Hebrews 2:7-10

  7 G1642 You lessened G1473 him G1024 some a little G5100   G3844 than the G32 angels; G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor G4737 you crowned G1473 him, G2532 and G2525 established G1473 him G1909 over G3588 the G2041 works G3588   G5495 of your hands. G1473  
  8 G3956 All things G5293 you submitted G5270 underneath G3588   G4228 his feet. G1473   G1722 For in G1063   G3588 the G5293 submitting G1473 to him G3588 all things, G3956   G3762 [2nothing G863 1he left] G1473 unsubmissive to him. G506   G3568 But now G1161   G3768 not yet G3708 do we see G1473 [3to him G3588 1all things G3956   G5293 2being submitted].
  9 G3588   G1161 But G1024 [4a little G5100   G3844 5than G32 6 the angels G1642 3being lessened G991 1we see G* 2Jesus], G1223 on account of G3588 the G3804 suffering G3588   G2288 of death, G1391 [2with glory G2532 3and G5092 4honor G4737 1being crowned]; G3704 that G5484 by favor G2316 of God G5228 [3for G3956 4all G1089 1he should taste G2288 2death].
  10 G4241 For it was becoming G1063   G1473 to him, G1223 (through G3739 whom G3588 is the whole, G3956   G2532 and G1223 of G3739 whom G3588 is the whole), G3956   G4183 [2many G5207 3sons G1519 4in G1391 5glory G71 1for leading], G3588 [2the G747 3head G3588   G4991 4of their deliverance G1473   G1223 5through G3804 6sufferings G5048 1to perfect].
  7 G1642 ηλάττωσας G1473 αυτόν G1024 βραχύ τι G5100   G3844 παρ΄ G32 αγγέλους G1391 δόξη G2532 και G5092 τιμή G4737 εστεφάνωσας G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G2525 κατέστησας G1473 αυτόν G1909 επί G3588 τα G2041 έργα G3588 των G5495 χειρών σου G1473  
  8 G3956 πάντα G5293 υπέταξας G5270 υποκάτω G3588 των G4228 ποδών αυτού G1473   G1722 εν γαρ G1063   G3588 τω G5293 υποτάξαι G1473 αυτώ G3588 τα πάντα G3956   G3762 ουδέν G863 αφήκεν G1473 αυτώ ανυπότακτον G506   G3568 νυν δε G1161   G3768 ούπω G3708 ορώμεν G1473 αυτώ G3588 τα πάντα G3956   G5293 υποτεταγμένα
  9 G3588 τον G1161 δε G1024 βραχύ τι G5100   G3844 παρ΄ G32 αγγέλους G1642 ηλαττωμένον G991 βλέπομεν G* Ιησούν G1223 διά G3588 το G3804 πάθημα G3588 του G2288 θανάτου G1391 δόξη G2532 και G5092 τιμή G4737 εστεφανωμένον G3704 όπως G5484 χάριτι G2316 θεού G5228 υπέρ G3956 παντός G1089 γεύσηται G2288 θανάτου
  10 G4241 έπρεπε γαρ G1063   G1473 αυτώ G1223 δι΄ G3739 ον G3588 τα πάντα G3956   G2532 και G1223 δι΄ G3739 ου G3588 τα πάντα G3956   G4183 πολλούς G5207 υιούς G1519 εις G1391 δόξαν G71 αγαγόντα G3588 τον G747 αρχηγόν G3588 της G4991 σωτηρίας αυτών G1473   G1223 διά G3804 παθημάτων G5048 τελειώσαι
Stephanus(i) 7 ηλαττωσας αυτον βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωσας αυτον και κατεστησας αυτον επι τα εργα των χειρων σου 8 παντα υπεταξας υποκατω των ποδων αυτου εν γαρ τω υποταξαι αυτω τα παντα ουδεν αφηκεν αυτω ανυποτακτον νυν δε ουπω ορωμεν αυτω τα παντα υποτεταγμενα 9 τον δε βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους ηλαττωμενον βλεπομεν ιησουν δια το παθημα του θανατου δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωμενον οπως χαριτι θεου υπερ παντος γευσηται θανατου 10 επρεπεν γαρ αυτω δι ον τα παντα και δι ου τα παντα πολλους υιους εις δοξαν αγαγοντα τον αρχηγον της σωτηριας αυτων δια παθηματων τελειωσαι
    7 G1642 [G5656] V-AAI-2S ηλαττωσας G846 P-ASM αυτον G1024 A-ASN βραχυ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ G32 N-APM αγγελους G1391 N-DSF δοξη G2532 CONJ και G5092 N-DSF τιμη G4737 [G5656] V-AAI-2S εστεφανωσας G846 P-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ | " και G2525 [G5656] V-AAI-2S κατεστησας G846 P-ASM αυτον G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GPF των G5495 N-GPF χειρων G4675 P-2GS σου " | |
