Revelation 10

  1 G2532 And G1492 I saw [G5627]   G243 another G2478 mighty G32 angel G2597 come down [G5723]   G1537 from G3772 heaven G4016 , clothed [G5772]   G3507 with a cloud G2532 : and G2463 a rainbow G1909 was upon G846 his G2776 head G2532 , and G846 his G4383 face G5613 was as it were G2246 the sun G2532 , and G846 his G4228 feet G5613 as G4769 pillars G4442 of fire:
  2 G2532 And G2192 he had [G5707]   G1722 in G846 his G5495 hand G974 a little book G455 open [G5772]   G2532 : and G5087 he set [G5656]   G846 his G1188 right G4228 foot G1909 upon G2281 the sea G1161 , and G2176 his left G1909 foot on G1093 the earth,
  3 G2532 And G2896 cried [G5656]   G3173 with a loud G5456 voice G5618 , as G3023 when a lion G3455 roareth [G5736]   G2532 : and G3753 when G2896 he had cried [G5656]   G2033 , seven G1027 thunders G2980 uttered [G5656]   G1438 their G5456 voices.
  4 G2532 And G3753 when G2033 the seven G1027 thunders G2980 had uttered [G5656]   G1438 their G5456 voices G3195 , I was about [G5707]   G1125 to write [G5721]   G2532 : and G191 I heard [G5656]   G5456 a voice G1537 from G3772 heaven G3004 saying [G5723]   G3427 unto me G4972 , Seal up [G5657]   G3739 those things which G2033 the seven G1027 thunders G2980 uttered [G5656]   G2532 , and G1125 write [G5661]   G5023 them G3361 not.
  5 G2532 And G32 the angel G3739 which G1492 I saw [G5627]   G2476 stand [G5761]   G1909 upon G2281 the sea G2532 and G1909 upon G1093 the earth G142 lifted up [G5656]   G846 his G5495 hand G1519 to G3772 heaven,
  6 G2532 And G3660 sware [G5656]   G1722 by G2198 him that liveth [G5723]   G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever G3739 , who G2936 created [G5656]   G3772 heaven G2532 , and G1722 the things that therein are G846   G2532 , and G1093 the earth G2532 , and G1722 the things that therein are G846   G2532 , and G2281 the sea G2532 , and G1722 the things which are therein G846   G3754 , that G2071 there should be [G5704]   G5550 time G3756 no G2089 longer:
  7 G235 But G1722 in G2250 the days G5456 of the voice G1442 of the seventh G32 angel G3752 , when G3195 he shall begin [G5725]   G4537 to sound [G5721]   G2532 , G3466 the mystery G2316 of God G5055 should be finished [G5686]   G5613 , as G2097 he hath declared [G5656]   G1438 to his G1401 servants G4396 the prophets.
  8 G2532 And G5456 the voice G3739 which G191 I heard [G5656]   G1537 from G3772 heaven G2980 spake [G5723]   G3326 unto G1700 me G3825 again G2532 , and G3004 said [G5723]   G5217 , Go [G5720]   G2983 and take [G5628]   G974 the little book G3588 which G455 is open [G5772]   G1722 in G5495 the hand G32 of the angel G3588 which G2476 standeth [G5761]   G1909 upon G2281 the sea G2532 and G1909 upon G1093 the earth.
  9 G2532 And G565 I went [G5627]   G4314 unto G32 the angel G3004 , and said [G5723]   G846 unto him G1325 , Give [G5628]   G3427 me G974 the little book G2532 . And G3004 he said [G5719]   G3427 unto me G2983 , Take [G5628]   G2532 it, and G2719 eat G846 it G2719 up [G5628]   G2532 ; and it G4087 shall make G4675 thy G2836 belly G4087 bitter [G5692]   G235 , but G2071 it shall be [G5704]   G1722 in G4675 thy G4750 mouth G1099 sweet G5613 as G3192 honey.
  10 G2532 And G2983 I took [G5627]   G974 the little book G1537 out of G32 the angel's G5495 hand G2532 , and G2719 ate G846 it G2719 up [G5627]   G2532 ; and G2258 it was [G5713]   G1722 in G3450 my G4750 mouth G1099 sweet G5613 as G3192 honey G2532 : and G3753 as soon as G5315 I had eaten [G5627]   G846 it G3450 , my G2836 belly G4087 was bitter [G5681]  .
