2 Chronicles 14:5
5 And he took away out of all the cities of Juda the altars, and temples, and reigned in peace.
5 Also he took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the images: and the kingdom was quiet before him.
5 And he will remove from all the cities of Judah the heights and the images: and the kingdom will rest before him.
5 (14:4) Also he took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the sun-images; and the kingdom was quiet before him.
5 Und er tat weg aus allen Städten Judas die Höhen und die Götzen. Denn das Königreich war stille vor ihm.
5 Und er baute feste Städte in Juda, weil das Land still und kein Streit wider ihn war in denselben Jahren; denn der HERR gab ihm Ruhe.
5 Quitó asimismo de todas las ciudades de Judá los altos y las imágenes, y estuvo el reino quieto delante de él.
5 Semua tempat penyembahan berhala dan tempat membakar dupa disingkirkannya dari kota-kota Yehuda. Maka tenanglah kerajaan itu di bawah pemerintahannya,
5 (H14-4) Tolse anche via da tutte le città di Giuda gli alti luoghi e le colonne solari; e, sotto di lui, il regno ebbe requie.
5 Jis pašalino visuose Judo miestuose aukštumas ir atvaizdus, ir jam valdant buvo ramu.
5 Também removeu de todas as cidades de Judá os altos e os altares de incenso; e sob ele o reino esteve em paz.