 G302 bis G2962 der Herr G2064 kommt, G3739 welcher G2532 auch G2927 das Verborgene G4655 der Finsternis G5461 ans Licht bringen G2532 und G1012 die Ratschläge G2588 der Herzen G5319 offenbaren G2532 wird; und G5119 dann G1096 wird G1538 einem jeden G1868 sein Lob G1096 werden G575 von G2316 Gott.
ELB1905(i) 1 Dafür halte man uns: für Diener Christi und Verwalter der Geheimnisse Gottes. 2 Übrigens sucht man hier an den Verwaltern, daß einer treu erfunden werde. 3 Mir aber ist es das Geringste, daß ich von euch oder von einem menschlichen Tage dh. Gerichtstage beurteilt werde; ich beurteile mich aber auch selbst nicht. 4 Denn ich bin mir selbst nichts bewußt, aber dadurch bin ich nicht gerechtfertigt. Der mich aber beurteilt, ist der Herr. 5 So urteilet O. richtet nicht etwas vor der Zeit, bis der Herr kommt, welcher auch das Verborgene der Finsternis ans Licht bringen und die Ratschläge der Herzen offenbaren wird; und dann wird einem jeden sein Lob werden von Gott.
  1 G3779 Dafür G3049 halte G444 man G2248 uns G5613 : für G5257 Diener G5547 Christi G2532 und G3623 Verwalter G3466 der Geheimnisse G2316 Gottes .
  2 G3063 Übrigens G2212 sucht G1161 man hier G1722 an G3623 den Verwaltern G2443 , daß G5100 einer G4103 treu G2147 erfunden werde.
  3 G1698 Mir G1161 aber G2076 ist G1519 -G1646 es das Geringste G2443 , daß G5259 ich von G5216 euch G2228 oder G5259 von G442 einem menschlichen G2250 Tage G350 beurteilt G350 werde; ich beurteile G1683 mich G235 aber auch G3761 selbst nicht .
  4 G1063 Denn G4894 ich bin G1683 mir selbst G3762 nichts G4894 bewußt G235 , aber G1722 -G5129 dadurch G1344 bin G3756 ich nicht G1344 gerechtfertigt G3165 . Der mich G1161 aber G350 beurteilt G2076 , ist G2962 der Herr .
  5 G5620 So G2919 urteilet G3361 nicht G5100 etwas G4253 vor G2540 der Zeit G302 -G2193 , bis G2962 der Herr G2064 kommt G3739 , welcher G2532 auch G2927 das Verborgene G4655 der Finsternis G5461 ans Licht bringen G2532 und G1012 die Ratschläge G2588 der Herzen G5319 offenbaren G2532 wird; und G5119 dann G1096 wird G1538 einem jeden G1868 sein Lob G1096 werden G575 von G2316 Gott .
DSV(i) 1 Alzo houde ons een ieder mens, als dienaars van Christus, en uitdelers der verborgenheden Gods. 2 En voorts wordt in de uitdelers vereist, dat elk getrouw bevonden worde. 3 Doch mij is voor het minste, dat ik van ulieden geoordeeld worde, of van een menselijk oordeel; ja, ik oordeel ook mijzelven niet. 4 Want ik ben mijzelven van geen ding bewust; doch ik ben daardoor niet gerechtvaardigd; maar Die mij oordeelt, is de Heere. 5 Zo dan oordeelt niets voor den tijd, totdat de Heere zal gekomen zijn, Welke ook in het licht zal brengen, hetgeen in de duisternis verborgen is, en openbaren de raadslagen der harten; en als dan zal een iegelijk lof hebben van God.
  1 G3779 Alzo G3049 G5737 houde G2248 ons G444 een [ieder] mens G5613 , als G5257 dienaars G5547 van Christus G2532 , en G3623 uitdelers G3466 der verborgenheden G2316 Gods.
  2 G1161 En G3063 voorts G1722 wordt in G3623 de uitdelers G2212 G5743 vereist G2443 , dat G5100 elk G4103 getrouw G2147 G5686 bevonden worde.
  3 G1161 Doch G1698 mij G2076 G5748 is G1519 voor G1646 het minste G2443 , dat G5259 ik van G5216 ulieden G350 G5686 geoordeeld worde G2228 , of G5259 van G442 een menselijk G2250 oordeel G235 ; ja G350 G5719 , ik oordeel G3761 G ook G1683 mijzelven G3761 niet.
  4 G1063 Want G4894 G ik ben G1683 mijzelven G3762 van geen ding G4894 G5758 bewust G235 ; doch G1722 G5129 ik ben daardoor G3756 niet G1344 G5769 gerechtvaardigd G1161 ; maar G3165 Die mij G350 G5723 oordeelt G2076 G5748 , is G2962 de Heere.
  5 G5620 Zo dan G2919 G5720 oordeelt G3361 G5100 niets G4253 voor G2540 den tijd G2193 G302 , totdat G2962 de Heere G2064 G5632 zal gekomen zijn G3739 , Welke G2532 ook G5461 G5692 in het licht zal brengen G4655 , hetgeen in de duisternis G2927 verborgen G2532 is, en G5319 G5692 openbaren G1012 de raadslagen G2588 der harten G2532 ; en G5119 als dan G1538 zal een iegelijk G1868 lof G1096 G5695 hebben G575 van G2316 God.
