Luke 11:8-13

WestSaxon990(i) 8 Gyf he þonne þurh-wunað cnucigiende. ic eow secge gyf he [ne] arist & him sylð þonne forþam þe he his freond ys. þeah-hwæþere for hys onhrope he arist & sylð him his neode; 9 And ic eow secge. biddað. & eow byð seald. secað. & ge findað. cnuciað. & eow byð untyned. 10 ælc þara þe bitt onfehð. & se ðe secð he fint. & cnuciendum byð untyned; 11 Hwylc eower bitt his fæder hlafes. segst þu sylð he him stän. oððe gif he byt fisces sylð he him næddran for fisce. 12 oððe gyf he bit æg. segst þu ræcð he him scorpionem. þt is an wyrm-cynn. 13 Witodlice gyf he (sic) þonne þe synt yfele cunnun syllan göde sylene eowrum bearnum swa mycele ma eower fæder of heofone sylð godne gast þam þe hyne biddað;