Acts 26 Cross References - JMNT

1 So Agrippa affirms to Paul, "It is now permitted for you to proceed in speaking concerning [other MSS: over; on behalf of; = for] yourself." At that point Paul, while stretching out [his] hand, began to make a defense: 2 "King Agrippa, I have considered myself fortunate, happy and blessed at now being about to proceed in making a defense before you, today, concerning all [the] things of which I am being repeatedly charged (or: indicted) by [the] Jews, 3 "especially with you being an expert with personal experience and knowledge, being versed both [in] all the customs and also [the] questions (results of seeking [understanding], and, controversial issues) which relate to Jews (= Jewish culture and religion). For this reason, in my need I now beg you to listen and hear me with indulgence (or: being long before rushing into strong emotions; patiently). 4 "So then: all the Jews have seen and are thus acquainted with my kind of life, and its course, springing into being out of my youth with a beginning from within the midst of my nation (or: ethnic group), and more so within Jerusalem, 5 "previously having a personal acquaintance and intimate knowledge about me from that earlier period [so as] to continue testifying, giving witness one after another – if they would continue being willing – that in accord with the strictest sect (or: party) of this ritual and form of worship (or: religious discipline; system of external observances) of ours, I lived (or: I live) a Pharisee. 6 "And yet now I stand being repeatedly (or: constantly) judged (or: put on trial) based upon [the] expectation (or: hope) of the promise having been birthed into our fathers (= ancestors) by God – 7 "unto which [promise] our twelve-tribed [people], constantly rendering sacred service in earnest perseverance night and day, is continuously hoping and expecting to attain. Concerning this expectation I am now being indicted (or: charged) by the Jews, O king. 8 "Why does it continue being judged unbelievable (or: is it repeatedly decided [to be] incredible) among (or: by) you folks – since God periodically (or: habitually; constantly) raises dead people? 9 "Therefore within myself I, for one, used to think it to continue binding (or: had the opinion [that] it was then necessary) to commit (or: perform) many acts in opposition against the Name of Jesus, the Nazarene, 10 "which I did, even in Jerusalem. Furthermore, I myself also locked up many of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints) in prisons, receiving the authority from the chief (or: ranking) priests, and more than this, I brought down a pebble (= cast my vote) against them – when one after another they were being taken back to be killed. 11 "Then, while continuing in punishing them in vengeance – down through the [various] synagogues – I kept on trying to force (or: compel) [them] to blaspheme (speak abusively about [God]), besides keeping them in the midst of insane rage which completely surrounded them, and continued pressing forward to persecute [them] even into the cities outside [Palestine]. 12 "Within the midst of which [activities], while traveling on my journey unto Damascus with [the] authority, as well as a commission which gave permission, from the chief (or: ranking) priests, 13 " [being] down on the road at midday, I saw, O king, a light from [the] sky (or: from heaven) – more intense than (or: above) the brightness and brilliance of the sun – shining and flashing around me and the folks then traveling with me. 14 "Next, at all of us falling down to the ground, I heard a Voice proceeding in saying to me in the Hebrew language, 'Saul, O Saul! Why do you continue pressing forward to persecute Me? To keep on kicking [your heel] toward [the] goads (sharp points; e.g., as with an ox-goad; = futilely resisting or 'flogging a dead horse') [makes it] hard for you (or: = can hurt you)!' 15 "So I myself said, 'Who are you, Sir (or: Master; Lord)?' But the Lord (or: The Owner; [= Christ]) said, 'I Myself am Jesus (or: I exist in Myself being Jesus) – Whom you continue pressing forward to persecute! 16 "'But now, get up and stand upon your feet! You see, into this [situation; commission] and unto this [purpose] I became seen by you (or: was made to appear to you): to take you in hand beforehand (or: to handle you in advance; or: to hand-pick you ahead of time) [to be] a subordinate (one who is a rower of a ship's crew) and a witness (one who testifies and gives evidence) – both of things in which you saw Me, and of things in which I will continue being seen by (or: in; with) you – 17 "'now Myself choosing you from out of the midst of the People (or: repeatedly taking you from out of the midst of, i.e., rescuing you from, the People), as well as from out of the midst of the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) unto whom I Myself am progressively sending you off with a mission: 18 "'to open back up their eyes again; to turn [their eyes; or: them] back: away from darkness (a realm of the shadow; dimness and obscurity) into Light, even from the authority and privilege of the adversary (or: that is, from the right which comes from out being the opponent), and upon God; to receive a flowing away of deviations and a release from failures, mistakes and occasions of missing the goal (or: a forgiveness of sins) and an allotted inheritance among and in union with the folks having been – and now remaining – set apart in, with and for faith which [leads] into Me (or: centered within the people now made holy by trust [which is] by the One [having come] into the midst of Me; or: within those having been consecrated for loyalty, sanctified with faith and now set apart to trusting conviction [that has brought them] unto Me).' 19 "Wherefore, O King Agrippa, I did not come to be unpersuaded in (or: become disobedient to) the heavenly sight (or: the vision from the atmosphere,) which was seen, 20 "but to the contrary, both to the folks in Damascus, first, and then in Jerusalem – besides all the country of Judea – and later to the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews) I kept on reporting the message to be progressively changing one's way of thinking and perspective, as well as to be turning back upon (= oriented to) God, while habitually performing works (or: constantly committing deeds and practicing acts) worthy of that change of mind and that embody the value equal to [a return to Yahweh]. 21 "On account of these things, a group of Jews – upon seizing me within the Temple complex – on their own began attempting at once to thoroughly manhandle [me], and probably kill [me]. 22 "But then, all of a sudden obtaining the help and assistance from God which was right on target, I have taken a stand – and still stand until this day – repeatedly testifying (attesting and giving evidence) to both small and great, continuously saying nothing outside of those things which both the Prophets and Moses spoke (or: speak) of progressively being about to be birthed (or: to continue happening) – 23 "since the Christ (the Anointed One) [is] a suffering [Messiah] (or: [is] subject to suffering) – since He, [the] first one forth from a resurrection of dead people, is presently about to, as a herald, be repeatedly and progressively announcing Light to the public – both to and for the People [= the Jews and Israel] as well as to, for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; the Goyim; the Gentiles)." 24 Now with his progressively making [his] defense [in] these [statements], Festus then affirms in (or: with) a loud voice, "You are progressively going insane (stark raving mad), Paul! The many writings (or: = the effects of much learning) progressively spin you around into madness (mania and insanity)!" 25 But Paul is then affirming, "I am not going insane (proceeding into mania or madness), O most mighty Festus, but to the contrary I have been presently uttering an elevated and weighty discourse of declarations and gush-effects about reality (or: truth) and a sound, healthy frame of mind which has been restored to its original perspectives with saved and healed thought patterns (= true sanity)! 26 "You see, the king – to whom I am now speaking, continuing in the outspoken freedom with the rights of a bold citizen who has no fear of retribution – continues being adept and well versed concerning these [matters], for I continue persuaded and convinced that not one of these things continues to elude him or escape [his] notice. You see, this is not a thing having been committed in a corner (= obscurely, as in some back alley). 27 "Do you continue faithful and loyal to the Prophets (or: Are you presently trusting and believing in the Prophets), King Agrippa? I have seen and so know that you continue faithful and loyal [to] (or: presently trust and believe) [the Prophets]." 28 Yet Agrippa [said] to Paul, "In a little [time] and within a few [words] are you now proceeding in persuading me – to make [me] a Christian? (or: You continue convincing, in a small [way], to make me a Christian!)" 29 So Paul [responds], "I would ever claim it for the goodness in God (or: speak in boast to the well-being [that is] by God) [for] both in a little [time] as well as even in a great (= long) [space of time] not only you, but further also all those presently hearing me today, to at some point come to be folks of such a sort as I myself presently am – with the exception (or: yet at the outside) of these bonds!" 30 [As a group] both the king and the governor, along with Bernice and the folks that had continued sitting together with them, arose, 31 and as they were withdrawing they kept on speaking to one another, [each one] in turn saying that this person continues committing (or: practicing; performing) nothing warranting (or: deserving; worthy of) death or even bonds (= imprisonment). 32 So Agrippa affirmed to Festus, "This man was able to have been released, if he had not called upon (or: appealed to) Caesar."

Matthew 3:2

2 habitually saying, "You folks be continuously and progressively changing your thinking – change your perceptions, attitudes, frame of mind, mode of thought and understanding, and turn back [toward God], because the reign of the heavens (the expression and effect of kingdom rule which has its source in the atmospheres; the activity of exercising the sovereignty which exists being the heavens; the reigning [of the King] which pertains to the heavens; the kingdom which belongs to and comes from the atmosphere; the influence of the sovereignty which is the heavens) has approached and is now near at hand and is close enough to touch (= has arrived and is now accessible)!"

Matthew 3:8

8 "Produce, then, fruit which has a corresponding value to, and is appropriate of, a change in thinking and attitude, as well as a turn [toward God].

Matthew 4:16

16 The people continuously sitting within the midst of darkness (the gloomy dimness of the shadow that lacked the light of the Day) saw a great Light. And on (or: to; for; in) those constantly sitting within [the] province (or: region) and shadow of death, Light arises on (or: rose to and among; dawned for or in) them." [Isa. 8:23-9:1] 17 From that time on, Jesus began to be repeatedly making loud public proclamations (performing as a herald), and to be continually saying, "You folks be progressively changing your thinking (change your frame of mind, mode of thought, perceptions and understanding and turn your focus to [Yahweh]), because the sovereign reign and activity of exercising the sovereignty of the heavens (or: kingdom from the sky and the atmosphere) has drawn near and now continues being at hand and is close enough to touch (= has arrived and is now accessible)."

Matthew 6:22-23

22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If, then, your eye may continue being single-fold (or: simple and uncompounded; perhaps: single-focused and suggest being straightforward; may = healthy; may suggest generosity), your whole body will continue being (will continuously exist being) illuminated (enlightened; or: lustrous; luminous; radiant; shining). 23 "Yet if your eye should continue being in a bad condition (or: wicked; perhaps = diseased or cloudy; may suggest stinginess or being grudging), your whole body will continue being (will continuously exist being) dark (or: in the dark; full of darkness). If, then, the light [which is] within the midst of you is darkness (or: continually exists being dimness and lack of Light), how thick [is] the darkness (or: how great and extensive [will be] the obscurity and gloom of that area of shadows)!

Matthew 9:13

13 "Now, upon going your way, learn and become a disciple of what [this] is and means, 'I am presently desiring, habitually intending and progressively purposing mercy, and not a sacrifice!' [Hos. 6:6] You see, I am not (or: did not) come to call 'righteous folks' (people who were supposedly in right relationship with God and community and who were convinced that they walked in accord with the path pointed out), but on the contrary, outcasts ('sinners' who knew that they were neither connected nor in right relationship, nor approved in their way of life: failures)."

Matthew 10:17

17 "So constantly hold your attention toward protecting yourself from humanity. You see, they will periodically be giving you folks over (turning you in) unto [their] local city councils and courts, and then they will proceed scourging you with lashes and whips. 18 "Yet you men will also, on My account, be from time to time led (or: brought) before (or: on [the stand to speak to]) governors and kings, with a view to being a witness to them and providing evidence for them – as well as to and for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Israelites; = the pagans).

Matthew 17:2

2 And then, all of a sudden, He was transformed (changed in external form and appearance) and His face radiated light, like a lamp, and shone like the sun. His outer garments also turned white – bright as the light!

Matthew 17:4-5

4 Now Peter, making a considered response, said to Jesus, "O Lord (Master), it is beautiful, fine and ideal [for] us to continue being (or: existing) here in this place. If You continue intending [to] (or: If You now will [it to be so]; If You desire [me to]), I will proceed erecting three tents (or: will progressively make three tabernacles; will be constructing three temporary shelters) here: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." 5 Now consider this! While he was still speaking, a cloud composed of light (or: a cloud full of light; a cloud radiating light; a luminous cloud; an illuminated cloud) suddenly brought shade upon them (or: cast a shadow over them; overshadowed, or enveloped them). And think of this! A Voice – from out of the midst of the cloud – progressively saying, "This Man continues existing being My Son! The Beloved One (or: The One exemplifying and expressing My love) within Whom I think good thoughts (or: in Whom I imagine thoughts of wellness and ease; in Whom I appear well; in Whom I approve and of Whom I have a good opinion). Make it a habit to listen, to continue paying attention, and then to [really] hear Him (implies: obey Him)!"

Matthew 19:28

28 So Jesus said to them, "It is true (or: Truly; Amen), I now am saying to you men, In the rebirth – when the Son of the Man (mankind's Son; = Adam's son; [or: the eschatological messianic figure]; or: the human) can sit upon the throne of His glory (or: the throne of his good reputation and manifestation which calls forth praise) you yourselves, the ones following Me, will continue sitting down – even you, upon twelve thrones – continuously separating [issues], making decisions and administering justice for the twelve tribes of Israel.

Matthew 21:30-32

30 "So, upon going to the different one, he said similarly. Now, giving a considered reply, he said, 'I [go], sir,' – and yet, he did not go off. 31 "Which of the two did the will of the father?" They [as a group] are saying, "The first one." [other MSS read vs. 29-31 thus: "Now he, giving a considered reply, said,' I {go}, sir,' and yet he did not go off. So, upon approaching the second one, he said likewise. Yet he, giving a determined reply, said, 'I will not! 'Subsequently, he thought better of it {and} went forth. Which of {these} two fulfilled the desire of {his} father?" They are saying, "The latter one."] Jesus said, "That's right (You got it; Amen)! I am now saying and laying it out for you that the tax (or: tribute; toll) collectors (or: tax farmers; businessmen who bought the contract to collect taxes for the government) and the prostitutes are constantly preceding you men into God's reign (or: the kingdom of God; the sovereign activity of God)! 32 "You see, John came toward you men within the path (or: on the road) of fairness and equity, in accord with the way pointed out, and in the right relationship which pertains to justice – and you men did not trust him or put your faith in him (or: you did not believe him). However, the tax collectors and the prostitutes trusted him (put their faith in him; believed him), yet you men – upon seeing [this] – still did not change your thoughts or interests (or: regret your behavior and think better of it) [so as] to trust in him (put faith in and believe him).

Matthew 22:29-32

29 Now Jesus, giving a discerning response, says to them, "You men are repeatedly being deceived and are continually caused to wander astray (or: off track) [from] not having seen the Scriptures with perception, nor yet knowing or being acquainted with God's power and ability. 30 "You see, within the resurrection folks are neither repeatedly marrying, nor are they constantly being given in marriage. To the contrary, they constantly exist as agents (or: messengers) within the atmosphere (or: heaven). 31 "Yet concerning the resurrection of the dead ones, did you not read the thing spoken to, and for, you folks by God, continually saying, 32 "'I, Myself, am (continuously exist being) the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? [Ex. 3:6] He is not the God of dead folks, but rather of continuously living people."

Matthew 25:40

40 "And then, giving a decided reply, the King will proceed saying to them, 'I am truly now saying to (or: It is true, I now tell) you folks, Upon such an amount (or: = To the extent) that you did (or: do) and perform(ed) [it] to (or: for) one of these belonging to the least of My brothers (used collectively: = the members of My family; or: = those of My group or brotherhood), you did and perform [it] to and for Me!'

Matthew 25:45

45 "At that time, He will continue making a decisive reply, continuing in saying to them, 'Truly (or: It is True; Amen), I now say to you folks, Upon such an amount (or: = To the extent) that you did (or: do) [it] not to (or: for) one of these least folks, neither did (or: do) you do [it] to (or: for) Me.'

Matthew 26:5

5 However, one after another, they kept on saying, "Not during the festival (Feast), so that no riot (or: uproar; outcry) may happen among the people!"

Matthew 27:29-54

29 Next, after weaving (or: braiding) a wreath out of thorns (or: a thorn bush), they put [it] upon His head, as well as a reed in His right [hand]. Then, while falling on [their] knees in front of Him, they mocked and ridiculed Him, repeatedly saying, "Be constantly filled with joy (or: Rejoice continuously; = a common greeting which is a wish for well-being; = Greetings, Welcome, Hello, Hail; probably equivalent to the soldier's salute, 'Ave Caesar'), O king of the Judeans!" 30 And then after spitting in [His face], and into (= on) Him, they took the reed [from Him] and kept on striking blows into His head. 31 Next – when they had finished making fun of Him – they stripped the cloak off Him and clothed Him with His own outer garments, then they led Him off into the [place and situation] to put [Him] to death on a stake (to crucify [Him]). 32 Now while proceeding out, they came across a Cyrenian man – named Simon – [and] they pressed (conscripted; = forced) this person into service to the end that he would lift up and carry His execution stake (cross). 33 And so, upon coming into [the] place normally being called "Golgotha," which is [also] often called a (or: [the]) "Place of a Skull" [note: = a mound shaped like a skull; = "Skull Mound"], 34 they gave to Him wine (other MSS: vinegar, or, sharp wine vinegar) having been blended with bile (fluid of the gall bladder) to drink. And yet, upon tasting [it], He was not willing to drink [it]. 35 Now, after attaching Him to the execution stake, they divided His outer garments among themselves by repeatedly casting a lot (= throwing dice). 36 And while continuing sitting, they continued guarding and keeping watch over Him there. 37 They also posted above His head the written legal charge against (or: pertaining to) Him: THIS IS JESUS – THE KING OF THE JUDEANS 38 At that time two rebels (or: robbers; bandits; highwaymen; insurrectionists) were in the process of being put to death on a stake (were being progressively crucified) together with Him – one on [His] right and one on [His] left. 39 Now as people are continuing passing by, they kept on speaking abusively, hurling insults at Him, “while repeatedly shaking (or: wagging) their heads,” [Ps. 22:8] 40 and one after another saying, "The person in process of dismantling (demolishing; loosing-down) the inner sanctuary of the Temple (the holy place and the holy of holies) and then proceeding in building the House within three days! Save yourself now! – since (or: if) you are God's son (or: a son of God), descend from the stake (or: climb down off the cross)!" 41 In like manner also, the chief (or: ranking) priests with the scribes (scholars; theologians) and elders – repeatedly ridiculing and making fun – kept on saying, 42 "He saved (rescued; delivered; kept safe) other folks – he continues unable (he has no power) to save himself! He is a king (or: [the] king) of Israel! – let him climb down (descend) now from the execution stake (or: off the cross), and then we will proceed putting our trust upon him (or: shall be believing on him). 43 "'He has put his trust upon God! Let Him now guard him and drag (pull) him out of danger – if He wants him!’ [Ps. 22:9] You know he said, 'I am God's son.'" 44 So in the same way and about the same thing, the rebels (insurrectionists; or: robbers) those being crucified on execution stakes together with Him – also began and kept on bringing verbal abuse and unjustifiable reproach. 45 Now from [the] sixth hour (noon) until the ninth hour (three in the afternoon) darkness (shadowy gloom; dimness) came to be (birthed itself) upon the entire land. 46 But about the ninth hour Jesus loudly called out (exclaimed; shouted) at the top of [His] voice (or: in a great voice), saying, "Eli! Eli! (other MSS: Eloi, Eloi!) Lema sabachthani! [note: George Lamsa translates the Peshitta (Aramaic Version) of these two words as: for this was I spared; or: this was my destiny] This is it! O My God, My God, for this certain purpose You have left Me as a remnant, down within the midst!" [Ps. 22:1, LXX] (or: "My God – O God – this exists being for a specific end and destiny that You leave Me fully in union with!" or: "My God. O God, do You leave from down within the midst of Me so that this certain end exists?" or: that is, "O My God, My God, to what end and for what purpose do You at once completely abandon Me in [this situation]?") [note: Scholars consider this a quote of Ps. 22:1, where the last phrase is the identical Greek in the LXX. However, in the Hebrew, the word often translated forsake" (azab) has these three meanings:
(1) to loose bands; to let go {a beast} from its bonds;
(2) to leave {a person; a place}; to leave {anyone; or: a place}; to desert;
(3) to leave off; to cease from {anything}] 47 Now certain (or: some) folks standing there, upon hearing [this], began saying, "This fellow is now summoning Elijah!" 48 So immediately one of them, upon running and getting a sponge – and after filling it with “vinegar (or: sour wine) ” and attaching [it] around a reed – “offered” Him “a drink.” [Ps. 69:22] 49 But the rest of them said, "Hold off! We should see if Elijah is presently coming [and] will proceed to be saving (rescuing) him!" – Now later, another person, at one point taking a spear head, stabbed His side, so then water and blood came out [note: this last sentence is included in Aleph, B, C & others MSS, but omitted by A & other MSS, along with the Majority Text, Nestle-Aland, Tasker, Panin, Griesbach, & bracketed by WH] 50 Now Jesus, again at one point loudly crying out with a loud (or: great) voice (or: sound), dismissed the Spirit (or: lets the breath-effect flow away; divorced [His] spirit; lets [His] breath go; abandoned the Spirit; or: set aside and rejected this attitude). 51 And then – look and consider! – the curtain of the inner sanctuary of the Temple [which veiled the holy of holies] was torn and split from above unto below (= from top to bottom): into two – and the ground was caused to shake (or: the earth quaked) and rock masses were split. 52 Later, the memorial tombs were opened up, and many of the bodies of the set-apart (holy; sacred) people – of the folks who had fallen asleep and continued sleeping – were aroused and raised up! 53 Then, upon going forth out of the memorial tombs – after His arousal and resurrection – they entered into the set-apart (holy) city and they were made visible in the midst of many people (or: were made to inwardly shine to many folks; or: were made to appear in association with many).

Matthew 27:53-54

53 Then, upon going forth out of the memorial tombs – after His arousal and resurrection – they entered into the set-apart (holy) city and they were made visible in the midst of many people (or: were made to inwardly shine to many folks; or: were made to appear in association with many). 54 Now the centurion (a Roman commander who normally is in charge of one hundred soldiers) and those with him [who were] guarding and watching over Jesus, upon seeing the shaking (= earthquake) and the things occurring (happening; being birthed), were made extremely afraid, one to another saying, "Truly (or: Really; Certainly) this man was God's son."

Mark 3:21

21 And so those with Him went out to be firm and hold it (i.e., to control the situation), for some began saying that it [i.e., the crowd] was confused and out of control (or: it was out of place; it was beside itself).

Mark 3:28

28 "Assuredly (Count on it; Amen) I am now saying to you folks that all things (everything) will be progressively sent away (caused to depart; divorced; forgiven) for (in; in regard to; by) the sons of mankind (the men): the effects and results of the failures (errors; sins; times of missing the target) and the slanders (the injurious things said; the malicious misrepresentations; the insults; the blasphemies) – whatsoever (or: however so many) they may slander (blaspheme; defame).

Mark 6:12

12 So, going out, they publicly proclaimed the message so that people could change their perception and way of thinking due to the subsequent knowledge, and might turn back [to Yahweh, in trust and obedience].

Mark 6:20

20 for Herod continued fearing (perhaps: reverencing) John, having seen and thus knowing him [to be] a fair (equitable; in accord with the way pointed out; a just) and set-apart (holy) man, so he continued with a consorted effort to watch over and guard him (keep him safe and sound). And after hearing many things in regard to him (or: So often hearing from him), he became perplexed and continued hesitating, at a loss to decide. And yet, he gladly continued hearing of him (or: from him; = what he had to say; [or, with A C D & other MSS: And upon hearing him, he continued doing many things and hearing him with pleasure]).

Mark 10:17-22

17 Later, during His traveling out into [the] road (or: a path; or: as He was setting out on His way), a certain rich man, running toward [Him] and falling on his knees [before] Him, began asking Him, "Good Teacher! What should I do (or: perform) to the end that I can (or, as a future: will) inherit (receive and enjoy an allotment of) eonian life (life pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age; life into the unseeable and indefinite future; life for and of the ages)?" 18 Yet Jesus said to him, "Why, from reasoning, are you proceeding in terming Me 'good'? No one [is] good except One, God. 19 "You have perceived and are thus acquainted with the implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives), 'You should not murder; you should not commit adultery; you should not steal; you should not bear false witness (give false testimony); you should not cheat or defraud. Be habitually honoring, valuing and respecting your father and mother.'" [Ex. 20:12-13] 20 So he affirmed to Him, "Teacher, I observed, guarded and maintained all these from out of my youth (= since my boyhood)." 21 Now Jesus, looking at him and seeing within him, loves him, and so said to him, "You yourself continue behind, and are thus lacking and coming short in, one thing. Withdraw (or: Go off) and progressively bring things under control. At once sell as many things as you continue holding (possessing; having), then at once give to the poor and destitute folks – and you will continue holding (possessing; having) stored up treasure within heaven (or: in [your] atmosphere)! After that, come here and be habitually following with Me [other MSS add: picking up the cross]." 22 Yet he, being somber and downcast with gloom upon [hearing] the word (the message with its thoughts and ideas), went away being increasingly made sad with pain and distress, for he was being in the position of holding (having) many possessions (the results of many acquisitions of goods and property).

Mark 13:9

9 "So as for you folks, continue looking to (or: after) yourselves, for people will repeatedly give you over unto sanhedrins (the ruling councils, or courts, in the Jewish culture of that time), as well as unto synagogues (local religious and cultural centers). [There] you folks will be repeatedly beaten and severely whipped (or: lashed). Also, you will continue being caused to make a stand upon [the demand] of governors (rulers) and kings, in consequence of involvement with Me, [leading] into a witness and testimony to, and evidence for, them.

Luke 1:3

3 it seems [necessary; important; a good idea] also for (or: to) me – having followed alongside and accompanied closely from the earlier period – to write to (or: for) you, most excellent Theophilus (or: most mighty friend and lover of God; or: O man most strongly loved of God), all things consecutively (or: point by point; systematically) [and] accurately (or: with details exact), (or: – having from above {i.e., in descending order} intensively traced and investigated on all things – to write for you in logical order and with precise details {the course and movement}...),

Luke 1:16

16 "Later, he will proceed turning many of the sons (= people) of Israel back upon [the] Lord [= Yahweh] their God.

Luke 1:37

37 "because at God's side (or: from beside God) every declaration (gush-effect; result of the flow; saying) will not proceed being impossible!" (or: because in God's presence – corem Deo – nothing [of] every effect of rhema speaking will continue being void of power or ability!";or: for with God, no declaration [at] all will progress being a powerless impossibility!")

Luke 1:69-70

69 "And He raises up a horn of deliverance (rescue; safety; health and wholeness; salvation) for us within the midst of His boy David's house, 70 "Just and correspondingly as He spoke through [the] mouth of His set-apart (or: holy) prophets from [that] age,

Luke 1:77

77 "to give intimate, experiential knowledge of deliverance (salvation; safety; rescue; health and wholeness; return to the original state and condition) to and for His people, in conjunction with a sending away (a divorcing; an abandoning; a flowing away; forgiveness) of their mistakes, failures, shortcomings, deviations and sins,

Luke 1:79

79 "to at once ‘shine upon the people continuously sitting within the midst of darkness the realm of the shadow and obscurity; dimness and gloom’ [Isa. 9:1] – even within death's shadow; to cause our feet to be fully straight and to [walk] in correspondence to straightness, into the path (way; road) of peace [= shalom]."

Luke 2:25

25 And now, look and consider this! There was a man within Jerusalem whose name [was] Simeon, and this man [was] just (fair; equitable; in right relationships; in accord with the way pointed out) as well as grasping things well (or: well-received; taking it with ease and wellness), habitually receptive to (or: continuously welcoming and granting access to) Israel's call to the side for relief, aid, comfort and encouragement (or: the work and function of a Paraclete from Israel) – and a set-apart spirit (a holy wind; a separated Breath-effect; a sacred attitude) was continuously being upon him.

Luke 2:32

32 "a Light [leading] into an unveiling of (or: a revelation belonging to and pertaining to) ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Israelites; = pagans), and [the] Glory (a manifestation which calls for praise; a reputation; a notion inspiring the imagination) of Your people, Israel."

Luke 2:36-38

36 And now there was Anna, a prophetess (a woman with light ahead of time), [the] daughter of Phanuel (or: Penuel), from out of [the] tribe of Asher – she having walked forward during many days (= was well advanced in years), living with a husband [for] seven years from her virginity (may = after her marriage, or, after her girlhood), 37 and then she [was] a widow until [now being] eighty-four years [old] (or: was a widow for eighty-four years) – who continued not withdrawing (or: departing; standing away; putting herself away) from the temple courts and grounds, repeatedly doing public sacred service in fastings and by petitions (or: prayer requests) night and day. 38 And so, taking a stand on [the scene] in that same hour, she began – in [Simeon's] place – saying similar things to God (or: she began responding in like words while standing in the place for God; or: she continued in [His] presence making confessions in God) and continued speaking about Him [either: God; or: the Child] to all the folks habitually having a view toward welcoming, granting access to, and receiving a liberation of Jerusalem (or: a release by payment of a ransom for Jerusalem; [with other MSS: a redemption in Jerusalem]).