DarbyFR(i) 1
Que tout homme pense ainsi à notre égard, -qu'il nous tienne pour des serviteurs de Christ et pour des administrateurs des mystères de Dieu. 2 au reste, ce qui est requis dans des administrateurs, c'est qu'un homme soit trouvé fidèle. 3 Mais il m'importe fort peu, à moi, que je sois jugé par vous, ou de jugement d'homme; et même je ne me juge pas moi-même. 4 Car je n'ai rien sur ma conscience; mais par là je ne suis pas justifié; mais celui qui me juge, c'est le Seigneur. 5 Ainsi ne jugez rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que le Seigneur vienne, qui aussi mettra en lumière les choses cachées des ténèbres, et qui manifestera les conseils des coeurs; et alors chacun recevra sa louange de la part de Dieu.
Martin(i) 1 Que chacun nous tienne pour Ministres de Christ, et pour dispensateurs des mystères de Dieu. 2 Mais, au reste, il est exigé des dispensateurs que chacun soit trouvé fidèle. 3 Pour moi, je me soucie fort peu d'être jugé de vous, ou de jugement d'homme; et aussi je ne me juge point moi-même. 4 Car je ne me sens coupable de rien; mais pour cela je ne suis pas justifié; mais celui qui me juge, c'est le Seigneur. 5 C'est pourquoi ne jugez de rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que le Seigneur vienne, qui aussi mettra en lumière les choses cachées dans les ténèbres, et qui manifestera les conseils des coeurs; et alors Dieu rendra à chacun sa louange.
Segond(i) 1 Ainsi, qu'on nous regarde comme des serviteurs de Christ, et des dispensateurs des mystères de Dieu. 2 Du reste, ce qu'on demande des dispensateurs, c'est que chacun soit trouvé fidèle. 3 Pour moi, il m'importe fort peu d'être jugé par vous, ou par un tribunal humain. Je ne me juge pas non plus moi-même, 4 car je ne me sens coupable de rien; mais ce n'est pas pour cela que je suis justifié. Celui qui me juge, c'est le Seigneur. 5 C'est pourquoi ne jugez de rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que vienne le Seigneur, qui mettra en lumière ce qui est caché dans les ténèbres, et qui manifestera les desseins des coeurs. Alors chacun recevra de Dieu la louange qui lui sera due.
  1 G3779 ¶ Ainsi G444 , qu’on G2248 nous G3049 regarde G5737   G5613 comme G5257 des serviteurs G5547 de Christ G2532 , et G3623 des dispensateurs G3466 des mystères G2316 de Dieu.
  2 G1161   G3063 Du reste G2212 , ce qu’on demande G5743   G1722 des G3623 dispensateurs G2443 , c’est que G5100 chacun G2147 soit trouvé G5686   G4103 fidèle.
  3 G1161   G1698 Pour moi G2076 , il m’importe G5748   G1519 fort peu G1646   G2443 d G350 ’être jugé G5686   G5259 par G5216 vous G2228 , ou G5259 par G2250 un tribunal G442 humain G235 . G350 Je ne me juge G5719   G3761 pas non plus G1683 moi-même,
  4 G1063 (4-3) car G4894 je ne me sens G5758   G1683   G3762 coupable de rien G235  ; (4-4) mais G3756 ce n’est pas G1722 pour G5129 cela G1344 que je suis justifié G5769   G1161 . G3165 Celui qui me G350 juge G5723   G2076 , c’est G5748   G2962 le Seigneur.
  5 G5620 C’est pourquoi G2919 ne jugez G5720   G3361 de rien G5100   G4253 avant G2540 le temps G2193 , jusqu’à G302   G2064 ce que vienne G5632   G2962 le Seigneur G2532 , G3739 qui G5461 mettra en lumière G5692   G2927 ce qui est caché G4655 dans les ténèbres G2532 , et G5319 qui manifestera G5692   G1012 les desseins G2588 des cœurs G2532 . Alors G5119   G1538 chacun G1096 recevra G5695   G575 de G2316 Dieu G1868 la louange qui lui sera due.
SE(i) 1 Téngannos los hombres por ministros del Cristo, y dispensadores de los misterios de Dios. 2 Se requiere sin embargo en los dispensadores, que cada uno sea hallado fiel. 3 Yo en muy poco tengo el ser juzgado de vosotros, o de juicio humano; y ni aun yo me juzgo. 4 Porque aunque de nada tengo mala conciencia, no por eso soy justificado; mas el que me juzga, es el Señor. 5 Así que, no juzguéis nada antes de tiempo, hasta que venga el Señor, el cual también aclarará lo oculto de las tinieblas, y manifestará los intentos de los corazones; y entonces cada uno tendrá de Dios la alabanza.
ReinaValera(i) 1 TÉNGANNOS los hombres por ministros de Cristo, y dispensadores de los misterios de Dios. 2 Mas ahora se requiere en los dispensadores, que cada uno sea hallado fiel. 3 Yo en muy poco tengo el ser juzgado de vosotros, ó de juicio humano; y ni aun yo me juzgo. 4 Porque aunque de nada tengo mala conciencia, no por eso soy justificado; mas el que me juzga, el Señor es. 5 Así que, no juzguéis nada antes de tiempo, hasta que venga el Señor, el cual también aclarará lo oculto de las tinieblas, y manifestará los intentos de los corazones: y entonces cada uno tendrá de Dios la alabanza.
