Matthew 9:18-25

Diaglott(i) 18 These of him speaking, of them, lo, a ruler certain coming prostrated to him, saying: That the daughter of me now is dead; but coming lay the hand of thee upon her, and she shall live. 19 And arising the Jesus went after him, and the disciples of him. 20 And lo, a woman having a flow of blood twelve years, approaching behind, touched the tuft of the mantle of him. 21 She said for within herself: If only I can touch the mantle of him, I shall be healed. 22 The but Jesus turning and seeing her, said: Take courage, daughter; the faith of thee has saved thee. And she was well the woman from the hour of that. 23 And coming the Jesus into the house of a ruler, and seeing the flute-players, and the crowd making noise, 24 says to them: Withdraw; not for is dead the girl, but sleeps. And they derided him. 25 When but they put out the crowd, he entering took hold of the hand of her; and was raised the girl.