    8 G3956 A-APN παντα G5293 [G5656] V-AAI-2S υπεταξας G5270 ADV υποκατω G3588 T-GPM των G4228 N-GPM ποδων G846 P-GSM αυτου G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G1063 CONJ γαρ G5293 [G5658] V-AAN υποταξαι G846 P-DSM " αυτω " G3588 T-APN τα G3956 A-APN παντα G3762 A-ASN ουδεν G863 [G5656] V-AAI-3S αφηκεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G506 A-ASN ανυποτακτον G3568 ADV νυν G1161 CONJ δε G3768 ADV ουπω G3708 [G5719] V-PAI-1P ορωμεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-APN τα G3956 A-APN παντα G5293 [G5772] V-RPP-APN υποτεταγμενα
    9 G3588 T-ASM τον G1161 CONJ δε G1024 A-ASN βραχυ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ G32 N-APM αγγελους G1642 [G5772] V-RPP-ASM ηλαττωμενον G991 [G5719] V-PAI-1P βλεπομεν G2424 N-ASM ιησουν G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASN το G3804 N-ASN παθημα G3588 T-GSM του G2288 N-GSM θανατου G1391 N-DSF δοξη G2532 CONJ και G5092 N-DSF τιμη G4737 [G5772] V-RPP-ASM εστεφανωμενον G3704 ADV οπως G5485 N-DSF χαριτι G2316 N-GSM θεου G5228 PREP υπερ G3956 A-GSM παντος G1089 [G5667] V-ADS-3S γευσηται G2288 N-GSM θανατου
    10 G4241 [G5707] V-IAI-3S επρεπεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G846 P-DSM αυτω G1223 PREP δι G3739 R-ASM ον G3588 T-NPN τα G3956 A-NPN παντα G2532 CONJ και G1223 PREP δι G3739 R-GSM ου G3588 T-NPN τα G3956 A-NPN παντα G4183 A-APM πολλους G5207 N-APM υιους G1519 PREP εις G1391 N-ASF δοξαν G71 [G5631] V-2AAP-ASM αγαγοντα G3588 T-ASM τον G747 N-ASM αρχηγον G3588 T-GSF της G4991 N-GSF σωτηριας G846 P-GPM αυτων G1223 PREP δια G3804 N-GPN παθηματων G5048 [G5658] V-AAN τελειωσαι
  7 G1642 V-AAI-2S ἠλάττωσας G846 P-ASM αὐτὸν G1024 A-ASN βραχύ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ' G32 N-APM ἀγγέλους, G1391 N-DSF δόξῃ G2532 CONJ καὶ G5092 N-DSF τιμῇ G4737 V-AAI-2S ἐστεφάνωσας G846 P-ASM αὐτόν,
  8 G3956 A-APN πάντα G5293 V-AAI-2S ὑπέταξας G5270 ADV ὑποκάτω G3588 T-GPM τῶν G4228 N-GPM ποδῶν G846 P-GSM αὐτοῦ. G1722 PREP ἐν G3588 T-DSN τῷ G1063 CONJ γὰρ G5293 V-AAN ὑποτάξαι G846 P-DSM αὐτῷ G3588 T-APN τὰ G3956 A-APN πάντα G3762 A-ASN-N οὐδὲν G863 V-AAI-3S ἀφῆκεν G846 P-DSM αὐτῷ G506 A-ASN ἀνυπότακτον. G3568 ADV νῦν G1161 CONJ δὲ G3768 ADV-N οὔπω G3708 V-PAI-1P ὁρῶμεν G846 P-DSM αὐτῷ G3588 T-APN τὰ G3956 A-APN πάντα G5293 V-RPP-APN ὑποτεταγμένα·
  9 G3588 T-ASM τὸν G1161 CONJ δὲ G1024 A-ASN βραχύ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ' G32 N-APM ἀγγέλους G1642 V-RPP-ASM ἠλαττωμένον G991 V-PAI-1P βλέπομεν G2424 N-ASM Ἰησοῦν G1223 PREP διὰ G3588 T-ASN τὸ G3804 N-ASN πάθημα G3588 T-GSM τοῦ G2288 N-GSM θανάτου G1391 N-DSF δόξῃ G2532 CONJ καὶ G5092 N-DSF τιμῇ G4737 V-RPP-ASM ἐστεφανωμένον, G3704 ADV ὅπως G5485 N-DSF χάριτι G2316 N-GSM θεοῦ G5228 PREP ὑπὲρ G3956 A-GSM παντὸς G1089 V-ADS-3S γεύσηται G2288 N-GSM θανάτου.
  10 G4241 V-IAI-3S ἔπρεπεν G1063 CONJ γὰρ G846 P-DSM αὐτῷ, G1223 PREP δι' G3739 R-ASM ὃν G3588 T-NPN τὰ G3956 A-NPN πάντα G2532 CONJ καὶ G1223 PREP δι' G3739 R-GSM οὗ G3588 T-NPN τὰ G3956 A-NPN πάντα, G4183 A-APM πολλοὺς G5207 N-APM υἱοὺς G1519 PREP εἰς G1391 N-ASF δόξαν G71 V-2AAP-ASM ἀγαγόντα G3588 T-ASM τὸν G747 N-ASM ἀρχηγὸν G3588 T-GSF τῆς G4991 N-GSF σωτηρίας G846 P-GPM αὐτῶν G1223 PREP διὰ G3804 N-GPN παθημάτων G5048 V-AAN τελειῶσαι.
Tregelles(i) 7 ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ᾽ ἀγγέλους· δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφάνωσας αὐτόν, [καὶ κατέστησας αὐτὸν ἐπὶ τὰ ἔργα τῶν χειρῶν σου·] 8 πάντα ὑπέταξας ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ. Ἐν τῷ γὰρ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα, οὐδὲν ἀφῆκεν αὐτῷ ἀνυπότακτον· νῦν δὲ οὔπω ὁρῶμεν αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα ὑποτεταγμένα. 9 τὸν δὲ βραχύ τι παρ᾽ ἀγγέλους ἠλαττωμένον βλέπομεν Ἰησοῦν διὰ τὸ πάθημα τοῦ θανάτου, δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφανωμένον, ὅπως χάριτι θεοῦ ὑπὲρ παντὸς γεύσηται θανάτου. 10 ἔπρεπεν γὰρ αὐτῷ, δι᾽ ὃν τὰ πάντα καὶ δι᾽ οὗ τὰ πάντα, πολλοὺς υἱοὺς εἰς δόξαν ἀγαγόντα, τὸν ἀρχηγὸν τῆς σωτηρίας αὐτῶν διὰ παθημάτων τελειῶσαι.