JBS(i) 1 ¶ Téngannos los hombres por ministros del Cristo, y dispensadores de los misterios de Dios. 2 Se requiere sin embargo en los dispensadores, que cada uno sea hallado fiel. 3 Yo en muy poco tengo el ser juzgado de vosotros, o de juicio humano; y ni aun yo me juzgo. 4 Porque aunque de nada tengo mala conciencia, no por eso soy justificado; mas el que me juzga, es el Señor. 5 Así que, no juzguéis nada antes de tiempo, hasta que venga el Señor, el cual también aclarará lo oculto de las tinieblas, y manifestará los intentos de los corazones; y entonces cada uno tendrá de Dios la alabanza.
Albanian(i) 1 Kështu njeriu, pra, le të na mbajë për shërbëtorë të Krishtit dhe si administratorë të mistereve të Perëndisë. 2 E tjetra që kërkohet nga administratorët, është që secili të gjendët besnik. 3 Sa për mua, më intereson fort pak që të gjykohem prej jush ose prej një gjykate njerëzore; madje as vetveten nuk e gjykoj. 4 Sepse nuk jam i vetëdijshëm për asnjë faj, por për këtë nuk jam justifikuar, por ai që më gjykon është Zoti. 5 Prandaj mos gjykoni asgjë para kohe derisa të vijë Zoti, që do të nxjerrë në dritë gjërat e fshehta të errësirës dhe do të shfaqë këshillat e zemrave; dhe atëherë secili do të ketë lavdërimin e vet nga Perëndia.
RST(i) 1 Итак каждый должен разуметь нас, какслужителей Христовых и домостроителей таин Божиих. 2 От домостроителей же требуется, чтобы каждый оказался верным. 3 Для меня очень мало значит, как судите обо мне вы или как судят другие люди; я и сам не сужу о себе. 4 Ибо хотя я ничего не знаю за собою, но тем неоправдываюсь; судия же мне Господь. 5 Посему не судите никак прежде времени, пока не придет Господь, Который и осветит скрытое во мраке и обнаружит сердечные намерения, и тогда каждому будет похвала от Бога.
Peshitta(i) 1 ܗܟܢܐ ܗܘܝܢ ܚܫܝܒܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܐܝܟ ܡܫܡܫܢܐ ܕܡܫܝܚܐ ܘܪܒܝ ܒܬܐ ܕܐܪܙܘܗܝ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܀ 2 ܗܪܟܐ ܡܟܝܠ ܡܬܒܥܐ ܒܪܒܝ ܒܬܐ ܕܐܢܫ ܟܕ ܡܗܝܡܢ ܢܫܬܟܚ ܀ 3 ܠܝ ܕܝܢ ܗܕܐ ܒܨܝܪܘܬܐ ܗܝ ܠܝ ܕܡܢܟܘܢ ܐܬܕܝܢ ܐܘ ܡܢ ܟܠ ܒܪ ܐܢܫ ܐܠܐ ܐܦܠܐ ܐܢܐ ܢܦܫܝ ܕܐܢ ܐܢܐ ܀ 4 ܠܐ ܓܝܪ ܡܕܡ ܒܢܦܫܝ ܚܫܝܫ ܐܢܐ ܐܠܐ ܠܘ ܒܗܕܐ ܐܙܕܕܩܬ ܕܝܢܝ ܓܝܪ ܡܪܝܐ ܗܘ ܀ 5 ܡܛܠ ܗܢܐ ܠܐ ܡܢ ܩܕܡ ܙܒܢܐ ܬܗܘܘܢ ܕܝܢܝܢ ܥܕܡܐ ܕܢܐܬܐ ܡܪܝܐ ܗܘ ܕܡܢܗܪ ܟܤܝܬܗ ܕܚܫܘܟܐ ܘܓܠܐ ܡܚܫܒܬܗܘܢ ܕܠܒܘܬܐ ܘܗܝܕܝܢ ܢܗܘܐ ܫܘܒܚܐ ܠܐܢܫ ܐܢܫ ܡܢ ܐܠܗܐ ܀
Arabic(i) 1 هكذا فليحسبنا الانسان كخدام المسيح ووكلاء سرائر الله. 2 ثم يسأل في الوكلاء لكي يوجد الانسان امينا. 3 واما انا فاقلّ شيء عندي ان يحكم فيّ منكم او من يوم بشر. بل لست احكم في نفسي ايضا. 4 فاني لست اشعر بشيء في ذاتي. لكنني لست بذلك مبررا. ولكن الذي يحكم فيّ هو الرب. 5 اذا لا تحكموا في شيء قبل الوقت حتى يأتي الرب الذي سينير خفايا الظلام ويظهر آراء القلوب. وحينئذ يكون المدح لكل واحد من الله
Amharic(i) 1 እንዲሁ ሰው እኛን እንደ ክርስቶስ ሎሌዎችና እንደ እግዚአብሔር ምሥጢር መጋቢዎች ይቍጠረን። 2 እንደዚህም ሲሆን፥ በመጋቢዎች ዘንድ የታመነ ሆኖ መገኘት ይፈለጋል። 3 ነገር ግን በእናንተ ዘንድ ወይም በሌላ ሰው ዘንድ ብፈረድ ለእኔ ምንም አይደለም፤ እኔም በራሴ እንኳ አልፈርድም፤ 4 በራሴ ላይ ምንም አላውቅምና፥ ነገር ግን በዚህ አልጸድቅም፤ እኔን የሚፈርድ ግን ጌታ ነው። 5 ስለዚህም በጨለማ የተሰወረውን ደግሞ ወደ ብርሃን የሚያወጣ የልብንም ምክር የሚገልጥ ጌታ እስኪመጣ ድረስ ጊዜው ሳይደርስ አንዳች አትፍረዱ፤ በዚያን ጊዜም ለእያንዳንዱ ምስጋናው ከእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ ይሆናል።