Luke 3:8-14

8 "Be at once, then, producing fruit of corresponding value to (or: of equal worth of; worthy of) the aforementioned change of mind and way of thinking! And so, you should not start (or: begin) to be repeatedly saying among yourselves, 'We continue having Abraham [as; for] a father,' for I am now saying to you folks that God continues able (constantly has power) to raise up children to (or: for) Abraham from out of the midst of these stones! 9 "Now the ax already continues lying [positioned with its aim] toward the root of the trees. So then, every tree not seasonally producing beautiful (fine; ideal; choice) fruit is customarily cut out [of the orchard] and is regularly being tossed into a fire [to heat or to cook]." 10 And so the crowds began putting questions to him, one after another saying, "What, then, should we be doing?" 11 So, giving a decided reply, he began saying to them, "The person habitually having two tunics (undergarments), let him at once share with the one not normally having [one]; and the person habitually having things to eat (food), let him regularly do likewise." 12 Now tax collectors (or: government revenue contractors; customs agents) also came to be immersed (baptized), and they said to him, "Teacher, what should we be doing?" 13 So he said to them, "Be habitually practicing (thus: collecting, demanding or exacting) nothing more besides the thing having been precisely arranged and prescribed for you (= charge nothing beyond the standard rates)." 14 And then soldiers (men serving in the army) also began putting questions to him, as a group saying, "What should we also be doing?" And he said to them, "You men should not at any time violently shake anyone (thus, also: intimidate, harass or extort from anyone), nor should you at any time inform on, blackmail or falsely accuse [people]. Also, be habitually content and satisfied with your subsistence rations and pay."

Luke 4:18

18 " [The] Lord's [= Yahweh's] Breath-effect (or: [The] Spirit of [the] Lord; or: a spirit from [Yahweh]; or: a spirit and attitude which is [the] Lord) [is] upon Me [Old Syriac MS: you], on account of which He anointed Me [Syriac: you] to bring and proclaim good news (a message of ease and wellness) to destitute folks – and so He has sent Me off as an emissary (a missionary; one commissioned as His representative) to cure and heal folks with [their] heart having been crushed, to publicly proclaim, as a herald, to (for; among) captives a release and liberation (a letting go away) and to (for; among) blind folks a seeing again (a recovery of sight), to send away with a mission those having been shattered by oppression, in a state of release and liberation,

Luke 6:11

11 But they, themselves, became filled with a lack of understanding (an absence of mind, sound thinking, intelligence or good judgment; or: senselessness; madness; insanity), and began thoroughly deliberating (talking it over in detail) to one another [about] what they could (or: should; would) do to, or with, Jesus.

Luke 7:19-20

19 So, upon calling a certain two of his disciples to himself, John sent [them] to the Lord, saying [by them], "Are You, Yourself, the One who is now progressively coming, or should we continue anticipating and hoping for a different One?" 20 Now when coming to be alongside and facing Him, the adult men said, "John the immerser (or: Baptist) sent us off with a mission to You, saying [by us], 'Are You, Yourself, the One who is now progressively coming, or should we continue anticipating and hoping for a different One [other MSS: another One of the same kind]?'"

Luke 11:21-22

21 "Whenever the strong person – being one that has fully armed and completely equipped himself – may habitually watch over, guard and protect his own courtyard, his possessions and the things that sustain him continue being in peace. 22 "Yet as soon as (or: if ever) a person stronger than him, after coming upon [him], can conquer (or: may overcome) him, he progressively lifts up and carries off his full armament (all the armor and weaponry) upon which he had trusted and placed his confidence – and now progressively distributes his spoils (booty).

Luke 13:3

3 "I am now saying to you, No. Nevertheless, if you folks should not progressively change your thinking [includes: so as to return to Yahweh], you will all likewise proceed in destroying yourselves [i.e., by coming into conflict with the Romans].

Luke 13:5

5 "I am now saying to you, No. Nevertheless, if you folks should not progressively change your thinking [includes: so as to return to Yahweh], you will all similarly proceed in destroying yourselves [i.e., by towers and walls falling; comment: perhaps prophetic of the destruction of Jerusalem].

Luke 15:7

7 "I am now saying to you folks that in this way there will continue being joy within the heaven (or: the atmosphere) upon (or: on the occasion of) a progressive changing of the mind (or: a continued change in thinking and perspective, [accompanied by a return to the Lord]) by one outcast (habitual failure; person who constantly makes mistakes; sinner) – [more] than upon ninety-nine 'righteous and just folks' (or: people who are fair, equitable and in rightwised relationships in the Way pointed out) who continue having no need (or: necessity) of a change of mind [or a return to Yahweh].

Luke 15:10

10 "In this way, I am now saying to you folks, joy is habitually birthed (or: constantly happens) in the sight and presence of God's agents (or: messengers) upon (or: on the occasion of) a progressive changing of the mind (or: a continued change in thinking and perspective, [accompanied by a return to the Lord]) by one outcast (habitual failure; person who constantly makes mistakes; sinner)."

Luke 15:17

17 "Now at some point, coming into (or: to) himself, he affirmed, 'How many of my father's hired workers are surrounded by an abundance of bread – yet I, myself, am progressively perishing (loosing myself away) in a famine (or: by deprivation of food)!

Luke 16:29-31

29 "But Abraham proceeds to say, 'They continue having Moses and the Prophets – let them at once listen to and hear from them.' 30 "Yet he said, 'O no (or: = That's not enough; or: = They won't), father Abraham. However, if someone from [the] dead people should go his way (or: travel) to them, they will proceed to change their minds (or: have a change in their way of thinking) [and be returning to Yahweh]!' 31 "Still, he rejoined to him, 'Since (or: If) they are not in the habit of listening to or hearing Moses and the Prophets, neither will they proceed in being persuaded if someone should arise and stand up out from among [the] dead folks.'"

Luke 18:27

27 But He said, "The things [that are] impossible (powerless; incapable) from humanity's side [of the issue] continuously exist being (or: are) possible (empowered; capable) from God's side."

Luke 18:31-33

31 Now, taking aside the twelve, He said to them, "Look, and consider this. We are progressively walking up into Jerusalem, and all the things having been written through the prophets for (or: pertaining to) the Son of the Man (= the eschatological messianic figure; = Adam's Son) will progressively be brought to their purposed goal and destiny (or: finished; completed; perfected; made fully functional). 32 "You see, He will proceed being handed over to the ethnic multitudes (or: given over for the nations; delivered up among the Gentiles), and then He will continue being mocked, ridiculed and made fun of and He will progressively be insolently personally invaded with outrageous, violent and injurious treatment. He will even be repeatedly spit upon! 33 "Later, after severely lashing [Him] with a whip, they will proceed killing Him off. Then, on (in; during) the third day, He will proceed standing Himself back up again and arising."

Luke 19:8-9

8 Now being brought to a standstill [by this], Zacchaeus said to the Lord, "Look here, and consider! One half of my possessions (the things normally giving me sustenance), Lord (Master), I am habitually giving to the destitute folks. And if I extorted anything from anyone through what appeared as threat of accusation, I am habitually giving back (repaying) four times as much." [comment: an echo of the Law in Ex. 22:1. This would be an appeal to the Law, and thus, an affirmation that he lived by the Torah, and was not really a "sinner"] 9 So Jesus said to him, "Today salvation (deliverance; health and wholeness; healing and restoration to an original state of being) is birthed in this house (or: happened to this house; came to be for this house), in accord with the fact that he himself is also Abraham's son (= a son having the qualities and character of Abraham; or: = he is a true Israelite; or: = he is as much a son of Abraham as I am).

Luke 19:41-42

41 And then, as He came near, upon seeing (or: viewing and perceiving) the City, He wept (or: wailed; or: lamented; or: cried, shedding tears as an expression of grief) upon it (= over its condition and situation), 42 then saying, "If you, even you yourself, knew by intimate experience or had discerned in this day the things [leading, moving or tending] toward peace (= shalom; [other MSS: your peace])! but at this time it is (or: has been) hidden from your eyes –

Luke 21:12

12 "Yet before all these things, people will continue laying their hands on you folks, and they will be repeatedly chasing and persecuting [you], handing over one after another unto the synagogues (places of worship and fellowship) and [into] jails and prisons, while you are repeatedly being led off, up before kings and governors – on account of My Name.

Luke 22:30

30 to the end that you folks can continuously eat and drink at My table, in union with My reign and in the midst of My kingdom and sovereign activities, and now you can habitually sit upon thrones, repeatedly making separations in, evaluations of and decisions for the twelve tribes (or: clans) of Israel. [note: the twelve tribes had been scattered; the last clauses uses the present tenses]

Luke 23:4

4 Then Pilate said to the chief (or: ranking) priests and the crowd, "I find not even one ground for a charge (= no cause or reason for a case) in this man."

Luke 23:14-15

14 "You people brought this man to me as one constantly turning the people away [from the right path] (perhaps: = inciting the people to revolt), and yet, look and consider: I, myself – re-examining and sifting [him] in front of you folks (or: in your presence) – found not one fault or ground in this man for the charges which you people keep bringing down on him! 15 "As further contradiction, neither [did] Herod, for he sent him back to us – and look! – there is nothing worthy of death having been committed by him!

Luke 24:26

26 "Did it not continue necessary for the Christ (the Anointed One) to experience and suffer these things – and then to enter into His glory (or: His assumed appearance)?" 27 And so, beginning from Moses, and then from all the prophets, He continued to fully interpret and explain to (or: for) them the things pertaining to (or: the references about) Himself within all the Scriptures.

Luke 24:44

44 Now He says to them, "These [were] My words (thoughts; ideas; or: This [is] My message) – which I spoke to you folks, while yet being together with you – That it continues binding and necessary for all the things having been written within the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets and Psalms, concerning Me, to be fulfilled." 45 At that time He fully opened back up again their minds to be habitually making the Scriptures flow together (or: to continue putting the Scriptures together so as to comprehend [them]), 46 And then He says to them, "Thus is has been written [other MSS add: and thus it continued binding] [about] the Christ (the Anointed One): He was to suffer, and then to rise (or: stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – on the third day –

Luke 24:46

46 And then He says to them, "Thus is has been written [other MSS add: and thus it continued binding] [about] the Christ (the Anointed One): He was to suffer, and then to rise (or: stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – on the third day – 47 "and then, upon the [authority and basis of] His Name, a change of mind and thinking – [proceeding, or, leading] into a flowing away of failures (a sending away of mistakes; a forgiveness of sins; a divorcing of the situations of missing the target; an abandonment of guilt; a release from error) – is to be proclaimed by heralds unto all the ethnic multitudes and nations (or: the Gentiles; the non-Israelites), beginning (or: with folks starting) from Jerusalem.

Luke 24:47-47

47 "and then, upon the [authority and basis of] His Name, a change of mind and thinking – [proceeding, or, leading] into a flowing away of failures (a sending away of mistakes; a forgiveness of sins; a divorcing of the situations of missing the target; an abandonment of guilt; a release from error) – is to be proclaimed by heralds unto all the ethnic multitudes and nations (or: the Gentiles; the non-Israelites), beginning (or: with folks starting) from Jerusalem.

John 1:4-9

4 Within It (or: Him), life was continuing and progressively existing (or: In It was life [as a source]; [Aleph, D and others witnesses read present tense: In union with it there continues being life; Life progressively exists within the midst of It]). And the life was continuing being, and began progressively existing as, the Light of mankind (or: Furthermore, the Light progressively came to be the life known as "humanity," and was for human beings; or: Then the life was existing being the light from the humans). 5 And the Light is constantly shining in the dim and shadowed places, and keeps on progressively giving light within the gloomy darkness where there is no light (or: within the midst the obscurity of The Darkness where there is no light of The Day; or: = in the ignorant condition or system). And yet the darkness does not grasp or receive it on the same level (or: Furthermore, the Darkness did not take it down, so as to overcome it or put it out; or: = the ignorant condition or system would have none of it, nor receive it down into itself [in order to perceive it]; But that darkness does not correspondingly accept It nor commensurately take It in hand so as to follow the pattern or be in line with Its bidding). 6 A man came to be (was birthed), being one having been sent forth with a mission, as a representative, from God’s side (or: having been commissioned as an emissary and sent forth from beside God; having been sent forth to the side, as an envoy, whose source was God); a name for him: John. 7 This one came into a testimony (or: went to witness; came for evidence), to the end that he may give testimony (be a witness; show evidence) about The Light, so that all humanity (or: everyone) would at some point come to believe and trust through him (or: by means of it). 8 That person (= He) was not The Light, but rather [he came] so that he could give testimony (would be a witness; should present evidence) about The Light. 9 It was (or: He was, and continued being) the True and Genuine Light which (or: Who) is continuously (repeatedly; progressively) enlightening (giving light to) every person (or: human) continuously (repeatedly; progressively; constantly; one after another) coming into the world (or: the ordered system of culture, religion, economics and government; or: the universe) (or: It was the real Light, progressively coming into the world {organized system}, which is progressively enlightening {or: shedding light on} every human).

John 1:17

17 because the Law was given through Moses, yet grace and truth are birthed (or: joyous favor and reality came to be) through Jesus Christ.

John 1:45

45 Philip proceeds finding Nathaniel [note: probably also called Bartholomew] and says to him, "We have found the One [of] Whom Moses wrote within the Law and the Prophets: Jesus – Joseph’s son (or: a son of Joseph) – the one from Nazareth!"

John 3:14-15

14 "And so, just as (or: correspondingly as) Moses lifted up (elevated; raised up high) the serpent, within the wilderness (desert; desolate place) [Num. 21:7ff], thus it is necessary and binding for the Son of Mankind (Humanity’s Son) to be lifted up (elevated; raised up high; exalted), 15 "to the end that everyone – the one habitually believing and trusting – would continuously have eonian life (life having the state of being, qualities and characteristics of the sphere pertaining to the Age [of the Messiah]; age-quality and eon-lasting life): within (or: in union with) Him! [with other MSS: so that all, while continuously trusting into Him {others: on Him}, may not lose or destroy themselves, but rather may habitually hold age-abiding life (eonian life; life that continues on through the ages).]

John 3:19

19 "Now this continues being the (or: So there continues being the same) process of the sifting, the separation and the decision (the evaluation; the judging), because the Light has come (or: has gone) into the world (the aggregate of humanity; the ordered system and arrangement of religion, culture and government; or: the system of control and regulation), and yet the humans love the darkness (or: the men [= the leadership] love the dimness of obscurity and gloom; or: mankind loved the shadow-realm) rather than the Light, for their works (deeds; actions) were continuing to be bad ones (unsound ones; wicked ones; laborious ones; toilsome ones that created bad news; wrongful ones),

John 4:10

10 Jesus considered and decidedly said to her, "If you had seen, so as to be aware of and now perceive God’s gift, and Who is the One presently saying to you, ' [Please] give [some] to me, to drink,' you would ask (or: make request of) Him, and He would give living water to you."

John 4:14

14 "Yet whoever may (or: would) drink from out of the water which I, Myself, will be continuously giving to him will not repeatedly become thirsty, on into the age, but further, the water which I shall constantly give to (or: in) him will progressively come to be (or: repeatedly become; continuously birth itself) within him a spring (or: fountain) of water, constantly bubbling up (continuously springing and leaping up) into a life having the source, character and qualities of the Age (life of and for the ages; eonian life; = the life of the Messianic age)."

John 5:28-29

28 "Don’t you folks be constantly amazed at this, because an hour is progressively (or: presently; or: repeatedly) coming within which all the people within the memorial tombs (or: graves) – will be continuously or repeatedly hearing His voice, 29 "and they will proceed journeying out: the ones doing virtue (producing, making or constructing good) into a resurrection which is Life (or: of, from and with the quality of Life); the ones practicing careless (base, worthless, cheap, slight, paltry, inefficient, thoughtless, common or mean) things into a resurrection of separating and evaluating for a decision (or: a resurrection which is a judging).

John 5:34

34 "yet, for Myself, I am not by habit taking the witness (or: receiving testimony or claim) from a person (from [the] side of a human), but rather, I presently say these things to the end that you folks yourselves may be delivered (or: could and would be rescued, saved, made healthy and whole, and restored to your original condition).

John 5:39

39 "You folks continuously search (or, as an imperative: Be constantly searching) the Scriptures, because within them you yourselves are habitually presuming to be presently and continuously holding eonian life (or: because you folks are normally supposing for yourselves to be habitually having – in union with them – life pertaining to, and having the qualities and characteristics of, the Age [perhaps: = the life of the coming age]), and those [Scriptures] are (exist being) the ones continuously testifying about Me (constantly giving evidence concerning and bearing witness around Me).

John 5:46

46 "For if you folks had been trusting by, adhering to, having loyalty for and believing in Moses, you would have been trusting by, adhering to and believing in Me: for that one wrote about Me!

John 7:15

15 The Jews (= religious professionals) were therefore surprised and kept on being amazed (or: astonished), saying, "How has this one seen, and thus known [the] writings, not being one having learned [i.e., having studied at the schools]?"

John 7:38-39

38 "The person continuously trusting and progressively believing into Me, just as the Scripture says, 'Rivers (or: Floods; Torrents) of living water will continuously flow (or: gush; flood) from out of the midst of his cavity (his innermost being or part; the hollow of his belly; [used of the womb]).'" [cf Isa. 58:11; Ezk. 47:1; Joel 3:18; Zech. 13:1; 14:8] 39 Now this He said about (or: with regard to) the Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude; [other MSS: Holy, or set-apart Spirit; Sacred Wind]) of which (of Whom as a source; [other MSS simple read: which]) they – those trusting and believing into Him – were about to be continuously and progressively receiving. You see, the Holy Spirit (set-apart Breath-effect; Sacred Wind and Attitude) was not yet being One having been given [note: reading with B; with p66c, p75, Aleph, and others: for you see, there was not yet Spirit in existence; D* and three others: for there was not yet a Holy Spirit upon them; Textus Receptus: You see, [the] Holy Spirit was not yet being or existing], because Jesus was not yet glorified (made full of glory or endowed with glory; made to be a manifestation which calls forth praise).

John 7:45-48

45 Therefore the subordinate officials (officers; deputies; those who act under orders) went to the chief (or: ranking) priests and Pharisees, and so those fellows said to them, "Why (Through what situation) did you not bring him (or: Wherefore do you not lead him [here])?" 46 Then the subordinate officials, after consideration, replied, "Never (Not even once) did a human (a person; a man) speak thus (like this; in this way)!" 47 The Pharisees then pointedly questioned them, "Have not you men also been led astray (or: been deceived)? 48 "Not anyone from out of the rulers (chiefs; leaders) or from out of the Pharisees put trust, confidence or belief into him, do they?

John 7:51

51 "Our Law (or: custom) is not in the habit of judging (or: No law of ours is proceeding to decide about) the person (man; human) unless it can (or: except it should) first hear from his side and can (or: should; may; would) know with intimate experiential knowledge what he is habitually doing (repeatedly or presently practicing)!"

John 8:12

12 Jesus therefore again spoke to them [i.e., to those whom He had just been teaching, in vs. 2, or at a later time], saying, "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the Light of the world (or: of the cosmos; of the ordered system; of the dominant cultural, political, economic and religious arrangements; of the universe; of ‘the theater of history’ – Walter Wink). The one habitually and progressively following Me can by no means walk around (= under no circumstances live his or her life) within the darkness (or: the dim and shaded areas; the gloom and obscurity due to the lack of the Light of the Day; the [realm] of the shadows; [note: = ignorance; = that situation which existed before the Light came; or, could also refer to the dim condition within the holy place of the Temple, or to the darkness of death, blindness or the womb]), but, to the contrary, he will progressively possess (constantly have and hold) the Light of 'the Life!' (or: the light which is life.)"

John 8:48

48 The Jews (= religious authorities) calculated a reply and said to him, "Are we not expressing it beautifully (or: finely; ideally) when we are saying that you yourself are a Samaritan and constantly have (or: continuously hold or possess) a demon (a Hellenistic concept and term: = an animistic influence)?" 49 Jesus decidedly replies, "I Myself do not have (or: habitually possess) a demon, but to the contrary, I continuously honor (bring value to) My Father, and yet you yourselves are repeatedly dishonoring (or: devaluing) Me.

John 8:52

52 The Jews (= religious authorities) said to Him, "Now we have come to personally know (have intimate experiential knowledge) that you presently have a demon (= an animistic influence)! Abraham died (or: is dead), also the prophets, and yet here you are now saying, 'If anyone should hold, protect, note and observe my word (message; idea) he by no means (under no circumstances) may taste of (= partake of or participate in) death, on into the Age.

John 9:5

5 "Whenever I may continue being within the world, I am the world's Light (or: = When I can progressively be within the System – the ordered arrangement – I exist being the System's light, even the Light which becomes the [new] spiritual atmosphere and sociological environment)."

John 9:39

39 Then Jesus says to him, "I came into this world (or: ordered System of control and subjection) into a result of sifting and deciding (an effect of separation; a judgment): to the end that the folks NOT habitually seeing and observing can (or: may; would) be constantly seeing and observing, and the ones habitually seeing and observing should (or: would; may) become blind ones."

John 10:18

18 "No one at any point lifts it [with other MSS: Not one person is presently lifting her] up and carries it away (or: proceeds to remove her) from Me; on the contrary, I Myself continue putting (placing; setting; laying) it (or: her) away from Myself. I constantly hold authority (continuously have the right and hold the ‘position’; or: continue possessing privilege from out of the midst of Being) to place it (put her; lay it), and I constantly hold authority from out of being (continuously possess the right, forth from [My] existence; = am in the authoritative position) to take it (or: receive her; resume it) again. This implanted goal (purposed impartation of the finished product within; inward directive and destiny) I received from (or: at) My Father's side."

John 10:20-21

20 Now many of them began saying, "He continues having a demon (a Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence) and is insane (mad; manic; crazy). Why do you continue listening to (or: hearing; = paying attention to) him?" 21 Others were saying, "These are not the gush-effects of (or: result of a flow from; spoken words of; declarations from) a demoniac (of one being constantly affected or afflicted by a demon). A demon (= an animistic influence) is not able and has no power to open up blind people's eyes!"

John 11:25

25 Jesus said to her, "I am the Resurrection (or: the standing back up again; the Arising) and the Life. The one progressively believing and habitually putting trust into Me, even if he may die-off (or: die-away), will continue living (or: will proceed being alive)!

John 11:57

57 As it was, the chief (or: ranking) priests and the Pharisees (= the Sanhedrin) had given goal-oriented directions, with imparted authority, so that if anyone may come to know where He is, he should disclose (or: report) it, so that they might lay hold of and seize Him.

John 12:35-36

35 Jesus then says to them, "The Light continues being (or: is) among you folks, yet a little time (= for a little while). Continue walking around (= living your lives; = order your behavior) while you folks continue having the Light, so that Darkness (the dim shadow-land of obscurity; = the ignorance of the system of shadows) can (or: could; would) not grasp you with force and take you folks down. And the one constantly walking around within the Darkness has not seen nor does he know under what place he progressively leads [his path] (or: where he is humbly going; where he is constantly withdrawing). 36 "While you continue having the Light, progressively trust and believe into the Light, to the end that you folks can yourselves come to be (or: would yourselves be birthed) sons of Light (= folks having the quality and characteristics of light; folks whose source is Light; [note: this could be considered a Hebrew idiom for ‘enlightened people’])." Jesus spoke these things, and then after going off, He was hidden (or, as a passive with a reflexive idea: kept Himself concealed) from them.

John 15:20-21

20 "Continually bear in mind (or: Keep on remembering) the word (the Logos; the thought; the idea; the message) which I Myself said to you. A slave is not greater than (does not exist being superior to) his owner (lord; master). Since they pursue and persecute Me, they will also continue pursuing and persecuting you folks. If they keep (or: observed and cared for) My word (idea; message), they will also proceed to be keeping (observing and caring for) yours. 21 "But to the contrary, they will proceed doing (accomplishing; making; performing; producing) all these things unto you and bringing them forth into the midst of you folks, on account of My Name, because they have not seen nor do they know the One sending Me.

John 15:21-21

21 "But to the contrary, they will proceed doing (accomplishing; making; performing; producing) all these things unto you and bringing them forth into the midst of you folks, on account of My Name, because they have not seen nor do they know the One sending Me.

John 16:2-3

2 "They will continue making you outcasts – ones turned away from the synagogues (= they will continue cutting you off from the rights and privileges of the Jewish society). But further, an hour is progressively coming with the result that everyone in the process of killing you folks off may imagine (suppose; hold the opinion of; think) [himself] to be proceeding in presenting (bearing forward) an offering of sacred service to God, 3 "and they will do (or: perform) these things because they do not personally (intimately or experientially) know or recognize the Father, nor even Me.

John 17:17

17 "Set them apart (or: Make them different from the norm) within the midst of the Truth (or: in union with, and centered in, reality). Your Word (Logos) exists being Truth (or: Your thought, idea and expressed message of divine rational meaning and purpose is Reality).

Acts 1:17

17 "because he was one having been actually numbered (or: counted down; = enrolled and assigned) among us (or: within our [group]) and thus he obtained by lot the allotted portion (or: share) of this attending service."

Acts 1:25

25 "to receive (or: take in hand) the place [other MSS: lot] pertaining to (or: of) this attending service of dispensing and sending-forth (or: releasing on expedition) – from which Judah (or: Judas) stepped aside, to journey into his own place."

Acts 2:1-12

1 Later, during the progression for the day of Pentecost (= Feast of the harvest; = the Festival of Weeks) to be filled together unto its full measure, they were all in the same place, at the same time, [and focused] on the same thing. 2 Then suddenly and unexpectedly there came to be (or: was birthed) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) a roaring noise (or: sound) as of a continued rushing and driving of a violent wind (or: exactly like a continual carrying of a forcible breath), and it filled (pervaded; permeated; saturated) the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then progressively dividing and self-distributing tongues – as if of fire – were seen by them, and He (or: it; or: [one]) sat down upon each one of them. 4 And then they all were filled with [the] Consecrated Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: a set-apart attitude), and they started (or: began) to continuously (or: repeatedly) speak in different tongues (= languages) – accordingly and correspondingly as the Breath-effect (or: the Spirit; the Attitude) kept on giving (or: granting) to them to be continuously (or: intermittently) uttering loudly and clearly. 5 Now there were Jews permanently residing (continuously housed-down; or, perhaps: staying) in Jerusalem – well-received adult men who take hold well [on things] (or: pious, reverent and circumspect adult males; or: cautious husbands) from every nation and ethnic group under the sky (or: heaven). 6 But upon the occurring of this sound, the multitude came together and were mingled with perplexity, bewilderment and confusion – because each one of them kept on listening and heard [the disciples] continually (or: repeatedly) speaking in his own language and dialect. 7 So they all began being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement, and continued being caused to wonder with admiration and astonishment – one after another saying, "Look, and think about it (or: See here)! All these folks who are presently speaking are Galileans, are they not? 8 "And so how are we ourselves now hearing – each one of us – in his own language and dialect, [the one] in which we were born? 9 " [There are] Parthians, Medes and Elamites [= portions of the Persian empire]; even folks presently dwelling in Mesopotamia... both Judea, as well as Cappadocia... Pontus, as well as Asia [= principally the kingdom of Pergamus, including Lydia, Mysia, Caria and Phrygia], 10 "both Phrygia and Pamphylia; Egypt and the parts of Libya which is down toward Cyrene, as well as the temporary residents from Rome (or: the repatriated Romans); both Jews and proselytes (converts to Judaism), Cretans and Arabians (or: Arabs) – 11 "we continue hearing their speaking the magnificent things of God (or: God's great deeds) in our own tongues (= languages)!" 12 So they all continued being put out of place (or: set out of themselves) with amazement and were bewildered (or: perplexed), [some] saying one to another, "What is this now purposing (or: intending; resolving) to be?"

