19 "And so I myself said, 'Lord, they themselves continue being well-versed and understand that in one synagogue after another I myself was repeatedly imprisoning and flaying (flogging) the folks trusting and believing upon You.
20 "'Then when the blood of Stephen, Your witness, was being progressively poured out, I myself was also standing by and continuing in consenting (approving; endorsing) as well as guarding the outer garments of those in the process of assassinating (murdering) him.'
21 "Then He said to me, 'Get on your way, because I Myself will be sending you off with a mission, out into the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) afar off.'"
22 Now they kept on listening to his [speech; presentation] – down to this word! Then they suddenly raised their voice, [together and one after another] repeatedly saying, "Be lifting the likes of him away from the earth (or: Be taking such a person off the Land), for he has not continued fit or suitable (it has not reached the level) for him to keep on living!"