Exodus 29:29 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  29 H6944 And the holy H899 garments H175 of Aaron H1121 shall be his sons H310 ' after H4888 him, to be anointed H4390 therein, and to be consecrated [H8763]   H3027   in them.

Exodus 28:3-4

  3 H1696 And thou shalt speak [H8762]   H2450 unto all that are wise H3820 hearted H4390 , whom I have filled [H8765]   H7307 with the spirit H2451 of wisdom H6213 , that they may make [H8804]   H175 Aaron's H899 garments H6942 to consecrate [H8763]   H3547 him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office [H8763]  .
  4 H899 And these are the garments H6213 which they shall make [H8799]   H2833 ; a breastplate H646 , and an ephod H4598 , and a robe H8665 , and a broidered H3801 coat H4701 , a mitre H73 , and a girdle H6213 : and they shall make [H8804]   H6944 holy H899 garments H175 for Aaron H251 thy brother H1121 , and his sons H3547 , that he may minister unto me in the priest's office [H8763]  .

Exodus 29:5-7

  5 H3947 And thou shalt take [H8804]   H899 the garments H3847 , and put [H8689]   H175 upon Aaron H3801 the coat H4598 , and the robe H646 of the ephod H646 , and the ephod H2833 , and the breastplate H640 , and gird [H8804]   H2805 him with the curious girdle H646 of the ephod:
  6 H7760 And thou shalt put [H8804]   H4701 the mitre H7218 upon his head H5414 , and put [H8804]   H6944 the holy H5145 crown H4701 upon the mitre.
  7 H3947 Then shalt thou take [H8804]   H4888 the anointing H8081 oil H3332 , and pour [H8804]   H7218 it upon his head H4886 , and anoint [H8804]   him.

Exodus 30:30

  30 H4886 And thou shalt anoint [H8799]   H175 Aaron H1121 and his sons H6942 , and consecrate [H8765]   H3547 them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office [H8763]  .

Exodus 40:15

  15 H4886 And thou shalt anoint [H8804]   H4886 them, as thou didst anoint [H8804]   H1 their father H3547 , that they may minister unto me in the priest's office [H8765]   H4888 : for their anointing H5769 shall surely be an everlasting H3550 priesthood H1755 throughout their generations.

Leviticus 8:7-12

  7 H5414 And he put [H8799]   H3801 upon him the coat H2296 , and girded [H8799]   H73 him with the girdle H3847 , and clothed [H8686]   H4598 him with the robe H5414 , and put [H8799]   H646 the ephod H2296 upon him, and he girded [H8799]   H2805 him with the curious girdle H646 of the ephod H640 , and bound [H8799]   it unto him therewith.
  8 H7760 And he put [H8799]   H2833 the breastplate H5414 upon him: also he put [H8799]   H2833 in the breastplate H224 the Urim H8550 and the Thummim.
  9 H7760 And he put [H8799]   H4701 the mitre H7218 upon his head H4701 ; also upon the mitre H6440 , even upon his forefront H4136   H7760 , did he put [H8799]   H2091 the golden H6731 plate H6944 , the holy H5145 crown H3068 ; as the LORD H6680 commanded [H8765]   H4872 Moses.
  10 H4872 And Moses H3947 took [H8799]   H4888 the anointing H8081 oil H4886 , and anointed [H8799]   H4908 the tabernacle H6942 and all that was therein, and sanctified [H8762]   them.
  11 H5137 And he sprinkled [H8686]   H4196 thereof upon the altar H7651 seven H6471 times H4886 , and anointed [H8799]   H4196 the altar H3627 and all his vessels H3595 , both the laver H3653 and his foot H6942 , to sanctify [H8763]   them.
  12 H3332 And he poured [H8799]   H4888 of the anointing H8081 oil H175 upon Aaron's H7218 head H4886 , and anointed [H8799]   H6942 him, to sanctify [H8763]   him.

Numbers 18:8

  8 H3068 And the LORD H1696 spake [H8762]   H175 unto Aaron H5414 , Behold, I also have given [H8804]   H4931 thee the charge H8641 of mine heave offerings H6944 of all the hallowed things H1121 of the children H3478 of Israel H5414 ; unto thee have I given [H8804]   H4888 them by reason of the anointing H1121 , and to thy sons H2706 , by an ordinance H5769 for ever.

Numbers 20:26-28

  26 H6584 And strip [H8685]   H175 Aaron H899 of his garments H3847 , and put [H8689]   H499 them upon Eleazar H1121 his son H175 : and Aaron H622 shall be gathered [H8735]   H4191 unto his people, and shall die [H8804]   there.
  27 H4872 And Moses H6213 did [H8799]   H3068 as the LORD H6680 commanded [H8765]   H5927 : and they went up [H8799]   H2022 into mount H2023 Hor H5869 in the sight H5712 of all the congregation.
  28 H4872 And Moses H6584 stripped [H8686]   H175 Aaron H899 of his garments H3847 , and put [H8686]   H499 them upon Eleazar H1121 his son H175 ; and Aaron H4191 died [H8799]   H7218 there in the top H2022 of the mount H4872 : and Moses H499 and Eleazar H3381 came down [H8799]   H2022 from the mount.

Numbers 35:25

  25 H5712 And the congregation H5337 shall deliver [H8689]   H7523 the slayer [H8802]   H3027 out of the hand H1350 of the revenger [H8802]   H1818 of blood H5712 , and the congregation H7725 shall restore [H8689]   H5892 him to the city H4733 of his refuge H5127 , whither he was fled [H8804]   H3427 : and he shall abide [H8804]   H4194 in it unto the death H1419 of the high H3548 priest H4886 , which was anointed [H8804]   H6944 with the holy H8081 oil.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.