James 3:2-8

  2 G1063 For G4183 in many things G4417 we offend [G5719]   G537 all G1536 . If any man G4417 offend [G5719]   G3756 not G1722 in G3056 word G3778 , the same G5046 is a perfect G435 man G1415 , and able G2532 also G5468 to bridle [G5658]   G3650 the whole G4983 body.
  3 G2400 Behold [G5628]   G906 , we put [G5719]   G5469 bits G1519 in G2462 the horses G4750 ' mouths G4314 , that G846 they G3982 may obey [G5745]   G2254 us G2532 ; and G3329 we turn about [G5719]   G846 their G3650 whole G4983 body.
  4 G2400 Behold [G5628]   G2532 also G4143 the ships G5607 , which though they be [G5752]   G5082 so great G2532 , and G1643 are driven [G5746]   G5259 of G4642 fierce G417 winds G3329 , yet are they turned about [G5743]   G5259 with G1646 a very small G4079 helm G3699 , whithersoever G302   G2116 the governor [G5723]   G3730 listeth G1014   [G5741]  .
  5 G2532 Even G3779 so G1100 the tongue G2076 is [G5748]   G3398 a little G3196 member G2532 , and G3166 boasteth great things [G5719]   G2400 . Behold [G5628]   G2245 , how great G5208 a matter G3641 a little G4442 fire G381 kindleth [G5719]  !
  6 G2532 And G1100 the tongue G4442 is a fire G2889 , a world G93 of iniquity G3779 : so G2525 is [G5743]   G1100 the tongue G1722 among G2257 our G3196 members G4695 , that it defileth [G5723]   G3650 the whole G4983 body G2532 , and G5394 setteth on fire [G5723]   G5164 the course G1078 of nature G2532 ; and G5394 it is set on fire [G5746]   G5259 of G1067 hell.
  7 G1063 For G3956 every G5449 kind G2342 of beasts G5037 , and G2532   G4071 of birds G5037 , and G2062 of serpents G2532 , and G1724 of things in the sea G1150 , is tamed [G5743]   G2532 , and G1150 hath been tamed [G5769]   G5449 of mankind G442  :
  8 G1161 But G1100 the tongue G1410 can [G5736]   G3762 no G444 man G1150 tame [G5658]   G183 ; it is an unruly G2556 evil G3324 , full G2287 of deadly G2447 poison.
  2 G4183 πολλα   G1063 γαρ For Often G4417 (G5719) πταιομεν We Stumble G537 απαντες All. G1487 ει If G5100 τις Anyone G1722 εν In G3056 λογω Word G3756 ου   G4417 (G5719) πταιει Stumble Not, G3778 ουτος This One "is" G5046 τελειος A Perfect G435 ανηρ Man, G1415 δυνατος Able G5468 (G5658) χαλιναγωγησαι To Bridle G2532 και Also G3650 ολον Whole G3588 το The G4983 σωμα Body.
  3 G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G3588 των Of The G2462 ιππων Horses G3588 τους The G5469 χαλινους Bits G1519 εις In G3588 τα The G4750 στοματα Mouths G906 (G5719) βαλλομεν We Put, G4314 προς For G3588 το To G3982 (G5745) πειθεσθαι Obey G846 αυτους Them G2254 ημιν Us, G2532 και And G3650 ολον   G3588 το Whole G4983 σωμα Body G846 αυτων Their G3329 (G5719) μεταγομεν We Turn About.
  4 G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G2532 και Also G3588 τα The G4143 πλοια Ships, G5082 τηλικαυτα So Great G5607 (G5752) οντα Being, G2532 και And G5259 υπο By G4642 σκληρων Violent G417 ανεμων Winds G1643 (G5746) ελαυνομενα Being Driven, G3329 (G5743) μεταγεται Are Turned About G5259 υπο By G1646 ελαχιστου A Very Small G4079 πηδαλιου Rudder, G3699 οπου   G302 αν Wherever G3588 η The G3730 ορμη Impulse G3588 του Of Him Who G2116 (G5723) ευθυνοντος Steers G1014 (G5741) βουληται May Will.
  5 G3779 ουτως Thus G2532 και Also G3588 η The G1100 γλωσσα Tongue G3398 μικρον A Little G3196 μελος Member G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is, G2532 και And G3166 (G5719) μεγαλαυχει Boasts Great Things. G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G3641 ολιγον A Little G4442 πυρ Fire G2245 ηλικην How Large G5208 υλην A Wood G381 (G5719) αναπτει It Kindles;
  6 G2532 και And G3588 η The G1100 γλωσσα Tongue "is" G4442 πυρ Fire, G3588 ο The G2889 κοσμος World G3588 της Of G93 αδικιας Unrighteousness. G3779 ουτως Thus G3588 η The G1100 γλωσσα Tongue G2525 (G5743) καθισταται Is Set G1722 εν In G3588 τοις   G3196 μελεσιν   G2257 ημων Our Members, G3588 η The G4695 (G5723) σπιλουσα Defiler "of" G3650 ολον Whole G3588 το The G4983 σωμα Body, G2532 και And G5394 (G5723) φλογιζουσα Setting On Fire G3588 τον The G5164 τροχον   G3588 της Course G1078 γενεσεως Of Nature, G2532 και And G5394 (G5746) φλογιζομενη Being Set On Fire G5259 υπο   G3588 της By G1067 γεεννης Gehenna.
  7 G3956 πασα   G1063 γαρ For Every G5449 φυσις Species G2342 θηριων Beasts G5037 τε Both Of G2532 και And G4071 πετεινων Of Birds, G2062 ερπετων Of Creeping Things G5037 τε Both G2532 και And G1724 εναλιων Things Of The Sea, G1150 (G5743) δαμαζεται Is Subdued G2532 και And G1150 (G5769) δεδαμασται Has Been Subdued G3588 τη By G5449 φυσει Species G3588 τη The G442 ανθρωπινη Human;
  8 G3588 την   G1161 δε But The G1100 γλωσσαν Tongue G3762 ουδεις No One G1410 (G5736) δυναται Is Able G444 ανθρωπων Of Men G1150 (G5658) δαμασαι To Subdue; "it Is" G183 ακατασχετον An Unrestrainable G2556 κακον Evil, G3324 μεστη Full G2447 ιου Of Poison G2287 θανατηφορου Death Bringing,