Acts 2:23-32

23 "This Man, given up out of the midst in and by the specific, determined, bounded (limited) plan (intended purpose, design and counsel) and foreknowledge (intimate knowledge which was experienced beforehand) of God (or: whose source and character was God; or: which pertained to and was God), you folks, through the hand (= agency) of people not bound by the Law (= folks without knowledge of and not living in accordance to the Torah), took up and assassinated by fastening [Him] to [an execution stake (or: a cross)], 24 "Whom God resurrected (raised up; caused to stand back up again), after loosing (untying; = releasing and freeing from) the birth-pangs (or: -throes) of the death (or: the Death; [or, with D and other witnesses: after destroying the cords of the Unseen {Hades}]) – corresponding to the fact that it was not possible for Him to be held fast by it (or: it was not continuing to be powerful or capable for Him to be possessed under its strength). [comment: death gives birth to life] 25 "You see David is constantly laying out words [that lead] into Him: 'I was continuously foreseeing the Lord in my sight, through everything (or: I habitually held [Yahweh] in sight, before my eyes, in the course of all things; or: I was previously seeing the Lord, before me and in my presence continually), because He is (or: continuously exists) at my right hand – to the end that I can (or: may; should; would) not be shaken (or: caused to waver or totter; agitated). 26 'Through (or: Because of) this, my heart was made cheerful, glad and in a healthy frame of mind, and then my tongue was constantly expressing extreme joy! Now still, even my flesh (= natural existence) will continue pitching a tent and residing upon expectation (or: hope), 27 'because (or: that) You will not continue leaving my soul (my interior self; my existential life) down in (or: abandon me into) [the] Unseen (or: Hades, the unseen abode of the dead), neither will You proceed giving Your loyal one (a person sanctioned by God's law, and by nature; a pious and devout person) to see (= experience) corruption (thorough ruin, rot and decay). 28 'By intimate experience You make paths of life known to me (or: You personally made known to me [the] Life's ways; You give insights for me of roads which are life); with Your face You will continue filling me with gladness, cheer, euphoria and a healthy frame of mind – a disposition of well-being.' [Ps. 16:8-11] 29 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow Believers; or: = Fellow Jews)! Allow me to say to you folks, with freeness of speech and with outspoken frankness and boldness, concerning the patriarch David – that he both came to [his] end and was buried, and his memorial tomb is among us until this day. 30 "Being inherently a prophet (one who had light ahead of time), however, and thus seeing and knowing with perception that God swore and affirms to him with an oath to at some point seat [One] upon his throne [that is] from out of [the] fruit of his loins (reproductive organs), 31 "seeing and perceiving beforehand, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither left down within the midst, in (or: [sinking] into) the Unseen (or: Hades; = Hebrew: sheol; the realm or abode of the dead; often used for "the grave"), nor did His flesh (= body) see (= experience) corruption or decay. 32 "God resurrected (raised; made to stand back up again) this Jesus – of which and of Whom we are all witnesses (folks who saw what happened and who now give evidence and testimony)!

Acts 2:38

38 So Peter at once affirms to them, "At once change your way of thinking (your frame of mind and point of view; [by customary use this implies: and return to Yahweh]). Then at once let each one of you folks be immersed (baptized) within the Name (= in union with the identity, the character, the authority, the essence) of Jesus Christ (or: of [the] Anointed Jesus; with is Jesus [the Messiah]) – into the midst of a release and sending away, a divorce and an abandonment, a cancellation and a forgiveness: of your failures, your mistakes, your times of missing the target, your errors, and your sins – and then you will proceed receiving and continue taking in hand the free gift (the gratuity) of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: which is the Holy Spirit; or: which has its source in and the character of the Sacred Attitude).

Acts 3:6

6 However, Peter said, "Silver and gold [coin] is not normally a subsistence for me (or: is not a possession with me), yet what I do continuously have, this I am presently giving to you: Within, and in union with, the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, start walking, and then keep on walking about (around)!"

Acts 3:18

18 "But what God announced-down in advance (or: before) through the mouth of the prophets (those who have light ahead of time and speak before people) – [the situations which] His Anointed One (or: Christ) was to experience and suffer – He thus, and in this way, fulfilled. 19 "Therefore, at once change your way of thinking (your frame of mind and point of view; [by customary use this implies: and return to Yahweh]), and turn around toward [the situation for] your failures (errors; times of missing the target; sins) to be anointed out and wiped forth from your midst, so that seasons of cooling again, as well as fitting situations and fertile moments of refreshing could, should and would come from [the] face of the Lord [= Yahweh],

Acts 3:21-24

21 "Whom indeed it continues necessary and binding for heaven to welcome, accept and embrace (or: for [the] atmosphere to grant access, admit, receive and take to itself) until times of a movement away from all things that have been firmly put down, set and established and until the periods of successive events which occur in passing moments, moving all mankind away from having been placed and positioned down as well as from the state or condition of all things that had been determined from an indefinite period of time (or: from a [particular] age) – of which things God spoke (or: speaks) through [the] mouth of His set-apart prophets (those sacred folks who spoke light ahead of time). 22 "Indeed, Moses said, ' [The] Lord [= Yahweh] God will proceed raising up for (or: to; among) you folks a Prophet from out of the midst of your brothers, as (or: like) me. You people will continue listening to His [words] and hearing (= obeying) Him in regard to (or: in accordance with) all things – as much (or: as many) as He may be speaking to you folks! 23 'So it will continue being [that] every soul (= person) which may (or: should; or: will) not listen to or hear (= obey) that Prophet will progress being completely brought to destruction (or: ruin and loss) from out of the midst of the People.' [Deut.18:15-16] 24 "Now all the prophets also fully announced these days, from Samuel on, and as many as consecutively (in order according to succession) spoke.

Acts 3:24-24

24 "Now all the prophets also fully announced these days, from Samuel on, and as many as consecutively (in order according to succession) spoke.

Acts 4:2

2 being progressively annoyed, exasperated, vexed through and through, and in a thoroughly worthless and knavish attitude because of their continuing to teach the people, and to be bringing down the announcement and be fully proclaiming in [the case of] Jesus (or: in union with Jesus; in the sphere [or: authority] of Jesus) the resurrection from out of the midst of dead folks.

Acts 4:16-21

16 one to another saying, "What can or should we do to or with these men? For, in fact, a known and noteworthy sign has occurred through them – one that [is] apparent (obvious and manifest) to all the folks presently inhabiting Jerusalem – and we are unable to continue denying [it]. 17 "Nevertheless, so that it may not all the more be disseminated and spread abroad, on into the People [at large], let us make threats to them [that they] no longer are to continue speaking on (= about, or, on the authority and basis of) this Name to even one individual of humanity!" 18 And so, after calling them, they ordered [them] to cease making any utterance at all, as well as to terminate teaching anywhere, on [the authority or basis of] the Name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John, giving a decided reply, said to them, "You men judge and decide whether it is right (in accord with the Way pointed out) in God's sight to continue listening to (and thus: obeying) you rather than God. 20 "For you see, we ourselves are not able not to be constantly speaking [about] the things which we saw and heard." 21 So, after projecting menace and adding threats, they released them – continuing to find nothing [to solve] "the how" (= the means) [so that] they could curb them (= cut back their activities) – on account of the people, because they were all continuing in glorifying God (enhancing God's reputation) [based] on the thing (= the healing) having occurred (having come to be).

Acts 5:18-42

18 and they thrust [their] hand upon (= arrested) the sent-forth folks (the emissaries) and put them in [the] public [place] of custody and observation. 19 But during [the] night, an agent of [the] Lord (= Christ's or Yahweh's messenger) opened the gates (or: doors) of the prison (or: jail; place of being under guard). Then, after leading them out, he said, 20 "You folks be going your way, then later, upon taking a stand within the Temple courts (or: grounds), continue speaking to the people all the gush-effects of and results of the flow from (or: sayings and declarations) this Life." 21 So after hearing [this], they entered into the Temple complex under the [light of] daybreak (or: the early dawn) and began (or: continued) teaching. Now later, after arriving (or: coming along), the chief (ranking) priest and those with him called together the Sanhedrin (the Jewish High Council; the governing body) and all the assembly of the older men (persons of age and influence invited to sit with the Sanhedrin; = the senate) of the sons of Israel (= Israel as a tribe or nation), and they sent forth [men] unto the prison (jail; place for bound folks) to have them brought. 22 But upon arriving [D adds: and opening up the prison], the subordinate officers did not find them in the jail (or: prison). So after returning, they gave a report, saying, 23 "We found the prison (or: jail) shut in all security, having been firmly barred and locked, and the guards standing at the doors – yet upon opening [them] up, we found no one inside." 24 Now as they heard these words, both the captain of the Temple complex and the head (chief; ranking) priests became utterly perplexed about them and continued bewildered as to whatever this might come to be (or: what would come of this). 25 But then someone just arriving reported to them, "Look, and consider (or: Hey)! The men whom you folks put in the prison are presently within the Temple courts (or: grounds), standing and continuing in teaching the people!" 26 At that point the captain, after going off with the subordinate officers, proceeded in leading them, [bringing them] without force or violence – for they were fearing the people, lest they could (or: should; would) be stoned. 27 So after leading them, they had [them] stand in the Sanhedrin [hall], and then the chief (head; ranking) priests questioned them, saying, 28 "We commanded to you men, with a direct order, not to keep on teaching upon the [authority and basis of] this Name – and look! – you folks have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and now you continue purposed and determined to bring upon us (= hold us responsible for) the blood of this man!" 29 So Peter, along with the sent-forth folks, in giving a decisive reply, said, "It continues binding and necessary to with persuaded faithfulness habitually obey and yield to God as the Ruler, rather than humans (people)! 30 "The God of our fathers (= ancestors) raised up Jesus – Whom you men yourselves intensely manhandled with intent to kill, hanging [Him] on a wooden pole (or: suspending [Him] upon a tree). 31 "God exalted and lifted up high this Originator (or: Beginning Leader; Inaugurator; Founder; Chief Agent; Prince) and Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer of health and wholeness; Returner to the original sphere and state of being) to (or: by; with) His right hand (= power and authority; [D reads: glory]) – to give (or: grant) a change of mind and way of thinking [which results in a return to Yahweh] to (or: for; in) Israel, and a sending away of mistakes and deviations (a divorcing of failures; an abandoning of sinning; a flowing away of the results from times of missing the target; a forgiveness of errors; [D adds: within {or: among} them])!

Acts 5:31-42

31 "God exalted and lifted up high this Originator (or: Beginning Leader; Inaugurator; Founder; Chief Agent; Prince) and Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer of health and wholeness; Returner to the original sphere and state of being) to (or: by; with) His right hand (= power and authority; [D reads: glory]) – to give (or: grant) a change of mind and way of thinking [which results in a return to Yahweh] to (or: for; in) Israel, and a sending away of mistakes and deviations (a divorcing of failures; an abandoning of sinning; a flowing away of the results from times of missing the target; a forgiveness of errors; [D adds: within {or: among} them])! 32 "And we ourselves are evidences and witnesses of these gush-effects and results of the flow (or: saying and declarations; spoken words) – as well as the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; consecrated attitude) which (or: Whom) God gave (or: gives) to (or: in; for; among) the folks who in persuaded loyalty are continually obeying and yielding to Him as the Ruler." 33 Now the people hearing [this] began being divided in two by a saw (sawn through; = cut and torn apart emotionally so as to be enraged) and began intending (wanting and purposing) to "lift them up" (= haul them off and kill them). 34 But, after standing up, a certain man in [other MSS: belonging to] the Sanhedrin – a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a Law professor (a respected teacher of the Torah; [note: the grandson of Hillel]), one esteemed and honored by all the People – gave an order to put the men outside for a little while (or: briefly). 35 And then he said to them [D reads: to the leaders (rulers) of the Sanhedrin], "Men! Israelites! (or: Men of Israel!) Hold [this matter] to yourselves [in your mind] and put your attention upon these men, being careful as to what you are presently about to be committing or performing (= doing to them). 36 "You see, before these days Theudas (or: Todah) arose, repeatedly saying of himself to be somebody [D adds: great (= important; significant)] – to whom men numbering about four hundred were inclined (= rallied in support) – who was "taken up" (= hauled off to be killed – [perhaps by hanging or crucifixion]) and everyone, whoever was loyally submitting to him and obeyed him, were at once disbanded and dispersed, and so it came to be nothing (or: unto nothing did it occur). 37 "After this, Judah (or: Judas) the Galilean, in the days of the registration (or: census; the enrollment for the Roman tax), also established a people of behind him (= got some people to defect to him). That one also destroyed himself – then all [p45 & D omit: all], whoever was loyally submitted to him and obeyed him, were fully dispersed and are scattered abroad. 38 "And so, [with] the present [circumstances and events] (or: = in this instance), I am now telling you men, Stand away from these men and leave them alone (or: let them go off; divorce [yourselves] from them; allow them; [D adds: {do} not {be} staining {your} hands]), because if this counsel or this work should be from humans (or: have people as its source or origin) it well be utterly undone and demolished. 39 "Yet if it is from out of God, you folks will not be able or have power to dismantle or demolish them [D adds: neither we nor kings nor tyrants. Therefore, hold yourselves away from these men] – and [D* omits: and] may you not at some point be found [to be] fighters [against] God!" And so they were persuaded by him. 40 Next, upon calling the sent-forth folks to their presence, after severely lashing (flogging; whipping) [them], they gave orders not to continue speaking upon the [authority and basis of the] Name of Jesus. Then they released them. 41 Therefore the sent-forth folks indeed went their way, away from the face (= presence) of the Sanhedrin (the High Council), repeatedly rejoicing because they were counted (deemed; regarded; put down and recorded as being) worthy (of corresponding value) to be dishonored and treated as being without value and despised – over (for the sake of) the Name. 42 And so every day – within the Temple complex, as well as from house to house – they were not ceasing (they continued without letup) in repeatedly and progressively teaching and announcing the good news of the ease and well-being: the message about Christ Jesus (or: the news which came by, and is, Jesus, the Anointed One).

Acts 6:4

4 "Yet we ourselves will continue enduring strongly focused on and loyally persist in the thought, speaking and action aimed at having goodness, ease and well-being (or: with prayer) and the attending service of the Word (and: the dispensing pertaining to the Idea and from the Message which originates in the Logos)."

Acts 6:14

14 "For instance, we have heard him repeatedly saying that Jesus the Nazarene will destroy (demolish; dismantle) this place and he will change the customs which Moses handed down to (and: for) us."

Acts 7:58

58 Then after casting [him] forth, outside of the city, they began stoning [him] (throwing stones at him to kill him). And the witnesses put off their outer garments, [depositing them] beside the feet of a certain young man being normally called Saul.

Acts 8:1

1 Now on that day great persecution, pursuit and [D adds: pressure] was birthed (occurred) upon the called-out community [that was] within Jerusalem, so they were all – except for the sent-forth emissaries (representatives) [D*& 1175 add: who alone remained in Jerusalem] – dispersed and scattered as seeds down among the regions (or: territories) of Judea and Samaria.

Acts 8:3

3 Now Saul began devastating then continued laying waste and bringing havoc to the called-out community, repeatedly making his way into and invading one house after another. Constantly dragging away and pulling along both men and women by force, he routinely handed [them] over into prison (or: jail).

Acts 9:1-2

1 Now Saul, still continuously inhaling and breathing (or: in-spiriting and blowing [out]; animated with the spirit of) threatening and murder (or: slaughter) into the midst of the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] disciples (or: students; learners), after going to the head (chief; ranking) priest,

Acts 9:1

1 Now Saul, still continuously inhaling and breathing (or: in-spiriting and blowing [out]; animated with the spirit of) threatening and murder (or: slaughter) into the midst of the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] disciples (or: students; learners), after going to the head (chief; ranking) priest,

Acts 9:1-8

1 Now Saul, still continuously inhaling and breathing (or: in-spiriting and blowing [out]; animated with the spirit of) threatening and murder (or: slaughter) into the midst of the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] disciples (or: students; learners), after going to the head (chief; ranking) priest, 2 requested from him letters [to take] into Damascus – to the synagogues – so that if he should be finding anyone being [a part] of (or: belonging to) the Way (or: the Path; the Road), he could lead [them] – both men and women – bound, into Jerusalem.

Acts 9:2-8

2 requested from him letters [to take] into Damascus – to the synagogues – so that if he should be finding anyone being [a part] of (or: belonging to) the Way (or: the Path; the Road), he could lead [them] – both men and women – bound, into Jerusalem. 3 Now it happened, during [the occasion for] him to be progressively traveling [and] to be nearing Damascus, that with unexpected suddenness a light from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) flashed around him as lightning,

Acts 9:3

3 Now it happened, during [the occasion for] him to be progressively traveling [and] to be nearing Damascus, that with unexpected suddenness a light from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven) flashed around him as lightning, 4 and having fallen upon the ground, he heard a Voice (or: sound) repeatedly saying to him, "Saul... Saul... Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?"

Acts 9:4-5

4 and having fallen upon the ground, he heard a Voice (or: sound) repeatedly saying to him, "Saul... Saul... Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?" 5 So he said, "Who are You, Lord (or: Sir; Master)?" Now He replied, "I, Myself, am Jesus... Whom you continue pursuing and persecuting!

Acts 9:5-5

5 So he said, "Who are You, Lord (or: Sir; Master)?" Now He replied, "I, Myself, am Jesus... Whom you continue pursuing and persecuting! 6 "Nevertheless, at once stand up and then enter into the city. Then it will proceed being spoken to you that which it continues binding and necessary for you to continue doing."

Acts 9:6-9

6 "Nevertheless, at once stand up and then enter into the city. Then it will proceed being spoken to you that which it continues binding and necessary for you to continue doing." 7 Now the adult men who were presently accompanying him on the journey had stood speechless and continued standing dumbfounded – while hearing the Voice (or: sound), and yet still, as spectators, gazing at not even one person (or: yet not viewing anyone)!

Acts 9:7

7 Now the adult men who were presently accompanying him on the journey had stood speechless and continued standing dumbfounded – while hearing the Voice (or: sound), and yet still, as spectators, gazing at not even one person (or: yet not viewing anyone)!

Acts 9:7-9

7 Now the adult men who were presently accompanying him on the journey had stood speechless and continued standing dumbfounded – while hearing the Voice (or: sound), and yet still, as spectators, gazing at not even one person (or: yet not viewing anyone)! 8 But then Saul got up from the ground, and yet with his eyes having been opened up, and continuing open, he was seeing nothing! So they led him on into Damascus,

Acts 9:8-9

8 But then Saul got up from the ground, and yet with his eyes having been opened up, and continuing open, he was seeing nothing! So they led him on into Damascus, 9 and he was three days still not seeing. He also neither ate nor drank.

Acts 9:13-14

13 But Ananias discerningly answered, "O Lord! I hear (or: heard) from many people about this adult man... how many vile and bad (worthless and evil; ugly and malicious) things he did to Your set-apart folks (Your saints) in Jerusalem! 14 "And here in this place he is presently having (or: holding) authority from the chief (head; ranking) priests to bind all those habitually calling upon Your Name!" 15 Yet the Lord [= Christ] said to him, "Be presently going (or: Go, and continue on your way), because this one is (or: exists being) a vessel of choice to Me (or: a picked our and chosen instrument for Me) to lift up and carry My Name before (in the sight and presence of) the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; Gentiles; non-Israelites) – as well as [before] kings and [the] sons (= people) of Israel.

Acts 9:15-16

15 Yet the Lord [= Christ] said to him, "Be presently going (or: Go, and continue on your way), because this one is (or: exists being) a vessel of choice to Me (or: a picked our and chosen instrument for Me) to lift up and carry My Name before (in the sight and presence of) the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; Gentiles; non-Israelites) – as well as [before] kings and [the] sons (= people) of Israel. 16 "For you see, I Myself will proceed underlining and pointing out (or: plainly showing) to him how many things it continues being binding and necessary for him to experience and be suffering – over [the situation of] (or: for; on behalf of) My Name."

Acts 9:16-16

16 "For you see, I Myself will proceed underlining and pointing out (or: plainly showing) to him how many things it continues being binding and necessary for him to experience and be suffering – over [the situation of] (or: for; on behalf of) My Name." 17 So Ananias went off and entered into the house, and after placing [his] hands upon him, he said, "O Brother Saul! The Lord – Jesus, the One being seen by you on the road in which you were coming – has sent me with a mission so that you can look up and see again, and then you can be filled with [the] set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; a consecrated attitude)!" 18 And immediately there fell off from his eyes [something] like scales (or: hulls; shells; rinds; incrustations; [Greek lepris; note: lepra is the word: leprosy; lepros is a leper]). And so he looked up and could see again (or: recovered his sight). Next, after standing up, he was immersed (or: baptized). Later on, upon receiving food (or: nourishment), he was inwardly strengthened and invigorated. 19 Now he came to be (= spent some time) with the disciples in Damascus [for] some (or: certain; [p45 reads: enough]) days, 20 then straightway (at once) began publicly proclaiming Jesus within the synagogues – continuously heralding that this Man is (exists being) God's Son (or: the Son which has the character and qualities of, and whose origin is, God)! 21 Yet all the folks presently listening and hearing [him] continued amazed and astonished (literally: standing out of themselves), and were one after another saying, "Is not this man the person [who] in Jerusalem was laying waste (devastating; ravaging; trying to kill) the people habitually calling upon this Name? And now he has come here, into this place (or: unto this purpose), so that after [their] having been bound, he could lead them on to the head (chief; ranking) priests!"

Acts 9:21-29

21 Yet all the folks presently listening and hearing [him] continued amazed and astonished (literally: standing out of themselves), and were one after another saying, "Is not this man the person [who] in Jerusalem was laying waste (devastating; ravaging; trying to kill) the people habitually calling upon this Name? And now he has come here, into this place (or: unto this purpose), so that after [their] having been bound, he could lead them on to the head (chief; ranking) priests!" 22 But Saul kept on being more exceedingly empowered and was progressively given inner abilities, and so he kept on pouring [thoughts; ideas; Scriptures] together – [to the point that] he was creating an uproar among, and was confounding, the Jews presently living and permanently dwelling in Damascus – progressively causing [his arguments] to stand together, thus proving conclusively that this Man is (exists being) the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah; [note: = "God's Son," of vs. 20, above]). 23 Now as a considerable number of days were, one after another, being fulfilled (or: = coming to a close; thus: = quite some time later) the Jews consulted together to assassinate him (to "take him up"). However, their plot became known to Saul.

Acts 9:23-29

23 Now as a considerable number of days were, one after another, being fulfilled (or: = coming to a close; thus: = quite some time later) the Jews consulted together to assassinate him (to "take him up"). However, their plot became known to Saul. 24 Now they also kept on closely watching and covertly guarding the gates both day and night so that they could capture and assassinate him.

Acts 9:24-29

24 Now they also kept on closely watching and covertly guarding the gates both day and night so that they could capture and assassinate him. 25 So his students (disciples), by night taking [him] through [an opening or window in] the wall, let him down by gradually lowering [him] in a hamper (possibly: a basket made of braided ropes).

Acts 9:25-29

25 So his students (disciples), by night taking [him] through [an opening or window in] the wall, let him down by gradually lowering [him] in a hamper (possibly: a basket made of braided ropes). 26 Now later, coming to be present [after entering] into Jerusalem, he kept on trying to be closely joined to the disciples (students; apprentices), and yet everyone continued fearing him, still not trusting or believing that he is now a disciple.

Acts 9:26-29

26 Now later, coming to be present [after entering] into Jerusalem, he kept on trying to be closely joined to the disciples (students; apprentices), and yet everyone continued fearing him, still not trusting or believing that he is now a disciple. 27 So Barnabas, taking on [the problem] (or: taking him on [as a friend]; or: taking him by the hand), led him to the sent-forth folks (the emissaries) and then he [i.e., Paul] fully related to them how he saw the Lord on the road, and that He spoke to him (or: he spoke to Him) and how in Damascus he spoke in the Name of Jesus with the right of complete freedom from constraint, and with all boldness being publicly open and frank. 28 And so he continued being with them, going his way into Jerusalem, as well as traveling out. 29 Repeatedly speaking in the Name of the Lord with the right of complete freedom from constraint, and with all boldness being publicly open and frank, he continued both speaking and making joint-deliberations to the Hellenists (the Jews who spoke Greek or had adopted the Greek culture, or both). Yet these folks began taking in hand to assassinate him.

Acts 9:29-29

29 Repeatedly speaking in the Name of the Lord with the right of complete freedom from constraint, and with all boldness being publicly open and frank, he continued both speaking and making joint-deliberations to the Hellenists (the Jews who spoke Greek or had adopted the Greek culture, or both). Yet these folks began taking in hand to assassinate him. 30 So, upon coming to be personally aware and to accurately know [of this], the brothers led him down into Caesarea, and then sent him forth with a mission into Tarsus.

Acts 9:32

32 Now while Peter continued going through all [the territories], it happened [for him] to go down also to the set-apart folks (the saints) presently inhabiting (or: permanently settled in) Lydda (or: Lud).

Acts 9:35

35 Later all the folks presently inhabiting (residing in) Lydda and the [plain of] Sharon saw him, which folks [also] turned back upon (= returned their lives to having a focus on) the Lord [Christ or Yahweh].

Acts 9:41

41 And so, giving her a hand, he raised her up (or: helped her stand up). And now, after summoning the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy people) and the widows, he stood her alongside (or: presented her), now living.

Acts 10:40-42

40 "This Man (or: Person) God raised up on (or: in; [D reads: after]) [the] third day, and He gave (or: gives) Him to become (or: be birthed) visible within the midst – 41 "not among all the people, but rather among witnesses (or: disclosed – not to all the people, but rather to folks giving evidence) having been previously hand-picked and elected by God – in us (or: to us) who ate and drank together with Him, after the [occasion for] Him to stand back up (rise again) out from the midst of dead folks. 42 "And He passed along the directive (the announced instructions) for us to publicly proclaim, as heralds – to, and among, the people – and to certify at once, by personal evidence, and to give testimony as witnesses that this Man is and continues being the very One having been definitely marked out and specified by God [as] He who decides ([the] Evaluator; a Separator for making decisions; Judge) concerning presently living folks, and currently dead people. 43 "To this Man (or: Person) all the prophets (those who had light ahead of time) continue bearing witness, giving testimony and presenting evidence: through His Name, everyone making it a habit to place their trust into Him and continue believing with [their focus] into the midst of Him is to at once receive a sending away of mistakes (a divorce from failures; a cancellation of errors; a forgiveness of sins; a flowing off of deviations)."

Acts 11:18

18 Now upon hearing these, they were quiet (silent; still), and then they gave glory to, and enhanced the reputation of, God, as a group saying, "Consequently, God also gave (or: gives) to the non-Jews (the ethnic multitudes of the nations) the change of mind (or: change in thinking) [which brings one; or, leads] into Life!"

Acts 11:26-30

26 then, upon finding [him], he brought (or: led) [him] into Antioch. Now it also came to be (or: happened) for them to be gathered together among (or: within the midst of) the called-out community [there for] a whole year, and to teach a considerable crowd [of people]. Furthermore, [it happened] in Antioch for the first time to employ the useful appellation "Christians (little anointed ones; = Messianics; = associates or followers of the Christ)" [to; for] the disciples (or: students).

Acts 11:26

26 then, upon finding [him], he brought (or: led) [him] into Antioch. Now it also came to be (or: happened) for them to be gathered together among (or: within the midst of) the called-out community [there for] a whole year, and to teach a considerable crowd [of people]. Furthermore, [it happened] in Antioch for the first time to employ the useful appellation "Christians (little anointed ones; = Messianics; = associates or followers of the Christ)" [to; for] the disciples (or: students). 27 Now during these days prophets (folks having light ahead of time who spoke this light before folks) came (or: went) down from Jerusalem unto Antioch. 28 And now one from among them, named Agabus, upon rising and taking a stand, through means of the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) began indicating by signs and symbols [that] a great famine is to be progressively impending, [which] is going to birth itself into existence upon the whole inhabited land (= the whole Roman empire) – something which occurred upon [the reign] of Claudius. 29 So they determined a plan (marked off the horizon) [that] each of them, according as any of the disciples prospered and thrived (= could afford), is to send [something] unto a relief service (or: to a dispensing of aid) for the brothers (= fellow members of the called-out community) presently settled permanently (or: dwelling) in Judea, 30 which, also, they did, sending [it] off to the older men (or: elders) through [the] hand (= by the means or personal agency) of Barnabas and Saul.

Acts 12:6

6 So when Herod was being about to bring him forth (or: produce him [to them]), during that night Peter – being bound with two chains – continued sleeping between two soldiers, besides [the] guards before the door [who] continued watching over and guarding the prison (or: jail).

Acts 13:1-4

1 Now there were prophets (folks who had light ahead of time and spoke it before folks) and teachers within the midst of Antioch, down in (or: corresponding to; or: to accord with) the called-out community currently being [there]: both Barnabas and Simeon – the one normally being called " [the] Black" (or: Niger) – as well as Lucius, the man from Cyrene (a Greek colony in north Africa; or: Cyrenian, being the name of another man there), and Manaen (or: Manahen) – a person who was brought up with (or: a foster brother of; a childhood companion of; one educated and nurtured with) Herod, the tetrarch (provincial or district ruler) – and Saul. 2 So, in the midst of their continually doing public work (service for the people) for (or: in; to; by; with) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], as well as periodically fasting, the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) said, "Now therefore, you folks section off (mark off boundaries so as to define) Barnabas and Saul – to (or: for; by; in; with) Me – into the work toward which I Myself have called (or: summoned) them." 3 At that time then, after fasting and praying (speaking and thinking toward things going well), and then placing their hands on (or: to) them, they loosed [them] away (disbanded and released [them]). 4 They themselves indeed therefore – being sent out from the midst by the set-apart Breath-effect (or: under the Holy Spirit) – went down into Seleucia. Then from there, they sailed away unto Cyprus.