  7 G1642 (G5656) V-AAI-2S ηλαττωσας G846 P-ASM αυτον G1024 A-ASN βραχυ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ G32 N-APM αγγελους G1391 N-DSF δοξη G2532 CONJ και G5092 N-DSF τιμη G4737 (G5656) V-AAI-2S εστεφανωσας G846 P-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G2525 (G5656) V-AAI-2S κατεστησας G846 P-ASM αυτον G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-APN τα G2041 N-APN εργα G3588 T-GPF των G5495 N-GPF χειρων G4675 P-2GS σου
  8 G3956 A-APN παντα G5293 (G5656) V-AAI-2S υπεταξας G5270 ADV υποκατω G3588 T-GPM των G4228 N-GPM ποδων G846 P-GSM αυτου G1722 PREP εν G1063 CONJ γαρ G3588 T-DSN τω G5293 (G5658) V-AAN υποταξαι G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-APN τα G3956 A-APN παντα G3762 A-ASN ουδεν G863 (G5656) V-AAI-3S αφηκεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G506 A-ASN ανυποτακτον G3568 ADV νυν G1161 CONJ δε G3768 ADV ουπω G3708 (G5719) V-PAI-1P ορωμεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-APN τα G3956 A-APN παντα G5293 (G5772) V-RPP-APN υποτεταγμενα
  9 G3588 T-ASM τον G1161 CONJ δε G1024 A-ASN βραχυ G5100 X-ASN τι G3844 PREP παρ G32 N-APM αγγελους G1642 (G5772) V-RPP-ASM ηλαττωμενον G991 (G5719) V-PAI-1P βλεπομεν G2424 N-ASM ιησουν G1223 PREP δια G3588 T-ASN το G3804 N-ASN παθημα G3588 T-GSM του G2288 N-GSM θανατου G1391 N-DSF δοξη G2532 CONJ και G5092 N-DSF τιμη G4737 (G5772) V-RPP-ASM εστεφανωμενον G3704 ADV οπως G5485 N-DSF χαριτι G2316 N-GSM θεου G5228 PREP υπερ G3956 A-GSM παντος G1089 (G5667) V-ADS-3S γευσηται G2288 N-GSM θανατου
  10 G4241 (G5707) V-IAI-3S επρεπεν G1063 CONJ γαρ G846 P-DSM αυτω G1223 PREP δι G3739 R-ASM ον G3588 T-NPN τα G3956 A-NPN παντα G2532 CONJ και G1223 PREP δι G3739 R-GSM ου G3588 T-NPN τα G3956 A-NPN παντα G4183 A-APM πολλους G5207 N-APM υιους G1519 PREP εις G1391 N-ASF δοξαν G71 (G5631) V-2AAP-ASM αγαγοντα G3588 T-ASM τον G747 N-ASM αρχηγον G3588 T-GSF της G4991 N-GSF σωτηριας G846 P-GPM αυτων G1223 PREP δια G3804 N-GPN παθηματων G5048 (G5658) V-AAN τελειωσαι
Nestle(i) 7 ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους, δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφάνωσας αὐτόν, 8 πάντα ὑπέταξας ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ. ἐν τῷ γὰρ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα οὐδὲν ἀφῆκεν αὐτῷ ἀνυπότακτον. νῦν δὲ οὔπω ὁρῶμεν αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα ὑποτεταγμένα· 9 τὸν δὲ βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους ἠλαττωμένον βλέπομεν Ἰησοῦν διὰ τὸ πάθημα τοῦ θανάτου δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφανωμένον, ὅπως χάριτι Θεοῦ ὑπὲρ παντὸς γεύσηται θανάτου. 10 Ἔπρεπεν γὰρ αὐτῷ, δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα καὶ δι’ οὗ τὰ πάντα, πολλοὺς υἱοὺς εἰς δόξαν ἀγαγόντα τὸν ἀρχηγὸν τῆς σωτηρίας αὐτῶν διὰ παθημάτων τελειῶσαι.
   7 G1642 [G5656]V-AAI-2SηλαττωσαvG846P-ASMαυτονG1024A-ASNβραχυG5100X-ASNτιG3844PREPπαρG32N-APMαγγελουvG1391N-DSFδοξηG2532CONJκαιG5092N-DSFτιμηG4737 [G5656]V-AAI-2SεστεφανωσαvG846P-ASMαυτον
   8 G3956A-APNπανταG5293 [G5656]V-AAI-2SυπεταξαvG5270ADVυποκατωG3588T-GPMτωνG4228N-GPMποδωνG846P-GSMαυτουG1722PREPενG1063CONJγαρG3588T-DSNτωG5293 [G5658]V-AANυποταξαιG846P-DSMαυτωG3588T-APNταG3956A-APNπανταG3762A-ASN-NουδενG863 [G5656]V-AAI-3SαφηκενG846P-DSMαυτωG506A-ASNανυποτακτονG3568ADVνυνG1161CONJδεG3768ADV-NουπωG3708 [G5719]V-PAI-1PορωμενG846P-DSMαυτωG3588T-APNταG3956A-APNπανταG5293 [G5772]V-RPP-APNυποτεταγμενα
   9 G3588T-ASMτονG1161CONJδεG1024A-ASNβραχυG5100X-ASNτιG3844PREPπαρG32N-APMαγγελουvG1642 [G5772]V-RPP-ASMηλαττωμενονG991 [G5719]V-PAI-1PβλεπομενG2424N-ASMιησουνG1223PREPδιαG3588T-ASNτοG3804N-ASNπαθημαG3588T-GSMτουG2288N-GSMθανατουG1391N-DSFδοξηG2532CONJκαιG5092N-DSFτιμηG4737 [G5772]V-RPP-ASMεστεφανωμενονG3704ADVοπωvG5485N-DSFχαριτιG2316N-GSMθεουG5228PREPυπερG3956A-GSMπαντοvG1089 [G5667]V-ADS-3SγευσηταιG2288N-GSMθανατου
   10 G4241 [G5707]V-IAI-3SεπρεπενG1063CONJγαρG846P-DSMαυτωG1223PREPδιG3739R-ASMονG3588T-NPNταG3956A-NPNπανταG2532CONJκαιG1223PREPδιG3739R-GSMουG3588T-NPNταG3956A-NPNπανταG4183A-APMπολλουvG5207N-APMυιουvG1519PREPειvG1391N-ASFδοξανG71 [G5631]V-2AAP-ASMαγαγονταG3588T-ASMτονG747N-ASMαρχηγονG3588T-GSFτηvG4991N-GSFσωτηριαvG846P-GPMαυτωνG1223PREPδιαG3804N-GPNπαθηματωνG5048 [G5658]V-AANτελειωσαι
SBLGNT(i) 7 ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους, δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφάνωσας ⸀αὐτόν, 8 πάντα ὑπέταξας ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ· ἐν ⸂τῷ γὰρ⸃ ⸀ὑποτάξαι τὰ πάντα οὐδὲν ἀφῆκεν αὐτῷ ἀνυπότακτον. νῦν δὲ οὔπω ὁρῶμεν αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα ὑποτεταγμένα· 9 τὸν δὲ βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους ἠλαττωμένον βλέπομεν Ἰησοῦν διὰ τὸ πάθημα τοῦ θανάτου δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφανωμένον, ὅπως ⸀χωρὶς θεοῦ ὑπὲρ παντὸς γεύσηται θανάτου. 10 Ἔπρεπεν γὰρ αὐτῷ, δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα καὶ δι’ οὗ τὰ πάντα, πολλοὺς υἱοὺς εἰς δόξαν ἀγαγόντα τὸν ἀρχηγὸν τῆς σωτηρίας αὐτῶν διὰ παθημάτων τελειῶσαι.
