Micah 6:10-13

  10 H786 Are there H214 yet the treasures H7562 of wickedness [H8676]   H376   H1004 in the house H7563 of the wicked H7332 , and the scant H374 measure H2194 that is abominable [H8803]  ?
  11 H2135 Shall I count them pure [H8799]   H7562 with the wicked H3976 balances H3599 , and with the bag H4820 of deceitful H68 weights?
  12 H6223 For the rich men H4390 thereof are full [H8804]   H2555 of violence H3427 , and the inhabitants [H8802]   H1696 thereof have spoken [H8765]   H8267 lies H3956 , and their tongue H7423 is deceitful H6310 in their mouth.
  13 H2470 Therefore also will I make thee sick [H8689]   H5221 in smiting [H8687]   H8074 thee, in making thee desolate [H8687]   H2403 because of thy sins.
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  10 H5750 עוד yet H784 האשׁ   H1004 בית in the house H7563 רשׁע of the wicked, H214 אצרות the treasures H7562 רשׁע of wickedness H374 ואיפת measure H7332 רזון and the scant H2194 זעומה׃ abominable?
  11 H2135 האזכה Shall I count pure H3976 במאזני balances, H7562 רשׁע with the wicked H3599 ובכיס and with the bag H68 אבני weights? H4820 מרמה׃ of deceitful
  12 H834 אשׁר For H6223 עשׁיריה the rich men H4390 מלאו thereof are full H2555 חמס of violence, H3427 וישׁביה and the inhabitants H1696 דברו thereof have spoken H8267 שׁקר lies, H3956 ולשׁונם and their tongue H7423 רמיה deceitful H6310 בפיהם׃ in their mouth.
  13 H1571 וגם Therefore also H589 אני will I H2470 החליתי make sick H5221 הכותך in smiting H8074 השׁמם thee, in making desolate H5921 על because of H2403 חטאתך׃ thy sins.