Acts 13:30-31

30 "Yet God aroused and raised Him up from out of the midst of dead folks, 31 "Who was from time to time seen on many days by those walking back up together from Galilee into Jerusalem – who at this time continue being witnesses of Him (or: evidence for Him; His folks who give testimony) to the people. 32 "And thus we ourselves continue bringing and declaring [to] you folks the good news [about] the promise that was being birthed to (or: was coming into existence, or occurring, toward) our fathers (= ancestors), 33 "that God has filled this out of [our] midst (or: has fully fulfilled this) for (or: to; in) our children [other MSS: us, their children,] in raising (resurrecting; standing back up again) Jesus – even as it has been written in the second Psalm, 'You are My Son; I Myself have given birth to You today (or: today I Myself have become Your Father).' [D adds: You see then, request of Me and I will proceed giving to You the ethnic multitudes (nations and people groups) {for} Your allotted inheritance, and the limits and uttermost parts of the earth {as} Your firmly held possession.] [Ps. 2:7] 34 "Now, seeing that He raised Him up (resurrected Him; stood Him back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – no longer being about to be progressively returning (or: not anymore continuing about to be constantly or repeatedly turning below, or under) into corruption and decay. Thus He has declared, 'I will proceed giving to and among you people the faithful and trustworthy qualities and aspects of pious and benign loyalty which belonged to David.' [Isa. 55:3]

Acts 13:38-39

38 "Therefore be it now known to you and progressively experienced by you folks – men... brothers – that through This One is being continuously and progressively announced, as a message come down to (or: for; among) you people, a flowing-away of mistakes (a sending away of failures; a divorce from sins; an abandoning of errors; a forgiveness and release from situations of missing the target), 39 "even from every thing (or: all things) of which you folks, in union with (or: within) [the] Law of Moses, had no power or ability to at any point be rightwised (turned in the right direction; made fair, equitable and in right relationships within the Way pointed out). In union with and within This One, everyone who is habitually trusting and continuously believing is being progressively rightwised (habitually placed in right relationships which accord with the Way pointed out; continuously made fair and equitable).

Acts 13:45

45 Now upon seeing the crowds, the Jews were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things being spoken by Paul, while repeatedly speaking abusively (or: arguing with slander and invectives; speaking light-hindering misrepresentations; defaming with accusations of villainy). 46 Continuing bold, expressing the inherent right to speak the whole truth publicly with freedom from reprisal, both Paul and Barnabas said, "It was a matter of constraint, compulsion, and pressed indispensability [for] God's Logos (Word; message; idea) to be spoken to you folks first! Yet since you folks continue to push it away from yourselves, and are repeatedly judging (or: deciding) yourselves [to be] not worthy of the eonian life (the life pertaining to the Age [of Messiah]; the life whose source and character is from the Age), look! We are now being turned (or, as a middle: progressively turning ourselves) unto the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the Gentiles; the non-Jews). 47 "You see, thus has the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] directed to us: 'I have placed (or: set) you unto [being] a light of nations (ethnic multitudes; non-Jews), [in order for] you to be [placed] into the midst of a deliverance (a rescue and a return to health and wholeness; a restoring to the original state of being and condition) as far as [the] last [point] of the earth!'" [Isa. 49:6]

Acts 13:47-48

47 "You see, thus has the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] directed to us: 'I have placed (or: set) you unto [being] a light of nations (ethnic multitudes; non-Jews), [in order for] you to be [placed] into the midst of a deliverance (a rescue and a return to health and wholeness; a restoring to the original state of being and condition) as far as [the] last [point] of the earth!'" [Isa. 49:6] 48 Now upon hearing [this], the non-Jews (the [folks of the] nations and ethnic groups) began rejoicing and continued glorifying (enhancing the reputation of) the message from God (God's Logos: God's Word and idea). And so they trusted and believed – whoever were folks having been set and arranged into an eonian life (or: into life which has is source and quality from the Age).

Acts 13:50

50 But the Jews incited and spurred on the reverent, respectable (or: reputable; influential; of good form and decorum) women, as well as the leading (principal; foremost) men of the city, and they aroused (raised up; mounted) a pursuit and persecution upon Paul and Barnabas, and then threw them out of their midst – away from their boundaries (= city limits; or: territory; district).

Acts 14:5-6

5 So as a rushing onset occurred of both the non-Jews (ethnic folks; = Greeks) and Jews – together with their leaders (or: authorities; rulers) – to outrage (to violate, manhandle, or treat insolently) and to pelt them with stones, 6 they, becoming aware [of it], fled down for refuge into the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe – as well as the surrounding country,

Acts 14:15-21

15 and [both] saying, "Men (= Gentlemen)! Why are you now doing these things? We ourselves are also humans: men with similar experiences and like emotions as you folks! Men presently bringing and progressively declaring the good news to you people: [D adds: the God by what means] [with p45: you are to at once stand away and separate] – to then progressively turn away from these fruitless (vain; purposeless; useless) things (or: practices) and to continue turning [your focus and attention] on a [other MSS: the] living God, Who makes (or: formed; constructs; produced) the heaven and the earth (or: the sky and the land) – as well as all the things within them, 16 "Who, within the generations having gone by, permitted (let; allowed) all the ethnic groups (nations; non-Jewish multitudes) to continue going in their ways (or: to progressively travel on their paths), 17 "although He did not leave (or: abandon; neglect; let go from His care and attendance of) Himself without evidence (= proof; or: testimony; or: a witness) by repeatedly doing good works (or: produced benevolent deeds): regularly giving to (or: for) you people rains from heaven (or: [the] sky), and thus fruit-bearing seasons, constantly filling the core of your beings full of food (or: nourishment) and your hearts with gladness and a frame of mind (or: disposition) characterized by ease and well-being in the midst of togetherness." 18 And so, by saying these things, they with difficulty caused the crowds to bring [the proceedings] down to an end and fully stop – [so as] not to continue in sacrificing to them [C adds: but rather [for] each one to proceed on their way unto their own homes]. 19 So [C, D & E add: during their continuing to spend time {there} and repeatedly teaching, certain] Jews from Antioch and Iconium came upon [the scene], and [with other MSS: from their repeated arguments, publicly] persuaded the crowds [other MSS add: to separate from them, saying that they were not even speaking truth, but rather were all constantly lying]. And so, after stoning Paul, they proceeded to be violently dragging [him] outside of the city, continuing in presuming him to have died.

Acts 14:19-21

19 So [C, D & E add: during their continuing to spend time {there} and repeatedly teaching, certain] Jews from Antioch and Iconium came upon [the scene], and [with other MSS: from their repeated arguments, publicly] persuaded the crowds [other MSS add: to separate from them, saying that they were not even speaking truth, but rather were all constantly lying]. And so, after stoning Paul, they proceeded to be violently dragging [him] outside of the city, continuing in presuming him to have died. 20 However, with the disciples' forming a circle, surrounding him, upon arising (or: after standing back up again; or: upon resurrecting) he entered into the city. Then on the next day he went out, together with Barnabas, into Derbe.

Acts 14:20-21

20 However, with the disciples' forming a circle, surrounding him, upon arising (or: after standing back up again; or: upon resurrecting) he entered into the city. Then on the next day he went out, together with Barnabas, into Derbe. 21 Continuing in bringing and declaring the good news to that city as well, and making a considerable [number of] disciples (or: students), they returned into Lystra, then into Iconium, and finally into Antioch,

Acts 15:9

9 "Furthermore, He made not even one separation of any kind (or: He made a distinction in nothing; or: He makes no dividing decision in even one thing) between both us and them, at once cleansing (or: purifying) their hearts by faith (with trust; in The Faithfulness [of Christ]; to and for convinced reliance)!

Acts 15:19

19 "Hence (or: Because of which), I myself am now judging and deciding not to continue making it more difficult for, or to be troubling or harassing, the folks from the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews) [who] are progressively turning upon (= turning around to) God,

Acts 16:25-26

25 Now at about midnight, Paul and Silas, continuing in thinking toward having the situation go well (or: praying; imparting words with a focus on ease and well-being), began singing hymns (or: praise and festive songs) [to] God (or: were continuing on by creating odes [about] God). So then, the prisoners kept on attentively listening [to what came] from them. 26 Now suddenly and unexpectedly, a great (or: violent) shaking (= an earthquake) occurred so that foundations of the prison (the place of the bound ones) were caused to move to and fro (made to totter and be rendered unstable). So now, instantly for use, all the doors were at once opened and the bonds of everyone were loosened (allowed to go up or back so as to relax and be slack; [D reads: unfastened]).

Acts 16:39

39 and then, after coming, they entreated them, calling them to their sides. Next, having led them out [of the prison], they kept on asking [them] to go off [other MSS: out], away from the city. [D reads: and so, upon arriving unto the prison – accompanied by many friends – they entreated them to go forth, saying, "We were not aware (had no personal knowledge) of the situation regarding you folks, that you are just men (men of blameless character)." And so, having escorted them out, they entreated them, saying, "Go forth out of this city, otherwise folks may gather together again and turn on you, repeatedly shouting threats against you."]

Acts 17:10

10 So then the brothers (= fellow believers) immediately sent both Paul and Silas out by (or: through [the]) night into Berea, who, upon arriving unto the synagogue of the Jews, continued being away [there].

Acts 17:14

14 So at that point, the brothers immediately sent Paul out from [their] midst, to continue traveling away – as far as the sea. Other than this, both Silas and Timothy remained there, under cover yet persevering and supporting [the situation].

Acts 17:30

30 "Indeed then, upon looking over, seeing above and perceiving on behalf of [D reads: taking no notice of] the times of this ignorance, in regard to the present conditions and situations, God is presently and progressively passing along [other MSS: bringing back] this announcement to mankind (or: for humanity): all people (or: every human) everywhere are (or: is) to be progressively changing [their] thinking and continue with a changed mindset! 31 "In accord with that, He set (or: established) a Day within which He is progressively about to continue evaluating and deciding about (or: judging) the inhabited area [of the Empire], in fairness and equity (in union with rightwised relationships for making things right and in accord with the Way pointed out; also: = based upon covenant principles; or: = as being in covenant) – within a Man, [D adds: Jesus,] Whom He definitely marked out, furnishing faith to all people (providing trust and assurance for all mankind; tendering loyalty in all) by raising Him back up from the midst of dead ones." 32 Now upon hearing [of] a resurrection of dead people, indeed, some folks began sneering and mocking, yet others said, "We will listen and hear from you about this again, also."

Acts 17:32

32 Now upon hearing [of] a resurrection of dead people, indeed, some folks began sneering and mocking, yet others said, "We will listen and hear from you about this again, also."

Acts 18:6

6 But with their constantly setting themselves in face to face battle array for opposition against [him] and then repeatedly speaking abusively [to him], while suddenly shaking out [his] garments [note: a symbolic act denoting disassociation], he said to them, "Your blood [is] upon your head! I myself [am] clean (= I have no blame in this situation, and am not responsible for your lives). From now on I will be going unto (or: into the midst of) the ethnic multitudes (the nations which are non-Jews)."

Acts 18:9-10

9 Now at one point, through a vision (the result of something seen) during [the] night, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] said to Paul, "Stop being caused to fear. To the contrary, keep on speaking; and you should not at any point become silent, 10 "because I, Myself, am with you, and not even one person will set himself upon (= assault; attack) you with the intent to treat you badly (harm you; behave in a worthless manner to you; injure or ill-treat you), because within this city there are many people in Me (or: for Me; with Me)."

Acts 18:10

10 "because I, Myself, am with you, and not even one person will set himself upon (= assault; attack) you with the intent to treat you badly (harm you; behave in a worthless manner to you; injure or ill-treat you), because within this city there are many people in Me (or: for Me; with Me)."

Acts 18:12-16

12 Now while Gallio [brother of Seneca, Nero's tutor] was being [the] proconsul (regional governor) of Achaia, the Jews, [D adds: after talking together,] with one accord and like rushing-passion, took a stand down upon (or: made a concerted assault on) Paul and, [D adds: laying hands on {him},] led him up on the raised public platform where legal cases were tried (the dais), [before Gallio], 13 one after another [D adds: repeatedly shouting in complaint and] saying, "By persuading folks back [to a different belief], this person continues inducing the people to habitually worship and show reverence to God [in a manner that is] to the side of the Law (or: = outside the law; = in illegal ways; or: = against the Torah)." 14 But then, at Paul's being about to be opening up [his] mouth, Gallio says to the Jews, "O Jews! If this were actually the result of something unfair (inequitable; injurious; contrary to what is right; or: = a violent crime), or the effect of a worthless act of villainy (e.g.: fraud; unscrupulousness; reckless action), in accord with reason (or: corresponding to [such] account) I would hold myself back and tolerate you people (or: your [issue and behavior]). 15 "Yet since it is the results of questions and controversies concerning a word (or: a message; a thought; an idea) and names, or even a law or custom of that which relates to you people, you yourselves will proceed seeing [to it]! I myself am neither wishing nor intending to be a judge of these matters!"

Acts 18:15

15 "Yet since it is the results of questions and controversies concerning a word (or: a message; a thought; an idea) and names, or even a law or custom of that which relates to you people, you yourselves will proceed seeing [to it]! I myself am neither wishing nor intending to be a judge of these matters!" 16 Then (or: And so) he drove them away from the court (the elevated public platform; the dais).

Acts 19:28-41

28 Now at hearing these things and coming to be full of rushing and violent emotions (or: impetuous passion leading to indignation and fury) [D adds: then (or: while) running (or: dashing; rushing out forward) into the street], they began crying out, one after another repeatedly saying, "Great [is] Artemis of [the] Ephesians!" (or: they continued making exclamations of entreaty, constantly saying, "O Great Artemis of Ephesus!") 29 So the city came to be filled with the confusion that comes with the actions of a disorderly mob [D reads: And thus the whole city was being poured together with the sense of shame and disgrace]. What is more, with similar emotions and passion they rushed headlong (or: stampeded) into the theater, having suddenly and violently seized and drug away Gaius and Aristarchus – the Macedonian traveling companions of Paul (or: folks traveling abroad with Paul). 30 Now at Paul's persistent desiring and intending to go inside unto the people of the local society, the disciples [D: began preventing (hindering)] [and] continued not letting him [do so]. 31 Moreover, even some of the annually elected officials who presided over and funded the public games and religious festivals in the province of Asia [note: called Asiarchs, they acted as high priests of the cult of the goddess Roma, and of the Emperor cult], being friendly to him and having affection for him, were sending [word] to him, continuing in offering assistance, as well as entreating him (= kept on insisting for him) not to give himself unto the theater (or: not to venture into the theater). 32 Indeed, other folks then kept on crying out some other thing – for you see, that called-out group was one having been commingled into a state of confusion, and the majority had not seen, and were thus unaware of, what reason or account they had come together. 33 So folks of the Jews, thrusting him forward, together made Alexander stand out of the crowd. Thus now Alexander, gesturing (or: motioning) downward with [his] hand, was wanting and intending to be defending himself to the people (or: populace). 34 Yet upon recognizing (or: coming to clearly know) that he is a Jew, one voice was birthed (= arose) forth from the midst of all of them, [like a flock of gulls] continuously crying out for about two hours, "Great [is] Artemis of [the] Ephesians (or: O Great Artemis of Ephesus)!" 35 Finally, upon quelling and composing the crowd (or: throng), the city recorder (or: town clerk; [note: this was the chief elected magistrate of the city]) continued saying, "Gentlemen! Ephesians! Now really, who is there of mankind who does not continue with personal, experiential knowledge and insight [that] the city of [the] Ephesians continues being the temple keeper (warden; custodian; sexton; official in charge of keeping the temple clean, decorated and in repair) of the great Artemis, and of the [stone; statue] fallen from Zeus? 36 "Therefore, with these things being undeniable (indisputable; beyond question of being spoken against), it continues being binding for you folks to be from the source submitted (or: to be submitted from the beginning; = be calm), being ones having been quelled and composed, and to continue practicing (committing; performing) nothing rash or reckless (as though from falling headlong toward something). 37 "For you see, you folks led these men [here], [who are] neither robbers of temples nor folks blaspheming (slandering; speaking abusively or contemptuously of) our goddess. 38 "Indeed, therefore, if Demetrius and those artisans (craftsmen) with him continue having (or: holding) a matter aimed toward someone (= a case or a charge against anybody), court sessions are regularly being convened, and there are proconsuls (= governors of the Roman provinces); let them continue to call in the cases (= bring the charges) to (or: for; = against) one another. 39 "If, however, you folks continue seeking (or: searching for) anything beyond that [other MSS: concerning different things], it will be released (= resolved and settled) in the lawful assembly, 40 "for we also continue being in danger (or: peril; at risk) to be now arraigned and indicted (or: accused and charged) for a rebellious posture (a stance which signifies civil insurrection) concerning today's [affair; commotion; events], possessing (or: there inhering [D reads: there being]) not one cause concerning which we will be able to render a reason (an account; a word; a thought; = an explanation) about this turning-together (= a conspiracy, a riot, or a disorderly mob)." 41 And so, upon saying these things, he dismissed (loosed-away) the assembly.

Acts 20:20-27

20 "how [in] nothing (or: under no circumstances) did I arrange myself under (= out of public view) and hold myself away [from the issue] (or: shrink or draw back) from repeatedly bringing [thoughts and information] together to recount to (or: for) you and to teach you folks in public, as well as from house to house, 21 "to both Jews and Greeks constantly certifying with thorough testimony about and full witness of the change in thinking and the returning into God, as well as faith and trust [directed] into our Lord, Jesus [p74, Aleph, A, C & D add: Christ].

Acts 20:21-27

21 "to both Jews and Greeks constantly certifying with thorough testimony about and full witness of the change in thinking and the returning into God, as well as faith and trust [directed] into our Lord, Jesus [p74, Aleph, A, C & D add: Christ]. 22 "And so now, look and consider this! I myself, having been bound by the Breath-effect (or: in the Spirit; to [my] spirit and attitude; with the [realm of] spirit; for the breath-effect) – and still being thus – I continue proceeding on my journey into Jerusalem, not seeing or knowing [p41 & D read: having insight about] the things that will progressively be meeting together with me (or: that will proceed falling together in opposition to me) within the midst of her (or: it), 23 "except that down through each city (or: from city to city) the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) keeps repeatedly giving full witness and evidence to me, continually saying that bonds (= imprisonments) and pressures (oppressions; afflictions; tribulations) continue remaining and are still awaiting me. 24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God).

Acts 20:24-27

24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God). 25 "And thus now, consider this. I have seen and am thus aware that all you folks, among whom I passed through constantly and progressively making public proclamation heralding the reign and kingdom [D adds: of Jesus; E and others read: of God], will no longer see my face. 26 "Hence (or: Because of this) I am now testifying to you men – in this very day – that I continue being clean from the blood of all humanity, 27 "for you see, I did not draw back from recounting to you folks all the purpose, will and counsel of God (or: from the [situation] to at some point announce again all God's design and determination for you people).

Acts 20:31

31 "Therefore, constantly keep your wits about you (be continuously awake, alert and watchful) while continuously bearing in mind through remembrance that three-year period [when] night and day I did not cease – with tears – repeatedly and progressively placing [thoughts; ideas; information; admonition] in the minds of each one [D & E add: of you folks]. 32 "And these present things I am presently placing beside you folks, by (or: in) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh; other MSS: God] and by (or: in) the Logos (Word; thought; idea; message) of His grace and undeserved favor which is continuously having power and ability to at any point edify and build the house, and then to at once give the enjoyment of the allotted inheritance within the midst of (or: in union with; or: among) all the folks having been set-apart (or: consecrated, made holy and dedicated to sacred service).

Acts 21:13

13 At that point Paul made a discerning and decisive reply: "What are you folks proceeding in doing by continuing to weep and to progressively crush my heart to pieces? You see, I myself readily make it a habit to be holding [myself] prepared not only to be bound (or: = imprisoned), but more than that, at once also to die [upon entering] into the midst of Jerusalem for the sake of (or: over [circumstances concerning]) the Name of the Lord Jesus!"

Acts 21:19

19 Then, after greeting and embracing them, he began leading out with a detailed account, unfolding one by one each of the things which God had done among the ethnic multitudes (= the non-Jews of the nations) through his attending service.

Acts 21:21

21 "Yet they have been orally instructed concerning you, that you are repeatedly (or: habitually) teaching all the Jews down through the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) an apostasy away (a revolt; a standing away) from Moses, constantly telling them not to be circumcising [their] children, nor even to be living their lives (continually walking about) in (by; with) the customs.

Acts 21:27

27 So as the seven days were being about to be concluding, the [fanatical and extremist religious] Jews from the Asian [district], upon catching a view and gazing upon him [i.e., Paul] in the midst of the Temple complex, began pouring [themselves into the midst], together with [the] whole crowd, to mix and stir up confusion – then they laid [their] hands on him, 28 repeatedly crying out, "Men! Israelites! Come help [us]... now (Run immediately to our cry)! This man is the person who is constantly teaching all people everywhere against the People [= Jews or Israelites] and the Law and this [Concordant text adds: holy] Place! Still more than this, he also brought Greeks into the Temple complex and has thus made this set-apart and sacred Place common (= profane, contaminated and defiled)!" 29 You see, they were folks who had been previously seeing Trophimus the Ephesian together with him [i.e., Paul] in the city, whom they had been presuming – from what is customary – that Paul had brought into the Temple complex. 30 And so with this, the whole city was set in violent motion and there came to be a running together of the people. Then, with getting a hold on (or: grabbing) Paul, they began dragging him outside of the Temple complex – and at once the doors were closed and bolted (or: locked) [by the Levites].

Acts 21:30-31

30 And so with this, the whole city was set in violent motion and there came to be a running together of the people. Then, with getting a hold on (or: grabbing) Paul, they began dragging him outside of the Temple complex – and at once the doors were closed and bolted (or: locked) [by the Levites]. 31 And then, while [they were] seeking to kill him, a report that [the] whole of Jerusalem was being progressively poured together in turmoil reached the commander (or: tribune) of the battalion (or: squadron – normally 600 Roman soldiers),

Acts 21:31-31

31 And then, while [they were] seeking to kill him, a report that [the] whole of Jerusalem was being progressively poured together in turmoil reached the commander (or: tribune) of the battalion (or: squadron – normally 600 Roman soldiers),

Acts 21:31-33

31 And then, while [they were] seeking to kill him, a report that [the] whole of Jerusalem was being progressively poured together in turmoil reached the commander (or: tribune) of the battalion (or: squadron – normally 600 Roman soldiers), 32 who from that same moment ran (or: rushed) down upon them, taking along soldiers and centurions (officers in charge of 100 men). Now upon seeing the commander and the soldiers, they at once stopped beating Paul.

Acts 21:32-33

32 who from that same moment ran (or: rushed) down upon them, taking along soldiers and centurions (officers in charge of 100 men). Now upon seeing the commander and the soldiers, they at once stopped beating Paul. 33 At that point the commander (or: tribune), drawing near, took hold of him (= arrested him). Then he gave orders [for him] to be bound with two chains, and began inquiring who he might be and what it is he had done.

Acts 21:33-33

33 At that point the commander (or: tribune), drawing near, took hold of him (= arrested him). Then he gave orders [for him] to be bound with two chains, and began inquiring who he might be and what it is he had done.

Acts 21:33

33 At that point the commander (or: tribune), drawing near, took hold of him (= arrested him). Then he gave orders [for him] to be bound with two chains, and began inquiring who he might be and what it is he had done. 34 Now some within the mob began shouting out one thing, other folks something else. So with his not being able to know the certainty [of the matter] because of the uproar and tumult, he gave orders for him to be led into the barracks (or: fortress). 35 But when he came to be upon the stairs, the situation presented the need for him to proceed by being picked up and carried by the soldiers – because of the violence of the crowd, 36 for you see, the great mass of the people kept following, repeatedly crying out, "Take him up and be doing away with (= killing) him!"

Acts 21:40

40 Now after his giving permission, Paul, standing on the stairs, gestures – motioning down with [his] hand – to the people. Then, with it becoming perfectly quiet, he shouted to [them] in the Hebrew [p74 & A read: in his own] language (or: dialect), saying:

Acts 22:1

1 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow Jews) and fathers! Listen, and hear my defense to you now!" 2 Well, upon hearing that he was now loudly addressing them in the Hebrew language (or: dialect), they provided even more quietness of behavior [D reads: became more calm and tranquil]. And so he continued affirming, 3 "I myself am a man [who is] a Jew having been born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but having been nourished, trained and educated in this city at the feet of Gamaliel – disciplined and instructed corresponding to and in accord with the strictness, accuracy and precision of the ancestral Law (or: the Law received from the fathers); continuing under a beginning of being God's zealot (or: progressing from a humble beginning, being zealous concerning God), just as all of you yourselves are today! 4 "I – who quickly gave pursuit and persecuted this Way, to the extent of death, repeatedly binding and handing over into prison both men and women, 5 "as both the chief priest and the entire body of elders continue bearing witness (or: giving testimony) to (or: for) me, from whom also receiving letters to [D adds: all] the brothers (= fellow Jews) – I was continuing my journey into Damascus, intending to be bringing also those [of this Way] being there, bound (= as prisoners), into Jerusalem, so that they could (or: would) be punished.

Acts 22:5-5

5 "as both the chief priest and the entire body of elders continue bearing witness (or: giving testimony) to (or: for) me, from whom also receiving letters to [D adds: all] the brothers (= fellow Jews) – I was continuing my journey into Damascus, intending to be bringing also those [of this Way] being there, bound (= as prisoners), into Jerusalem, so that they could (or: would) be punished.

Acts 22:5-11

5 "as both the chief priest and the entire body of elders continue bearing witness (or: giving testimony) to (or: for) me, from whom also receiving letters to [D adds: all] the brothers (= fellow Jews) – I was continuing my journey into Damascus, intending to be bringing also those [of this Way] being there, bound (= as prisoners), into Jerusalem, so that they could (or: would) be punished. 6 "Now it happened to me, during going my way and when drawing near to Damascus, at about midday, suddenly and unexpectedly from out of the sky (or: forth from the midst of heaven; out of the atmosphere) a bright and intense Light flashed all around me like lightning!

Acts 22:6

6 "Now it happened to me, during going my way and when drawing near to Damascus, at about midday, suddenly and unexpectedly from out of the sky (or: forth from the midst of heaven; out of the atmosphere) a bright and intense Light flashed all around me like lightning! 7 "At this, I fell onto the road (literally: the bottom), and I heard a Voice repeatedly saying to me, 'Saul... Saul! Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?'

Acts 22:7-9

7 "At this, I fell onto the road (literally: the bottom), and I heard a Voice repeatedly saying to me, 'Saul... Saul! Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?' 8 "So I myself gave a considered reply, 'Who are You, Lord (or: Master; Sir)?' Then He said to me, 'I am (or: I Myself Am) Jesus, the Nazarene, Whom you yourself continue pursuing and persecuting!'

Acts 22:8-11

8 "So I myself gave a considered reply, 'Who are You, Lord (or: Master; Sir)?' Then He said to me, 'I am (or: I Myself Am) Jesus, the Nazarene, Whom you yourself continue pursuing and persecuting!'

Acts 22:8-9

8 "So I myself gave a considered reply, 'Who are You, Lord (or: Master; Sir)?' Then He said to me, 'I am (or: I Myself Am) Jesus, the Nazarene, Whom you yourself continue pursuing and persecuting!' 9 "Now the men being with me indeed had a view of and gazed at the Light [D and others add: and came to be afraid], yet they did not hear the One presently speaking to me.

Acts 22:9-9

9 "Now the men being with me indeed had a view of and gazed at the Light [D and others add: and came to be afraid], yet they did not hear the One presently speaking to me. 10 "At that I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' So the Lord said to me, 'After standing up (or: Upon rising), continue on your way into Damascus, and there it will be spoken to you about all things which it has been arranged and aligned for you to do.'

Acts 22:10

10 "At that I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' So the Lord said to me, 'After standing up (or: Upon rising), continue on your way into Damascus, and there it will be spoken to you about all things which it has been arranged and aligned for you to do.' 11 "So, since I continued being in a condition of not seeing – from the glory (= dazzling brightness) of that Light – I came into Damascus, being progressively led by the hand under [the directing and assistance] of the folks being with me.

Acts 22:14-15

14 "So he said to me, 'The God of our fathers (or: ancestors) took you in hand beforehand (or: handled you in advance; or: hand-picked you ahead of time) to know His will and to gain insight about the effect of His intent, and the result of His design and purpose, by intimate experience, and then to see the Fair and Equitable One (the One who is Rightwised, Just, in right relationships, and who embodies the Way pointed out), and to hear [the] voice forth from His mouth, 15 "'because (or: that) you will be a witness for (or: to; with; by) Him to all mankind (or: you will be evidence about Him with a view toward all humanity) of what (or: concerning which things) you have seen and heard (or: and now hear).

Acts 22:17-21

17 "Now it happened to me, after returning into Jerusalem and then during my continuing in projecting thoughts and words toward events and situations being well (or: praying), within the midst of the Temple complex, I came to be (or: was birthed) within an ecstasy

Acts 22:17-22

17 "Now it happened to me, after returning into Jerusalem and then during my continuing in projecting thoughts and words toward events and situations being well (or: praying), within the midst of the Temple complex, I came to be (or: was birthed) within an ecstasy 18 "and then to see Him presently saying to me, 'Hurry up and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept your testimony (or: witness; evidence) concerning Me.'

