Matthew 9:18-26

  18 G2980 While G846 he G2980 told G5023 these things G2980 to G846 them, G2400 behold, G758 a ruler G2064 came G2064 and G4352 worshiped G846 him, G3754 saying, G3450 "My G2364 daughter G737 has just G5053 died, G235 but G2064 come and G2007 lay G4675 your G5495 hand G1909 on G846 her, G2532 and G2198 she will live."
  19 G2424 Jesus G2532 got G2532 up G2532 and G190 followed G846 him, G846 as did his G3101 disciples.
  20 G2400 Behold, G1135 a woman G131 who had an issue of blood G1427 for twelve G2094 years G4334 came G3693 behind G680 him, and touched G2899 the fringe G2440 of G846 his G2440 garment;
  21 G1063 for G3004 she said G1722 within G1438 herself, G1437 "If G3440 I just G680 touch G846 his G2440 garment, G4982 I will be made well."
  22 G1161 But G2424 Jesus, G1994 turning around G2532 and G1492 seeing G846 her, G2036 said, G2364 "Daughter, G2293 cheer G4675 up! Your G4102 faith G4982 has made G4571 you G4982 well." G2532 And G1135 the woman G4982 was made well G575 from G1565 that G5610 hour.
  23 G2064 When G2424 Jesus G2064 came G1519 into G758 the ruler's G3614 house, G2532 and G1492 saw G834 the flute players, G2532 and G3793 the crowd G2350 in noisy disorder,
  24 G3004 he said G846 to them, G402 "Make room, G1063 because G2877 the girl G3756 isn't G599 dead, G235 but G2518 sleeping." G2532 They G2606 were ridiculing G846 him.
  25 G1161 But G3753 when G3793 the crowd G1544 was put out, G2902 he entered in, took G846 her G5495 by the hand, G2532 and G2877 the girl G1453 arose.
  26 G2532 The G5345 report G3778 of this G2532 went out G1519 into G3650 all G1565 that G1093 land.