f35(i) 7 ηλαττωσας αυτον βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωσας αυτον 8 παντα υπεταξας υποκατω των ποδων αυτου εν γαρ τω υποταξαι αυτω τα παντα ουδεν αφηκεν αυτω ανυποτακτον νυν δε ουπω ορωμεν αυτω τα παντα υποτεταγμενα 9 τον δε βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους ηλαττωμενον βλεπομεν ιησουν δια το παθημα του θανατου δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωμενον οπως χαριτι θεου υπερ παντος γευσηται θανατου 10 επρεπεν γαρ αυτω δι ον τα παντα και δι ου τα παντα πολλους υιους εις δοξαν αγαγοντα τον αρχηγον της σωτηριας αυτων δια παθηματων τελειωσαι
  7 G1642 (G5656) ηλαττωσας Thou Dist Make Lower G846 αυτον Him G1024 βραχυ Little G5100 τι Some G3844 παρ Than "the" G32 αγγελους Angels; G1391 δοξη With Glory G2532 και And G5092 τιμη Honour G4737 (G5656) εστεφανωσας Thou Dist Crown G846 αυτον Him, G2532 και And G2525 (G5656) κατεστησας Didst Set G846 αυτον Him G1909 επι Over G3588 τα The G2041 εργα Works G3588 των   G5495 χειρων   G4675 σου Of Thy Hands;
  8 G3956 παντα All Things G5293 (G5656) υπεταξας Thou Didst Subject G5270 υποκατω Under G3588 των   G4228 ποδων   G846 αυτου His Feet G1722 εν   G1063 γαρ   G3588 τω For In G5293 (G5658) υποταξαι Subjecting G846 αυτω To Him G3588 τα   G3956 παντα All Things, G3762 ουδεν Nothing G863 (G5656) αφηκεν He Left G846 αυτω To Him G506 ανυποτακτον Unsubject. G3568 νυν   G1161 δε But Now G3768 ουπω Not Yet G3708 (G5719) ορωμεν Do We See G846 αυτω To Him G3588 τα   G3956 παντα All Things G5293 (G5772) υποτεταγμενα Subjected;
  9 G3588 τον   G1161 δε But Who G1024 βραχυ Little G5100 τι Some G3844 παρ Than G32 αγγελους "the" Angels G1642 (G5772) ηλαττωμενον Made Lower G991 (G5719) βλεπομεν We See G2424 ιησουν Jesus G1223 δια On Account Of G3588 το The G3804 παθημα   G3588 του Suffering G2288 θανατου Of Death G1391 δοξη With Glory G2532 και And G5092 τιμη With Honour G4737 (G5772) εστεφανωμενον Crowned; G3704 οπως So That G5485 χαριτι By "the" Grace G2316 θεου Of God G5228 υπερ For G3956 παντος Every One G1089 (G5667) γευσηται He Might Taste G2288 θανατου Death.
  10 G4241 (G5707) επρεπεν   G1063 γαρ For It Was Becoming G846 αυτω To Him G1223 δι For G3739 ον Whom "are" G3588 τα   G3956 παντα All Things G2532 και And G1223 δι By G3739 ου Whom "are" G3588 τα   G3956 παντα All Things G4183 πολλους Many G5207 υιους Sons G1519 εις To G1391 δοξαν Glory G71 (G5631) αγαγοντα Bringing, G3588 τον The G747 αρχηγον Leader G3588 της   G4991 σωτηριας   G846 αυτων Of Their Salvation G1223 δια Through G3804 παθηματων Sufferings G5048 (G5658) τελειωσαι To Make Perfect.