Armenian(i) 1 Մարդիկ թող սեպեն մեզ՝ որպէս Քրիստոսի սպասաւորներն ու Աստուծոյ խորհուրդներուն տնտեսները: 2 Իսկ տնտեսէ մը կը պահանջուի որ հաւատարիմ գտնուի: 3 Բայց ինծի համար չնչին բան է որ դատուիմ ձեզմէ, կամ մարդոց դատաստանէն. նոյնիսկ ե՛ս չեմ դատեր զիս. 4 (որովհետեւ ես ոչինչո՛վ գիտակից եմ իմ մասիս. բայց ո՛չ թէ ասով կ՚արդարանամ.) հապա զիս դատողը՝ Տէ՛րն է: 5 Հետեւաբար ատենէն առաջ մի՛ դատէք՝ մինչեւ որ Տէրը գայ. ի՛նք պիտի լուսաւորէ խաւարին գաղտնիքը ու երեւան պիտի հանէ սիրտերուն ծրագիրները, եւ ա՛յն ատեն իւրաքանչիւրը գովեստ պիտի ունենայ Աստուծմէ:
Basque(i) 1 Estima beça guçaz guiçonac Christen ministréz, eta Iaincoaren secretuén dispensaçaléz beçala. 2 Baina gaineracoaz, necessario da dispensaçaletan leyal batbedera eriden dadin. 3 Niçaz den becembatean, ansia guti dut çueçaz edo iugemendu humanoz iudicatu içatearen: are neure buruä-ere eztut iudicatzen. 4 Ecen deusetan eztut neure buruä hoguendun senditzen: ordea huneçaz eznaiz iustificatu: baina ni iudicatzen nauena, Iauna da. 5 Halacotz, ezteçaçuela dembora baino lehen iudica, Iauna dathorreno, ceinec ilhumbeco gauça estaliac-ere arguituren baititu, eta bihotzetaco conseilluac manifestaturen: eta orduan laudorio vkanen du batbederac Iaincoaganic.
Bulgarian(i) 1 Така всеки човек да ни счита за Христови служители и управители на Божиите тайни. 2 А това, което тук се изисква от управителите, е всеки да се намери верен. 3 А за мен е най-малко нещо да бъда съден от вас или от човешки съд; аз дори не съдя сам себе си. 4 Защото, въпреки че не се съзнавам виновен в нищо, пак с това не съм оправдан; защото Господ е Този, който ще ме съди. 5 Затова не съдете нищо преждевременно, докато не дойде Господ, който ще извади на светло скритото в тъмнината и ще изяви намеренията на сърцата. И тогава всеки ще получи своята похвала от Бога.
Croatian(i) 1 Tako, neka nas svatko smatra službenicima Kristovim i upraviteljima otajstava Božjih. 2 A od upravitelja iziskuje se napokon da budu vjerni. 3 Meni pak nije nimalo do toga da me sudite vi ili bilo koji ljudski sud; a ni ja sam sebe ne sudim. 4 Doista, ničega sebi nisam svjestan, no time nisam opravdan: moj je sudac Gospodin. 5 Zato ne sudite ništa prije vremena dok ne dođe Gospodin koji će iznijeti na vidjelo što je sakriveno u tami i razotkriti nakane srdaca. I tada će svatko primiti pohvalu od Boga.
BKR(i) 1 Tak o nás smýšlej člověk, jako o služebnících Kristových a šafářích tajemství Božích. 2 Dále pak vyhledává se při šafářích toho, aby každý z nich věrný nalezen byl. 3 Mně pak to za nejmenší věc jest, abych od vás souzen byl, aneb od lidského soudu; nýbrž aniž sám sebe soudím. 4 Nebo ačkoli do sebe nic bezbožného nevím, však ne skrze to jsem spravedliv; nebo ten, ješto mne soudí, Pán jest. 5 Protož nesuďtež nic před časem, až by přišel Pán, kterýž i osvítí to, což skrytého jest ve tmě, a zjeví rady srdcí. A tehdážť bude míti chválu jeden každý od Boha.
Danish(i) 1 Saaledes agte hvert Menneske os som Christi Tjenere og Huusholdere over Guds Hemmeligheder. 2 Iøvrigt udkræves af Huusholdere, at de maae findes troe. 3 Men mig er det saare lidet, at dømmes af Eder eller af en menneskelig Ret; ja, jeg dømmermig end ikke selv. 4 Vel veed jeg Intet med mig selv, dog er jeg dermed ikke retfærdiggjort; men Herren er den, som mig dømmer. 5 Derfor dømmer ikke Noget for Tiden, indtil Herren kommer, som og skal føre til Lyset det, som er skjult i Mørket, og aabenbare Hjerternes Raad; de skal hver vederfares sin Lov af Gud.
