
WestSaxon990(i) 1 [Note: Lucas boc ðæs halgan godspelleres. B. Her ongin .. lucas Boc Ðæs halgan godspelleres. C. Ðis god-spel ge-byrað on midde sumeres mæsseæfen. Fuit in diebus herodis regis. A. ] Forþam ðe witodlice manega þohton þara þinga race geende-byrdan þe on üs gefyllede synt. 2 swa us betæhtun ða þe hyt of frymðe gesäwon. & þære spræce þënas wæron; 3 Me ge-þuhte geornlice eallum oð ëndebyrdnesse writan þe; þü se sëlusta theöphilus 4 þt ðu oncnäwe þara worda soþfæstnesse of ðam ðe þu gelæred eart; 5 On herodes dagum iudëa cyninges. wæs sum sacerd on naman zacharias of abian tüne. & his wïf wæs of äärones dohtrum. & hyre nama wæs elizabeth; 6 Soðlice hig wæron butu riht-wise be-foran gode. gangende on eallum his bebodum & rihtwisnessum butan wrohte. 7 & hig næfdon nan bearn. forðam ðe. elizabeth wæs unberende. & hy on heora dagum butu forð-eodon; 8 Soðlice wæs geworden þa zacharias his sacerdes hades breäc on hys gewrixles endebyrdnesse beforan gode. 9 æfter gewunan ðæs sacerdhades hlotes. he eöde þæt he hys offrunga sette; Ða he on godes tempel eode 10 eall werod þæs folces wæs üte gebiddende on þære offrunga tïman; 11 Ðä ætywde him drihtnes engel standende on þæs weofodes swyðran healfe; 12 Ða wearð zacharias gedrëfed þt geseonde & him ege on-hreas; 13 Ða cwæð se engel him to. ne ondræd þu þe zacharias. forþam þin bën ys gehyred & þin wïf elizabeth þe sunu cenð. & þu nemst hys naman Iohannes. 14 & he byð þe to gefëan & to blisse. & manega on his acennednysse gefagniað; 15 Soðlice he byð mære beforan drihtne & he ne drincð wïn. ne beör. & he byð gefylled on haligum gaste. þonne gÿt of hys modor innoðe. 16 & manega israhela bearna he gecyrð to drihtne hyra gode. 17 & he gæð toforan him on gaste. & elïas mihte. þt he fædera heortan to heora bearnum gecyrre. & ungeleaffulle to riht-wisra gleawscype. drihtne full-fremed folc gegearwian; 18 Ða cwæð zacharias to þam engele. hwanun wät ic þis; Ic eom nu eald & mïn wïf on hyre dagum forð-eöde; 19 Ða andswarode him se engel; Ic eom gabriel ic þe stande beforan gode. & ic eom asend wið þe sprecan. & þe ðis bodian; 20 And nu þu byst suwiende. & þu sprecan ne miht. oð þone dæg þe ðas ðing gewurðaþ. forþam þü mïnum wordum ne gelyfdest. þa beoð on hyra tïman gefyllede; 21 And þt folc wæs zachariam geanbidiende & wundrodon þt he on þam temple læt wæs; 22 Ða he üt-eöde ne mihte he him to sprecan. & hig on-cneowon þt he on þam temple sume gesihtðe geseah. & he wæs bicniende him & düm þurh-wunede; 23 Ða wæs geworden þa his þenunga dagas. gefyllede wæron. he ferde to his huse; 24 Soðlice æfter dagum elizabeth his wïf ge-eacnode & heo bediglude hig fïf monþas & cwæð; 25 Soðlice me drihten gedyde þus. on þam dagum þe he geseah minne hosp betux mannum afyrran. 26 [Note: Ðis sceal on wodnes dæg to þam ymbrene ær mydda wyntran. Missus est angelus gabrihel. A. Missus est gabriel angelus a deo in ciuitatem galileæ. B. ] Soþlice on þam syxtan monðe wæs äsend gabriel se engel fram drihtne on galilea ceastre. þære nama wæs nazarëth. 27 to beweddudre fæmnan änum were. þæs nama wæs iosep. of dauides hüse. & þære fæmnan nama wæs maria. 28 Ða cwæþ se engel ingangende. häl wes ðü mid gyfe gefylled. drihten mid þe; Ðu eart gebletsud on wifum. 29 þa wearð heo on his spræce gedrëfed. & þohte hwæt seo greting wære; 30 Ða cwæð se engel. ne ondræd þu ðe marïa; Soðlice þu gyfe mid gode gemettest; 31 Soðlice nu þu on innoðe ge-eacnast. & sunu censt & his naman hælend genemnest; 32 Se byð mære & þæs hehstan sunu genemned. & him sylþ drihten göd his fæder. dauides setl. 33 & he ricsað on ecnesse on Iacobes hüse. & hys rïces ënde ne byþ; 34 Ða cwæð maria to þam engle. hu gewyrð þis forðam ic were ne on-cnäwe; 35 Ða &swarode hyre se engel; Se halga gast on þe becymþ & þæs heahstan miht þe ofer-sceadað. & forðam þt hälige ðe of þe acenned byð byþ godes sunu genemned 36 & nu elizabeth þin mæge sunu on hyre ÿlde ge-eacnode. & þe monað ys hyre sixta. seo is ünberende genemned. 