   7 G1642 V-AAI-2S ηλαττωσας Thou Made Less G846 P-ASM αυτον Him G1024 A-ASN βραχυ Little G5100 X-ASN τι Something G3844 PREP παρ Than G32 N-APM αγγελους Agents G4737 V-AAI-2S εστεφανωσας Thou Crowned G846 P-ASM αυτον Him G1391 N-DSF δοξη With Glory G2532 CONJ και And G5092 N-DSF τιμη Honor
   8 G5293 V-AAI-2S υπεταξας Thou Subordinated G3956 A-APN παντα All G5270 ADV υποκατω Under G3588 T-GPM των Thos G4228 N-GPM ποδων Feet G846 P-GSM αυτου Of Him G1063 CONJ γαρ For G1722 PREP εν In G3588 T-DSN τω The G5293 V-AAN υποταξαι To Subordinating G3588 T-APN τα Thes G3956 A-APN παντα All G846 P-DSM αυτω To Him G863 V-AAI-3S αφηκεν He Left G3762 A-ASN ουδεν Nothing G506 A-ASN ανυποτακτον Not Subordinate G846 P-DSM αυτω To Him G1161 CONJ δε But G3568 ADV νυν Now G3708 V-PAI-1P ορωμεν We See G3768 ADV ουπω Not Yet G3588 T-APN τα Thes G3956 A-APN παντα All G5293 V-RPP-APN υποτεταγμενα Subordinated G846 P-DSM αυτω To Him
   9 G1161 CONJ δε But G991 V-PAI-1P βλεπομεν We See G3588 T-ASM τον Tho G2424 N-ASM ιησουν Iesous G1642 V-RPP-ASM ηλαττωμενον Who Has Been Made Less G1024 A-ASN βραχυ Little G5100 X-ASN τι Something G3844 PREP παρ Than G32 N-APM αγγελους Agents G1223 PREP δια Because Of G3588 T-ASN το The G3804 N-ASN παθημα Suffering G3588 T-GSM του Of Tho G2288 N-GSM θανατου Death G4737 V-RPP-ASM εστεφανωμενον Who Has Been Crowned G1391 N-DSF δοξη In Glory G2532 CONJ και And G5092 N-DSF τιμη Honor G3704 ADV οπως So That G5485 N-DSF χαριτι By Grace G2316 N-GSM θεου Of God G1089 V-ADS-3S γευσηται He Would Taste G2288 N-GSM θανατου Death G5228 PREP υπερ For G3956 A-GSM παντος Every
   10 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G4241 V-IAI-3S επρεπεν It Was Fitting G846 P-DSM αυτω For Him G1223 PREP δι Through G3739 R-ASM ον Whom G3588 T-NPN τα Thes G3956 A-NPN παντα All G2532 CONJ και And G1223 PREP δι Because Of G3739 R-GSM ου Whom G3588 T-NPN τα Thes G3956 A-NPN παντα All G71 V-2AAP-ASM αγαγοντα Having Brought G4183 A-APM πολλους Many G5207 N-APM υιους Sons G1519 PREP εις To G1391 N-ASF δοξαν Glory G5048 V-AAN τελειωσαι To Make Fully Perfect G3588 T-ASM τον Tho G747 N-ASM αρχηγον Pathfinder G3588 T-GSF της Of Tha G4991 N-GSF σωτηριας Salvation G846 P-GPM αυτων Of Them G1223 PREP δια Through G3804 N-GPN παθηματων Sufferings
  7 G1642 0 Thou madest G846 him G1024 G5100 a little G1642 [G5656] lower G3844 than G32 the messengers; G4737 [G5656] thou didst crown G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour, G2532 and G2525 [G5656] didst set G846 him G1909 over G2041 the works G4675 of thine G5495 hands:
  8 G5293 0 Thou hast put G3956 all things G5293 [G5656] in subjection G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet. G1063 For G1722 in G5293 0 that he put G3956 all G5293 [G5658] in subjection under G846 him, G863 [G5656] he left G3762 nothing that is not G506 made subject to G846 him. G1161 But G3568 now G3708 [G5719] we see G3768 not yet G3956 all things G5293 [G5772] made subject to G846 him.
  9 G1161 But G991 [G5719] we see G2424 Jesus, G3588 who G1642 0 was made G1024 G5100 a little G1642 [G5772] lower G3844 than G32 the messengers G1223 for G3804 the suffering G2288 of death, G4737 [G5772] crowned G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour; G3704 that G1089 0 he G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 [G5667] should taste G2288 death G5228 for G3956 every man.
  10 G1063 For G4241 [G5707] it was befitting for G846 him, G1223 for G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G2532 and G1223 by G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G71 [G5631] in bringing G4183 many G5207 sons G1519 to G1391 glory, G5048 0 to make G3588 the G747 captain G846 of their G4991 salvation G5048 [G5658] perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
Vulgate(i) 7 minuisti eum paulo minus ab angelis gloria et honore coronasti eum et constituisti eum super opera manuum tuarum 8 omnia subiecisti sub pedibus eius in eo enim quod ei omnia subiecit nihil dimisit non subiectum ei nunc autem necdum videmus omnia subiecta ei 9 eum autem qui modico quam angeli minoratus est videmus Iesum propter passionem mortis gloria et honore coronatum ut gratia Dei pro omnibus gustaret mortem 10 decebat enim eum propter quem omnia et per quem omnia qui multos filios in gloriam adduxerat auctorem salutis eorum per passiones consummare
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 7 Minuisti eum paulo minus ab angelis: gloria et honore coronasti eum: et constituisti eum super opera manuum tuarum. 8 Omnia subjecisti sub pedibus ejus. In eo enim quod omnia ei subjecit, nihil dimisit non subjectum ei. Nunc autem necdum videmus omnia subjecta ei. 9 Eum autem, qui modico quam angeli minoratus est, videmus Jesum propter passionem mortis, gloria et honore coronatum: ut, gratia Dei, pro omnibus gustaret mortem. 10 Decebat enim eum, propter quem omnia, et per quem omnia, qui multos filios in gloriam adduxerat, auctorem salutis eorum per passionem consummare.
Wycliffe(i) 7 Thou hast maad hym a litil lesse than aungels; thou hast corowned hym with glorie and onour; and thou hast ordeyned him on the werkis of thin hondis. 8 Thou hast maad alle thingis suget vndur hise feet. And in that that he sugetide alle thingis to hym, he lefte no thing vnsuget to him. But now we seen not yit alle thingis suget to hym; 9 but we seen hym that was maad a litil lesse than aungels, Jhesu, for the passioun of deth crowned with glorie and onour, that he thorouy grace of God schulde taste deth for alle men. 10 For it bisemede hym, for whom alle thingis, and bi whom `alle thingis weren maad, which hadde brouyt many sones into glorie, and was auctour of the heelthe of hem, that he hadde an ende bi passioun.
