Psalms 122:6 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  6 H7592 [H8798] Pray H7965 for the peace H3389 of Jerusalem H7951 [H8799] : they shall prosper H157 [H8802] that love thee.

Genesis 12:3

  3 H1288 [H8762] And I will bless H1288 [H8764] them that bless H779 [H8799] thee, and curse H7043 [H8764] him that curseth H4940 thee: and in thee shall all families H127 of the earth H1288 [H8738] be blessed.

Numbers 24:9

  9 H3766 [H8804] He crouched H7901 [H8804] , he lay down H738 as a lion H3833 , and as a great lion H6965 [H8686] : who shall rouse him H1288 [H8803] ? Blessed H1288 [H8764] is he that blesseth H779 [H8803] thee, and cursed H779 [H8802] is he that curseth thee.

Psalms 51:18

  18 H3190 [H8685] Do good H7522 in thy good pleasure H6726 to Zion H1129 [H8799] : build H2346 thou the walls H3389 of Jerusalem.

Psalms 137:6-7

  6 H2142 [H8799] If I do not remember H3956 thee, let my tongue H1692 [H8799] cleave H2441 to the roof of my mouth H5927 [H8686] ; if I prefer H3389 not Jerusalem H7218 above my chief H8057 joy.
  7 H2142 [H8798] Remember H3068 , O LORD H1121 , the children H123 of Edom H3117 in the day H3389 of Jerusalem H559 [H8802] ; who said H6168 [H8761] , Rase H6168 [H8761] it, rase H3247 it, even to its foundation

Jeremiah 29:7

  7 H1875 [H8798] And seek H7965 the peace H5892 of the city H1540 [H8689] where I have caused you to be carried away captives H6419 [H8690] , and pray H3068 to the LORD H7965 for it: for in the peace H7965 of it ye shall have peace.

Jeremiah 51:50

  50 H6405 Ye that have escaped H2719 the sword H1980 [H8798] , go away H5975 [H8799] , stand not still H2142 [H8798] : remember H3068 the LORD H7350 afar off H3389 , and let Jerusalem H5927 [H8799] come H3824 into your mind.

John 17:21

  21 G2443 { That G3956 they all G5600 [G5753] may be G1520 one G2531 ; as G4771 thou G3962 , Father G1722 , art in G1698 me G2504 , and I G1722 in G4671 thee G2443 , that G846 they G2532 also G5600 [G5753] may be G1520 one G1722 in G2254 us G2443 : that G2889 the world G4100 [G5661] may believe G3754 that G4771 thou G649 [G5656] hast sent G3165 me.}

Ephesians 4:3

  3 G4704 [G5723] Endeavouring G5083 [G5721] to keep G1775 the unity G4151 of the Spirit G1722 in G4886 the bond G1515 of peace.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

  16 G1161 Now G2962 the Lord G1515 of peace G846 himself G1325 [G5630] give G5213 you G1515 peace G1223 G3956 always G1722 by G3956 all G5158 means G2962 . The Lord G3326 be with G5216 you G3956 all.

1 John 3:14

  14 G1492 [G5758] We know G3754 that G2249 we G3327 [G5758] have passed G1537 from G2288 death G1519 to G2222 life G3754 , because G25 [G5719] we love G80 the brethren G25 [G5723] . He that loveth G3361 not G80 his brother G3306 [G5719] abideth G1722 in G2288 death.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.