CUV(i) 1 人 應 當 以 我 們 為 基 督 的 執 事 , 為 神 奧 秘 事 的 管 家 。 2 所 求 於 管 家 的 , 是 要 他 有 忠 心 。 3 我 被 你 們 論 斷 , 或 被 別 人 論 斷 , 我 都 以 為 極 小 的 事 ; 連 我 自 己 也 不 論 斷 自 己 。 4 我 雖 不 覺 得 自 己 有 錯 , 卻 也 不 能 因 此 得 以 稱 義 ; 但 判 斷 我 的 乃 是 主 。 5 所 以 , 時 候 未 到 , 甚 麼 都 不 要 論 斷 , 只 等 主 來 , 他 要 照 出 暗 中 的 隱 情 , 顯 明 人 心 的 意 念 。 那 時 , 各 人 要 從 神 那 裡 得 著 稱 讚 。
  1 G444 G3779 應當 G3049 G2248 我們 G5613 G5547 基督 G5257 的執事 G2316 ,為神 G3466 奧秘事 G3623 的管家。
  2 G3739 G2212 G1722 G3623 管家 G2443 的,是 G2147 G4103 他有忠心。
  3 G5259 我被 G5216 你們 G350 論斷 G2228 ,或 G5259 G442 別人 G2250 論斷 G1698 ,我 G2443 G2076 以為 G1646 極小 G235 的事;連 G1683 我自己 G3761 也不 G350 論斷自己。
  4 G1161 我雖 G3762 G4894 覺得 G1683 自己 G235 有錯,卻 G3756 也不 G1722 G5129 能因此 G1344 得以稱義 G1161 ;但 G350 判斷 G3165 G2076 的乃是 G2962 主。
  5 G5620 所以 G2540 ,時候 G4253 未到 G3361 G5100 ,甚麼都不要 G2919 論斷 G2193 G302 ,只等 G2962 G2064 G3739 ,他 G5461 要照出 G4655 G2927 中的隱情 G5319 ,顯明 G2588 人心 G1012 的意念 G5119 。那時 G1538 ,各人 G1096 G575 G2316 G1868 那裡得著稱讚。
CUVS(i) 1 人 应 当 以 我 们 为 基 督 的 执 事 , 为 神 奥 秘 事 的 管 家 。 2 所 求 于 管 家 的 , 是 要 他 冇 忠 心 。 3 我 被 你 们 论 断 , 或 被 别 人 论 断 , 我 都 以 为 极 小 的 事 ; 连 我 自 己 也 不 论 断 自 己 。 4 我 虽 不 觉 得 自 己 冇 错 , 却 也 不 能 因 此 得 以 称 义 ; 但 判 断 我 的 乃 是 主 。 5 所 以 , 时 候 未 到 , 甚 么 都 不 要 论 断 , 只 等 主 来 , 他 要 照 出 暗 中 的 隐 情 , 显 明 人 心 的 意 念 。 那 时 , 各 人 要 从 神 那 里 得 着 称 赞 。
  1 G444 G3779 应当 G3049 G2248 我们 G5613 G5547 基督 G5257 的执事 G2316 ,为神 G3466 奥秘事 G3623 的管家。
  2 G3739 G2212 G1722 G3623 管家 G2443 的,是 G2147 G4103 他有忠心。
  3 G5259 我被 G5216 你们 G350 论断 G2228 ,或 G5259 G442 别人 G2250 论断 G1698 ,我 G2443 G2076 以为 G1646 极小 G235 的事;连 G1683 我自己 G3761 也不 G350 论断自己。
  4 G1161 我虽 G3762 G4894 觉得 G1683 自己 G235 有错,却 G3756 也不 G1722 G5129 能因此 G1344 得以称义 G1161 ;但 G350 判断 G3165 G2076 的乃是 G2962 主。
  5 G5620 所以 G2540 ,时候 G4253 未到 G3361 G5100 ,甚么都不要 G2919 论断 G2193 G302 ,只等 G2962 G2064 G3739 ,他 G5461 要照出 G4655 G2927 中的隐情 G5319 ,显明 G2588 人心 G1012 的意念 G5119 。那时 G1538 ,各人 G1096 G575 G2316 G1868 那里得着称赞。
Esperanto(i) 1 Tiel oni rigardu nin, kiel servantojn de Kristo kaj administrantojn de la misteroj de Dio. 2 Cetere, cxi tie estas postulate cxe administrantoj, ke oni trovigxu fidela. 3 Sed cxe mi estas tre malgrava afero esti jugxata de vi, aux per homa jugxo:mi ja ne jugxas min mem. 4 CXar mi scias nenion kontraux mi; tamen mi ne estas pro tio pravigita; sed tiu, kiu jugxas min, estas la Sinjoro. 5 Tial jugxu nenion antaux la tempo, gxis venos la Sinjoro, kiu enlumigos la kasxitajxojn de la mallumo kaj klarigos la intencojn de la koroj; kaj tiam cxiu ricevos de Dio sian propran lauxdon.
