Esther 4:11-17

  11 H4428 All the king's H5650 servants, H5971 and the people H4428 of the king's H4082 provinces, H3045 [H8802] do know, H376 that whoever, whether man H802 or woman, H935 [H8799] shall come H4428 to the king H6442 into the inner H2691 court, H7121 [H8735] who is not called, H259 there is one H1881 law H4191 [H8687] of his to put him to death, H905 except H4428 him to whom the king H3447 [H8686] shall hold out H2091 the golden H8275 sceptre, H2421 [H8804] that he may live: H7121 [H8738] but I have not been called H935 [H8800] to come in H4428 to the king H7970 these thirty H3117 days.
  12 H5046 [H8686] And they told H4782 to Mordecai H635 Esther's H1697 words.
  13 H4782 Then Mordecai H559 [H8799] commanded H7725 [H8687] to answer H635 Esther, H1819 [H8762] Think H5315 not with thyself H4422 [H8736] that thou shalt escape H4428 in the king's H1004 house, H3064 more than all the Judeans.
  14 H2790 [H8687] For if thou shalt altogether H2790 [H8686] hold thy peace H6256 at this time, H7305 then shall there relief H2020 and deliverance H5975 [H8799] arise H3064 to the Judeans H312 from another H4725 place; H1 but thou and thy father's H1004 house H6 [H8799] shall be destroyed: H3045 [H8802] and who knoweth H5060 [H8689] whether thou hast come H4438 to the kingdom H6256 for such a time as this?
  15 H635 Then Esther H559 [H8799] told H7725 [H8687] them return H4782 Mordecai this answer,
  16 H3212 [H8798] Go, H3664 [H8798] gather H3064 all the Judeans H4672 [H8737] that are present H7800 in Shushan, H6684 [H8798] and fast H398 [H8799] ye for me, and neither eat H8354 [H8799] nor drink H7969 three H3117 days, H3915 night H3117 or day: H5291 I also and my damsels H6684 [H8799] will fast H3651 likewise; and so H935 [H8799] will I go H4428 in to the king, H1881 which is not according to the law: H6 [H8804] and if I perish, H6 [H8804] I perish.
  17 H4782 So Mordecai H5674 [H8799] went his way, H6213 [H8799] and did H635 according to all that Esther H6680 [H8765] had commanded him.