Acts 22:18-22

18 "and then to see Him presently saying to me, 'Hurry up and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept your testimony (or: witness; evidence) concerning Me.' 19 "And so I myself said, 'Lord, they themselves continue being well-versed and understand that in one synagogue after another I myself was repeatedly imprisoning and flaying (flogging) the folks trusting and believing upon You.

Acts 22:19

19 "And so I myself said, 'Lord, they themselves continue being well-versed and understand that in one synagogue after another I myself was repeatedly imprisoning and flaying (flogging) the folks trusting and believing upon You.

Acts 22:19-21

19 "And so I myself said, 'Lord, they themselves continue being well-versed and understand that in one synagogue after another I myself was repeatedly imprisoning and flaying (flogging) the folks trusting and believing upon You.

Acts 22:19-22

19 "And so I myself said, 'Lord, they themselves continue being well-versed and understand that in one synagogue after another I myself was repeatedly imprisoning and flaying (flogging) the folks trusting and believing upon You. 20 "'Then when the blood of Stephen, Your witness, was being progressively poured out, I myself was also standing by and continuing in consenting (approving; endorsing) as well as guarding the outer garments of those in the process of assassinating (murdering) him.'

Acts 22:20-21

20 "'Then when the blood of Stephen, Your witness, was being progressively poured out, I myself was also standing by and continuing in consenting (approving; endorsing) as well as guarding the outer garments of those in the process of assassinating (murdering) him.'

Acts 22:20-22

20 "'Then when the blood of Stephen, Your witness, was being progressively poured out, I myself was also standing by and continuing in consenting (approving; endorsing) as well as guarding the outer garments of those in the process of assassinating (murdering) him.' 21 "Then He said to me, 'Get on your way, because I Myself will be sending you off with a mission, out into the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) afar off.'"

Acts 22:21-22

21 "Then He said to me, 'Get on your way, because I Myself will be sending you off with a mission, out into the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) afar off.'" 22 Now they kept on listening to his [speech; presentation] – down to this word! Then they suddenly raised their voice, [together and one after another] repeatedly saying, "Be lifting the likes of him away from the earth (or: Be taking such a person off the Land), for he has not continued fit or suitable (it has not reached the level) for him to keep on living!"

Acts 22:22

22 Now they kept on listening to his [speech; presentation] – down to this word! Then they suddenly raised their voice, [together and one after another] repeatedly saying, "Be lifting the likes of him away from the earth (or: Be taking such a person off the Land), for he has not continued fit or suitable (it has not reached the level) for him to keep on living!"

Acts 23:6

6 Now Paul, knowing from personal experience that in the Sanhedrin (High Council) the one part (or: party) is of [the] Sadducees, yet the different part [is] of [the] Pharisees, suddenly cries out, "Men! Brothers (= Fellow Jews)! I myself am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees! I myself am presently being judged (or: am now standing on trial) concerning [the] expectation – even [the] resurrection of dead folks!"

Acts 23:9

9 So a great outcry broke out with shouts and screaming, and then standing up, some of the scribes (theologians; Torah experts) of the party of the Pharisees began fighting through the midst, contending vehemently, as a group saying, "We continue finding nothing wrong (bad; worthless) in this person! Now since (or: if) a spirit (or: breath-effect) or an agent (or: messenger) spoke (or: speaks) to him..." 10 Yet, with so much commotion and dispute occurring and becoming so violent, the commander – fearing [that] Paul would at some point be torn in two (or: pulled apart) by them – commanded the troop (band of soldiers) to bring [him] into the barracks after descending to snatch him out of the midst of them.

Acts 23:10-11

10 Yet, with so much commotion and dispute occurring and becoming so violent, the commander – fearing [that] Paul would at some point be torn in two (or: pulled apart) by them – commanded the troop (band of soldiers) to bring [him] into the barracks after descending to snatch him out of the midst of them. 11 Now in the following night, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], while standing by him, said, "Be increasingly receiving courage and confidence, for as you delivered a thorough witness of the things concerning Me into Jerusalem, in this way it continues binding and necessary for you yourself to deliver a witness (a testimony; evidence) into Rome also."

Acts 23:11-24

11 Now in the following night, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], while standing by him, said, "Be increasingly receiving courage and confidence, for as you delivered a thorough witness of the things concerning Me into Jerusalem, in this way it continues binding and necessary for you yourself to deliver a witness (a testimony; evidence) into Rome also."

Acts 23:11-11

11 Now in the following night, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], while standing by him, said, "Be increasingly receiving courage and confidence, for as you delivered a thorough witness of the things concerning Me into Jerusalem, in this way it continues binding and necessary for you yourself to deliver a witness (a testimony; evidence) into Rome also." 12 But with it becoming day, those [other MSS: certain one of the] Jews, constructing a plot, placed themselves under an oath, all swearing neither to eat nor to drink until which [time, or, occasion] they would kill off Paul.

Acts 23:12-15

12 But with it becoming day, those [other MSS: certain one of the] Jews, constructing a plot, placed themselves under an oath, all swearing neither to eat nor to drink until which [time, or, occasion] they would kill off Paul. 13 Now there were more than forty men forming this oath-bound conspiracy,

Acts 23:13-15

13 Now there were more than forty men forming this oath-bound conspiracy, 14 who, upon coming to the chief priests and the older men (or: elders), said, "We placed ourselves under an oath in a gift devoted [to God] to taste nothing until which [time, or, occasion] we can kill off Paul.

Acts 23:14-15

14 who, upon coming to the chief priests and the older men (or: elders), said, "We placed ourselves under an oath in a gift devoted [to God] to taste nothing until which [time, or, occasion] we can kill off Paul. 15 "Now therefore, you men make it appear (show it in such a light so as to convey the idea) to the commander along with the Sanhedrin (High Council) as though [you are] intending to continue investigating, being now about to thoroughly examine and more accurately know the things concerning him – so that he would bring him down to you folks. Yet before the [situation for] him to draw near [p48 adds: to you] (= before he gets here), we ourselves are ready and prepared to assassinate him.

Acts 23:15-15

15 "Now therefore, you men make it appear (show it in such a light so as to convey the idea) to the commander along with the Sanhedrin (High Council) as though [you are] intending to continue investigating, being now about to thoroughly examine and more accurately know the things concerning him – so that he would bring him down to you folks. Yet before the [situation for] him to draw near [p48 adds: to you] (= before he gets here), we ourselves are ready and prepared to assassinate him. 16 However, the son of Paul's sister, upon hearing about the ambush – while happening to be present at the side – then, after entering into the barracks, reported [it] to Paul.

Acts 23:16-22

16 However, the son of Paul's sister, upon hearing about the ambush – while happening to be present at the side – then, after entering into the barracks, reported [it] to Paul. 17 So Paul, calling one of the centurions to him, said, "Take this young man to the commander (tribune), for he is having something to report to him."

Acts 23:17-22

17 So Paul, calling one of the centurions to him, said, "Take this young man to the commander (tribune), for he is having something to report to him." 18 Therefore he indeed, taking him along, led [him] to the commander and proceeded affirming, "The prisoner Paul, upon calling [me] to himself, requested me to lead this young man to you. [He] has something to speak to you."

Acts 23:18-22

18 Therefore he indeed, taking him along, led [him] to the commander and proceeded affirming, "The prisoner Paul, upon calling [me] to himself, requested me to lead this young man to you. [He] has something to speak to you." 19 So the commander, upon taking a hold on his hand and withdrawing apart, back to his own quarters, began inquiring privately, "What is it which you now have to report to me?"

Acts 23:19-22

19 So the commander, upon taking a hold on his hand and withdrawing apart, back to his own quarters, began inquiring privately, "What is it which you now have to report to me?" 20 So he said, "The Jews have set themselves together joining in agreement to ask you, so that tomorrow you would lead Paul down unto the Sanhedrin as though you [were] being about to ascertain something more accurately about him.

Acts 23:20-22

20 So he said, "The Jews have set themselves together joining in agreement to ask you, so that tomorrow you would lead Paul down unto the Sanhedrin as though you [were] being about to ascertain something more accurately about him. 21 "As for you, therefore, you should not be persuaded by them, for you see more than forty men from their midst continue lying in wait to ambush him – folks who placed themselves under an oath neither to eat nor to drink until which [time, or, occasion] they can assassinate him. And at this time they are ready and prepared, continuing in waiting to receive the promise from you."

Acts 23:21-22

21 "As for you, therefore, you should not be persuaded by them, for you see more than forty men from their midst continue lying in wait to ambush him – folks who placed themselves under an oath neither to eat nor to drink until which [time, or, occasion] they can assassinate him. And at this time they are ready and prepared, continuing in waiting to receive the promise from you." 22 The commander indeed, therefore, released the young man, having charged [him] "to speak out to no one that you have made these things clear to me."

Acts 23:22-22

22 The commander indeed, therefore, released the young man, having charged [him] "to speak out to no one that you have made these things clear to me." 23 Then upon calling to himself two specific centurions, he said, "Get two hundred heavy-armed infantry soldiers prepared and ready so that from the third hour of the night (= at nine o'clock tonight) they can march clear to Caesarea – also seventy mounted cavalry and two hundred spearmen. 24 "Besides this, provide riding mounts so that being mounted, they can bring Paul safely through to Felix the governor."

Acts 23:26

26 "Claudius Lysias to the strongest and most mighty governor Felix: Greetings (Be rejoicing)!

Acts 23:29

29 I found him being presently accused (or: indicted) concerning questions of their Law, but having not even one charge worthy of death or of bonds (or: imprisonment).

Acts 24:3

3 "we continue receiving from [this] and welcomingly accept [it] with all thankfulness and the goodness of favor, O most strong and mighty Felix! 4 "Now, so that I should not cut-in on or interrupt you any further (or: detain you any longer), I am now entreating you, in your abundant reasonableness, to listen to us briefly. 5 "You see, [we have been] finding this man [to be] a plague and a pest – also repeatedly putting insurrections in motion among the Jews down through the inhabited land (= the Empire), besides [being] a spearhead (or: ringleader; one standing in the first rank) of the sect (or: party; or: heresy) of the Nazarenes,

Acts 24:10

10 Following this, with the governor nodding to him to be now speaking, Paul gave a discerning response: "Being fully versed in the knowledge of you being a judge of this nation for many years, in a good spirit and with passion I readily proceed making a defense about the things concerning myself.

Acts 24:14

14 "Yet this I now speak in agreement (or: confess) to you, that according to the Way (or: corresponding to the Path) – which they are normally calling a sect (or: maintaining [to be] a party; or: terming heresy) – in this way am I habitually performing sacred service to the God of (or: pertaining to) the fathers (or: the ancestral God), constantly trusting, believing and being loyal to all the things corresponding to the Law (= the Torah) and having been written within the Prophets – 15 "habitually holding (or: constantly having) an expectation [directed] into [other MSS: with a view toward] God, which also these men themselves continue anticipating and entertaining: there presently continues to be impending a resurrection that is going to be of both fair and equitable people as well as of unfair and inequitable folks (or: there now is about to be a resurrection. It is going to be both of rightwised folks who are in right relationship in the Way pointed out, and of unrightwised folks who are not in right relationship nor in union with the Way pointed out).

Acts 24:21

21 "other than about this one voice with which I cried out, standing in the midst of them: 'Concerning a resurrection of dead people I myself am presently being judged (or: separated for a decision) today, before you people!'"

Acts 24:25

25 Yet during his dialoging and discoursing about fairness and equity (rightwised behavior and right relationships within the Way pointed out; also: = covenant inclusion and participation), inner strength and self-control, and then the impending effect of judgment (separation which is about to result in a decision), Felix – coming to be alarmed with inner fear – gave a decided response: "For the present, be now going your way while continuing to hold this [subject]. Now then, upon getting a fitting opportunity with [you], I will keep on calling for you,"

Acts 25:3

3 repeatedly asking for themselves a favor in regard to him, so that he would himself send after [Paul], [to bring] him into Jerusalem – all the while [themselves] laying an ambush to assassinate him along the road.

Acts 25:9-11

9 Now Festus, presently desiring and intending to lay up favor with the Jews, in making a calculated response to Paul, said, "Are you now willing to be going up into Jerusalem, to be judged there before me concerning these matters?" 10 But Paul said, "I am taking a stand (or: I am presently standing) before the court of Caesar, in which place it is binding for me to be judged (or: where I must stand trial)! I have done not even one thing wrong [to the] Jews, as you yourself are now fully coming to find out in finer fashion (or: are presently more ideally recognizing). 11 "If, then on the one hand, I am habitually doing wrong (committing injury, injustice or unfairness) and have practiced anything worthy of death, I am not now seeking to be excused from dying (or: presently refusing to die). But since (or: Yet if), on the other hand, there exists not even one thing of which these men continue accusing me, no one has power (or: is able) to hand me over (or: surrender me) to them as a favor. I am now calling upon (or: appealing to) Caesar!"

Acts 25:11-12

11 "If, then on the one hand, I am habitually doing wrong (committing injury, injustice or unfairness) and have practiced anything worthy of death, I am not now seeking to be excused from dying (or: presently refusing to die). But since (or: Yet if), on the other hand, there exists not even one thing of which these men continue accusing me, no one has power (or: is able) to hand me over (or: surrender me) to them as a favor. I am now calling upon (or: appealing to) Caesar!" 12 At that point Festus, after conferring with the gathered council, answered decidedly, "You yourself have called upon (or: appealed to) Caesar; before Caesar you will proceed in going!"

Acts 25:14

14 So, as they were spending more days there, Festus submitted the matters regarding Paul to the king, saying, "There is a certain man left a prisoner by Felix

Acts 25:16

16 "– to which men I made the decided reply that it is not [the] custom for Romans to hand over any person as a favor before the one being accused might have the accusers face to face, as well as receive a place for (= have opportunity to make) a defense concerning the indictment (or: charge).

Acts 25:19-20

19 "but instead they continued holding (or: having) certain questions aimed at him concerning [their] own reverencing of the animistic powers (or: fear of demons [Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence] and unseen powers) and about a certain Jesus – a person having died – whom Paul keeps on alleging to be alive (or: was continuing in claiming to be living now).

Acts 25:19

19 "but instead they continued holding (or: having) certain questions aimed at him concerning [their] own reverencing of the animistic powers (or: fear of demons [Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influence] and unseen powers) and about a certain Jesus – a person having died – whom Paul keeps on alleging to be alive (or: was continuing in claiming to be living now). 20 "So, I myself being perplexed concerning these questions and disputes, proceeded to ask if he might be willing to be journeying into Jerusalem and there to be judged (= stand trial) concerning these [matters].

Acts 25:22

22 And so Agrippa said to Festus, "I myself was also wanting and intending to listen to (or: hear) this person." "Tomorrow," [Festus] affirms, "you will (or, as an aorist subjunctive: may; can; should) proceed to be hearing him." 23 Therefore, on the next day, at [the] coming of Agrippa, as well as Bernice – with much pageantry for making an "appearance" – and their entering into the audience hall, together with both military commanders (tribunes) and the prominent men of the city, and then with Festus giving the command, Paul was led [in].

Acts 25:25

25 "Now as for myself, I grasped (caught; = found out about) him to have committed nothing worthy (or: deserving) of death, yet when this man himself was calling upon (= making an appeal to) the August One (= the Emperor), I decided to proceed in sending [him] 26 "concerning whom I continue having nothing certain to write to [my] Lord (= the Sovereign; or: [our] Owner). On this account I bring him forth before you people – and most of all, before you, King Agrippa – so that with the examination having taken place, I would have something to write.

Acts 26:2

2 "King Agrippa, I have considered myself fortunate, happy and blessed at now being about to proceed in making a defense before you, today, concerning all [the] things of which I am being repeatedly charged (or: indicted) by [the] Jews,

Acts 26:2-3

2 "King Agrippa, I have considered myself fortunate, happy and blessed at now being about to proceed in making a defense before you, today, concerning all [the] things of which I am being repeatedly charged (or: indicted) by [the] Jews, 3 "especially with you being an expert with personal experience and knowledge, being versed both [in] all the customs and also [the] questions (results of seeking [understanding], and, controversial issues) which relate to Jews (= Jewish culture and religion). For this reason, in my need I now beg you to listen and hear me with indulgence (or: being long before rushing into strong emotions; patiently).

Acts 26:6

6 "And yet now I stand being repeatedly (or: constantly) judged (or: put on trial) based upon [the] expectation (or: hope) of the promise having been birthed into our fathers (= ancestors) by God – 7 "unto which [promise] our twelve-tribed [people], constantly rendering sacred service in earnest perseverance night and day, is continuously hoping and expecting to attain. Concerning this expectation I am now being indicted (or: charged) by the Jews, O king. 8 "Why does it continue being judged unbelievable (or: is it repeatedly decided [to be] incredible) among (or: by) you folks – since God periodically (or: habitually; constantly) raises dead people?

Acts 26:10

10 "which I did, even in Jerusalem. Furthermore, I myself also locked up many of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints) in prisons, receiving the authority from the chief (or: ranking) priests, and more than this, I brought down a pebble (= cast my vote) against them – when one after another they were being taken back to be killed. 11 "Then, while continuing in punishing them in vengeance – down through the [various] synagogues – I kept on trying to force (or: compel) [them] to blaspheme (speak abusively about [God]), besides keeping them in the midst of insane rage which completely surrounded them, and continued pressing forward to persecute [them] even into the cities outside [Palestine].

Acts 26:17

17 "'now Myself choosing you from out of the midst of the People (or: repeatedly taking you from out of the midst of, i.e., rescuing you from, the People), as well as from out of the midst of the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) unto whom I Myself am progressively sending you off with a mission: 18 "'to open back up their eyes again; to turn [their eyes; or: them] back: away from darkness (a realm of the shadow; dimness and obscurity) into Light, even from the authority and privilege of the adversary (or: that is, from the right which comes from out being the opponent), and upon God; to receive a flowing away of deviations and a release from failures, mistakes and occasions of missing the goal (or: a forgiveness of sins) and an allotted inheritance among and in union with the folks having been – and now remaining – set apart in, with and for faith which [leads] into Me (or: centered within the people now made holy by trust [which is] by the One [having come] into the midst of Me; or: within those having been consecrated for loyalty, sanctified with faith and now set apart to trusting conviction [that has brought them] unto Me).'

Acts 26:22-23

22 "But then, all of a sudden obtaining the help and assistance from God which was right on target, I have taken a stand – and still stand until this day – repeatedly testifying (attesting and giving evidence) to both small and great, continuously saying nothing outside of those things which both the Prophets and Moses spoke (or: speak) of progressively being about to be birthed (or: to continue happening) – 23 "since the Christ (the Anointed One) [is] a suffering [Messiah] (or: [is] subject to suffering) – since He, [the] first one forth from a resurrection of dead people, is presently about to, as a herald, be repeatedly and progressively announcing Light to the public – both to and for the People [= the Jews and Israel] as well as to, for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; the Goyim; the Gentiles)."

Acts 26:23-23

23 "since the Christ (the Anointed One) [is] a suffering [Messiah] (or: [is] subject to suffering) – since He, [the] first one forth from a resurrection of dead people, is presently about to, as a herald, be repeatedly and progressively announcing Light to the public – both to and for the People [= the Jews and Israel] as well as to, for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; the Goyim; the Gentiles)." 24 Now with his progressively making [his] defense [in] these [statements], Festus then affirms in (or: with) a loud voice, "You are progressively going insane (stark raving mad), Paul! The many writings (or: = the effects of much learning) progressively spin you around into madness (mania and insanity)!" 25 But Paul is then affirming, "I am not going insane (proceeding into mania or madness), O most mighty Festus, but to the contrary I have been presently uttering an elevated and weighty discourse of declarations and gush-effects about reality (or: truth) and a sound, healthy frame of mind which has been restored to its original perspectives with saved and healed thought patterns (= true sanity)! 26 "You see, the king – to whom I am now speaking, continuing in the outspoken freedom with the rights of a bold citizen who has no fear of retribution – continues being adept and well versed concerning these [matters], for I continue persuaded and convinced that not one of these things continues to elude him or escape [his] notice. You see, this is not a thing having been committed in a corner (= obscurely, as in some back alley).

Acts 26:26-27

26 "You see, the king – to whom I am now speaking, continuing in the outspoken freedom with the rights of a bold citizen who has no fear of retribution – continues being adept and well versed concerning these [matters], for I continue persuaded and convinced that not one of these things continues to elude him or escape [his] notice. You see, this is not a thing having been committed in a corner (= obscurely, as in some back alley). 27 "Do you continue faithful and loyal to the Prophets (or: Are you presently trusting and believing in the Prophets), King Agrippa? I have seen and so know that you continue faithful and loyal [to] (or: presently trust and believe) [the Prophets]."

Acts 26:29

29 So Paul [responds], "I would ever claim it for the goodness in God (or: speak in boast to the well-being [that is] by God) [for] both in a little [time] as well as even in a great (= long) [space of time] not only you, but further also all those presently hearing me today, to at some point come to be folks of such a sort as I myself presently am – with the exception (or: yet at the outside) of these bonds!"

Acts 27:23-24

23 "because there stood by me, in this night, an agent of (or: a messenger from) the God from Whom as a source I continue existing (or: of Whom I am and to Whom I belong) and to Whom, for Whom, in Whom and by Whom I perform as a servant, 24 "presently saying, 'Do not be fearing now, Paul. It continues necessary and binding for you to stand beside Caesar – and now, consider this! God has in grace favored, along with you (or: to you; for you), all the folks presently sailing with you.'

Acts 27:42-44

42 So [the] counsel (intended plan) of the soldiers came to be that they should kill off the prisoners, lest anyone by swimming out to land could escape through the midst. 43 But the centurion, wanting and intending to bring Paul safely through (or: to fully rescue Paul and keep him safe and sound throughout [the ordeal]), prevented them from [their] intention. Besides that, he gave orders for those being able, after diving off, to proceed to be swimming [and thus] to be out upon the land first, 44 and then [for] the rest [to follow] – some in fact upon planks, yet others upon various pieces from the ship. And in this way it happened for everyone to be brought safely through and be preserved on the land.

Acts 28:17

17 Then, after three days, he happened to call to himself the folks being the foremost (those in the leading circle in the community) of the Jews. So upon their coming together, he proceeded to say to them, "Men... Brothers! I myself, having done nothing contrary (or: not one thing in opposition) to the People, nor to the customs of the fathers (or: the paternal and hereditary traditions), was from the midst of Jerusalem handed over [as] a prisoner into the hands of the Romans, 18 "which folks, after fully examining me and coming up with a decision, were wanting and intending to release [me], because not even one cause for death is to proceed in making a foundational beginning or to continue being an undergirding possession within me.

Acts 28:20

20 "Therefore, because of this accusation (or: this reason), I called you folks to my side: [for you] to see [the situation] and to address [it] (or: to see [you folks] and to speak to [you]), for you see, I continue with this chain lying around me (or: continue lying encompassed by this chain) on account of the hope and expectation of Israel."

Acts 28:22

22 "But we continue considering it valuable (worthwhile; deserving) to hear from you, at your side (or: personally), what things you are normally thinking and what things compose your disposition and frame of mind. Indeed, you see, concerning this sect (= denomination; chosen opinion; heresy), it is personally known to us that it is continuously being spoken against and contradicted everywhere." 23 Then, having themselves arranged a day with him, more folks came to him, into [his] place of lodging, to whom he continued setting forth, explaining from out of [his] midst, while progressively giving thorough evidence and double witness of God's reign (or: the sovereign influence, actions and kingdom of God), besides constantly using persuading and convincing [reasoning with] them concerning Jesus – both from the Law (= Torah) of Moses and from the Prophets – from early morning until evening.

Acts 28:28

28 "Therefore, continue letting it be known by you folks that this restoration to health and wholeness – this rescue, deliverance and salvation – was (or: has been) sent off to, for, and among the ethnic people groups (the multitudes of the nations)! And they themselves will keep on listening, then in and for themselves will continue (or: be progressively) hearing!"

Romans 1:5

5 through Whom we receive grace, as well as a sending off with a mission [leading] unto faith’s obedience (or: obedience that springs from trust and loyalty; [the] paying attention associated with loyal allegiance; or, as apposition: "obedience which faith is" – Rudolf Bultmann) among all the ethnic multitudes, over [the essence, reality and power of] His Name (or: through means of Whom we at one point received a joy-producing act of favor, and then suddenly took in hand a commission as emissaries with a view to a humble and submissive hearkening – along with an appropriate response, which is faith – and a giving-of-the-ear from beneath [Him], with compliant listening and paying attention that has its source in trust and involved commitment, within all the non-Jewish nations for the sake of and in behalf of His Name [and reputation]),

Romans 2:4

4 Or, are you continually having a "down-oriented" frame of mind (or: despising; thinking down or with disrespect; or: = a negative disposition) concerning the riches (or: wealth) of His kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition; kindness), [His] delaying forbearance (the tolerant holding-back) and [His] patient longsuffering, constantly being ignorant that God’s kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition) is continuously leading you into a change of mind and purpose (a paradigm shift; or: = repentance with a change of heart and thinking, accompanied by a turn, or return, to God)?

Romans 3:21

21 Yet now, apart from Law (or: custom; habitual practice; ordinance made by authority; or: = Torah), a righteousness of God (God’s solidarity, with fair and equitable dealings; a turning in the right direction, from God; God’s covenantal faithfulness, justice and pointing out of the Way; a rightwisedness and right relationship, which is God) has been manifested and remains displayed in clear light – being continuously attested in witness by means of (or: under) the Law (= Torah) and the Prophets –

Romans 4:6-9

6 Exactly as David also is telling of the happiness and blessedness of the person in whom (to whom; for whom) God is constantly counting (reasonably concluding; logically considering) rightwised existence in accord with the Way pointed out (justice; righteousness; solidarity; fair and equitable dealing), apart from works (or: independent of [Law] activities): 7 "Happy and blessed [are] the people whose lawlessnesses (transgressions; violations of the Law; lawless deeds) were and are sent away (dismissed; discharged; divorced; pardoned) and whose failures (errors; missings of the target; sins) were and are covered over (concealed with a veil or lid)! 8 "Happy and blessed [are the] adult males of whom [other MSS: to whom; for whom] the Lord (= Yahweh) may by no means logically consider a failure (take into account or conclude a missed target; reasonably calculate or reckon a sin)." [Ps. 32:1-2] 9 So then, [is] this happiness (or: blessedness) upon the Circumcision, or upon the Uncircumcision as well (or: also)? Emphatically we are habitually reiterating, "The faith and trust is logically considered [to be] in Abraham into accordance with the Way pointed out (or: Faith was accounted to and reckoned for Abraham for Righteousness - fair and equitable dealings and rightwised existence)." [Gen. 15:6]

Romans 5:1-2

1 Being, then, folks that were rightwised (placed in the right relationship of [covenantal] solidarity in the Way pointed out and made fair, equitable, just, free from guilt and turned in the right direction) from the midst of faith, out of trust and with conviction as the source, we continuously hold and progressively have [other MSS: let us (or: we can) habitually retain and enjoy] peace and harmony face to face with God (or: [directing and conducting us] toward God), through our Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: Master, [the] Anointed Jesus), 2 through Whom, also, we have had and now hold the conducted approach and access (or: the act of bringing toward to gain entr'e9e), by faith and in trust, into this grace and joyous favor within which we have stood and in union with which we now stand, and so we keep on speaking loudly of and habitually boasting upon the expectation (or: expectant hope) of God’s glory (the manifestation from God which calls forth praise; the splendor which is God; and: God's good reputation; the opinion from God; the imagination which has the quality of God).

Romans 8:17

17 Now since children (or: Yet if ones born by natural descent), also heirs (possessors and enjoyers of an allotted inheritance; those who hold sway over the allotted portion): on the one hand, God’s heirs, on the other, Christ’s joint-heirs (or: indeed possessors and enjoyers of an allotment pertaining to God and from God, yet possessors and enjoyers together in an allotment pertaining to Christ and belonging to Christ) if so be (or: provided) that we are continually affected by sensible experiences together – feeling together; receiving impressions, undergoing passion or suffering together – to the end that we may also be glorified together (or: can be given a shared appearance; would together receive a manifestation of that which calls forth praise; should be given a joint-approval and a joint-reputation; may be thought of and imagined together [in covenant relationship]).

