Acts 16:9-13

WNT(i) 9 Here, one night, Paul saw a vision. There was a Macedonian who was standing, entreating him and saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us." 10 So when he had seen the vision, we immediately looked out for an opportunity of passing on into Macedonia, confidently inferring that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to the people there. 11 Accordingly we put out to sea from Troas, and ran a straight course to Samothrace. The next day we came to Neapolis, 12 and thence to Philippi, which is a city in Macedonia, the first in its district, a Roman colony. And there we stayed some little time. 13 On the Sabbath we went beyond the city gate to the riverside, where we had reason to believe that there was a place for prayer; and sitting down we talked with the women who had come together.