37 forþam nis ælc wörd mid göde ünmihtelic; 38 Ða cwæþ marïa her is drihtnes þïnen. gewurþe me æfter þïnum wörde. & se engel hyre fram gewat. 39 [Note: Ðys gebyrað on frige dæg to þam ylcan fæstene. Exsurgens autem maria. A. Exurgens maria abiit in montana cum festinacione. B. ] Soþlice on þam dagum aräs maria & ferde on munt-land mid ofste. on iudeisce ceastre 40 & eode into zacharias hüse & grete elizabeth; 41 Ða wæs geworden þa elizabeth gehyrde marïan gretinge. þa gefagnude þt cïld on hyre innoðe; And þa wearð elizabeth halegum gaste gefylled. 42 & heo clypode micelre stëfne. & cwæþ; Ðu eart betwux wïfum gebletsod. & gebletsud ys þïnes innoðes wæstm. 43 & hwanun is me ðis þt mines drihtnes modor to me cume; 44 Sona swa þinre gretinge stefn on minum earum gewörden wæs. þa fahnude mïn cild. on minum innoþe; 45 And eadïg þu eart ðu þe gelyfdest þt fulfremede sÿnd. þa ðing þe ðe fram drihtne gesæde synd; 46 Ða cwæð maria min sawl mærsaþ drihten; 47 And min gast geblissude on gode minum hælende; 48 Forðam þe he geseah hys þinene eadmodnesse; Soþlice heonun-forð më eadige secgað ealle cneoressa. 49 forðam þe me micele þing dyde se ðe mihtig is. & hys nama ys hälig 50 & hys mild-heortnes of cneoresse on cneoresse hyne ondrædendum. 51 He worhte [mægne] on hys earme. he to-dælde þa ofer-mödan. On möde hyra heörtan; 52 He awearp þa rïcan of setle. & ða eaðmodan up ahöf; 53 Hingriende he mid gödum gefylde. & ofer-möde idele for-lët; 54 He afeng israhel hys cniht. & gemunde hys mildheortnesse; 55 Swa he spræc to ürum fæderum abrahame & hys sæde on ä woruld; 56 [Note: Ðys gebyrað on myd-sumeres mæsse-dæg. Elizabeth autem impletum est tempus pariendi. A. ] Soþlice maria wunude mid hyre swylce þrÿ monþas. & gewende þa to hyre huse; 57 Ða wæs gefylled elizabethe cenning-tïd. & heo sunu cende. 58 & hyre nehcheburas & hyre cuðan þt gehyrdon þt drihten hys mild-heort-nesse mid hyre mærsude. & hig mid hyre blissodon; 59 Ða on þam ehteoþan dæge hig comon þt cild ymsniþan. & nemdon hyne hys fæder naman zachariam. 60 Ða andswarode his modor nese soþes. ac he byð iohannes genemned; 61 Ða cwædon hig to hyre. nis nän on þïnre mægðe þyson naman genemned; 62 Ða bicnodon hi to hys fæder hwæt he wolde hine genemnedne bëon. 63 þa wrät he gebedenum wex-brede; Iohannes is hys nama; Ða wundrodon hig ealle; 64 Ða wearð sona hys muð & hys tunge geopenod & he spræc drihten bletsiende; 65 Ða wearð ege geworden ofer ealle hyra nehcheburas. & ofer ealle iudëa munt-länd. wæron þas wörd gewid-mærsode. 66 & ealle þa ðe hit gehyrdon on heora heortan settun & cwædon; Wenstu hwæt byð þes cnapa. witodlice drihtenes hand wæs mid him; 67 And zacharias his fæder wæs mid halegum gaste afylled. & he witegode & cwæþ; 68 Gebletsud sï drihten israhela god. forþam þe he geneosode. & his folces alysednesse dyde; 69 & he üs hæle horn arærde. on dauides huse hys cnihtes; 70 Swa he spræc þurh hys halegra witegena muð. þa he of worldes frymðe spræcon. 71 & he alysde us of urum feondum. & of ealra þara handa þe üs hatedon; 72 Mildheortnesse to wyrcænne mid ürum fæderum. & gemunan his halegan cyþnesse; 73 Hyne us to syllenne þone að. þe he ürum fæder abrahame swör. 74 þt we butan ege of üre feonda handa alÿsede him þeowian. 75 On halignesse beforan him. eallum urum dagum; 76 And þu cnapa byst þæs hehstan witega genemned. þu gæst beforan drihtnes ansyne. his wegas gearwian; 77 To syllenne his folce hys hæle gewit on hyra synna. forgyfnesse; 78 Þurh innoþas üres godes mildheortnesse. on þam he üs geneosode of east-dæle up-springende; 79 Onlihtan þam þe on ðystrum & on dëaþes sceade sittað. ure fët to gereccenne on sybbe weg; 80 Soþlice se cnapa weöx. & wæs on gäste gestrangod. & wæs on westenum oþ þone dæg hys æt-iwednessum ON ISRAHEL;