Joshua 11:1-9

  1 H2985 And it came to pass, when Jabin H4428 king H2674 of Hazor H8085 had heard H7971 those things, that he sent H3103 to Jobab H4428 king H4068 of Madon, H4428 and to the king H8110 of Shimron, H4428 and to the king H407 of Achshaph,
  2 H4428 And to the kings H6828 that were on the north H2022 of the mountains, H6160 and of the plains H5045 south H3672 of Chinneroth, H8219 and in the valley, H5299 and in the borders H1756 of Dor H3220 on the west,
  3 H3669 And to the Canaanite H4217 on the east H3220 and on the west, H567 and to the Amorite, H2850 and the Hittite, H6522 and the Perizzite, H2983 and the Jebusite H2022 in the mountains, H2340 and to the Hivite H2768 under Hermon H776 in the land H4709 of Mizpeh.
  4 H3318 And they went out, H4264 they and all their hosts H7227 with them, much H5971 people, H2344 even as the sand H3220 that is upon the sea H8193 shore H7230 in multitude, H5483 with horses H7393 and chariots H3966 very H7227 many.
  5 H4428 And when all these kings H3259 were met together, H935 they came H2583 and pitched H3162 together H4325 at the waters H4792 of Merom, H3898 to fight H3478 against Israel.
  6 H3068 And the Lord H559 said H3091 unto Joshua, H3372 Be not afraid H6440 because H4279 of them: for to morrow H6256 about this time H5414 will I deliver them up H2491 all slain H6440 before H3478 Israel: H6131 you shall hamstring H5483 their horses, H8313 and burn H4818 their chariots H784 with fire.
  7 H3091 So Joshua H935 came, H5971 and all the people H4421 of war H4325 with him, against them by the waters H4792 of Merom H6597 suddenly; H5307 and they fell upon them.
  8 H3068 And the Lord H5414 delivered H3027 them into the hand H3478 of Israel, H5221 who struck H7291 them, and chased H7227 them unto great H6721 Zidon, H4956 and unto Misrephoth–maim, H1237 and unto the valley H4708 of Mizpeh H4217 eastward; H5221 and they struck H7604 them, until they left H8300 them none remaining.
  9 H3091 And Joshua H6213 did H3068 unto them as the Lord H559 told H6131 him: he hamstrung H5483 their horses, H8313 and burnt H4818 their chariots H784 with fire.