Romans 9:1-3

1 Truth I presently speak within Christ (or: I am constantly speaking reality in union with [the] Anointed One; centered in [the] Anointing), I am not now lying (or: I do not habitually lie), my conscience (my joint-knowing from having seen together) habitually giving joint-witness (testifying together; giving corroborating evidence) to me (in me; for me; with me) within [the] Holy Spirit (or: in a set-apart spirit and attitude; in union with a Sacred Breath), 2 that to me (or: for me; in me) a great distressing sorrow (or: an annoying grief), as well as unintermittent (unceasing) consuming pain, continues being in my heart. 3 For you see, I kept on claiming, while having goodness, holding well-being and possessing ease, that I myself am to be (or: to continuously exist [as]) a result or an effect of something set up as an offering devoted to God (= a sacrifice; [comment: this would correspond to Jesus telling His disciples to follow Him, bearing their crosses]), forth from the Anointing (or: = [thus being separated] from [the body] of Christ; or: arising from the Christ) over [the situation of] (or: for the sake of) my brothers, my relatives (kinsmen; joint or commonly born ones; fellow countrymen) according to flesh (= in the sphere of natural human birth),

Romans 10:1

1 Indeed, brothers (= family, or, fellow believers), the good thinking (pleasure; consuming desire; good will; delightful imagination) of my heart, and the request (plea; petition) [directed] toward (or: face to face with) God over them (or: for their sake) [is; leads] into deliverance (salvation; health and wholeness; restoration to their original state and condition) [for them]. 2 For I am habitually testifying and giving evidence among them, because they continue possessing a zeal from God (or: For you see, I can repeatedly bear witness to and for them that they constantly hold God's zeal and they continuously have a boiling jealously and hot aspiration concerning God), but however, not down from (or: on the level of and in accordance with) full and accurate experiential knowledge, recognition or insight (epi-gnosis).

Romans 10:21

21 Now toward Israel He is saying, "The whole day I stretch and spread out my hands toward a consistently disobeying (noncomplying; refusing to believe) and habitually contradicting (refuting; speaking instead-of; speaking back against) people." [Isa. 65:2]

Romans 11:13

13 So I am presently speaking for and to you, the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the non-Jews; the Gentiles; the pagans). In as much as (or: For as long as), indeed then, I myself am an emissary (envoy; missionary; one sent on a mission with a commission) pertaining to and belonging to [the] ethnic multitudes (nations; non-Jewish groups; Gentiles; pagans), I am continually building the reputation, appearance and notions of my service and dispensing (or: I am glorifying the function and execution of my attending in waiting upon [you folks]),

Romans 11:18-20

18 Stop boasting against (or: Do not be constantly vaunting or exulting over) the branches! Now since you are habitually boasting and exulting (priding yourself), you yourself are not bearing (supporting; sustaining; carrying) The Root, but rather, The Root you! 19 You will say (or: declare), then, "Branches are broken off (or: were broken out of [the tree]) to the end that I may be grafted in." 20 Beautifully [put]! (Ideally [said]!; Well [conceived]!) In lack of faith or trust (or: By unbelief; Because of lack of allegiance) they are broken off (or: were broken out of the midst), yet you yourself stand in faith (or: by trust; with confidence). Stop being haughty (Don't constantly have high opinions; Do not continually think lofty things), but to the contrary, [be constantly having] an attitude and mindset of respectful awe (or: [Godly] fear; healthy respect)!

Romans 15:8

8 For I am saying and laying out the idea [that] Christ has been birthed to become, and remain, a Servant and Dispenser from circumcision (or: an Attendant, Helper and Minister of and pertaining to [the] Circumcision [i.e., God’s covenant people]), over [the situation of] God's reality (or: Circumcision's Dispenser of provisions for the sake of a truth from and about God, and a reality which is God), into the standing to confirm (stabilize; make good; cause to stand by stepping in place on a good footing; or: to guarantee the validity of) the promises from, which pertain to, and which belong to, the fathers (or: the patriarchal promises),

Romans 15:16

16 into the [arranged ability for] me to be Christ Jesus' public servant into the nations (a public worker of Jesus Christ unto the ethnic multitudes and pagans), constantly doing the work of a priest for God's good news (or: habitually functioning as the Temple for the message of the goodness, which is God), to the end that the offering composed of the ethnic multitudes (or: the act of bearing forward gifts from the pagans; the approaching of the nations as an offering) can become well-received and pleasingly acceptable, it being [an offering; a carrying toward] having been set-apart and remaining sacred within the midst of holy spirit and a sacred attitude (or: in union with a set-apart Breath-effect; within [the] Holy Spirit).

Romans 15:25-26

25 But now I am progressively traveling into Jerusalem, continually performing as a servant in dispensing (or: functioning as an attendant; or: supporting and supplying necessities) to the set-apart folks (the holy ones; the saints; sacred people). 26 You see, Macedonia and Achaia take delight and were well-pleased to make some common sharing (a certain participating contribution from partnership in common existence) into the poor (unto the destitute) of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints) in Jerusalem.

1 Corinthians 1:2

2 to God's called-out community (or: summoned-forth group that has God as its source, and which belongs to God), the one being within Corinth; to those having been set-apart within Christ Jesus (or: made holy, sacred, different from the normal and sanctified, in union with [the] Anointing of Jesus); to called (or: invited) folks [and] to set-apart people (holy ones; saints; sanctified folks; sacred ones) – together with all those in every place constantly calling upon the Name of our Lord [note: the phrase applied to Yahweh in Gen. 12:8; Zech. 13:9], Jesus Christ – their [Lord] as well as ours:

1 Corinthians 1:23

23 Yet as for us, we are constantly proclaiming (habitually heralding) Christ: One having been terminally crucified (executed on a stake) – indeed, a trap-spring (or: a snare; thus: an obstacle or cause for stumbling or being ensnared) to (or: with; for; among) Jews (those of the Jewish culture and religion); yet stupidity (foolishness; nonsense) to (or: for) [the] multitudes (among [other] ethnic groups; in [the] nations; with the non-Jews),

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 Now you folks are, and continuously exist being, forth from out of the midst of Him – within and in union with Christ Jesus, Who came to be (or: is birthed) wisdom in us (or: to us; for us) from God; likewise, both fairness and equity ([covenantal] relationship in the Way pointed out; rightwisedness – being turned in the right direction – and justice) and the essence of being set-apart to be differenteven release by payment of a ransom (or: redemption) –

1 Corinthians 2:13-14

13 which things we are also habitually speaking – not in words taught by human wisdom (or: not centered in learned thoughts, ideas or messages from human wisdom; or: not among those taught in, by or with words and reasons from human wisdom), but rather in those [words] taught by spirit (or: in union with and among those folks taught from [the] Spirit – from the effect of a Breath and an Attitude), habitually evaluating, deciding, combining or contrasting spiritual [matters] together by spiritual [means] and with qualities inherent in the Breath-effect (or: constantly matching or comparing/contrasting things pertaining to attitude with things in spirit, or of [the] Spirit; or: progressively making collective assessments of pneumatic [concepts] to and for pneumatic people). 14 But a soulish person (a human which is dominated by, or living focused on, his breath [= the present transient life], or by those things which characterize the soul [emotions; will; intellect; physical life; internal welfare; the self; the ego]) does not normally accept (or: habitually get or welcomingly receive the offer of) the things of God's Breath-effect (or: which have the character and quality of the Spirit of God; pertaining to God's spirit and attitude), for they are stupidity to him (foolishness for him; nonsense in him), and he continues unable and habitually has no power to intimately and experientially know [them] or get insight, because they continue being sifted and held up for close spiritual examination (are normally evaluated spiritually above; are constantly brought back for spiritual separation and attitudinal discernment; are progressively re-evaluated through means of the Breath-effect and comparison to the Attitude; or: are pneumatically discerned).

1 Corinthians 4:8

8 You folks already continuously exist being ones having become completely satiated, with the result that you are now fully satisfied. You are already suddenly rich. You people suddenly reign as kings – apart from us! [note: these three statements could also be questions: Are you'85 Are you'85 Do you'85?] And would that you surely did reign, so that we could also reign as kings together with you!

1 Corinthians 4:10

10 We [are] stupid folks (fools; ones led by nonsense) because of Christ, yet you folks [are] sensible and intelligent ones (ones with understanding) within and in union with Christ; we [are] weak ones, yet you people [are] strong ones; you [are] folks in glory and illustrious reputation, yet we [are] dishonored and unvalued ones.

1 Corinthians 6:10-11

10 nor thieves, nor greedy (covetous) ones; not drunkards, not verbal abusers, not people who ravenously snatch, swindle or extort, will proceed to inherit a kingdom from God (or: will continue in receiving an allotment in God's sovereign reign and activities). 11 And some of you were these things. But now you folks bathed yourselves off (took a bath to cleanse things away). But further, you were set apart (made holy; sanctified). But also you were rightwised and placed in the Way pointed out (turned in the right direction, made fair and equitable, and then joined in right relationship with God and mankind; = put in covenant) in union with and within the midst of the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ – even in union with and within the midst of the Spirit of (or: Breath-effect and Attitude which is) our God!

1 Corinthians 7:7

7 You see [other MSS: Now], I normally want (keep on wishing; repeatedly set my will for) all people (all mankind; all humans) to habitually exist being even as myself! But of course each one continues having and holding his own effect and result of grace and favor (or: gracious gift) from out of God: on the one hand, one person in this way, and on the other hand, another in that way.

1 Corinthians 10:22

22 Or are we proceeding to cause the Lord's emotions to boil over the side (constantly inciting the Lord [= Christ, or Yahweh; cf Deut. 32:21, LXX] to jealous indignation)? We are not stronger than He!

1 Corinthians 13:2

2 Even if I am continuously holding light ahead of time (or: repeatedly have prophecy), and I may have seen, and thus know, all the secrets (or: every mystery) and all the intimate knowledge (or: insight; gnosis), and if I now continuously possess all the faith and trust – so as to repeatedly transport mountains (or: to change the place and position of mountain after mountain) – yet do not habitually possess (or: progressively have) love, I am (I exist being) nothing!

1 Corinthians 15:3

3 For I handed on (or: give over as tradition) to you, among [the] first (or: primary) things, that which I also accepted and embraced: that Christ died over [the situation and circumstances of] our failures (on behalf of our mistakes and sins) – corresponding to the Scriptures –

1 Corinthians 15:9

9 For I myself am the smallest (thus: the least one) of the sent-forth people (envoys; representatives), who am not adequate to reach [the stature] to be normally called a sent-off representative or emissary, because I pursued and persecuted God's called-out (or: the community of the called-out whose source is God, and which have the character of God).

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

12 Now since (or: if) Christ is habitually being publicly preached (heralded as a message) that He has been, and remains, awakened and raised up from out of the midst of dead folks, how are some among you folks repeatedly saying that there is (or: there exists) no resurrection of dead people? 13 Now if there is presently no resurrection of dead people (or: if there continues being no resurrection of dead ones; if a resurrection of dead ones does not constantly exist), neither has Christ been awakened and raised up. 14 So if Christ has not been awakened and raised up, our message which we preach [is] consequently empty and without content – and your [other MSS: our] faith and trust [is] empty and vacuous, 15 and further, we [thus] continue to be found being false witnesses, from and concerning God, because we bring testimony and evidence down from God that He awakened and raised up the Christ – Whom, consequently, He did not raise up, if indeed dead ones are not really being habitually (or: periodically; one after another) awakened and raised up! 16 For if dead ones are not habitually (or: presently, one after another; periodically) being awakened and raised up, neither has Christ been awakened and raised up. 17 And if Christ has not been awakened and raised up, your faith and trust exists being devoid of success and results – you are still within the midst of and in union with your mistakes, failures and sins! 18 Consequently, also, those falling asleep within the midst of and in union with Christ lose themselves (or: loose-away and destroy themselves). 19 If we are (or: exist being) folks having placed an expectation in Christ within this life only, we are, of all humanity (or: mankind; people), the ones most to be pitied and in need of mercy and compassion. 20 Yet now – at this present time! – Christ is roused and awake from having been raised up from out of the midst of dead people: a Firstfruit (= the first of the harvest; the Sheaf Offering, signally the beginning of the harvest [Lev. 23:10]) of those having fallen asleep, and are yet sleeping (reposing).

1 Corinthians 15:20-23

20 Yet now – at this present time! – Christ is roused and awake from having been raised up from out of the midst of dead people: a Firstfruit (= the first of the harvest; the Sheaf Offering, signally the beginning of the harvest [Lev. 23:10]) of those having fallen asleep, and are yet sleeping (reposing). 21 For since through a person (or: a human; or: humanity) [came] death, through a Person (or: a Human), also, [comes] resurrection of dead people. 22 For just as within Adam all keep on (or: everyone continues) dying, in the same way, also, within the Christ, all will keep on being made alive (or: in union with the Anointed One, everyone will one-after-another be created with Life) 23yet each person within the effect of his or her own class or division (or: result of an ordered rank; effect of place or appointed position [in line]; result of the arranged [time] or order of succession): Christ a Firstfruit (a First of the harvest), next after that, those belonging to the Christ (or: the ones who have their source and origin in the Anointing; those who are [a part] of the Christ) within the midst of, and in union with, His presence,

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

8 For we do not continue intending (or: wanting; purposing) for you folks to continue being ignorant (unaware or without intimate knowledge), brothers (= fellow members and believers), over [other MSS: concerning] our squeezing pressure (tribulation; affliction; oppression) – referring to [that] which happened [other MSS add: to us] in Asia – that corresponding to an act of overshooting or throwing beyond the target (= something extreme and excessive) over and above [our] power and ability, we were weighted down (burdened [with difficulty]) so as to be without an exit (with no way out) for us, even to continue living! 9 Further yet, we ourselves had held and continued having, within ourselves, the result and effect from a decision of the Death (or: from a judgment which meant death; or: the considered decision and insightful response in regard to death) – to the end that we may not exist being ones having put trust and confidence upon ourselves, but to the contrary, upon the God Who is continually (habitually; periodically; repeatedly; or: presently) awakening and raising up the dead ones! 10 He Who snatched (dragged so as to rescue) us from out of the midst of the very prime (or: peak) of Death (or: out of a death of such proportions) will also repeatedly rescue and drag us to Himself – into Whom we have placed our hope and expectation so as to yet rely that He also will Himself continue still dragging us further toward Himself.

2 Corinthians 3:16

16 Yet whenever the time should be reached when it [= the heart] would (or: can; may; should; or: shall at some point) twist and turn upon, so as to face toward, [the] Lord [= Christ], "the head-covering (veil) is by habit progressively taken from around [it]." [note: a quote of Ex. 34:34 LXX, where Moses would enter in to speak with Yahweh; the same act was performed by the husband, on the bride, after the wedding ceremony]

2 Corinthians 4:1

1 Because of this – while continuously possessing (having and holding) this attending service and dispensing of provision – correspondingly as we were mercied (shown mercy), we do not habitually behave with a bad attitude, or perform in a worthless manner, or act from out of a mood or motive that is poor in quality, or, become discouraged. 2 To the contrary, we speak-away from ourselves (or: spurn; renounced; disowned) the hidden things pertaining to the shame (or: whose source is [our] shame; that result in dishonorable conduct or bring disgrace), not habitually walking around (= living our lives) in craftiness (or: in union with the capability for every work; within readiness to do anything), neither constantly diluting or adulterating God's message (God's thought and idea; the Word of God), but rather, in a manifestation of the Truth and by a setting of the Reality in clear Light, we are progressively placing ourselves together in addressing every conscience of mankind (or: commending ourselves toward every human conscience), in God's sight (= before God).

2 Corinthians 4:4

4 within and among which folks the God of this age (or: the God who owns this indefinite time-period; the God Who is in relationship with this eon) blinds (or: deprived of the ability to see) the effects of the intellects and mental powers (or: the results of directing the mind to something) of those without faith (of the un-trusting ones; of the unbelieving and disloyal), [leading them] into the [situation that] the shining forth of light and the illumination of (or: the beaming forth of enlightenment from) the good news of the glory of the Christ (or: of the message of goodness, ease and wellness whose source is the glory of the Anointed One; of the glad tidings pertaining to the manifestation which calls forth praise to the [Messiah]) – Who continuously exists being God's image (a resemblance and likeness of [Concordant Text adds: the unseen; the invisible] God) – would not shine forth as the dawn to irradiate them.

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying),"Light will shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight)!" [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential knowledge of God's glory – in a face of Christ (or: [is] He Who gives light in union with our hearts, [while] facing toward an effulgence and a shining forth which is an intimate knowing of the praise-inducing manifestation whose source and origin is God, and which is God, [while] in union with face to face presence of Christ [other MSS: Jesus Christ]).

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

8 We are people being constantly pressed [as grapes] on every [side] (or: squeezed and constricted within the midst of everything; given affliction, oppression and tribulation by everyone), but yet not constantly confined by a narrow space or a tight place so as to be restricted or hemmed in (or: = not cramped beyond movement); we are those being repeatedly made to be without resources, a place to walk or a means for conveyance (or, as a middle: we are habitually at a loss about things, in doubt and perplexed), but yet not continuously caused to be living utterly without resources or absolutely with no way out or place to walk or means for conveyance (or, middle voice: but still, we are not continually living at a total loss, being in complete doubt, being greatly perplexed or in utmost despair); 9 we are folks being constantly pursued and persecuted, but yet not habitually left in the lurch, being forsaken down within some situation; we are those being repeatedly thrown down, but yet not continuously caused to fall apart (be loosed-away into ruin; be undone so as to be destroyed) – 10 at all times continuously carrying around (or: bearing about) among the body Jesus' being put to death (or: within [our] body the deadening, or the state of death, which comes from Jesus; or: within the midst of the body the dying associated with Jesus), to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; would) be set in clear light and manifested, within our body (or: in the midst of the body, which is us)!

2 Corinthians 5:13

13 For whether we are beside ourselves (standing without; = out of our minds), [it is] for God (in God; to God; by God; with God); or whether we remain sane (of sound mind), [it is] for you (to you; with you) folks,

2 Corinthians 5:18

18 Yet further, all these things [are] (or: the Whole [is]) forth from out of the midst of God – the One transforming us to be completely other [than we were] (or: bringing us into another place or state of being; changing us to correspond with other [perceptions and conceptions]; altering us to be conformed to another [person]; changing us from enmity to friendship; reconciling us) in Himself (or: with Himself; by Himself; to Himself; for Himself), through Christ, and giving to us the attending service of, and the dispensing from, the transformation [for folks] to be other [than before] (or: the change into another [position]; the changing to correspond with other [situations; perceptions]; the alteration to be another [person]; the change from enmity to friendship; the reconciliation),

2 Corinthians 6:14

14 Do not of yourself continue (or: Stop) becoming yoked differently (or: unevenly yoked; yoked with ones of a different sort) with folks without faith (or: by those without trust; to unbelievers; with disloyal people), for, what mutual holding (having-with: sharing; partnership; communion; membership) [have] rightwised living and lawlessness (or: fairness/equity, and a lack of following rules; [covenant membership] in right relationship which accords with the Way pointed out, and inequity or wrong which come from violation of law), or what common existing (participation; partnership; sharing) [is] in light [directed] toward, or face to face with, darkness (or: [is there] for light with dimness from murky obscurity in the realm of shadows)?

2 Corinthians 7:10

10 For you see, the anxiety, sadness and pain down from, in the sphere of, in line with and in correspondence to God continuously works, habitually effects and progressively produces a change in thinking and frame of mind: [in turn, leading] into a deliverance and wholeness of health (a rescue and restoration to the original state and realm; salvation) void of regret and without change in purpose. Yet the anxiety, sadness, pain and sorrow which belongs to the world (that comes from secular society, and the organized System of religion, culture, economy and government) is continuously working down the production of death (or: is in line with repeatedly and progressively bringing about death).

2 Corinthians 11:1

1 I wish that you folks were continuing to put up with a little something of my thoughtlessness (or: unreasonableness; lack of consideration; foolishness; imprudence). But in fact, you are also always patiently tolerant of me (or, as an imperative: Still further, be also patiently tolerant of me),

2 Corinthians 11:23-26

23 Are they Christ's attending servants? – I am speaking as one being beside himself (or: insane) – I [am] over and above [them] (or: I, more so; = I surpass [them])! In toilsome labors and weariness more exceedingly; in prisons and jails more often; in blows (stripes or beatings) surpassingly; in deaths many times (= in near-death situations often). 24 Five times by Jews I received forty [stripes; lashes], less one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked – I have done night and day within the midst of the depth [of the sea], even hitting bottom; 26 on journeys often (many times); in dangers (perils) of rivers (or: floods); in dangers of robbers (perils of plunderers); in dangers from out of [my] race (kindred); in dangers from out of the multitudes of ethnic groups ([the] nations); in dangers within city; in dangers within a desolate place (wilderness); in dangers at sea; in dangers among false-brothers (= pseudo-believers; or: = Family members who lie and deal falsely);

2 Corinthians 12:1-7

1 It is necessary for one to boast from time to time – though indeed not beneficial or expedient – so I will proceed in coming unto [the subject of] visions and unveilings of [the] Lord (or: = from Christ or Yahweh). (or: [other MSS: If (or: Since) it is necessary to continue boasting, {it}; still other MSS: Now to repeatedly boast] indeed does not normally bring [people] together, so I will continue moving on to sights, apparitions and appearances, as well as revelations and disclosures, whose source and origin are [the] Lord, or, which are [the] Lord). 2 I am acquainted with a person (or: a man; a human) in Christ (or: within the midst of Christ; in union with [the] Anointed) more than fourteen years ago – whether in body (or: in a body), I am not aware; whether outside of the body, I am not aware; God has seen and knows (is aware) – being snatched away (dragged off; seized and taken) as such, as far as [the; or: a] third heaven (or: atmosphere). 3 Further, I have seen and know such a person (man; human) – whether in body or apart from the body, I know not; God knows – 4 that was snatched away (seized and taken) into the Paradise and heard inexpressible gush-effects and utterances (unutterable sayings and results of a flow; unspeakable results of movement and flux; inexpressible matters and declarations) which are not being from out of existence (or: which are not continuing from within the midst of being; or: which it continues being not right; or: for which there is no privilege or authority; which are not being possible; which are not being allowed) in a person (to mankind; for a human) to at any point speak. 5 I will boast over such a person, yet over myself I will not continue boasting – except in my weaknesses, 6 for if I should ever want or intend to boast, I shall not be senseless (unintelligent; unreasonable; imprudent), for I will continue declaring reality (truth). Yet I continue being reticent (continue refraining) and no one should account into me [anything] above (or: over) what he continues seeing [in] and observing [of] me, or hearing from me. 7 And now, in the excess of the unveilings (or: with the transcendence of the revelations; by the extraordinary amount and surpassing nature of the disclosures), through this [situation] and for this reason – so that I could not be progressively exalted (or: would not continue being overly lifted up [in myself or by others]) – something with [its] point in [my] flesh is given in me (or: an impaling-stake for the human nature was given for me; or: a thorn to the natural realm, and a splinter by alienated humanity, was assigned to me): an agent of (or: a messenger from) the adversary, to the end that he (or: it) could (or: should; would) repeatedly beat me in the face (or: slap me on the ear) with his (or: its) fist. [comment: this personification of the irritation may well be metaphorical and may refer to his social or cultural-religious situation]

Galatians 1:12

12 for I myself neither received it to my side from a human (or: from beside a person), nor was I taught [it], but to the contrary, [it came] through an unveiling of Jesus Christ (or: through an uncovering pertaining to Jesus [the Messiah]; through a revelation from Jesus Christ; by means of a disclosure which is [the] Anointed Jesus). 13 For you hear (or: heard) about my former way of life (one-time conduct and behavior) within the traditional Jewish culture and religion (Judaism), that corresponding to excessive action (a throwing over and casting beyond) I was hastening in hostile pursuit, continuing to persecute God's called-out group of people (the community whose source is God; the ecclesia pertaining to God), and I kept on trying to lay it waste (or: continued sacking and devastating it).

Galatians 1:13-14

13 For you hear (or: heard) about my former way of life (one-time conduct and behavior) within the traditional Jewish culture and religion (Judaism), that corresponding to excessive action (a throwing over and casting beyond) I was hastening in hostile pursuit, continuing to persecute God's called-out group of people (the community whose source is God; the ecclesia pertaining to God), and I kept on trying to lay it waste (or: continued sacking and devastating it). 14 And so I was progressively cutting forward and kept on advancing within Judaism (the culture and religion of the Jews) over and above many contemporaries (folks of the same age) within my race, being inherently more exceedingly zealous pertaining to the traditions of my fathers (or: for the things handed over, given alongside or delivered which originated with my ancestors).

Galatians 1:16

16 to unveil (reveal; uncover; disclose) His Son within the midst of me (or: in union with me), to the end that I in myself (or: for myself; by myself; of myself) would announce and proclaim the message of goodness, [which is] Him, within the ethnic multitudes (or: may bring and tell the message of ease and well-being: Him [now] among the nations), I did not immediately place myself back toward flesh and blood (= present my cause up for the approval of other people; consult anyone; seek communication or advice from my race, kin or religion),

Galatians 2:2

2 Now I walked up (or: made the ascent) [there] corresponding to and as directed by (or: in accord with and in the sphere of; down from and following the bidding of), an unveiling (or: a disclosure; a revelation), and I put up to them (set back again for them; = submitted to them) the message of goodness, ease and well-being, which I am habitually proclaiming as a public message within the multitudes (or: among the nations and ethnic groups – non-Jews; Gentiles) – yet [I did so] privately, to those continuing to be disposed to thinking and imagination (or: for those being supposed to continue with a reputation; or: to ones yet forming opinions), lest somehow I am progressively rushing forward and running, or had run, into emptiness (or: for an empty thing; into something without content; = to no purpose; or: = in vain).

Galatians 2:9

9 then Jacob (or: James), Cephas and John – those continuing to be disposed to thinking and imagination (or: those yet forming opinions) and seeming, by reputation, to be pillars (or: supportive columns [note: a figure of a living temple]) – recognizing (or: coming to know) by intimate experience the grace and favor being given by me (or: to me; in me; for me), gave to me and to Barnabas [the] right [hands] of common partnership, from common participation, in regard to common existence/situation and which signified equal belonging in fellowship, community and sharing, to the end that we [would continue] into the nations (multitudes; ethnic groups; Gentiles; non-Jews) – yet they, into the Circumcision –

Galatians 2:20

20 I was crucified together with Christ [= the Messiah], and thus it remains (or: I have been jointly put on the execution stake in [the] Anointed One, and continue in this state), yet I continue living! [It is] no longer I, but it is Christ continuously living and alive within me! (or: No longer an "I" – now Christ constantly lives in the midst of, and in union with, me). Now that which I, at the present moment, continue living within flesh (= a physical body), I am constantly living within faith, trust and confidence – in and by that [faith] which is the Son of God (or: in union with the trust and confidence that is from God’s Son [with other MSS: in the confidence belonging to God and Christ]), the One loving me and giving Himself over to another for the sake of me (or: even transmitting Himself, over my [situation and condition]; or: also passing Himself along for me).

Galatians 3:2

2 This only am I intending (wanting; purposing; willing) to learn from you people: Did you receive the Spirit (or: get the Breath-effect; take in hand the Attitude) forth from out of works of Law, or from out of a hearing of, and which is, faith or: from the midst of faith's hearing; or: from a hearing that arises from faith; (or: out of a listening which has the qualities and characteristics of trust and confidence)?

Galatians 3:14

14 to the end that the Good Word (the Blessing; the Word of wellness and goodness) pertaining to Abraham (belonging to and possessed by Abraham; whose intermediary source is Abraham) could within Jesus Christ suddenly birth Itself (or: may from Itself, within Christ Jesus, at once come into being [and be dispersed]) into the multitudes (the nations; the ethnic groups; the Gentiles), so that we [note: "we" = the new "one" mankind?] could receive the Spirit's promise through the Faith (or: to the end that we [all] may take in hand the Promise from the Breath-effect, through trust; or: in order that we [Jew and Gentile] can lay hold of and receive the Promise – which is the Spirit – through faith and conviction).

Galatians 3:17-18

17 Further, I am now saying and meaning this: the Law [= Torah], being that having come into existence after four hundred and thirty years, is not invalidating (depriving of authority; annulling) into the situation to idle-down (render ineffective, useless, unproductive or inoperative) the Promise – a settled arrangement (contract; covenant; will and testament deed of gift) existing as having been previously validated (confirmed; legally ratified) by, and under [the authority of], God! 18 For if the inheritance (the possession and enjoyment of the distributed allotment) [is] from out of Law [= Torah], [it is] no longer from out of Promise. Yet God has Himself graced [it] (has for Himself, in favor, freely granted [it]), so that it now stands as a favor of grace, to (or: for; in) Abraham through a Promise (or: because of a promise).

