Ephesians 5:22-6:9

  22 G1135 Wives, G5293 submit yourselves to G2398 your own G435 husbands, G5613 as G2962 to the Lord.
  23 G3754 For G435 the husband G2076 is G2776 the head G1135 of the wife, G2532 even G5613 as G5547 Christ is G2776 the head G1577 of the church: G2532 and G846 he G2076 is G4990 the savior G4983 of the body.
  24 G235 Therefore G5618 as G1577 the church G5293 is subject unto G2532 Christ, G3779 so G1135 let the wives G2398 be to their own G435 husbands G1722 in G3956 every thing.
  25 G435 Husbands, G25 love G1438 your G1135 wives, G2531 even as G5547 Christ G2532 also G25 loved G1577 the church, G2532 and G3860 gave G1438 himself G5228 for G846 it;
  26 G2443 That G846 he G37 might sanctify G2511 and cleanse it G3067 with the washing G5204 of water G1722 by G4487 the word,
  27 G2443 That G3936 he might present G846 it G1438 to himself G1741 a glorious G1577 church, G3361 not G2192 having G4696 spot, G2228 or G4512 wrinkle, G2228 or G5100 any G5108 such thing; G235 but G2443 that G5600 it should be G40 holy G2532 and G299 without blemish.
  28 G3779 So G3784 ought G435 men G25 to love G1438 their G1135 wives G5613 as G1438 their own G4983 bodies. G3588 He that G25 loves G1438 his G1135 wife G25 loves G1438 himself.
  29 G1063 For G3762 no man G4218 ever yet G3404 hated G1438 his own G4561 flesh; G235 but G1625 nourishes G2532 and G2282 cherishes G846 it, G2532 even G2531 as G2962 the Lord G1577 the church:
  30 G3754 For G2070 we are G3196 members G846 of his G4983 body, G1537 of G846 his G4561 flesh, G2532 and G1537 of G846 his G3747 bones.
  31 G473 For G5127 this cause G2641 shall G444 a man G2641 leave G846 his G3962 father G2532 and G3384 mother, G2532 and G4347 shall be joined G4314 unto G846 his G1135 wife, G2532 and G2071 they G1417 two G2071 shall be G1519   G1520 one G4561 flesh.
  32 G5124 This G2076 is G3173 a great G3466 mystery: G1161 but G1473 I G3004 speak G1519 concerning G5547 Christ G2532 and G1519   G1577 the church.
  33 G4133 Nevertheless G2532   G25 let G2596   G1520 every one G5210 of you G1538 in particular G3779 so G25 love G1438 his G1135 wife G5613 even as G1438 himself; G1161 and G1135 the wife G2443 see that G5399 she reverence G435 her husband.
  1 G5043 Sons, G5219 obey G5216 your G1118 parents G1722 in G2962 the Lord: G1063 for G5124 this G2076 is G1342 right.
  2 G5091 Honor G4675 your G3962 father G2532 and G3384 mother; G3748 (which G2076 is G4413 the first G1785 commandment G1722 with G1860 promise;)
  3 G2443 That G1096 it may be G2095 well G4671 with you, G2532 and G2071 you may G3118 live long G1909 on G1093 the earth.
  4 G2532 And, G3588 you G3962 fathers, G3949 provoke G3361 not G5216 your G5043 sons G3949 to wrath: G235 but G1625 bring G846 them G1625 up G1722 in G3809 the nurture G2532 and G3559 admonition G2962 of the Lord.
  5 G1401 Servants, G5219 be obedient to G3588 them that are G2962 your masters G2596 according to G4561 the flesh, G3326 with G5401 fear G2532 and G5156 trembling, G1722 in G572 singleness G5216 of your G2588 heart, G5613 as G5547 unto Christ;
  6 G3361 Not G2596 with G3787 eyeservice, G5613 as G441 menpleasers; G235 but G5613 as G1401 the servants G5547 of Christ, G4160 doing G2307 the will G2316 of God G1537 from G5590 the heart;
  7 G3326 With G2133 good will G1398 doing service, G5613 as G2962 to the Lord, G2532 and G3756 not G444 to men:
  8 G1492 Knowing G3754 that G1437 whatever G3739   G18 good thing G5100   G1538 any man G4160 does, G5124 the same G2865 shall he receive G3844 of G2962 the Lord, G1535 whether G1401 he be bond G1535 or G1658 free.
  9 G2532 And, G4160 you G2962 masters, G4160 do G846 the same things G4314 unto G846 them, G447 desist G547 from threatening: G1492 knowing G3754 that G5216 your G846   G2962 Master G2532 also G2076 is G1722 in G2532 heaven; G3756 neither G2076 is there G4382 respect of persons G3844 with G846 him.