1 Samuel 30:4 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  4 H1732 Then David H5971 and the people H5375 [H8799] that were with him lifted up H6963 their voice H1058 [H8799] and wept H3581 , until they had no more power H1058 [H8800] to weep.

Genesis 37:33-35

  33 H5234 [H8686] And he knew it H559 [H8799] , and said H1121 , It is my son's H3801 coat H7451 ; an evil H2416 beast H398 [H8804] hath devoured H3130 him; Joseph H2963 [H8800] is without doubt H2963 [H8776] torn in pieces.
  34 H3290 And Jacob H7167 [H8799] tore H8071 his clothes H7760 [H8799] , and put H8242 sackcloth H4975 on his loins H56 [H8691] , and mourned H1121 for his son H7227 many H3117 days.
  35 H1121 And all his sons H1323 and all his daughters H6965 [H8799] rose up H5162 [H8763] to comfort H3985 [H8762] him; but he refused H5162 [H8692] to be comforted H559 [H8799] ; and he said H3381 [H8799] , For I will go down H7585 into the grave H1121 to my son H57 mourning H1 . Thus his father H1058 [H8799] wept for him.

Numbers 14:1

  1 H5712 And all the congregation H5375 [H8799] lifted up H6963 their voice H5414 [H8799] , and cried H5971 ; and the people H1058 [H8799] wept H3915 that night.

Numbers 14:39

  39 H4872 And Moses H1696 [H8762] told H1697 these sayings H1121 to all the children H3478 of Israel H5971 : and the people H56 [H8691] mourned H3966 greatly.

Judges 2:4

  4 H4397 And it came to pass, when the angel H3068 of the LORD H1696 [H8763] spoke H1697 these words H1121 to all the children H3478 of Israel H5971 , that the people H5375 [H8799] lifted up H6963 their voice H1058 [H8799] , and wept.

Judges 21:2

  2 H5971 And the people H935 [H8799] came H1004 to the house H430 H1008 [H8677] of God H3427 [H8799] , and abode H6153 there till evening H6440 before H430 God H5375 [H8799] , and lifted up H6963 their voices H1058 H1065 [H8799] , and wept H1419 bitterly;

1 Samuel 4:13

  13 H935 [H8799] And when he came H5941 , lo, Eli H3427 [H8802] sat H3678 upon a seat H1870 H3027 H3197 [H8675] by the way side H6822 [H8764] watching H3820 : for his heart H2730 trembled H727 for the ark H430 of God H376 . And when the man H935 [H8802] came H5892 into the city H5046 [H8687] , and told H5892 it, all the city H2199 [H8799] cried out.

1 Samuel 11:4

  4 H935 [H8799] Then came H4397 the messengers H1390 to Gibeah H7586 of Saul H1696 [H8762] , and told H1697 the tidings H241 in the ears H5971 of the people H5971 : and all the people H5375 [H8799] lifted up H6963 their voices H1058 [H8799] , and wept.

Ezra 10:1

  1 H5830 Now when Ezra H6419 [H8692] had prayed H3034 [H8692] , and when he had confessed H1058 [H8802] , weeping H5307 [H8693] and casting himself down H6440 before H1004 the house H430 of God H6908 [H8738] , there assembled H3478 to him out of Israel H3966 a very H7227 great H6951 congregation H582 of men H802 and women H3206 and children H5971 : for the people H1058 [H8804] wept H7235 [H8687] very H1059 bitterly.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.