Galatians 4:4

4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law,

Ephesians 1:1

1 Paul, a sent-forth person belonging to Jesus Christ (or: an emissary from, and a representative pertaining to, Jesus, [the] Anointed One [= Messiah]) through and by means of God's will (resolve; determined purpose; resultant choice), to all those who continue being set-apart folks (or: holy ones; saints) [other MSS add: within Ephesus], as well as to believing folks (or: trusting and loyal people) within, in union with and centered in Christ Jesus:

Ephesians 1:7

7 within and in union with Whom we continuously have (constantly hold; progressively possess) the redemption (the release into freedom procured by the payment of a ransom; the liberation from our predicament) through His blood the sending away (causing to flow off; forgiveness; dismissal) of the effects and results of the fallings-aside (the stumblings by the side; wrong steps; offences; transgressions), in accordance with (or: down from; corresponding to; in keeping with; to the level of) the wealth and riches of His grace and joyous favor,

Ephesians 1:11

11 Within and in union with Whom we were (or: are) also chosen (or: appointed) by lot (or: were made an allotted portion; or: received an inheritance), being previously marked out (or: being before designated) in keeping with (or: down from; corresponding to; in accord with) a before-placed (or: predetermined-by-setting-forth) aim anddesign of the One continuously operating (effecting; energizing) all things (or: the whole) in accord with (or: down from; in line with; in correspondence to) the deliberated purpose (intent; design; plan; determined counsel) of His will (or: resultant decision of His resolve; effect of His desire),

Ephesians 1:14

14 Which is continuously a pledge of our inheritance (or: Who remains being an earnest payment, a security and the first installment of our portion which was acquired by lot) [and brought] into a redemption (a release into freedom, procured by the payment of a ransom,) from that which was made to surround [you] (or: of the encircling acquisition; or: which is that which has been constructed as a perimeter around [us]), [leading] into the praise and approval of His glory (or: the praise from His manifestation which calls forth admiration and which yields a good opinion and reputation; the approval which pertains to His imagination)!

Ephesians 1:18

18 the eyes of your heart (= the insights and perceptions of the core of your being) having continued being enlightened (or: being progressively illuminated into a state of enlightenment) into the [situation for] you folks to have seen and thus perceive and know what is the expectation (or: expectant hope) of His calling (or: from HIS calling; belonging to His summons; from the invitation which is Him) and what [is] the wealth and riches from the glory (or: of the imagination and opinion; pertaining to the reputation) of and from the enjoyment of His lot-acquired inheritance within, in union with, and among the set-apart, sacred people.

Ephesians 2:8

8 For you see, by (or: to; in; for; with) the grace and joyous favor you are (you continuously exist being) folks having been delivered (rescued; kept safe; saved; made whole; restored to your original state and condition) so as to now be enjoying salvation through [some MSS add: the] faith (or: trust; confidence), and this not forth from out of you folks, [it is] the gift of and from God (or: the gift which is God; or: the gift whose source is God),

Ephesians 3:7-8

7 of which I came to be (was birthed; became) an attendant (a server; one who renders service and dispenses) in accord with, down from, in the sphere of and commensurate with the gift of God's grace and favor that being given to me (or: by me) in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to; to the level of; in line with) the operative, effective, internal working energy of His power and ability! 8 To me, the one far inferior to (or: less than the least among) all of those set apart (or: the saints; the holy people), was given this grace and joyous favor: to myself address the nations (non-Jews; Gentiles; ethnic multitudes) with the good news of (or: whose source is) the untrackable (untraceable; or: not-searched-out and unexplored) riches of the Christ (or: to for myself declare and bring to the ethnic groups the message of goodness, ease and well-being of the unexploreable wealth which is the Anointed One),

Ephesians 4:17-5:25

17 This, then, I am continually saying and giving evidence of (or: attesting) within the Lord: no longer are you to be continuously walking [your path] (i.e., conducting yourself; adjusting your behavior) according to the way that the nations (the multitudes; the non-Israelites; the Gentiles; the ethnic or special or pagan groups) are continuously walking around (ordering their behavior) within the emptiness (vanity; frivolity; futility) of their mind (or: intellect), 18 being folks having been, any still yet being, darkened in (or: by) the divided thought and the thing passing through the mind, having been and continuing being alienated (estranged) away from the Life of God (or: God's life; or the life which is God) through the ignorance continuously existing (or: being) within them [and] through the petrifying (becoming stone; callousness; = insensitivity) of their heart,

Ephesians 4:18-5:25

18 being folks having been, any still yet being, darkened in (or: by) the divided thought and the thing passing through the mind, having been and continuing being alienated (estranged) away from the Life of God (or: God's life; or the life which is God) through the ignorance continuously existing (or: being) within them [and] through the petrifying (becoming stone; callousness; = insensitivity) of their heart, 19 which certain people, being folks having ceased to feel pain (being insensible or callous), gave themselves over (abandoned themselves) to outrageous behavior (excessive indulgence; wantonness; licentiousness), into every unclean performance (work, trade, business or labor of impurity) in greed (always wanting more; covetousness; schemes of extortion; = wanting more than ones due, in disregard for others). 20 But you folks did not learn the Christ in this way, 21 since, indeed, you heard and listen to Him, and within Him as well as in union with Him, you wereand aretaught just as Truth and Reality continuously exist within Jesus 22 to put off from yourselves [as clothing or habits] what accords to the former entangled manner of living (or: twisted up behavior): the old humanity (or: the past, worn-out person) the one continuously in process of being corrupted (spoiled; ruined) down from and in accord with the passionate desires (the full-covering, swelling emotions) of the deceptions (or: seductive desires) 23 and then to be continuously renewed (or: from time to time, or, progressively made young again) by (or: in; with) the spirit (or: attitude; breath-effect) of your mind (or: from the mind which is you), 24 and to enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the new humanity (or: the person that is new and fresh in kind and quality) the one in accord with and corresponding to God (or: the person at the Divine level) being formed (framed, built, founded and settled from a state of disorder and wildness; created) within the Way pointed out (or: in union with fair and equitable dealings with rightwised relationships, justice and righteousness; also = in covenant participation) and reverent dedication (or: benign relationship with nature) pertaining to the Truth (or: in intrinsic alignment with reality). 25 Wherefore, upon at once putting the false (or: the Lie) away from yourselves [as clothing or habits], be continuously speaking Truth and reality, each one with his associate (the one near him; his neighbor), because we are (we continually exist being) members [as of a body] of one another (or: limbs or body parts belonging to one another and having our source in each other).

Ephesians 5:8

8 for you folks were once existing being darkness (dimness; obscurity; gloom; shadiness), yet (or: but) now [you are] light, within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].

Ephesians 5:14

14 for you see, all that is continuously being manifested (clearly displayed, made apparent and is progressively shown for what it is) is, and continually exists being, light.Wherefore Heis now saying, "Let the sleeper (the person continuously down and being fast asleep) be waking up, continue rousing, and then stand up (arise) from out of the midst of the dead ones, and the Christ will continue shining upon you (enlightening you)!"

Ephesians 5:17-25

17 On account of this, stop becoming (or: Do not continually come to be) foolish ones (folks not having common sense; people without reflection or intelligence; imprudent ones; thoughtless and inattentive folks), but rather, be constantly understanding (sending your perceptions together to comprehend) what [is] the will (result of the resolve; determination of what shall be done; design; effect of the purpose) of the Lord (= Christ or Yahweh; [other MSS: God; Christ]). 18 And stop being made drunk (or: Do not be continuously made intoxicated) by wine, within which exists the disposition of one having no hope of safety (unsavingness; dissipation and ill health; desperation), but rather be continuously or repeatedly filled full in spirit (within [the] Spirit; within the midst of [the] Breath-effect; in the sphere of attitude; in union with [the] Breath), 19 continuously speaking (making vocal utterances) to (or: among) yourselves in psalms and hymns (or: songs of praise; festive songs) and spiritual odes (songs; chants), continually singing and playing stringed instruments (making music; psalming; sharply touching or plucking [the strings or chords]) in (or: by; with; or: for) your hearts to (or: for; by; with: in) the Lord [= Christ, or, Yahweh], 20 constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude; or: speaking of the well-being that is in grace and favor) to God, even [the] Father [p46 & others: to the Father, even God] at all times (or: always; = on all occasions) concerning all things (or: for everything; or: over all mankind), within the midst of and in union with the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ [= the Messiah], 21 while continually setting and arranging yourselves under (placing yourselves in humble alignment; subordinating yourselves; being submissive) so as to support one another, in respect for Christ (or: in union with the reverence which is an Anointing; within Christ's fear; in reverence pertaining to, and the source of which is [the] Anointed One [other MSS: God]). 22 Wives (or: Women) [are] to (or: with) their own husbands (or: adult males), as to (or: with) the Lord (or: the Owner; or: = Christ, or, Yahweh) [note: this reading follows p46, B, Clement, Origen, other church fathers & other MSS, and is the reading in Westcott and Hort, Panin, Nestle-Aland, Tasker, and is bracketed by Griesbach; however, the following reading is also in Clement, Origen, other church fathers and MSS, as well as in Aleph and A: Wives, be by habit humbly aligned and placed subordinate so as to be supportive to your own husbands, as to (or: in; by; for) the Lord], 23 because a husband exists being a head of (or: is a source with reference to) the wife as also (or: even as) the Christ [is] Head (or: Source) of the called-out community (the ecclesia; the summoned-out assembly); He Himself is (continually exists being) [the] Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness) of the Body. 24 But, just as the called-out community (summoned-forth assembly) continuously humbly aligns and places itself under for (or, as a passive: is normally subjected in support to) the Christ, thus also the wives to (or: for; with) the husbands, in everything (or: within all; among all mankind). 25 O husbands, be constantly loving [your] wives (or: Men, continue loving the women), accordingly and correspondingly as the Christ also loved (or: to the degree that, and commensurately as, the Anointed One loves) the called-out community, and gave Himself up (or: commits and gives Himself over) in behalf of (for the sake of; over [the situation of]) her,

Ephesians 6:1-9

1 You children make it a habit to humbly listen and pay attention to, and thus submissively obey, your parents, in union with the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], for this is in accord with the Way pointed out (is fair, right and just). 2 "Be continuously honoring (holding in respect; valuing; reverencing; treating as precious and with dignity) your father and mother," which very one is a foremost implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) within an act of promising (or: in [the] promise; or: = that embodies assurance), 3 "to the end that it may come to be well and easy for (or: to; in) you and you will continue existinga long time upon the land (or: earth)." [Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16] 4 And so you fathers: do not continually bring along inherent fervor to (or: irritate; exasperate to anger; bring impulse alongside) your children, but rather be continually nourishing them within child-training discipline and education, and then the placing (or: setting) of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] in the mind (or: as well as the Master's mind-set; or: and the Owner's admonition; or: and instruction about the Lord). 5 Slaves: you folks be continually paying attention, listening humbly to and obeying [your] owners (masters) those [being such] in respect to the flesh (= this human condition and natural realm) with fear (or: respect, reverence, = earnestness) and trembling (= concerned focus), joined with singleness (simplicity; uncompoundedness; = pureness of substance) of your heart (= with the core of your being willing one thing [comment: which is Kierkegaard's "the Good"]), as though to (or: as if for; as being in, and with) the Christ, 6 not in accord with eye-service (or: in line with slavery to the eyes [of folks watching]; or: = doing it only when being watched) as folks desiring to please men, but rather as slaves of Christ, constantly doing (performing; producing) the will and intent of God from out of [the] soul (= with the whole inner being: mind, will, emotion, life-force; or: = spontaneously) 7 with a good disposition (well-mindedness; a good will; a good attitude), habitually serving (or: being; working) as a slave, as for (or: to; in; with) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ], and not for (or: to) people (humans; mankind), 8 having seen and thus knowing (perceiving; being aware; recognizing) that each person, if he or she may do some good thing (perform some virtuous act; produce some excellence and quality), this she, or he, will continue receiving for herself, or himself, for kindly keeping alongside of the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]: whether slave, whether free. 9 And now for the owners (lords; masters): be practicing (continually doing) the same toward them, constantly being lax (loosening up) in the threatening, knowing (having seen; being aware) also that their Owner (Lord; Master) as well as yours is continuously existing within [the] atmospheres (or: heavens), and partiality through respect or acceptance of faces (= persons) does not exist alongside of Him.

Ephesians 6:20

20 over which I am an old man in a manacle (or: on behalf of which I continue performing the duties of an elder and an ambassador in a chain!) to the end that within Him (or: it) I may speak freely (or: in public, boldly as a citizen), as it is necessary for me to speak.

Philippians 3:5

5 in circumcision, on [the] eighth day; out of race (from posterity; by birth; as to class or species), of Israel; of Benjamin's tribe; a Hebrew out of the midst of [the] Hebrews (or: = a supreme Hebrew); in accordance to Law, a Pharisee (or: down from custom, a Pharisee);

Philippians 3:5-6

5 in circumcision, on [the] eighth day; out of race (from posterity; by birth; as to class or species), of Israel; of Benjamin's tribe; a Hebrew out of the midst of [the] Hebrews (or: = a supreme Hebrew); in accordance to Law, a Pharisee (or: down from custom, a Pharisee); 6 in accordance to zeal, one constantly pressing, pursuing and persecuting the called-out community; in accordance to fairness and equity in the way pointed out in the Law, one coming to be, of myself, without defect (one becoming blameless).

Philippians 3:6

6 in accordance to zeal, one constantly pressing, pursuing and persecuting the called-out community; in accordance to fairness and equity in the way pointed out in the Law, one coming to be, of myself, without defect (one becoming blameless).

Philippians 3:11

11 since this is how I can fully meet face-to-face, participate and reach into the midst of (or: since in some way I would attain the level [to be] into the midst of; or: if by any means I may arrive and meet with the corresponding sphere [leading] into) the full resurrection (or: the arising and standing back up again from out of the midst; or: the out-resurrection) – the one [arising] forth from out of the midst of dead folks.

Philippians 3:21

21 Who will continue actively transfiguring (progressively refashioning and remodeling; continuously changing the form of) our body from the low condition and status (or: the body of our humiliation; or: the body which is us, pertaining to this lowliness) [which is] joint-formed in, by and with the body of His glory (or with other MSS: into the [situation] for it to be brought into existence conformed to, and having the same form together with, His body, from that which calls forth praise and has the character of His good reputation]), down from (or: in accord with; in the sphere of; along the lines of; to the level of; following the pattern of; stepping along with; commensurate with; as directed by) the inward operation (energy; in-working) of the [conditions or situation for] Him to be continuously able (or: with power) also to humbly align The Whole to and in Himself (or: to subject and subordinate all things for Himself; to arrange everything under so as to have full control and to support [it] by and with Himself).

Colossians 1:7

7 Just in this way, you folks [were taught and] learned from Epaphras, our beloved fellow-slave, who is full of faith and loyal, an attending servant of the Christ on our [other MSS: your] behalf (or: who is a faithful dispenser of the Christ [who is] over us [or: you folks]),

Colossians 1:12-14

12 [We are folks who are] constantly giving thanks to the Father: the One calling you [other MSS: us] – as well as making [you; us] competent (sufficient; qualified; fit; suitable) – into the divided share of the lot of the inheritance (or: into the part and portion of the allotted possession) of the set-apart folks (or: pertaining to the holy ones; belonging to the saints; from the sacred people; which is the different-from-the-ordinary folks) within the Light; 13 He who drags us out of danger (or: rescued us) forth from out of the midst of the authority of the Darkness (from Darkness's jurisdiction and right; from existing out of gloomy shadows and obscure dimness; = the privilege of ignorance), and changes [our] position (or: transported [us], thus, giving [us] a change of standing, and transferred [us]) into the midst of the kingdom and reign of the Son of His love (or: into the midst of the sovereign influence of the Son Who has the characteristics and qualities of His accepting love; into union with the sovereign activities of the Son Whose origin is His love; or: into the sphere of the reign of the Son of the Love which is Him; into the center of the kingdom of the Son, which is His love), 14 in Whom (or: in union with [which Son]) we continuously have and hold the redemption (the release and liberation procured by payment of a ransom) [which results in] the sending away of the failures (or: the dismissal of the errors pertaining to falling short and straying to the side of the target; the flowing away of the sins; the divorce from mistakes).

Colossians 1:18

18 and so He is the Head (or: Source) of the body – which is the called-out community (the ecclesia; the summoned congregation) – Who is the Beginning (or: the Ruler; the Originator and Ruling Principle; the Beginning Power and Ability of the process), a Firstborn forth from out of the midst of dead folks, to the end that He would be birthed (may come into existence; or: could come to be) within all things and in all people: He continuously holding first place (or: constantly being preeminent; or: habitually being the First One; or: continuing being the First Man [note: this phrase has in Greek literature been used as a title for a person]),

Colossians 1:23

23 since in fact (or: inasmuch as) you folks are continually remaining on (or: are constantly persisting) by trust, in the faith and for loyalty, being ones having been provided with a foundation so as to continue grounded, even seated so as to be settled ones, and not people being repeatedly moved elsewhere (shifted; removed; or, as a middle: shifting yourselves) away from the expectation (or: expectant hope) pertaining to, belonging to and having its source in the message of ease, goodness and well-being of which you hear (or: heard): the [message] being heralded (announced; publicly proclaimed and preached) within all creation which is under the sky (or: heaven) – of which I, Paul, am myself come to be a herald, an emissary, and an attending servant (or: a dispenser).

Colossians 1:25

25 of which I am come to be an attending servant (or: a dispenser), corresponding to (or: down from; in the sphere of) God's household administration (or: God's directives for the tasks of a household manager; the stewardship whose source is God and pertains to His house; God's economy; God's scheme and arrangement which He planned for His household) – the [detailed plan] being given by me unto you (or: to me [and infused] into you) – to fulfill God's Word (or: to make full the message pertaining to God; to make a full presentation of God's message; to deliver God's thought and idea in full; or: with a view to you fulfilling God's idea):

Colossians 1:28

28 Whom [other MSS: Which] we ourselves habitually proclaim down the line (or: announce in accord with the pattern), constantly putting [Him] into the minds of every person (or: human) and repeatedly teaching every person (or: human), within the sphere of all wisdom, to the intent that we may place every person (or: human) finished (mature; perfect with respect to purpose; complete; as having reached the goal of destiny) by [our] side, within and in union with Christ [other MSS add: Jesus],

1 Thessalonians 1:9

9 For they themselves are continuously reporting concerning us of what sort an entrance (or: introduction) we had toward you, and how you turned about toward God from the idols (forms; images seen; external appearances; pagan concepts and world views) to continuously be a slave to, for and with the living and true (or: real) God,

1 Thessalonians 3:2

2 and then sent Timothy, our brother and God's fellow-worker in Christ's message of ease and goodness, to perhaps set you firmly (make you stable) and possibly call you alongside (to aid, encourage, exhort, console and give relief) over the [situation] of your trust and faith (or: conviction and loyalty),

1 Thessalonians 3:10

10 while night and day, over-excessively repeatedly begging regarding our need to see your face (= to see you face to face), and then to freshly adjust to correspondence (or: thoroughly equip, fit, knit together, mend and bring into agreement) the things lacking (the shortcomings or deficiencies) of your faith and with regard to your loyal trust!

1 Thessalonians 5:4-8

4 Yet you yourselves, brothers (= believers), are not continuously in darkness (dimness from being in a shadow; obscurity of gloom; absence of daylight) to the end that the day may (or: would) suddenly take you down (grasp or seize you in a corresponding manner) as a thief, 5 for you see, you all are (or: exist being) sons of (= associated with and having the qualities of) Light and sons of (= associated with and having qualities of) Day! We are not (or: do not exist) of night, nor of darkness (or: we do not belong to or have the characteristics of night, nor to or of dim obscurity from shadows and gloom). 6 Consequently, then, we may not continuously fall asleep [into death? in awareness?] even as the rest (= as other folks), but rather, we can and should continuously be aroused and stirred up from sleep [comment: thus, awake to be alertly watchful; also a figure for being alive] and sober (or: clear-headed). 7 You see, the folks continuously falling asleep (or: drowsing) are sleeping at (or: from [the]) night, and the ones continuously being made drunk are becoming drunk at (or: from [the]) night. 8 We, on the other hand, being of Day (belonging to and having characteristics of [the] Day; having [the] Day as our source), can and should continuously be sober (clear-headed), putting on (or: clothing ourselves with; enveloping ourselves in; entering within) a breastplate (or: thorax) of faith and love (or: which is and is composed of faith and love; = have trust & love as body armor) and, as a helmet, an expectation (or: expectant hope) of deliverance (health and wholeness; rescue and salvation; restoration to our original state and condition),

1 Timothy 1:12

12 I continue holding (or: having) grace and favor by and in the One enabling me (putting ability within me; empowering me): Christ Jesus, our Lord, because He considers me full of faith (or: deems me loyal and faithful), Himself placing [me] into a position of giving attending service, 13one being formerly a blasphemer (a vilifier and slanderer; one using abusive speech and hindering the Light while bringing injury) and a persecutor and a violent, insolent aggressor (an overbearing, insolent, riotous and outrageous person), but to the contrary, I was mercied (or: given mercy), because, being continuously ignorant (without intimate, experiential knowledge or personal insight), I acted (or: did it) within unbelief (or: in distrust).

1 Timothy 2:7

7 into the midst of which I, a preacher (or: herald) and one sent with a mission (an envoy and representative), was placed (or: am set) – I am speaking truth, I am not lying – a teacher of multitudes (nations; the multiplied ethnic groups; non-Jews), within faith and Truth (or: in union with trust and reality).

1 Timothy 4:6

6 Placing these things under as a base or foundation, to give advice or make suggestions to and for the brothers (= fellow believers), you will continue being a beautiful (fine; ideal; excellent) supportive servant of Christ Jesus, habitually being inwardly nourished by the words of the faith (or: in the arranged expressions, utterances and messages of trust; or: with ideas of loyalty; or: for thoughts from trust), and of the beautiful (fine; ideal; excellent; good quality) teaching in which you follow alongside closely (or: to which you nearly accompany and attend).

1 Timothy 5:5

5 Now the one actually being a widow, and having been left alone (= without a dowry and destitute), has placed expectation upon, and now relies on God, and constantly remains focused in requests regarding needs, and in prayers (thoughts, words and deeds aimed toward having goodness and well-being) during night and during day,

2 Timothy 1:11

11 into which (or: into Whom) I am placed (or: I was put): a herald (a public announcer; a proclaimer; a preacher) – even a person sent off with a mission (an envoy; a representative; or: = a messenger) – and a teacher [other MSS add: of the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; Goyim; non-Jews)].

2 Timothy 2:25-26

25 in accommodating meekness and with consideration constantly educating (training; disciplining; instructing; correcting) those habitually setting themselves in complete opposition or who offer resistance. May not God at some time give a change of thinking to them (or: Would not God grant in them and supply for them a change of mind), [directing and leading them] into a full and accurate experiential knowledge of Truth and reality? 26 And then they can and may sober up (or: would come back to their proper senses) from out of the adversary's snare (or: forth from out of the midst of the trap of the person who thrusts something through folks) – being folks having been [previously] captured alive under (or: by) him, into the will (intent; design; purpose) of that one (or: that person).

2 Timothy 2:26-26

26 And then they can and may sober up (or: would come back to their proper senses) from out of the adversary's snare (or: forth from out of the midst of the trap of the person who thrusts something through folks) – being folks having been [previously] captured alive under (or: by) him, into the will (intent; design; purpose) of that one (or: that person).

2 Timothy 3:10

10 Yet you, yourself, follow (or: followed) closely beside me: in the teaching, by the instruction and with the training; in the leading, by the guidance for conduct; in the purpose (or: with the fore-setting or by forth-setting; to and for the proposal; [used of setting-forth of the loaves in the holy place of the Temple: Mat. 12:4; Heb. 9:2]); in the trust, for the faith, by the conviction and with the faithful loyalty; in and by the long-waiting to be in a heat and breathe violently (or: with long-suffering patience); in and with the accepting love; in and by the steadfast remaining-under (or: with persevering, patient endurance while giving support); 11 in (or: by) the pursuits and with persecutions; in and by the effects of the experiences and with results of the sufferings – the sort of things that were birthed in me and happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; the sort of pursuits and persecutions which I bear up under (or: carried-on under) and yet out of the midst of which the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] drags (or: snatched) me forth from all of them.

2 Timothy 4:5

5 Yet you – you be habitually sober (not intoxicated [by such things]; clear-headed and steady) within all things and among all people; experience the bad and the ugly (or: suffer the evil and the worthless) [A adds: as an ideal (beautiful; fine; excellent) soldier of Christ Jesus]; perform [the] act (do [the] deed; produce the action; construct a work) of one who brings goodness and well-being and announces ease and good news (or: act [like] a man who has good news to tell); be fully bent on and bring your attending service to full measure, with complete assurance and absolute certainty!

2 Timothy 4:16-17

16 Within my first verbal defense no one happened to be beside me (no one came along with me), but rather, all forsook (abandoned; other MSS: were forsaking and abandoning) me – may it not be put to their account (may it not be counted against them)! 17 Yet the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] took a stand beside me (or: stood alongside in me) – and He empowered me (enabled me; gave me inward ability), to the end that through me the message that is being heralded (the contents of the public proclamation) would (or: may; could) be fully carried throughout with complete assurance, to full measure, and with absolute certainty, and so [that] all the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; Goyim; non-Jews) would (could; may) hear [it] – and I was dragged (or: drawn) from out of the mouth of a lion!

2 Timothy 4:17-18

17 Yet the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] took a stand beside me (or: stood alongside in me) – and He empowered me (enabled me; gave me inward ability), to the end that through me the message that is being heralded (the contents of the public proclamation) would (or: may; could) be fully carried throughout with complete assurance, to full measure, and with absolute certainty, and so [that] all the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; Goyim; non-Jews) would (could; may) hear [it] – and I was dragged (or: drawn) from out of the mouth of a lion! 18 The Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] will continue dragging (or: drawing) me away from every harmful act (malicious or evil work) and will continue delivering me into the midst of the reign and kingdom – the one [having dominion] upon the heavens (or: into the realm of His activities and way of doing things: the one [exercising authority] upon, and which can be compared to, the atmosphere) – which is from Him and belongs to Him, in Whom [is] the glory (or: for Whom [is] the reputation; by Whom [is] the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; to Whom [is] the good opinion), on into the ages of the ages (or: into the principle ages which consummate all the ages; into the obscure time periods of the ages). It is so! (Amen)

Titus 1:9

9 habitually holding himself firmly to (or: clinging face-to-face to) the full-of-faith Word (message; thought; idea; Logos; or: the faithful word) – down from, corresponding to and in line with the Teaching and training – to the end that he can be powerful and able both to be constantly encouraging (habitually performing as a paraclete; repeatedly exhorting; continually calling folks alongside to give them assistance or relief) in the teaching that continues being sound and healthy, and to repeatedly put to the proof so as to convince by demonstration, or to refute by exposure of the test, the folks habitually speaking in opposition and contradicting.

Titus 2:2-13

2 Old (or: Aged; Older) men are to habitually be moderate and sober in the use of wine, serious (grave; solemn; dignified; worthy of respect and honor), sound of mind with a rational (or: sane; sensible) and wholesome way of thinking and attitude, being continuously sound and healthy in the Faith (or: by trust; with loyalty; for confidence), in (or: by; with) the Love, in (or: by; with) the Remaining-under in support (or: the persistent, patient endurance). 3 Old (or: Aged; Older) women, similarly (or: likewise), [are to be] women in a state and resultant condition proper and fitting for being engaged in the sacred (suitable in demeanor for serving the temple; or: = living a life appropriate [for] a person [being] a temple), not folks who thrust-through or hurl [a weapon, or something hurtful] through [someone] (or: not devils nor slanderous adversaries which bring division and hurt), nor women having been enslaved by (or: to) much wine. [They are to be] teachers of beauty and of what is fine, excellent and ideal, 4 to the end that they can (or: may; would) habitually bring the young women to their senses (or: cause new [wives] to be sound-minded and with a healthy attitude) to habitually be affectionate, friendly, loving and fond of passionately kissing their husbands [and] children, 5 ones sound of mind with a rational (or: sane; sensible; clear headed) and wholesome way of thinking and attitude, untouched so as to be undefiled and pure (chaste), workers at home (domestic; = mistress of the house), good (virtuous; with qualities of excellence), being women that are by habit supportively aligned to (or: continue being humbly arranged for) their own husbands, to the end that God's thought and idea (God's Logos; God's Word; God's message) can not be constantly blasphemed (abusively defamed; misrepresented). 6 Similarly (or: Likewise), be repeatedly and habitually doing the work of a paraclete: calling the younger men alongside to give them relief or support, and to encourage them to be continuously sound in mind (sane; sensible) and to be keeping a wholesome attitude and way of thinking about everything – 7 [while] constantly holding yourself at [their] side, offering (tendering; presenting; exhibiting) yourself [as] a model (example; pattern; an impression) of beautiful actions (fine deeds and ideal works), [exhibiting] incorruptness (absence of spoil or ruin; incapability of decay) [and] seriousness (gravity; dignity) [p32 & other MSS add: freedom from envy; willingness] within the teaching:

Titus 2:7-8

7 [while] constantly holding yourself at [their] side, offering (tendering; presenting; exhibiting) yourself [as] a model (example; pattern; an impression) of beautiful actions (fine deeds and ideal works), [exhibiting] incorruptness (absence of spoil or ruin; incapability of decay) [and] seriousness (gravity; dignity) [p32 & other MSS add: freedom from envy; willingness] within the teaching: 8 [presenting] a healthful message (a sound word; a thought or idea full of and promoting health): one without down-oriented knowledge and not bringing a downward experience, thus being unworthy of – and not containing any – condemnation (or: uncensurable), so that the person in the contrary and opposing position (or: [acting] out of contrariness) can (may; would) be turned back within himself (or: be put to shame and be made to show reverence and regard), continuing having nothing slight or mean (cheap; paltry; ill; sorry; good-for-nothing; thoughtless) to be saying about us.