Tyndale(i) 7 After thou haddest for a season made him lower then the angels: thou crounedst him with honour and glory and hast set him above the workes of thy hondes. 8 Thou hast put all thynges in subieccion vnder his fete. In that he put all thynges vnder him he left nothynge that is not put vnder him. 9 Neverthelesse we yet se not all thynges subdued but him yt was made lesse the ye angelles: we se that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory and honour for the sofferinge of death: that he by the grace of god shulde tast of deeth for all men. 10 For it becam him for whom are all thynges and by whom are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he shuld make the lorde of their saluacion parfect thorow sofferynge.
Coverdale(i) 7 After thou haddest for a litle season made him lower the ye angels, thou crownedst him with honoure and glory, and hast set him aboue the workes of thy handes. 8 Thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder his fete. In that he subdued all thinges vnto him, he lefte nothinge that is not put vnder him. 9 Neuertheles now se we not all thinges yet subdued vnto him. But him, which for a litle season was made lesse then the angels, we se that it is Iesus: which is crowned with honoure and glory for the sufferynge of death, that he by the grace of God, shulde taist of death for all men. 10 For it became him, for whom are all thinges, and by who are all thinges (after yt he had broughte many children vnto glory) that he shulde make the LORDE of their saluacion perfecte thorow sufferynge,
MSTC(i) 7 After thou hadst for a season made him lower than the angels: thou crownedst him with honour and glory, and hast set him above the works of thy hands. 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet." In that he put all things under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. 9 Nevertheless, we yet see not all things subdued unto him. But him that was made less than the angels, we see that it was Iesus: which is crowned with glory and honour for the suffering of death; that he, by the grace of God, should taste of death for all men. 10 For it became him — for whom are all things, and by whom are all things — after that he had brought many sons unto glory, that he should make the Lord of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Matthew(i) 7 After thou haddeste for a season made him lower then the Angelles: thou crownedst him with honoure and glorye, and hast set him aboue the workes of thy handes. 8 Thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder hys fete. In that he put al thinges vnder hym, he lefte nothinge that is not put vnder him. 9 Neuertheles we yet se not all thinges subdued, but him that was made lesse then the Angelles, we se that it was Iesus, whiche is crowned with glory and honoure for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God, should taste of death for al men. 10 For it became him, for whom are al thynges and by whom are al thinges, after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory, that he should make the Lorde of their saluacyon perfect thorowe sufferinge.
Great(i) 7 Thou madest hym a lytle lower then the angels: thou hast crowned hym with honour & glory, and hast set hym aboue the workes of thy handes. 8 Thou hast put all thynges in subieccyon vnder hys fete. In that he put all thynges vnder him, he left nothynge that is not put vnder him. 9 Neuerthelesse, we se not yet all thynges subdued vnto him: but him that was made lesse then the angels, we se that it was Iesus, which is crowned with glory and honour for the sofferynge of death: that he by the grace of God, shulde tast of deeth for all men. 10 For it became him, for whom are all thinges and by whom are all thynges (after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory) that he shulde make the Lorde of their saluacyon perfecte thorowe affliccyons.
Geneva(i) 7 Thou madest him a litle inferiour to ye Angels: thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and hast set him aboue the workes of thine hands. 8 Thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feete. And in that he hath put all things in subiection vnder him, he left nothing that should not be subiect vnto him. But we yet see not all things subdued vnto him, 9 But we see Iesus crowned with glory and honour, which was made litle inferiour to the Angels, through the suffering of death, that by Gods grace he might taste death for all men. 10 For it became him, for whome are all these thinges, and by whome are all these things, seeing that hee brought many children vnto glory, that he should consecrate the Prince of their saluation through afflictions.
Bishops(i) 7 Thou madest hym for a litle whyle lower then the Angels, thou hast crowned him with glorie and honour, and hast set hym aboue the workes of thy handes 8 Thou hast put all thynges in subiectio vnder his feete. In yt he put all thinges vnder hym, he left nothyng that is not put vnder hym. But nowe, we see not yet all thynges put vnder hym 9 But hym that [for a whyle] was made lesse then the Angels, we see [that it was] Iesus, who through the sufferyng of death, was crowned with glorie and honour, that he by the grace of God, shoulde taste of death for all 10 For it became hym, for whom are all thynges, and by whom are all thynges, after he had brought many sonnes vnto glorie, that he shoulde make the capitayne of their saluation perfect through afflictions
DouayRheims(i) 7 Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels: thou hast crowned him with glory and honour and hast set him over the works of thy hands. 8 Thou hast subjected all things under his feet. For in that he hath subjected all things to him he left nothing not subject to him. But now we see not as yet all things subject to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour: that, through the grace of God he might taste death for all. 10 For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things, who had brought many children into glory, to perfect the author of their salvation, by his passion.
KJV(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
  7 G1642 Thou madest G846 him G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower [G5656]   G3844 than G32 the angels G4737 ; thou crownedst [G5656]   G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour G2532 , and G2525 didst set [G5656]   G846 him G1909 over G2041 the works G4675 of thy G5495 hands:
  8 G5293 Thou hast put G3956 all things G5293 in subjection [G5656]   G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet G1063 . For G1722 in G5293 that he put G3956 all G5293 in subjection under [G5658]   G846 him G863 , he left [G5656]   G3762 nothing that is not G506 put under G846 him G1161 . But G3568 now G3708 we see [G5719]   G3768 not yet G3956 all things G5293 put under [G5772]   G846 him.
  9 G1161 But G991 we see [G5719]   G2424 Jesus G3588 , who G1642 was made G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower [G5772]   G3844 than G32 the angels G1223 for G3804 the suffering G2288 of death G4737 , crowned [G5772]   G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour G3704 ; that G1089 he G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 should taste [G5667]   G2288 death G5228 for G3956 every man.
