Acts 24:14

  24:14   3670 ομολογώ δε But I acknowledge 3778 τούτό this 1473 σοι to you, 3754 ότι that 2596 κατά according to 3588 την the 3598 οδόν way, 3739 ην which 3004 λέγουσιν they call 139 αίρεσιν a sect, 3779 ούτω so 3000 λατρεύω I serve 3588 τω to the 3971 πατρώω paternal 2316 θεώ God, 4100 πιστεύων believing 3956 πάσι in all things 3588 τοις   2596 κατά according to 3588 τον the 3551 νόμον law 2532 και and 3588 τοις to the things 4396 προφήταις [2in the prophets 1125 γεγραμμένοις 1having been written],