Job 38:12 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  12 H6680 Have you commanded H1242 the morning H3117 since your days; H7837 and caused the dayspring H3045 to know H4725 his place;

Genesis 1:5

  5 H430 And God H7121 called H216 the light H3117 Day, H2822 and the darkness H7121 he called H3915 Night. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H259 were the first H3117 day.

Job 8:9

  9 H8543 (For we are but of yesterday, H3045 and know H3117 nothing, because our days H776 upon earth H6738 are a shadow:)

Job 15:7

  7 H7223 Are you the first H120 man H3205 that was born? H2342 or were you made H6440 before H1389 the hills?

Job 38:4

  4 H375 Where H3245 were you when I laid the foundations H776 of the earth? H5046 declare, H3045 if you have H998 understanding.

Job 38:21

  21 H3045 Know H3205 you it, because you were then born? H4557 or because the number H3117 of your days H7227 is great?

Psalms 74:16

  16 H3117 The day H3915 is yours, the night H3559 also is yours: you have prepared H3974 the light H8121 and the sun.

Psalms 136:7-8

  7 H6213 To him that made H1419 great H216 lights: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endures for ever:
  8 H8121 The sun H4475 to rule H3117 by day: H2617 for his mercy H5769 endures for ever:

Psalms 148:3-5

  3 H1984 Praise H8121 you him, sun H3394 and moon: H1984 praise H3556 him, all you stars H216 of light.
  4 H1984 Praise H8064 him, you heavens H8064 of heavens, H4325 and you waters H8064 that be above the heavens.
  5 H1984 Let them praise H8034 the name H3068 of the Lord: H6680 for he commanded, H1254 and they were created.

Luke 1:78

  78 G1223 Through G1656 the G4698 tender G1656 mercy G2316 of G2257 our G2316 God; G1722 by which G395 the dayspring G1537 from G5311 on high G1980 has visited G2248 us,

2 Peter 1:19

  19 G2192 We have G2532 also G949 a more sure G3056 word G4397 of prophecy; G3739 to which G4160 you do G2573 well G4337 that you take care, G5613 as G3088 to a light G5316 that shines G1722 in G850 a dark G5117 place, G2193 until G3757   G2250 the day G1306 dawns, G2532 and G5459 the day star G393 arise G1722 in G5216 your G2588 hearts:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.