Psalms 107:13-14
13 Da nobis auxilium de tribulatione, quia vana salus hominis.
14 In Deo faciemus virtutem; et ipse ad nihilum deducet inimicos nostros.]
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction: and he delivered them out of their distresses.
14 And he brought them out of darkness, and the shadow of death; and broke their bonds in sunder.
13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
13 Καὶ ἐκέκραξαν πρὸς Κύριον ἐν τῷ θλίβεσθαι αὐτοὺς, καὶ ἐκ τῶν ἀναγκῶν αὐτῶν ἔσωσεν αὐτούς. 14 Καὶ ἐξήγαγεν αὐτοὺς ἐκ σκότους καὶ σκιᾶς θανάτου, καὶ τοὺς δεσμοὺς αὐτῶν διέῤῥηξεν.
13 And they will cry to God in straits to them; he will save them from their distresses.
14 He will bring them forth from darkness and the shadow of death, and he will burst their bands.
13 They cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their bands in sunder.
13 und sie zum HERRN riefen in ihrer Not, und er ihnen half aus ihren Ängsten
14 und sie aus der Finsternis und Dunkel führete und ihre Bande zerriß:
13 die zum HERRN riefen in ihrer Not, und er half ihnen aus ihren Ängsten
14 und führte sie aus der Finsternis und Dunkel und zerriß ihre Bande:
13 Luego que clamaron á Jehová en su angustia, Librólos de sus aflicciones.
14 Sacólos de las tinieblas y de la sombra de muerte, Y rompió sus prisiones.
13 Dalam kesusahan mereka berseru kepada TUHAN, dan Ia membebaskan mereka dari kesesakan.
14 Ia membawa mereka keluar dari kegelapan, dan mematahkan belenggu mereka.
13 Allora gridarono all’Eterno nella loro distretta, e li salvò dalle loro angosce;
14 li trasse fuori dalle tenebre e dall’ombra di morte, e ruppe i loro legami.
13 Varge jie šaukėsi Viešpaties, Jis iš sielvartų juos išgelbėjo.
14 Jis išvedė juos iš tamsos ir mirties šešėlio ir sutraukė jų pančius.
13 Então clamaram ao Senhor na sua tribulação, e ele os livrou das suas angústias.
14 Tirou-os das trevas e da sombra da morte, e quebrou-lhes as prisões.