Titus 2:8-8

8 [presenting] a healthful message (a sound word; a thought or idea full of and promoting health): one without down-oriented knowledge and not bringing a downward experience, thus being unworthy of – and not containing any – condemnation (or: uncensurable), so that the person in the contrary and opposing position (or: [acting] out of contrariness) can (may; would) be turned back within himself (or: be put to shame and be made to show reverence and regard), continuing having nothing slight or mean (cheap; paltry; ill; sorry; good-for-nothing; thoughtless) to be saying about us. 9 [Encourage] slaves to habitually place themselves in subjection (or: to be continually in humble alignment, supportively arranged under) their own owners (or: masters) in all things – to be constantly well-pleasing and satisfying, not repeatedly speaking contrarily or refuting (or: talking back), nor embezzling (secretly putting aside for oneself; pilfering), 10 but to the contrary, habitually displaying all good faith (every virtuous trust, faithfulness, confidence, loyalty and reliability), so that they can progressively set the teaching, which pertains to, and whose source and origin is, God, our Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness and our original state of being), into the System – in all things, within every area and among all people! 11 For God's saving grace (the salvation-imparting influence and boon of undeserved kindness, favor and goodwill whose source is God and which brings deliverance, rescue, restoration and health) has been fully set in clear Light for all mankind (or: was fully manifested to all humanity; has been made to completely appear in all people; or: has additionally shined within all humans) [other MSS: You see, the joyous favor of God: a Savior for (to; in) all mankind, has been fully displayed; or: So you see, the grace, which is God, was made to suddenly appear {as} a Savior for all humans], 12 progressively educating and training us so that, being people refusing (renouncing; denying; disowning; turning our backs on) the irreverence (lack of awe or pious fear; disrespect of and absence of duty to God) and over-desires (full-rushing passions) pertaining to the System (or: whose source is the world), we can (may; would) live sensibly (with clear-headed soundness of mind and wholesomeness of disposition and attitude) and equitably (fairly; justly; rightwisedly; relationally in a way which reflects the Way pointed out) and reverently (in devout goodness, awe and virtuous conduct, and with ease and well-being from relationship with God) within the current age (or: the present indefinite period of time, or eon), 13 being folks continuously receiving with welcoming focus, and granting access and admittance to, the happy expectation – even the full manifestation (the complete display in clear light) of the glory of our great God and Deliverer (or: Savior): Jesus Christ,

Titus 2:13-13

13 being folks continuously receiving with welcoming focus, and granting access and admittance to, the happy expectation – even the full manifestation (the complete display in clear light) of the glory of our great God and Deliverer (or: Savior): Jesus Christ,

Titus 3:5-6

5 not from out of works [which arise from] within religious performance which we ourselves do [= deeds associated with the temple cultus of the old covenant] (or: not forth from actions in union with an act of righteousness which we, ourselves, did; not in a relationship based upon our own performance; not deeds in a system of justice, equity and fairness which we, ourselves, constructed), but to the contrary, down from and corresponding to His mercy, He delivered us (or: He saves, rescues and restores us to the wholeness and health of our original condition) through a bath of and from a birth-back-up-again (or: [the] bathing of a regeneration; note: can = a ritual immersion pool of rebirth) and a making back-up-new (of a different kind and quality) again from a set-apart Breath-effect (or: of a renewal and renovation whose source is [the] Holy Spirit; or: a set-apart spirit's creating or birthing [us] back-up-new-again; a renewal which is a holy spirit) 6 which (or: from which source) He pours forth (or: poured from out of) upon us richly through Jesus Christ, our Deliverer (Savior; Healer; Rescuer; Restorer; Safe-keeper),

Hebrews 2:10

10 You see, it was fitting for Him – on account of Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) and through Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) – in, when and by leading many sons [note: a figure for all humanity] into glory (a good reputation), to finish and perfect the Leader who first walked the Path of their deliverance (to bring to a complete state the Originator and Chief Agent of their rescue; to script the final scene for the Chief Conveyor of their restoration; to bring the Pioneering Bringer of their salvation to the destined goal) through the effects of sufferings and results of experiences [note, pascho means: to be affected by something - either good or bad; to feel, have sense experiences; thus, also: to suffer or undergo passion].

Hebrews 2:14-15

14 Since, then, the young children have participated in and commonly shared existence of blood and flesh (= humanity), He also, nearly alongside [them], shared theirs in common (partook of the [ingredients] which comprise them), in order that through means of death He might render useless (or: deactivate; idle-down; discard) the one normally having the strength (or: the person presently holding the force) of death (or: which is death; or: whose source is death), that is, the adversary (or: that which throws folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: the one that throws something through the midst and casts division; the one who thrusts things through folks; the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or, commonly called: the "devil"), 15 and would set them free (or: could fully change and transform these; or: should move them away to another [situation; existence]): as many as were through all of life held within slavery by fear of death (or: in fear, from death: or: with fear, which is death)!

Hebrews 9:15

15 And now because of this, He continues being a Medium (an Agency; an Intervening Substance; a middle state; One in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of and from a New Arrangement (a disposition and covenant that is new in kind and quality) so that, pertaining to a death occurring (or: from a death having happened) [which leads] into an unbinding-away of the steppings-to-the-side [that were] based upon the first arrangement, (or: in order that by birthing Himself from death into the midst of a redeeming [of people] from the deviations [that came] upon the first disposition; or: so that at one point coming into existence from death [and] on into the center of a ransom-paid release from transgressions [that were founded] upon the former covenant,) the people having been called and now remaining invited can at some point take hold of (or: may seize into possession; or: would suddenly receive) the Promise of the inheritance pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age [of Messiah] (or: the eonian possession and enjoyment of the allotment; or: the inheritance of, from and for the ages).

Hebrews 10:10

10 within which will (or: in union with which intent and purpose), we are folks having been made set-apart ones (sanctified folks; sacred and holy people) through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 10:14

14 For you see, by and in one offering He has perfected (brought to the goal; matured; completed; finished; brought to their purposed destiny) – on into the whole length (or: extended or stretched into the unbroken continuance) – those folks being one after another set-apart (separated; made sacred and holy; [p46 reads: restored back up again into the original state and condition; rescued back and delivered again; made healthy and whole again]).

Hebrews 10:28-29

28 Someone displacing (setting aside; violating) a custom of Moses (or: Moses' Law) dies, apart from compassions, upon [evidence or testimony of] two or three witnesses. 29 By how much worse punishment (= heavier the sentence) do you suppose he will be thought worthy and counted deserving: the one trampling down the Son of God, and considering the blood of the arrangement (or: covenant) common (= profane) – within which he was set-apart (made sacred and holy) – even insulting the Breath-effect of joyous favor (or: Spirit of Grace)?

Hebrews 11:6

6 Now apart from faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, [one is] powerless (or: unable) to please [God] well. It is necessary and binding for the person habitually approaching God to believe (to be convinced and trust) that He is (or: that He exists), and that He habitually comes to be (or: becomes) the One who pays back wages (or: gives away rewards) to, in and for those folks repeatedly (or: constantly) seeking Him out (or: seeking from out of Him).

James 1:1

1 Jacob (or: James) a slave belonging to God and to [the] Lord, Jesus Christ (or: a slave pertaining to God, even in fact, really, to [the] Lord and Owner [or, perhaps: = Yahweh], Jesus Christ), to the twelve tribes (or: sprouts and branches which sprang forth) who are to be constantly rejoicing within the scattering (or: which are within the midst of the dispersion [= the planting], "To constant joy and gladness!").

James 1:23-24

23 Because if someone is a hearer of [the] Word (a listener to a thought, idea or message) and not a doer (performer; producer), this one is like (resembles) an adult male contemplating (considering; attentively pondering) in a mirror the face of his birth (genesis; origin; existence; generation; lineage; or: = the face with which he was born): 24 for he contemplated himself and has departed, and immediately forgot of what sort (quality; manner) he was.

James 2:5

5 Listen and hear, my beloved brothers! Did not God at one point choose (call and speak out; pick out; select) for Himself the poor folks in the System (or: Does not God Himself lay out and collect the beggars and those who slink and cower with wretchedness in the world of society, culture, religion and government) – rich folks in faith, trust, loyalty and conviction, and also heirs (those who possess by distribution of an allotment) of the reign and kingdom which He promised to and assured for those continually loving Him?

James 2:7

7 Are they not constantly defaming (slandering; speaking abusively of; vilifying; or: hindering the light of) the beautiful (fine; excellent; honorable; ideal) Name – the one being called upon (= put upon), and conferred on, you folks?

1 Peter 1:4

4 into the midst of an incorruptible (unspoilable; imperishable; unruinable; undecayable), unstained (undefiled), and unfading (or: unwithering) inheritance (or: enjoyment of and participation in an allotted portion as a possession) – one having been kept in view, watched-over, guarded, and which continues being maintained and kept intact within the midst of [the, or our] atmospheres (or: in union with heavens; = in realms of spirit); – [which things were and are being birthed and entering] into the midst of you folks,

1 Peter 1:11-12

11 constantly searching into which season or what kind of situation the Spirit of Christ (or: Christ's spirit; or: the Breath-effect which is the Anointed One), resident within them, was continuing to point to, making [it] evident and clearly visible, repeatedly testifying (witnessing; giving evidence) beforehand about the effects of the experiences and results of the sufferings [projected] into Christ, and the glories (the manifestations which call forth praise; the good opinions and reputations; the appearances of things) after these things, 12 to which folks (or: in which ones) it was unveiled (revealed; disclosed) that not to or for themselves, but to and for you people, they had been progressively dispensing and serving them – which things are now announced (or: which tidings were brought back) to you through those announcing (proclaiming; bringing and communicating) the message of well-being and goodness (or: good news) to you within [or, with other MSS: by] a set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: sacred spirit) being sent forth from [the] atmosphere (or: heaven) – into which things agents (or: messengers; folks that had the message) are habitually and earnestly desiring (are constantly in full passion and craving) to stoop down beside and look (or: peer; peek) inside, so as to obtain a clearer and more accurate view.

1 Peter 1:14-16

14 As children of (= having the qualities of and characteristics from) submissive, attentive hearing (or: Like listening and obedient born-ones), not being folks repeatedly molding, forming, fashioning or configuring yourselves to and by the former cravings (the prior over-desires or full passions), within your ignorance, 15 but rather, corresponding to (down from; in accord with) the One calling (or: inviting) you [being] set-apart (or: holy), you folks also let yourselves be made to be (or: be birthed) ones set-apart in the same way, in all behavior (within every conduct; in all turning about or twisting up of [your] way of life), 16 because it has been written that, "You people will continue being set-apart (or: sacredly different and holy), because I [am] set-apart (or: holy; different from ordinary)." [Lev. 11:44, 45; 19:2; 20:7]

1 Peter 2:9

9 Yet you folks [are] "a picked-out (selected; chosen) offspring (family; kin; lineage; race; species; breed) [Isa. 43:20; Deut. 7:6], a royal (kingly; palace) priesthood [Ex. 19:6; Isa. 61:6], a set-apart (holy; different) multitude (company; nation; body of people living together; swarm; association; ethnic group; caste; [Ex. 19:6; note: implies a sacred life]), a people constructed into an encirclement (made into a surrounding structure; set as a perimeter; made into a performance about [Him]; formed around as an acquisition; gathered into a surrounding [flock])" [Isa. 43:21; Ex. 19:5] – so that you may tell forth the message of (or: out-message; publish; declare abroad) the excellencies and qualities of nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) of and from the One calling you out of darkness (gloomy dimness; the realm of shadows and obscurity) into the midst of His wonderful (marvelous; amazing) light [p72 reads: into the wonderful Light],

1 Peter 2:9-12

9 Yet you folks [are] "a picked-out (selected; chosen) offspring (family; kin; lineage; race; species; breed) [Isa. 43:20; Deut. 7:6], a royal (kingly; palace) priesthood [Ex. 19:6; Isa. 61:6], a set-apart (holy; different) multitude (company; nation; body of people living together; swarm; association; ethnic group; caste; [Ex. 19:6; note: implies a sacred life]), a people constructed into an encirclement (made into a surrounding structure; set as a perimeter; made into a performance about [Him]; formed around as an acquisition; gathered into a surrounding [flock])" [Isa. 43:21; Ex. 19:5] – so that you may tell forth the message of (or: out-message; publish; declare abroad) the excellencies and qualities of nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) of and from the One calling you out of darkness (gloomy dimness; the realm of shadows and obscurity) into the midst of His wonderful (marvelous; amazing) light [p72 reads: into the wonderful Light], 10 [you] who [were] once (or: formerly) "not a people, " but now [are] "God's people;" [formerly] being the ones having "not been given mercy, " yet now [are] "folks being mercied (being given mercy)." [Hos. 2:25] 11 Folks that are loved (Beloved ones): I am presently calling you alongside to encourage, aid, comfort and admonish you, as resident aliens (exiles; sojourners; one dwelling beside citizens in a foreign country) and temporary residents (expatriates; strangers) to continually hold yourselves away from the fleshly over-desires (passions; full-rushing upon things), which things are constantly warring (doing military service; battling) down against the soul (the inner self and being), 12 continuously holding your beautiful behavior (your fine and ideal turning yourselves back around) among the multitudes (the companies; the associations; the ethnic groups; the nations; the castes; the non-Jews, or, Gentiles), to the end that, within what thing they are continually speaking down pertaining to you folks (repeatedly speaking against you) as of ones constantly doing the worthless and things of bad quality (or: as of evildoers or criminals; as of those repeatedly creating bad situations or forming what not ought to be), repeatedly looking upon and observing as eyewitnesses the outcome from the beautiful actions (the fine deeds; the ideal and honorable works), they may glorify (or: give a good opinion of) God, within a day of inspection and overseeing care.

1 Peter 2:21-23

21 for into this you are called (or: were invited), because Christ also experienced [this] (or: suffered) over you folks (or: for your sakes), leaving continuously below (or: behind) in you (or: with and for you) an underwriting (a writing under which you are to write or copy; hence: a pattern; a model) to the end that you could (or: would) follow-on in the footprints of Him 22 "Who does not make a mistake (Who did not perform failure; Who does no sin; Who does not construct failure to hit the target), nor is (or: was) deceitful bait (fraud; guile) found in His mouth;" [Isa. 53:9] 23 Who, being repeatedly reviled (harshly and bitingly rebuked and insulted), was not reviling back (answering insult with insult; taking the position of harsh, biting rebuke); continuously (or: repeatedly) suffering (experiencing ill treatment), he was not threatening, but kept on giving [the situation] over to the One at His side: the One constantly sifting, separating and deciding (or: judging) fairly (equitably; following the Path of the Way pointed out, bringing situations to a rightwised condition),

1 Peter 2:25

25 For you folks were continuing to be "like sheep, being habitually caused to wander (being led astray; or, as a middle: people constantly wandering away), " [Isa. 53:6] but now in contrast, "you are (or: were) turned around and made to return, upon" [the will of; the herding of] the Shepherd and Overseer of (Supervisor of; the One who watches over) your souls (your inner beings).

1 Peter 3:9

9 not being ones habitually giving back (repaying; rendering; giving away) bad in the place of bad (or: poor quality in exchange for poor quality; evil for evil) or abusive language in the place of abusive language (reviling in exchange for reviling; insulting back against insults), but just the opposite: constantly speaking things that embody wellness or give a blessing, because into this you are called (or: were invited), to the end that you folks may inherit a word embodying wellness (a blessing; a message of goodness; a thought bringing ease).

1 Peter 3:15

15 Now "you folks set [the] Lord [= Yahweh] – the Anointed One – apart (or: Yet, let the Lord Christ be set-apart)" [Isa. 8:13], within your hearts! (or: So, treat the Anointed Owner as holy, in the core of your beings), always ready (ever prepared) toward a defense to everyone – for the one repeatedly asking you for a word (i.e., a rational explanation and a logical response) about the expectation within you folks – but still with gentleness (tenderness; meekness; kindness) and deep respect (or: serious caution; reverence; [the] fear [of the Lord]), 16 habitually holding a good conscience (or: having a virtuous joint-knowing, from possessing a clear joined-perception), so that those, having a habit of spitefully abusing and harassing your good behavior (or: conduct; way of life) within, and in union with, Christ, may be brought to shame and disgrace relating to that within which you folks are constantly being defamed (spoken down against).

1 Peter 4:2-5

2 [and comes] into the [condition or situation] to no longer live out the additional remaining course [of his] time within [the] flesh (= in the natural realm) in the midst of (or: in union with) [the] full passions (or: for [the] over-desires; to [the] rushings of emotions upon things) of humans (or: pertaining to or originating in mankind), but to the contrary, in God's will (or: for God's intent; to God's purpose). 3 For the time having gone by [is] sufficient (= you have spent enough time, in the past,) to have accomplished (to have worked down and effected) the thing desired by (or: the intention of) the multitudes (the nations; the swarms of ethnic groups living together; the non-Jews; the Gentiles), having gone from place to place in indecent and licentious debaucheries (deeds of loose conduct), in rushing passions and over-desires, in excesses bubbling over with wine, in carousing and festive processions, in drinking parties, and in forbidden (i.e., illegal in respect to the natural laws of reason, conscience and common decency) idolatries (or: being a servant to or worshiping external forms or appearances, phantoms of the mind, unsubstantial or reflected images, or conveyed impressions), 4 within which they, repeatedly speaking abusively, slanderously, injuriously and giving a false image [about you, as well as about other folks], are constantly struck with surprise, thinking it strange and foreign that you folks are not always running together with [them], as a mob, into the same flooding (pouring forth) of unhealthiness and lack of safety (or: dissoluteness of a course devoid of salvation). 5 Such folks will continue rendering an account (or: giving back a reason) to the One readily and continually judging (separating and making a decision about) [p72: prepared to judge; other MSS: constantly holding {Himself} in readiness to judge] living folks and dead ones,

1 Peter 4:14-16

14 Since (or: If) you folks are constantly being insulted and censured in (or: [because of] union with) the Name of Christ, [you are] happy ones (blessed folks), because God's spirit of glory and power (or: the Breath-effect of the reputation and of the ability of God) is continuously "resting back upon" you folks [cf. Isa. 11:2]. 15 Of course let not any one of you folks be experiencing suffering as a murderer, or a thief, or a doer of worthless or evil things, or, as a meddler (an interferer) in other people's affairs (or: one who focuses on things strange, foreign or "other, " or involving a place-change). 16 Yet if as a Christian [she or he is suffering], let him or her not continue feeling shame or embarrassment, but let him or her constantly glorify (give credit to; enhance the reputation of; bring an opinion of high status for) God within this Name (or: in union with this name [i.e., "Christian;" or, referring to "the Name of Christ" in vs. 14, above]),

1 Peter 4:16-16

16 Yet if as a Christian [she or he is suffering], let him or her not continue feeling shame or embarrassment, but let him or her constantly glorify (give credit to; enhance the reputation of; bring an opinion of high status for) God within this Name (or: in union with this name [i.e., "Christian;" or, referring to "the Name of Christ" in vs. 14, above]),

2 Peter 1:5-8

5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor); 6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance); 7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection. 8 You see, these things are constantly subsisting (or: supportively sub-governing; humbly ruling; beginning from below) as a possession in you folks [or, with A and others: are continually existing alongside being present for you] and are repeatedly being more than enough (abounding) – neither [being] inactive (or: ineffective) nor unfruitful (or: unproductive). He is continually setting [these] down and causing [them] to stand in accord [in you] unto the accurate, additional (or: full), experiential and intimate knowledge of our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 2:16

16 But he had an exposure and a rebuke leading to conviction regarding his own transgression of law: a voiceless yoke-animal – emitting a sound in a voice of a man – hindered (or: checked) the insanity (madness; being beside one's thinking) of the prophet.

1 John 1:9

9 If it would be our habit to confess (admit; avow; say the same thing as; speak in accordance with; or: would continue in agreement [about]) our error (our failure; our sin; our mistake), He is constantly faithful and just (fair; in accord with the Way pointed out and in right relationship; rightwised), to the end that He would at once send away for us (or: dismiss or pardon and cause to flow away in us) the errors ([some MSS add: our] failures, mistakes and deviations) and then would cleanse [other MSS: He will cleanse] us from all injustice (all that is contrary to the Way pointed out; every unrighteousness; all unfairness, inequity and unrighteous relationships; every behavior that is turned in the wrong direction).

1 John 2:8-9

8 Again, (or: Once more) I am writing to you an implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) new in kind and quality, which is (exists being) true (actual; real; genuine) within Him, and within you [other MSS: us], that the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows and of lack of the light of the Day; [note: a figure of the ignorance of the prior system and realm]) is progressively being caused to pass by, and the True Light (or: = real knowledge and understanding; = Light of the new Day) is already (before now) progressively shining and appearing. 9 The person who keeps on speaking [thus, as though] to be within the Light, and yet is constantly hating (or: regarding with ill-will) his brother (or: = fellow believer; or: fellow member of his society), is a liar and continues being within the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows and lack of the light of the Day; = prior night) until the present moment.

1 John 2:12

12 I am writing to you, little children (or: young born ones), that the failures (mistakes; sins; deviations; situations of missing the goal) have been sent away (or: caused to flow away; put away; divorced; forgiven) for you through His Name (or: because of the Name which is Him)!

1 John 3:8

8 Yet the person habitually practicing (repeatedly doing; progressively producing) the error (the failure to hit the target or accomplish his purpose; or: the sin; the mistake; the deviation) is existing from out of the adversary who thrusts something through the midst, [with a weapon, or with ill-intent], creating a wound or division (or: = is [operating] from [the influence of] the “devil”), because this adversary is habitually sinning (or: repeatedly missing the target; continuously falling short of the goal; constantly deviating from his purpose) from [the] beginning (or: from [its] origin). Into this [situation] was (or: is) God's Son manifested and made visible, to the end that He would unbind (loose; untie; destroy; disintegrate) the works and actions of the adversary who casts things through the midst of folks.

1 John 5:19

19 We have seen and thus know that we are continuously existing from out of the midst of God, yet the whole ordered System (or: the entire realm of the religious and the secular) is continuously lying outstretched (lying as asleep, idle or dead; reclining) within the gush of misery (within the disadvantageous, laborious and worthless situation; within the sorry plight; in union with wickedness and evil; in the midst of the misery-gushed [attitude and existence]),

Jude 1:1

1 Judah, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of Jacob (= James), to those having been, and yet being, loved (accepted recipients of the drive for reunion; [other MSS: set-apart and made holy]) within God [the] Father, even (or: and) Jesus Christ; to kept and maintained folks, to called ones (or: for the people being loved in union with and within the midst of Father God, and now being watched over, guarded and protected in and by Jesus Christ – to invited ones)

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness (or: reliable Evidence; loyal Martyr), the First-born of (or: pertaining to; from among; or: belonging to) the dead folks: even the Ruler (or: Prince; Leader, Beginner; Originator) of the kings of the earth – by (or: in) the One continuously loving us by loosing [other MSS: washing] us from [other MSS: out of] our failures and deviations (or: sins; errors; situations and results of where we missed the target or fell short of the goal) within His blood (or: in union with the blood which is Him),

Revelation 1:16

16 Furthermore, [He is] constantly holding (or: having; possessing) [the] seven stars within His right hand, and a sharp two-mouthed (= double-edged) broadsword is continuously (or: repeatedly) proceeding (issuing forth) from out of His mouth. And His appearance (countenance; sight) continually shines as the sun, in its power.

Revelation 2:5

5 You [assembly] must be remembering, then, whence you [as a single entity] have fallen, and you must change your way of thinking and feeling (change your frame of mind and your perceptions), and you [group] must do (perform; construct) the first works (deeds; actions). Yet if not, I am continuously (repeatedly; habitually) coming to you [as a group], and I will proceed removing (or: moving) your lampstand out of its place, if ever you [as a group] may not change your way of thinking (your mind-set).

Revelation 2:21

21 And I give time to her, to the intent that she may change her mind (way of thinking), and habitually she is not intending (or: willing) to change her thinking out of her prostitution (= idolatry, or, association with idol temples).

Revelation 3:3

3 Remember, then, how you have received (or: taken with the hand) and heard! Continuously keep watch (or: Guard [it]) and change your way of thinking, [and turn to God]. If ever, then, you should not be watching, I will proceed arriving (or: may arrive) upon you as a thief, and under no circumstances would you know what hour I will (or: may) be arriving upon you.

Revelation 7:4-8

4 Then I heard the number of the people having been sealed (impressed; imprinted): one hundred forty-four thousand – folks having been sealed (imprinted) from out of every tribe of the sons of Israel. 5 Out of Judah’s tribe: twelve thousand sealed (imprinted) Out of Reuben’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Gad’s tribe: twelve thousand 6 Out of Asher’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Naphtali’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Manasseh’s tribe: twelve thousand 7 Out of Simeon’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Levi’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Issachar’s tribe: twelve thousand 8 Out of Zebulon’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Joseph’s tribe: twelve thousand Out of Benjamin’s tribe: twelve thousand sealed (imprinted).

Revelation 11:18

18 Now the multitudes (ethnic groups; nations) were made angry (raged; were, or are, made to internally swell; were aroused; were made impulsive) [Ps. 2:1], and Your inherent fervor (swelling arousal; impulse; wrath; anger; indignation; natural bent) came (or: comes), and the season (fitting situation; suitable circumstances; fertile moment) for the dead folks to be sifted, separated, evaluated, decided about and judged, and then to give the wages (or: reward) to Your slaves: to the prophets and to the set-apart people, and to the ones continuously fearing Your Name – to the small (or: = insignificant) ones and to the great ones – and then to at once thoroughly spoil (or: bring ruin throughout; cause decay through the midst; utterly destroy) the folks continuously corrupting (thoroughly spoiling, ruining, destroying and decaying) the Land (or: earth; soil).

Revelation 15:3

3 And they repeatedly sing the song (or: ode) of Moses, God’s slave, as well as (or: even) the song (or: ode) of the little Lamb, saying, "O Lord [= O Yahweh], The All-Strong (Omnipotent, Almighty) God, Your acts (works) [are] great ones, and wonderful ones (marvelous ones)! The King of the nations (multitudes, ethnic groups; [Sinaiticus & p45 read: King of the ages])! Your ways (roads, paths) [are] just ones (fair and equitable ones in accord with the Way pointed out) and true (or: real) ones!

Revelation 16:11

11 and they blasphemed (abusively slander; hindered the light of; vilify) God with reference to the atmosphere (or: heaven’s God; the God of the atmosphere; God, Who is heaven; the God from the sky) from out of the midst of their painful labor and from out of their festering wounds (ulcers), and did not (or: do not) change their mind (their way of thinking) from out of their works (or: actions).

Revelation 17:6

6 Then I saw the woman, being continuously drunk from out of the blood of the set-apart folks and from out of the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and seeing her I wondered (marveled) a great wonder (or: I wondered, “ [It is] a great marvel!”).

Revelation 20:2-3

2 And He seizes (or: put a power-hold on) the dragon, the primeval (ancient; original) serpent, who is a false accuser and the adversary (or: a devil, even satan), and He binds (or: bound) it (or: him) "a thousand years." 3 Then He casts (or: threw) it (or: him) into the Deep (or: abyss) and He closes (or: shut; locked) and seals (or: stamped with a seal) over upon it (or: him), to the end that it (or: he) can no longer (or: would not still) deceive (lead astray; cause to wander) the multitudes (the nations; the non-Israelites; the ethnic groups), until the thousand years may be ended (finished, completed, perfected; brought to the destined goal; can have its purpose fulfilled). After these [events; things], it is necessary for it to be loosed [for] a little time.

Revelation 20:12

12 Then I saw the dead folks – the great ones and the little ones – standing before the throne. And scrolls are (or: were) opened up. And then another scroll is opened up, which is of (or: the one pertaining to; or: from) The Life. And the dead ones are judged (were evaluated) from out of the things having been written within the scrolls, according to their works (down from their actions; on the level of their deeds).

Revelation 21:23

23 And the City continually has no need of the sun nor of the moon, to the end that they may (should) continually shine for her, for the Glory of God illuminates (enlightens; gives light to) her, and her lamp [is] the little Lamb.

Revelation 21:27

27 And under no circumstances may anything common (profane; ceremonially unclean) – even the one continuously making an abomination and a lie – enter into her, except the ones having been written (or: being engraved) within the scroll of “The Life of the little Lamb” (or: the little Lamb’s scroll of “The Life”).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.