  11 G2532 And G3004 he said [G5719]   G3427 unto me G4571 , Thou G1163 must [G5748]   G4395 prophesy [G5658]   G3825 again G1909 before G4183 many G2992 peoples G2532 , and G1484 nations G2532 , and G1100 tongues G2532 , and G935 kings.
  1 G2532 και And G1492 (G5627) ειδον I Saw G243 αλλον Another G32 αγγελον Angel G2478 ισχυρον Strong G2597 (G5723) καταβαινοντα Coming Down G1537 εκ Out G3588 του Of The G3772 ουρανου Heaven, G4016 (G5772) περιβεβλημενον Clothed With G3507 νεφελην A Cloud, G2532 και And G2463 ιρις A Rainbow G1909 επι On G3588 της The G2776 κεφαλης Head, G2532 και And G3588 το   G4383 προσωπον   G846 αυτου His Face G5613 ως As G3588 ο The G2246 ηλιος Sun, G2532 και And G3588 οι   G4228 ποδες   G846 αυτου His Feet G5613 ως As G4769 στυλοι Pillars G4442 πυρος Of Fire,
  2 G2532 και And G2192 (G5707) ειχεν He Had G1722 εν In G3588 τη   G5495 χειρι   G846 αυτου His Hand G974 βιβλαριδιον A Little Book G455 (G5772) ανεωγμενον Open. G2532 και And G5087 (G5656) εθηκεν He Placed G3588 τον   G4228 ποδα   G846 αυτου   G3588 τον His Foot G1188 δεξιον Right G1909 επι Upon G3588 την The G2281 θαλασσαν Sea, G3588 τον   G1161 δε And The G2176 ευωνυμον Left G1909 επι Upon G3588 την The G1093 γην Earth,
  3 G2532 και And G2896 (G5656) εκραξεν Cried G5456 φωνη With A Voice G3173 μεγαλη Loud G5618 ωσπερ As G3023 λεων A Lion G3455 (G5736) μυκαται Roars. G2532 και And G3753 οτε When G2896 (G5656) εκραξεν He Cried, G2980 (G5656) ελαλησαν Spoke G3588 αι The G2033 επτα Seven G1027 βρονται Thunders G3588 τας   G1438 εαυτων   G5456 φωνας Their Voices.
  4 G2532 και And G3753 οτε When G2980 (G5656) ελαλησαν Spoke G3588 αι The G2033 επτα Seven G1027 βρονται Thunders G3588 τας   G5456 φωνας   G1438 εαυτων Their Voices, G3195 (G5707) εμελλον I Was About G1125 (G5721) γραφειν To Write : G2532 και And G191 (G5656) ηκουσα I Heard G5456 φωνην A Voice G1537 εκ Out G3588 του Of The G3772 ουρανου Heaven, G3004 (G5723) λεγουσαν Saying G3427 μοι To Me, G4972 (G5657) σφραγισον Seal G3739 α What "things" G2980 (G5656) ελαλησαν Spoke G3588 αι The G2033 επτα Seven G1027 βρονται Thunders, G2532 και And G3361 μη Not G5023 ταυτα Them G1125 (G5661) γραψης Write.
