Job 36:13

HOT(i) 13 וחנפי לב ישׂימו אף לא ישׁועו כי אסרם׃
Vulgate(i) 13 simulatores et callidi provocant iram Dei neque clamabunt cum vincti fuerint
Wycliffe(i) 13 Feyneris and false men stiren the ire of God; and thei schulen not crye, whanne thei ben boundun.
Coverdale(i) 13 As for soch as be fayned, dyssemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be his presoners.
MSTC(i) 13 As for such as be fained hypocrites, they heap up wrath for themselves: for they call not upon him, though they be his prisoners.
Matthew(i) 13 As for suche as be fayned, dissemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be hys presoners.
Great(i) 13 As for soch as be fayned ypocrites, they shall heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon hym, though they be hys presoners.
Geneva(i) 13 But the hypocrites of heart increase the wrath: for they call not when he bindeth them.
Bishops(i) 13 As for hypocrites in heart, they shall heape vp wrath [for them selues] for they call not vpon him, though they be his prisoners
DouayRheims(i) 13 Dissemblers and crafty men prove the wrath of God, neither shall they cry when they are bound.
KJV(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he bindeth them.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he bindeth them.
Thomson(i) 13 the hypocrites in heart shall incur wrath: they will not cry because he bound them:
Webster(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he bindeth them.
Brenton(i) 13 And the hypocrites in heart will array wrath against themselves; they will not cry, because he has bound them.
Brenton_Greek(i) 13 Καὶ ὑποκριταὶ καρδίᾳ τάξουσι θυμὸν, οὐ βοήσονται, ὅτι ἔδησεν αὐτούς.
Leeser(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart persevere in wrath; they will not offer entreaty when he bindeth them:
YLT(i) 13 And the profane in heart set the face, They cry not when He hath bound them.
JuliaSmith(i) 13 And the profane of heart shall set up anger: they will not cry if he bound them.
Darby(i) 13 But the godless in heart heap up anger; they cry not when he bindeth them:
ERV(i) 13 But they that are godless in heart lay up anger: they cry not for help when he bindeth them.
ASV(i) 13 But they that are godless in heart lay up anger:
They cry not for help when he bindeth them.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 13 But they that are godless in heart lay up anger; they cry not for help when He bindeth them.
Rotherham(i) 13 Yea, the impious in heart, should store up anger, They should not cry for help, when he bound them.
CLV(i) 13 As for the polluted of heart who nourish anger, Who do not implore when He binds them,
BBE(i) 13 Those who have no fear of God keep wrath stored up in their hearts; they give no cry for help when they are made prisoners.
MKJV(i) 13 But the ungodly in heart heap up wrath; they cry not when He binds them.
LITV(i) 13 But the ungodly in heart heap up anger; they cry not when He has bound them.
ECB(i) 13 And the profaners in heart set wrath; they cry not when he binds them:
ACV(i) 13 But those who are godless in heart lay up anger. They do not cry for help when he binds them.
WEB(i) 13 “But those who are godless in heart lay up anger. They don’t cry for help when he binds them.
NHEB(i) 13 "But those who are godless in heart lay up anger. They do not cry for help when he binds them.
AKJV(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he binds them.
KJ2000(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he binds them.
UKJV(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart heap up wrath: they cry not when he binds them.
EJ2000(i) 13 But the hypocrites in heart shall irritate him more; they shall not cry out when he binds them.
CAB(i) 13 And the hypocrites in heart will array wrath against themselves; they will not cry, because He has bound them.
LXX2012(i) 13 And the hypocrites in heart will array wrath [against themselves]; they will not cry, because he has bound them.
NSB(i) 13 »The godless in heart harbor resentment. Even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help.
ISV(i) 13 The godless at heart cherish anger; they won’t cry out for help when God afflicts them.
LEB(i) 13 And the godless of heart cherish anger; they do not cry for help when he binds them.
BSB(i) 13 The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when He binds them, they do not cry for help.
MSB(i) 13 The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when He binds them, they do not cry for help.
MLV(i) 13 But those who are godless in heart lay up anger. They do not cry for help when he binds them.
VIN(i) 13 "The godless in heart harbor resentment. Even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help.
Luther1545(i) 13 Die Heuchler, wenn sie der Zorn trifft, schreien sie nicht, wenn sie gefangen liegen;
Luther1912(i) 13 Die Heuchler werden voll Zorns; sie schreien nicht, wenn er sie gebunden hat.
ELB1871(i) 13 Aber die ruchlosen Herzens sind, hegen Zorn: sie rufen nicht um Hülfe, wenn er sie gefesselt hat.
