Acts 10:25-33

  25 G5613 And as G1161   G1096 it came to pass at G1525 Peter entering, G3588   G*   G4876 having met G1473 him, G3588   G* Cornelius, G4098 having fallen G1909 at G3588 the G4228 feet, G4352 did obeisance.
  26 G3588   G1161 But G* Peter G1453 raised G1473 him, G3004 saying, G450 Rise up! G2504 I also G1473 myself G444 am a man. G1510.2.1  
  27 G2532 And G4926 accompanying G1473 him, G1525 he entered G2532 and G2147 found G4905 [2were come together G4183 1many].
  28 G5346 And he said G5037   G4314 to G1473 them, G1473 You G1987 know G5613 that G111 it is unlawful G1510.2.3   G435 for a man, G* a Jew, G2853 to join G2228 or G4334 approach G246 a philistine. G2532 And G1473 [3to me G3588   G2316 1God G1166 2showed G3367 4not 5one G2839 7common G2228 8or G169 9unclean G3004 2to call G444 6man].
  29 G1352 Therefore G2532 also G369 indisputably G2064 I came G3343 having been fetched. G4441 I inquire G3767 then G5100 to what G3056 matter G3343 you fetched G1473 me?
  30 G2532 And G3588   G* Cornelius G5346 said, G575 From G5067 four G2250 days ago G3360 until G3778 this G3588   G5610 hour G1510.7.1 I was G3522 fasting, G2532 and G3588 the G1766 ninth G5610 hour G4336 praying G1722 in G3588   G3624 my house; G1473   G2532 and G2400 behold, G435 a man G2476 stood G1799 before G1473 me G1722 in G2066 [2attire G2986 1bright].
  31 G2532 And G5346 he says, G* Cornelius, G1522 [3was listened to G1473 1your G3588   G4335 2prayer], G2532 and G3588   G1654 your gifts of charity G1473   G3403 were remembered G1799 before G3588   G2316 God.
  32 G3992 Send forth G3767 then G1519 unto G* Joppa, G2532 and G3333 call for G* Simon G3739 who G1941 is called G* Peter! G3778 this one G3579 lodges G1722 in G3614 the house G* of Simon, G1038 a tanner, G3844 by G2281 the sea; G3739 who, G3854 having come, G2980 shall speak G1473 to you.
  33 G1824 Immediately G3767 then G3992 I sent G4314 to G1473 you; G1473 and you G5037   G2573 [2well G4160 1did] G3854 having come. G3568 Now G3767 then, G3956 all G1473 we G1799 before G3588   G2316 God G3918 are at hand G191 to hear G3956 all G3588 the things G4367 assigned G1473 to you G5259 by G3588   G2316 God.