  5 G2532 και And G3588 ο The G32 αγγελος Angel G3739 ον Whom G1492 (G5627) ειδον I Saw G2476 (G5761) εστωτα Standing G1909 επι On G3588 της The G2281 θαλασσης Sea G2532 και And G1909 επι On G3588 της The G1093 γης Earth, G142 (G5656) ηρεν Lifted Up G3588 την   G5495 χειρα   G846 αυτου His Hand G1519 εις To G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven,
  6 G2532 και And G3660 (G5656) ωμοσεν Sware G1722 εν By G3588 τω Him Who G2198 (G5723) ζωντι Lives G1519 εις To G3588 τους The G165 αιωνας Ages G3588 των Of The G165 αιωνων Ages, G3739 ος Who G2936 (G5656) εκτισεν Created G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven G2532 και And G3588 τα The Things G1722 εν In G846 αυτω It, G2532 και And G3588 την The G1093 γην Earth G2532 και And G3588 τα The Things G1722 εν In G846 αυτη It, G2532 και And G3588 την The G2281 θαλασσαν Sea G2532 και And G3588 τα The Things G1722 εν In G846 αυτη   G3754 οτι It, G5550 χρονος Time G3756 ουκ No G2071 (G5704) εσται Shall G2089 ετι Be Longer;
  7 G235 αλλα But G1722 εν In G3588 ταις The G2250 ημεραις Days G3588 της Of The G5456 φωνης Voice G3588 του Of The G1442 εβδομου Seventh G32 αγγελου Angel, G3752 οταν When G3195 (G5725) μελλη He Is About G4537 (G5721) σαλπιζειν To Sound "the" Trumpet, G2532 και Also G5055 (G5686) τελεσθη Should Be Completed G3588 το The G3466 μυστηριον   G3588 του Mystery G2316 θεου Of God, G5613 ως As G2097 (G5656) ευηγγελισεν He Did Announce The Glad Tidings To G3588 τοις   G1438 εαυτου   G1401 δουλοις His Bondmen G3588 τοις The G4396 προφηταις Prophets.
  8 G2532 και And G3588 η The G5456 φωνη Voice G3739 ην Which G191 (G5656) ηκουσα I Heard G1537 εκ Out Of G3588 του The G3772 ουρανου Heaven "was" G3825 παλιν Again G2980 (G5723) λαλουσα Speaking G3326 μετ With G1700 εμου Me, G2532 και And G3004 (G5723) λεγουσα Saying, G5217 (G5720) υπαγε Go, G2983 (G5628) λαβε Take G3588 το The G974 βιβλαριδιον Little Book G3588 το Which G455 (G5772) ηνεωγμενον Is Open G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G5495 χειρι Hand G32 αγγελου Of "the" Angel G3588 του Who G2476 (G5761) εστωτος Is Standing G1909 επι On G3588 της The G2281 θαλασσης Sea G2532 και And G1909 επι On G3588 της The G1093 γης Earth.
  9 G2532 και And G565 (G5627) απηλθον I Went G4314 προς To G3588 τον The G32 αγγελον Angel, G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying G846 αυτω To Him, G1325 (G5628) δος Give G3427 μοι Me G3588 το The G974 βιβλαριδιον Little Book. G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγει He Says G3427 μοι To Me, G2983 (G5628) λαβε Take G2532 και And G2719 (G5628) καταφαγε Eat Up G846 αυτο It : G2532 και And G4087 (G5692) πικρανει It Shall Make Bitter G4675 σου   G3588 την Thy G2836 κοιλιαν Belly, G235 αλλ But G1722 εν In G3588 τω   G4750 στοματι   G4675 σου Thy Mouth G2071 (G5704) εσται It Shall Be G1099 γλυκυ Sweet G5613 ως As G3192 μελι Honey.
  10 G2532 και And G2983 (G5627) ελαβον I Took G3588 το The G974 βιβλαριδιον Little Book G1537 εκ Out Of G3588 της The G5495 χειρος Hand G3588 του Of The G32 αγγελου Angel, G2532 και And G2719 (G5627) κατεφαγον Ate Up G846 αυτο It; G2532 και And G2258 (G5713) ην It Was G1722 εν In G3588 τω   G4750 στοματι   G3450 μου My Mouth G5613 ως As G3192 μελι Honey G1099 γλυκυ Sweet; G2532 και And G3753 οτε When G5315 (G5627) εφαγον I Did Eat G846 αυτο It, G4087 (G5681) επικρανθη Was Made Bitter G3588 η   G2836 κοιλια   G3450 μου My Belly.
  11 G2532 και And G3004 (G5719) λεγει He Says G3427 μοι To Me, G1163 (G5904) δει Thou G4571 σε Must G3825 παλιν Again G4395 (G5658) προφητευσαι Prophecy G1909 επι As To G2992 λαοις Peoples, G2532 και And G1484 εθνεσιν Nations, G2532 και And G1100 γλωσσαις Tongues, G2532 και And G935 βασιλευσιν Kings G4183 πολλοις Many.