  10 G1063 For G4241 it became [G5707]   G846 him G1223 , for G3739 whom G3956 are all things G2532 , and G1223 by G3739 whom G3956 are all things G71 , in bringing [G5631]   G4183 many G5207 sons G1519 unto G1391 glory G5048 , to make G747 the captain G846 of their G4991 salvation G5048 perfect [G5658]   G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
Mace(i) 7 thou hast made him for a while lower than the angels; thou hast crown'd him with glory and honour, and hast set him over the works of thy hands: 8 thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet." now since he has put all in subjection to him, he left nothing that is not subjected to him. however we do not see as yet that all things are put under him. 9 but Jesus, who was for a while inferior to the angels by his sufferings and death, we see was crown'd with glory and honour; when by the divine goodness, he had pass'd thro' death for every man. 10 For it was agreeable to his wisdom, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to consecrate the author of their salvation by his sufferings.
Whiston(i) 7 Thou madest him for a litle while lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made for a little while lower than the angels, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom [are] all things, and by whom [are] all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Wesley(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels, thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands. 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. Now in putting all things in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him: but now we do not yet see all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus crowned with glory and honour, for the suffering of death, who was made a little lower than the angels, that by the grace of God he might taste death for every man. 10 For it became him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the captain of their salvation through sufferings.
Worsley(i) 7 Thou madest Him for a little while inferior to the angels; with glory and honor hast thou crowned Him, and hast set Him over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet," 8 For in putting all things under Him, He left nothing which was not to be in subjection to Him: though we do not yet see all things subjected to Him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made for a little while lower than the angels, in order to suffer death, that by the grace of God He might taste death for every man, crowned with glory and honor. 10 For it became Him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect by sufferings:
Haweis(i) 7 "Thou hast made him for a little while lower than angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honour, and hast placed him over the works of thy hands: 8 thou hast subjected all things under his feet." Now in subjecting all things to him, he left nothing unsubjected to him; but at present we see not yet all things subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus for a little while made lower than angels, by the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, that, by the grace of God, he might taste of death for every one. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to perfect the Author of their salvation by sufferings.
Thomson(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than angels; With glory and honour thou hast crowned him, 8 And set him over the works of thy hands. Thou hast put all things under his feet." For when he put all things under his feet, he left nothing which was not put in subjection to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him. 9 But we see him who was made a little lower than angels [namely] Jesus, on account of suffering death crowned with glory and honour, that so he by the favour of God might taste death for every man. 10 For it became him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, when bringing many sons to glory to make the leader of their salvation perfect by sufferings.
Webster(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not made subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
  7 G1642 0 Thou madest G846 him G1024 G5100 a little G1642 [G5656] lower G3844 than G32 the angels G4737 [G5656] ; thou didst crown G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour G2532 , and G2525 [G5656] didst set G846 him G1909 over G2041 the works G4675 of thy G5495 hands:
  8 G5293 0 Thou hast put G3956 all things G5293 [G5656] in subjection G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet G1063 . For G1722 in G5293 0 that he put G3956 all G5293 [G5658] in subjection under G846 him G863 [G5656] , he left G3762 nothing that is not G506 made subject to G846 him G1161 . But G3568 now G3708 [G5719] we see G3768 not yet G3956 all things G5293 [G5772] made subject to G846 him.
  9 G1161 But G991 [G5719] we see G2424 Jesus G3588 , who G1642 0 was made G1024 G5100 a little G1642 [G5772] lower G3844 than G32 the angels G1223 for G3804 the suffering G2288 of death G4737 [G5772] , crowned G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honour G3704 ; that G1089 0 he G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 [G5667] should taste G2288 death G5228 for G3956 every man.
  10 G1063 For G4241 [G5707] it was befitting for G846 him G1223 , for G3739 whom G3956 are all things G2532 , and G1223 by G3739 whom G3956 are all things G71 [G5631] , in bringing G4183 many G5207 sons G1519 to G1391 glory G5048 0 , to make G747 the captain G846 of their G4991 salvation G5048 [G5658] perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
Living_Oracles(i) 7 Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels; thou hast crowned him with glory and honor, 8 thou hast put all things under his feet." Now, by putting all things in subjection to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him; but now, we do not yet see all things subjected to him; 9 but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, that he, by the favor of God, might taste death for all; for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor! 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, to make him, who leads many sons to glory-even the Captain of their Salvation-perfect through sufferings.
Etheridge(i) 7 Thou didst humble him (to be) less than the angels; glory and honour hast thou placed upon his head, and hast empowered him over the work of thy hands, and every thing hast thou put in subjection under his feet. 8 [Now] in this, that he subjected every thing to him, he hath left nothing which he hath not subjected. Yet hitherto we see not that every thing is subjected to him. 9 But him who was humbled to be less than the angels, we see to be JESHU himself, for the sake of the passion of his death; and glory and honour set upon his head; for He Aloha,[Hu ger Aloho.] in his grace, for every man hath tasted death! 10 For it was proper to him by whose hand are all, and on account of whom all are, (and who) would lead many sons to his glory, that the Prince [Or, Head.] of their salvation by sufferings should be perfected.
Murdock(i) 7 Thou hast depressed him somewhat lower than the angels: glory and honor hast thou put on his head; and thou hast invested him with authority over the work of thy hand. 8 And all things hast thou subjected under his feet. And in this subjecting of all things to him, he omitted nothing, which he did not subject. But now, we do not yet see all things subjected to him. 9 But we see him, who was depressed somewhat lower than the angels, to be this Jesus, because of the passion of his death; and glory and honor are placed on his head; for God himself, in his grace, tasted death for all men. 10 For it became him, by whom are all things, and on account of whom are all things, and who bringeth many sons unto his glory, to perfect the prince of their life by suffering.
Sawyer(i) 7 Thou didst make him a little lower than angels, thou didst crown him with glory and honor, 8 thou didst subject all things under his feet. For in subjecting all things to him, he left nothing not subjected to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus, made a little less than angels, on account of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste death for every [man]. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things and through whom are all things, to perfect by sufferings the prince of their salvation, bringing many sons to glory.