Estonian(i) 1 Nõnda pidagu meid igaüks Kristuse sulaseiks ja Jumala saladuste majapidajaiks. 2 Ent majapidajailt nõutakse sel juhul kõigepealt, et igaüks leitaks ustav olevat. 3 Aga minule ei tähenda see midagi, et teie või mõni inimlik kohtupäev minu üle kohut mõistate; ja mina isegi ei mõista kohut enese üle. 4 Sest mina ei tea enesel ühtki süüd olevat; aga sellega ei ole ma veel õigeks mõistetud. Sest Issand on See, Kes minu üle kohut mõistab. 5 Sellepärast ärge mõistke ühtki kohut enneaegu, enne kui Issand tuleb, Kes ka pimeduse salajased asjad toob valge ette ja südamete nõud teeb avalikuks; ja siis saab igaüks kiituse Jumalalt.
Finnish(i) 1 Jokainen pitäköön meitä Kristuksen palvelioina ja Jumalan salaisuutten huoneenhaltioina. 2 Mutta ainoastaan se huoneenhaltiain seassa etsitään, että joku uskolliseksi löydettäisiin. 3 Mutta vähän minä sitä tottelen, että minä teiltä tuomitaan eli inhimilliseltä päivältä: ja en minä itsekään tuomitse minuani; 4 Sillä en minä tiedä mitään kanssani; mutta en minä sentähden vanhurskautettu ole, vaan Herra on se, joka minun tuomitsee. 5 Sentähden älkäät tuomitko ennen aikaa, siihenasti kuin Herra tulee, joka nekin valkeuteen saattaa, mitkä pimeydessä peitetyt ovat, ja ilmoittaa sydänten aivoitukset: ja silloin kukin saa kunnian Jumalalta.
FinnishPR(i) 1 Niin pitäköön jokainen meitä Kristuksen käskyläisinä ja Jumalan salaisuuksien huoneenhaltijoina. 2 Sitä tässä huoneenhaltijoilta ennen muuta vaaditaan, että heidät havaitaan uskollisiksi. 3 Mutta siitä minä hyvin vähän välitän, että te minua tuomitsette tai joku inhimillinen oikeus; en minä itsekään tuomitse itseäni, 4 sillä ei minulla ole mitään tunnollani, mutta en minä silti ole vanhurskautettu, vaan minun tuomitsijani on Herra. 5 Älkää sentähden lausuko mitään tuomiota, ennenkuin aika on, ennenkuin Herra tulee, joka myös on saattava valoon pimeyden kätköt ja tuova ilmi sydänten aivoitukset; ja silloin kukin saa kiitoksensa Jumalalta.
Haitian(i) 1 Se poutèt sa, nou menm moun Korent, se pou nou rekonèt se sèvitè Kris la mwen ye, tankou yon jeran Bondye mete reskonsab plan travay li yo ki te kache. 2 Yon sèl bagay yo mande yon jeran, se pou l' yon moun serye. 3 Pou mwen menm, nou te mèt jije m', lèzòm te mèt jije m' nan tribinal yo, sa pa di m' anyen. Mwen menm, poutèt pa m', mwen pa jije tèt mwen non plis. 4 Konsyans mwen pa repwoche m' anyen, se vre. Men, sa pa vle di mwen inonsan pou sa. Se Seyè a ki sèl jij mwen. 5 Se poutèt sa, pa prese jije pesonn anvan lè a rive. Se pou nou tann Seyè a vini. Se li menm k'ap mete deyò tou sa ki te kache, tou sa ki t'ap fèt nan fènwa. L'ap devwale tout kalkil lèzòm t'ap fè nan kè yo. Lè sa a, chak moun va resevwa lwanj yo merite nan men Bondye.
Hungarian(i) 1 Úgy tekintsen minket az ember, mint Krisztus szolgáit és Isten titkainak sáfárait. 2 A mi pedig egyébiránt a sáfárokban megkívántatik, az, hogy mindenik hívnek találtassék. 3 Rám nézve pedig igen csekély dolog, hogy ti tõletek ítéltessem meg, vagy emberi [ítélet]naptól; sõt magam sem ítélem meg magamat. 4 Mert semmit sem tudok magamra, de nem ebben vagyok megigazulva; a ki ugyanis engem megítél, az Úr az. 5 Azért idõ elõtt semmit se ítéljetek, míg el nem jõ az Úr, a ki egyrészt világra hozza a sötétségnek titkait, másrészt megjelenti a szíveknek tanácsait; és akkor mindenkinek az Istentõl lészen a dícsérete.
Indonesian(i) 1 Anggaplah kami pelayan-pelayan Kristus, yang bertanggung jawab memberitakan rencana-rencana Allah yang belum diketahui dunia. 2 Yang pertama-tama dituntut dari pelayan yang demikian adalah bahwa ia setia kepada tuannya. 3 Bagi saya, tidak menjadi soal apa yang kalian--atau siapa pun--juga pikirkan tentang diri saya. Malah apa yang saya sendiri pikirkan mengenai diri saya sendiri pun tidak menjadi soal. 4 Saya tidak merasa bersalah dalam hal apa pun juga, tetapi itu bukan bukti bahwa saya memang tidak bersalah. Tuhan sendirilah yang menentukan saya bersalah atau tidak. 5 Sebab itu, karena belum waktunya, janganlah kalian cepat-cepat menentukan bahwa seseorang bersalah atau tidak. Tunggulah sampai Tuhan datang nanti. Ialah yang akan membuka semua rahasia-rahasia yang tersembunyi dalam kegelapan. Ialah yang akan membongkar semua niat yang terpendam di dalam hati manusia. Pada waktu itu barulah setiap orang menerima dari Allah pujian yang patut diterimanya.
