Luke 18:35-43

  35 G1161 And G1096 it came to pass [G5633]   G1722 , that as G846 he G1448 was come nigh [G5721]   G1519 unto G2410 Jericho G5100 , a certain G5185 blind man G2521 sat [G5711]   G3844 by G3598 the way side G4319 begging [G5723]  :
  36 G1161 And G191 hearing [G5660]   G3793 the multitude G1279 pass by [G5740]   G4441 , he asked [G5711]   G5101 what G5124 it G1498 meant [G5751]  .
  37 G1161 And G518 they told [G5656]   G846 him G3754 , that G2424 Jesus G3480 of Nazareth G3928 passeth by [G5736]  .
  38 G2532 And G994 he cried [G5656]   G3004 , saying [G5723]   G2424 , Jesus G5207 , thou Son G1138 of David G1653 , have mercy [G5657]   G3165 on me.
  39 G2532 And G4254 they which went before [G5723]   G2008 rebuked [G5707]   G846 him G2443 , that G4623 he should hold his peace [G5661]   G1161 : but G846 he G2896 cried [G5707]   G4183 so much G3123 the more G5207 , Thou Son G1138 of David G1653 , have mercy [G5657]   G3165 on me.
  40 G1161 And G2424 Jesus G2476 stood [G5685]   G2753 , and commanded [G5656]   G846 him G71 to be brought [G5683]   G4314 unto G846 him G1161 : and G846 when he G1448 was come near [G5660]   G1905 , he asked [G5656]   G846 him,
  41 G3004 Saying [G5723]   G5101 , What G2309 wilt thou [G5719]   G4160 that I shall do [G5661]   G4671 unto thee G1161 ? And G2036 he said [G5627]   G2962 , Lord G2443 , that G308 I may receive my sight [G5661]  .
  42 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto him G308 , Receive thy sight [G5657]   G4675 : thy G4102 faith G4982 hath saved [G5758]   G4571 thee.
  43 G2532 And G3916 immediately G308 he received his sight [G5656]   G2532 , and G190 followed [G5707]   G846 him G1392 , glorifying [G5723]   G2316 God G2532 : and G3956 all G2992 the people G1492 , when they saw [G5631]   G1325 it, gave [G5656]   G136 praise G2316 unto God.
  35 G1096 (G5633) εγενετο   G1161 δε   G1722 εν   G3588 τω And It Came To Pass G1448 (G5721) εγγιζειν   G846 αυτον As He Drew Near G1519 εις To G2410 ιεριχω Jericho, G5185 τυφλος A Blind "man" G5100 τις Certain G2521 (G5711) εκαθητο Sat G3844 παρα Beside G3588 την The G3598 οδον Way G4319 (G5723) προσαιτων Begging.
  36 G191 (G5660) ακουσας Having Heard G1161 δε And G3793 οχλου A Crowd G1279 (G5740) διαπορευομενου Passing Along G4441 (G5711) επυνθανετο He Asked G5101 τι What G1498 (G5751) ειη Might Be G5124 τουτο This.
  37 G518 (G5656) απηγγειλαν   G1161 δε And They Told G846 αυτω   G3754 οτι Him, G2424 ιησους Jesus G3588 ο The G3480 ναζωραιος Nazarene G3928 (G5736) παρερχεται Is Passing By
  38 G2532 και And G994 (G5656) εβοησεν He Called Out G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G2424 ιησου Jesus, G5207 υιε Son G1138 δαβιδ Of David, G1653 (G5657) ελεησον Have Pity On G3165 με Me.
  39 G2532 και And G3588 οι Those G4254 (G5723) προαγοντες Going Before G2008 (G5707) επετιμων Rebuked G846 αυτω Him G2443 ινα That G4623 (G5661) σιωπηση He Should Be Silent, G846 αυτος   G1161 δε But He G4183 πολλω Much G3123 μαλλον More G2896 (G5707) εκραζεν Cried Out, G5207 υιε Son G1138 δαβιδ Of David, G1653 (G5657) ελεησον Have Pity On G3165 με Me.
  40 G2476 (G5685) σταθεις   G1161 δε   G3588 ο And Having Stopped G2424 ιησους Jesus G2753 (G5656) εκελευσεν Commanded G846 αυτον Him G71 (G5683) αχθηναι To Be Brought G4314 προς To G846 αυτον Him. G1448 (G5660) εγγισαντος   G1161 δε And Having Drawn Near G846 αυτου He G1905 (G5656) επηρωτησεν Asked G846 αυτον Him,
  41 G3004 (G5723) λεγων Saying, G5101 τι What G4671 σοι To Thee G2309 (G5719) θελεις Desirest Thou G4160 (G5661) ποιησω   G3588 ο I Shall Do? G1161 δε And He G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said, G2962 κυριε Lord, G2443 ινα That G308 (G5661) αναβλεψω I May Receive Sight.
  42 G2532 και   G3588 ο And G2424 ιησους Jesus G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G846 αυτω To Him, G308 (G5657) αναβλεψον   G3588 η Receive Sight : G4102 πιστις   G4675 σου Thy Faith G4982 (G5758) σεσωκεν Hath Healed G4571 σε Thee.
  43 G2532 και And G3916 παραχρημα Immediately G308 (G5656) ανεβλεψεν He Received Sight, G2532 και And G190 (G5707) ηκολουθει Followed G846 αυτω Him, G1392 (G5723) δοξαζων   G3588 τον Glorifying G2316 θεον God. G2532 και And G3956 πας All G3588 ο The G2992 λαος People G1492 (G5631) ιδων Having Seen "it" G1325 (G5656) εδωκεν Gave G136 αινον   G3588 τω Praise G2316 θεω To God.