Psalms 102:26 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  26 H6 They shall perish, H5975 but you shall endure: H3605 yes, all H1086 of them shall wax old H1819 like H899 a garment; H3830 as a clothing H2498 shall you change H2498 them, and they shall be changed:

Exodus 3:14

  14 H430 And God H559 said H4872 to Moses, H1961 I AM H1961 THAT I AM: H559 and he said, H3541 Thus H559 shall you say H1121 to the children H3478 of Israel, H1961 I AM H7971 has sent me to you.

Psalms 102:12

  12 H3068 But you, O LORD, H3427 shall endure H5769 for ever; H2143 and your remembrance H1755 to all generations.

Isaiah 34:4

  4 H3605 And all H6635 the host H8064 of heaven H4743 shall be dissolved, H8064 and the heavens H1556 shall be rolled H5612 together as a scroll: H3605 and all H6635 their host H5034 shall fall H5929 down, as the leaf H5034 falls H1612 off from the vine, H5034 and as a falling H8384 fig H8384 from the fig tree.

Isaiah 51:6

  6 H5375 Lift H5869 up your eyes H8064 to the heavens, H5027 and look H776 on the earth H8478 beneath: H8064 for the heavens H4414 shall vanish H6227 away like smoke, H776 and the earth H1086 shall wax old H899 like a garment, H3427 and they that dwell H4191 therein shall die H3644 in like H3654 manner: H3444 but my salvation H5769 shall be for ever, H6666 and my righteousness H2865 shall not be abolished.

Isaiah 65:17

  17 H2005 For, behold, H1254 I create H2319 new H8064 heavens H2319 and a new H776 earth: H7223 and the former H2142 shall not be remembered, H3808 nor H5927 come H5921 into H3820 mind.

Isaiah 66:22

  22 H2319 For as the new H8064 heavens H2319 and the new H776 earth, H834 which H6213 I will make, H5975 shall remain H6440 before H5002 me, said H3068 the LORD, H3651 so H2233 shall your seed H8034 and your name H5975 remain.

Matthew 24:35

  35 G3772 Heaven G1093 and earth G3928 shall pass G3928 away, G3056 but my words G3928 shall not pass G3928 away.

Luke 21:33

  33 G3772 Heaven G1093 and earth G3928 shall pass G3056 away: but my words G3928 shall not pass away.

Romans 8:20

  20 G2937 For the creature G5293 was made G5293 subject G3153 to vanity, G1635 not willingly, G1223 but by reason G5293 of him who has subjected G1680 the same in hope,

2 Peter 3:7-12

  7 G3772 But the heavens G1093 and the earth, G3568 which are now, G846 by the same G3056 word G2343 are kept G2343 in store, G5083 reserved G4442 to fire G1519 against G2250 the day G2920 of judgment G684 and perdition G765 of ungodly G444 men.
  8 G27 But, beloved, G2990 be not ignorant G5124 of this G1520 one G3391 thing, that one G2250 day G2962 is with the Lord G5507 as a thousand G2094 years, G5507 and a thousand G2094 years G3391 as one G2250 day.
  9 G2962 The Lord G1019 is not slack G4314 concerning G1860 his promise, G5100 as some G2233 men count G1022 slackness; G3114 but is long-suffering G1519 to us-ward, G2248 G1014 not willing G5100 that any G622 should perish, G3956 but that all G5562 should come G3341 to repentance.
  10 G2250 But the day G2962 of the Lord G2240 will come G2812 as a thief G3571 in the night; G3739 in the which G3772 the heavens G3928 shall pass G4500 away with a great noise, G4747 and the elements G3089 shall melt G2741 with fervent heat, G1093 the earth G2532 also G2041 and the works G1722 that are therein G846 G2618 shall be burned up.
  11 G3767 Seeing then G3956 that all G5130 these G3089 things shall be dissolved, G4217 what G4217 manner G1163 of persons ought G40 you to be in all holy G391 conversation G2150 and godliness,
  12 G4328 Looking G4692 for and hastening G3952 to the coming G2250 of the day G2316 of God, G1223 wherein G3757 G3772 the heavens G4448 being on fire G3089 shall be dissolved, G4747 and the elements G5080 shall melt G2741 with fervent heat?

Revelation 20:11

  11 G1492 And I saw G3173 a great G3022 white G2362 throne, G2521 and him that sat G1909 on G3739 it, from whose G4383 face G1093 the earth G3772 and the heaven G5343 fled G2147 away; and there was found G3756 no G5117 place for them.

Revelation 21:1

  1 G1492 And I saw G2537 a new G3772 heaven G2537 and a new G1093 earth: G4413 for the first G3772 heaven G4413 and the first G1093 earth G3928 were passed G3756 away; and there was no G2089 more G2281 sea.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.