Italian(i) 1 COSÌ faccia l’uomo stima di noi, come di ministri di Cristo, e di dispensatori de’ misteri di Dio. 2 Ma nel resto ei si richiede ne’ dispensatori, che ciascuno sia trovato fedele. 3 Ora, quant’è a me, io tengo per cosa minima d’esser giudicato da voi, o da alcun giudicio umano; anzi, non pur mi giudico me stesso. 4 Perciocchè non mi sento nella coscienza colpevole di cosa alcuna; tuttavolta, non per questo sono giustificato; ma il Signore è quel che mi giudica. 5 Perciò, non giudicate di nulla innanzi al tempo, finchè sia venuto il Signore, il quale metterà in luce le cose occulte delle tenebre, e manifesterà i consigli de’ cuori; e allora ciascuno avrà la sua lode da Dio.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 1 Così ci stimi ognuno come dei ministri di Cristo e degli amministratori de’ misteri di Dio. 2 Del resto quel che si richiede dagli amministratori, è che ciascuno sia trovato fedele. 3 A me poi pochissimo importa d’esser giudicato da voi o da un tribunale umano; anzi, non mi giudico neppur da me stesso. 4 Poiché non ho coscienza di colpa alcuna; non per questo però sono giustificato; ma colui che mi giudica, è il Signore. 5 Cosicché non giudicate di nulla prima del tempo, finché sia venuto il Signore, il quale metterà in luce le cose occulte delle tenebre, e manifesterà i consigli de’ cuori; e allora ciascuno avrà la sua lode da Dio.
Japanese(i) 1 人よろしく我らをキリストの役者また神の奧義を掌どる家司のごとく思ふべし。 2 さて家司に求むべきは忠實ならん事なり。 3 我は汝らに審かれ、或は人の審判によりて審かるることを最小き事とし、また自らも己を審かず。 4 我みづから責むべき所あるを覺えねど、之に由りて義とせらるる事なければなり。我を審きたまふ者は主なり。 5 然れば主の來り給ふまでは時に先だちて審判すな。主は暗にある隱れたる事を明かにし、心の謀計をあらはし給はん。その時おのおの神より其の譽を得べし。
Kabyle(i) 1 Ilaq a ɣ-ḥesben yemdanen belli d iqeddacen kan n Lmasiḥ i nella, d wid i gwekkel Sidi Ṛebbi i wessefhem n lbaḍna-ines. 2 Acu i nețṛaǧu deg win i nwekkel ɣef lḥaǧa ? Nețṛaǧu a nețkel fell-as! 3 Nekk, ur iyi-d-tewqiɛ ara ma yella tesḍelmem-iyi kunwi neɣ ma isseḍlem-iyi ccṛeɛ n yemdanen; nekk daɣen ur sḍelmeɣ ara iman-iw, 4 ɣas akken ur iyi-isseḍlem ara wul-iw, mačči d ayagi ara d-isbeggnen belli d aḥeqqi i lliɣ, axaṭer d Sidi Ṛebbi ara yi-ḥasben. 5 Daymi ur țḥasabet ara uqbel lweqt, uqbel tuɣalin n Ssid-nneɣ; d nețța ara d-isbeggnen s tafat-is ayen yeffren di ṭṭlam, ara d-ibeggnen daɣen ayen yeffren deg wulawen. Imiren yal yiwen ad isɛu ccan yuklal ɣer Sidi Ṛebbi.
Korean(i) 1 사람이 마땅히 우리를 그리스도의 일군이요 하나님의 비밀을 맡은 자로 여길지어다! 2 그리고 맡은 자들에게 구할 것은 충성이니라 3 너희에게나 다른 사람에게나 판단 받는 것이 내게는 매우 작은 일이라 나도 나를 판단치 아니하노니 4 내가 자책할 아무것도 깨닫지 못하나 그러나 이를 인하여 의롭다 함을 얻지 못하노라 다만 나를 판단하실 이는 주시니라 5 그러므로 때가 이르기 전 곧 주께서 오시기까지 아무 것도 판단치 말라 그가 어두움에 감추인 것들을 드러내고 마음의 뜻을 나타내시리니 그때에 각 사람에게 하나님께로부터 칭찬이 있으리라
Latvian(i) 1 Tātad lai katrs cilvēks mūs atzīst par Kristus kalpiem un Dieva noslēpumu pārvaldniekiem. 2 No pārvaldniekiem jau prasa, lai katrs būtu uzticams. 3 Bet tas man nav svarīgi, ka jūs vai kāda cilvēku tiesa mani tiesā, bet arī pats sevi es netiesāju. 4 Jo es gan nekā neapzinos, bet tas mani vēl neattaisno. Kungs ir mans tiesnesis. 5 Tāpēc netiesājiet pirms laika, kamēr atnāks Kungs. Viņš apgaismos tumsību noslēpumus un atklās siržu nodomus, un tad katram būs gods no Dieva.