ELB1905(i) 13 Aber die ruchlosen Herzens sind, hegen Zorn: sie rufen nicht um Hilfe, wenn er sie gefesselt hat.
DSV(i) 13 En die met het hart huichelachtig zijn, leggen toorn op; zij roepen niet, als Hij hen gebonden heeft.
Giguet(i) 13 Et les hommes au cœur hypocrite réprimeront leur colère, et ils ne crieront point s’il vient à les enchaîner.
DarbyFR(i) 13 Les hypocrites de coeur amassent la colère; ils ne crient pas quand Dieu les lie.
Martin(i) 13 Et ceux qui sont hypocrites en leur coeur, attirent sur eux la colère; ils ne crieront point quand il les aura liés.
Segond(i) 13 Les impies se livrent à la colère, Ils ne crient pas à Dieu quand il les enchaîne;
SE(i) 13 Pero los hipócritas de corazón lo irritarán más, y no clamarán cuando él los atare.
ReinaValera(i) 13 Empero los hipócritas de corazón lo irritarán más, Y no clamarán cuando él los atare.
JBS(i) 13 Pero los hipócritas de corazón lo irritarán más, y no clamarán cuando él los atare.
Albanian(i) 13 Por të pabesët nga zemra mbledhin zemërimin, nuk bërtasin për të kërkuar ndihmë,
RST(i) 13 Но лицемеры питают в сердце гнев и не взывают к Нему, когда Он заключает их в узы;
Arabic(i) 13 اما فجّار القلب فيذخرون غضبا. لا يستغيثون اذا هو قيّدهم.
Bulgarian(i) 13 А лицемерните по сърце натрупват гняв и не викат за помощ, когато Той ги връзва.
Croatian(i) 13 A srca opaka mržnju njeguju, ne ištu pomoć kad ih on okuje;
BKR(i) 13 Nebo kteříž jsou nečistého srdce, přivětšují hněvu, aniž k němu volají, když by je ssoužil.
Danish(i) 13 Og de vanhellige af Hjerte nære Vrede, de raabe ej til ham, naar han binder dem.
CUV(i) 13 那 心 中 不 敬 虔 的 人 積 蓄 怒 氣 ; 神 捆 綁 他 們 , 他 們 竟 不 求 救 ;
CUVS(i) 13 那 心 中 不 敬 虔 的 人 积 蓄 怒 气 ; 神 捆 绑 他 们 , 他 们 竟 不 求 救 ;
Esperanto(i) 13 La hipokrituloj portas en si koleron; Ili ne vokas, kiam Li ilin ligis;
Finnish(i) 13 Ulkokullatut kartuttavat vihan: ei he huuda, kuin he vankina ovat;
FinnishPR(i) 13 Mutta jumalattomat pitävät vihaa, he eivät apua huuda, kun hän on heidät vanginnut.
Haitian(i) 13 Men, mechan yo ap fè tèt di. Yo fache pi rèd. Yo te mèt anba kou, yo p'ap mande sekou.
Hungarian(i) 13 De az álnok szívûek haragot táplálnak, nem kiáltanak, mikor megkötözi õket.
Indonesian(i) 13 Orang yang tak bertuhan menyimpan kemarahan; biar dihukum TUHAN, tak mau mereka minta bantuan.
Italian(i) 13 Ma i profani di cuore accrescono l’ira, E non gridano, quando egli li mette ne’ legami;
ItalianRiveduta(i) 13 Gli empi di cuore s’abbandonano alla collera, non implorano Iddio quand’ei gl’incatena;
Korean(i) 13 혹 징벌을 위하며, 혹 토지를 위하며, 혹 긍휼 베푸심을 위하여 구름으로 오게 하시느니라
Lithuanian(i) 13 Veidmainiai kaupia širdyje rūstybę, jie nesišaukia Jo, net būdami surišti.
PBG(i) 13 Bo ludzie obłudnego serca obalają na się gniew, a nie wołają, kiedy ich wiąże.
Portuguese(i) 13 Assim os ímpios de coração amontoam, a sua ira; e quando Deus os põe em grilhões, não clamam por socorro.
Norwegian(i) 13 Men mennesker med gudløst sinn huser vrede; de roper ikke til Gud når han legger dem i bånd*. / {* JBS 36, 8.}
Romanian(i) 13 Nelegiuiţii se mînie, nu strigă către Dumnezeu cînd îi înlănţuie;
Ukrainian(i) 13 А злосерді кладуть гнів на себе, не кричать, коли в'яже Він їх.