Lithuanian(i) 1 Tegul kiekvienas laiko mus Kristaus tarnais ir Dievo paslapčių tvarkytojais. 2 O iš tvarkytojų reikalaujama, kad būtų ištikimi. 3 Man mažai rūpi, ką jūs ar žmonių teismas spręstų apie mane. Ir aš pats savęs neteisiu. 4 Nors nematau nieko netinkamo savyje, bet tuo dar nesu išteisintas. Mano teisėjas yra Viešpats. 5 Todėl neteiskite nieko prieš laiką, iki ateis Viešpats, kuris nušvies, kas tamsoje paslėpta, ir atskleis širdžių sumanymus. Tada kiekvienam teks pagyrimas iš Dievo.
PBG(i) 1 Tak niechaj o nas człowiek rozumie, jako o sługach Chrystusowych i o szafarzach tajemnic Bożych. 2 A tegoć więc szukają przy szafarzach, aby każdy znaleziony był wiernym. 3 Aleć u mnie to jest najmniejsza, żebym był od was sądzony, albo od sądu ludzkiego; lecz i sam siebie nie sądzę. 4 Albowiem choć nic na się nie wiem, wszakże nie przeto jestem usprawiedliwiony; ale ten, który mnie sądzi, Pan jest. 5 A tak nie sądźcie przed czasem, ażby Pan przyszedł, który też oświeci, co skrytego jest w ciemności i objawi rady serc; a tedy każdy będzie miał chwałę od Boga.
Portuguese(i) 1 Que os homens nos considerem, pois, como ministros de Cristo, e despenseiros dos mistérios de Deus. 2 Ora, além disso, o que se requer nos despenseiros é que cada um seja encontrado fiel. 3 Todavia, a mim mui pouco se me dá de ser julgado por vós, ou por qualquer tribunal humano; nem eu tampouco a mim mesmo me julgo. 4 Porque, embora em nada me sinta culpado, nem por isso sou justificado; pois quem me julga é o Senhor. 5 Portanto nada julgueis antes do tempo, até que venha o Senhor, o qual não só trará à luz as coisas ocultas das trevas, mas também manifestará os desígnios dos corações; e então cada um receberá de Deus o seu louvor.
Norwegian(i) 1 Således akte I oss som Kristi tjenere og husholdere over Guds hemmeligheter! 2 For øvrig kreves det av husholdere at de må finnes tro. 3 Men for mig har det lite å si å dømmes av eder eller av en menneskelig domstol; ja, jeg dømmer mig ikke engang selv; 4 for vel vet jeg intet med mig selv, men dermed er jeg ikke rettferdiggjort; men den som dømmer mig, er Herren. 5 Døm derfor ikke noget før tiden, før Herren kommer, han som også skal føre frem for lyset det som har vært skjult i mørket, og åpenbare hjertenes råd; og da skal enhver få sin ros av Gud.
Romanian(i) 1 Iată cum trebuie să fim priviţi noi: ca nişte slujitori ai lui Hristos, şi ca nişte ispravnici ai tainelor lui Dumnezeu. 2 Încolo, ce se cere dela ispravnici, este ca fiecare să fie găsit credincios în lucrul încredinţat lui. 3 Cît despre mine, prea puţin îmi pasă dacă sînt judecat de voi sau de un scaun omenesc de judecată. Ba încă, nici eu însumi nu mă mai judec pe mine. 4 Căci n'am nimic împotriva mea; totuş nu pentru aceasta sînt socotit neprihănit: Cel ce mă judecă, este Domnul. 5 De aceea să nu judecaţi nimic înainte de vreme, pînă va veni Domnul, care va scoate la lumină lucrurile ascunse în întunerec, şi va descoperi gîndurile inimilor. Atunci, fiecare îşi va căpăta lauda dela Dumnezeu.
Ukrainian(i) 1 Нехай кожен нас так уважає, якби служителів Христових і доморядників Божих таємниць; 2 а що ще шукається в доморядниках, щоб кожен був знайдений вірним. 3 А для мене то найменше, щоб судили мене ви чи суд людський, бо я й сам не суджу себе. 4 Я бо проти себе нічого не знаю, але цим не виправдуюсь; Той же, Хто судить мене, то Господь. 5 Тому не судіть передчасно нічого, аж поки не прийде Господь, що й висвітлить таємниці темряви та виявить задуми сердець, і тоді кожному буде похвала від Бога.
UkrainianNT(i) 1 Так нас нехай вважає чоловік, яко слуг Христових, і доморядників тайн Божих. 2 Ще ж до того від доморядників вимагають, щоб кожного знайдено вірним. 3 Та се в мене найменша річ, щоб мене судили ви або людський суд; ні, я й сам себе не суджу. 4 Бо нічого на себе не знаю, та сим я не оправдуюсь; суддя ж мій Бог. 5 Тимже ні про що перше часу не судіть, доки прийде Господь, котрий висьвітить сховане в темряві і виявить думки сердець; а тоді похвала, буде кожному від Бога,
SBL Greek NT Apparatus

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