Diaglott(i) 7 Thou didst make less him a little while then messengers; with glory and with honor thou didst crown him; 8 all things thou didst place under the feet of him. In for the to be subjected to him the things all, nothing is left to him unsubjected; now but not yet we see to him the things all having been placed. 9 The but a short time than messengers having been made less we see Jesus on account of the suffering of the death with glory and with honor having been crowed; so that by favor of God on behalf of all he might taste of death. 10 It was fitting besides for him, for whom the things all and through whom the things all, many sons into glory leading the prince of the salvation of them through sufferings to perfect.
ABU(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honor; 8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. 9 But we behold him, who was made a little lower than the angels, Jesus, on account of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, in order that he by the grace of God might taste death for every one. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Anderson(i) 7 Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels; thou hast crowned him with glory and honor; 8 thou hast put all things under his feet. For, in putting all things under him, he left nothing that is not put under him: but now we do not yet see all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, that he might, by the grace of God, taste death for every man- we see him, on account of his having suffered death, crowned with glory and honor. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Noyes(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor; 8 thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet." For in that he put all things in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. 9 But we see him who was made a little lower than the angels, Jesus, on account of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor; that by the grace of God he might taste death for every one. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
YLT(i) 7 Thou didst make him some little less than messengers, with glory and honour Thou didst crown him, and didst set him over the works of Thy hands, 8 all things Thou didst put in subjection under his feet,' for in the subjecting to him the all things, nothing did He leave to him unsubjected, and now not yet do we see the all things subjected to him, 9 and him who was made some little less than messengers we see—Jesus—because of the suffering of the death, with glory and honour having been crowned, that by the grace of God for every one he might taste of death.
10 For it was becoming to Him, because of whom are the all things, and through whom are the all things, many sons to glory bringing, the author of their salvation through sufferings to make perfect,
JuliaSmith(i) 7 Thou didst render him some little while less than angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst place him over the work of thine hands: 8 All things didst thou place under his feet. For in placing all things under him, thou didst leave nothing not subjected to him. And now we see not yet all things placed under him. 9 But we see Jesus, made some little while less than angels by the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; so that by the grace of God he should taste of death for all. 10 For it became him, for whom all things, and by whom all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the chief of their salvation by sufferings.
Darby(i) 7 Thou hast made him some little inferior to the angels; thou hast crowned him with glory and honour, [and hast set him over the works of thy hands;] 8 thou hast subjected all things under his feet. For in subjecting all things to him, he has left nothing unsubject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to *him*, 9 but we see Jesus, who [was] made some little inferior to angels on account of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; so that by the grace of God he should taste death for every thing. 10 For it became him, for whom [are] all things, and by whom [are] all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make perfect the leader of their salvation through sufferings.
ERV(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honour, And didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he subjected all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him. 9 But we behold him who hath been made a little lower than the angels, [even] Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour, that by the grace of God he should taste death for every [man]. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
ASV(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels;
Thou crownedst him with glory and honor,
And didst set him over the works of thy hands:
8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet.
For in that he subjected all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him. 9 But we behold him who hath been made a little lower than the angels, [even] Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for every [man]. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
  7 G1642 Thou madest G846 him G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels; G4737 Thou crownedst G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor, G2532 And G2525 didst set G846 him G1909 over G2041 the works G4675 of thy G5495 hands:
  8 G5293 Thou didst put G3956 all things G5293 in subjection G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet. G1063 For G1722 in G3588 that G5293 he subjected G3956 all G5293 things unto G846 him, G863 he left G3762 nothing G506 that is not subject G846 to him. G1161 But G3568 now G3708 we see G3768 not yet G3956 all things G5293 subjected G846 to him.
  9 G1161 But G991 we behold G2424 him who G1642 hath been made G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels, G1223 even Jesus, because G3804 of the suffering G2288 of death G4737 crowned G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor, G3704 that G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 he G1089 should taste G2288 of death G5228 for G3956 every man.
  10 G1063 For G4241 it became G846 him, G1223 for G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G2532 and G1223 through G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G71 in bringing G4183 many G5207 sons G1519 unto G1391 glory, G5048 to make G747 the author G4991 of G846 their G4991 salvation G5048 perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels, Thou crownedst him with glory and honor, 8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he subjected all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him. 9 But we behold him who hath been made a little lower than the angels, even Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Rotherham(i) 7 Thou hast made him less, some little, than messengers, With glory and honour, hast thou crowned him,––[And hast set him over the works of thy hands]; 8 All things, hast thou subjected beneath his feet. For, in subjecting, [to him] the all things, nothing, left he, to him unsubjected; But now, not yet, do we see, to him, the all things subjected; –– 9 But, Jesus, made some little less than messengers, we do behold: by reason of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, to the end that, by favour of God, in behalf of every one, he might taste of death.
10 For it was becoming in him––For the sake of whom are the all things, and by means of whom are the all things,––when, many sons, unto glory, he would lead, The Princely Leader of their salvation, through sufferings, to make perfect.
Twentieth_Century(i) 7 Thou hast made him, for a while, lower than angels; With glory and honour thou hast crowned him; Thou hast set him over all that thy hands have made; 8 Thou hast placed all things beneath his feet.' This 'placing of everything' under man means that there was nothing which was not placed under him. As yet, however, we do not see everything placed under man. 9 What our eyes do see is Jesus, who was made for a while lower than angels, now, because of his sufferings and death, crowned with glory and honour; so that his tasting the bitterness of death should, in God's loving-kindness, be on behalf of all mankind. 10 It was, indeed, fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, should, when leading many sons to glory, make the author of their Salvation perfect through suffering.
Godbey(i) 7 Thou didst humiliate him somewhat comparatively with the angels; thou didst crown him with glory and honor; 8 thou didst subordinate all things beneath his feet. For in subordinating all things beneath him, he left nothing which is not subordinated beneath him. 9 But we see Jesus humiliated somewhat in comparison with the angels, having been crowned with glory and honor on account of the suffering of death, in order that by the grace of God he might taste death for every one. 10 For it became him, on account of whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in leading many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering.
WNT(i) 7 THOU HAST MADE HIM ONLY A LITTLE INFERIOR TO THE ANGELS; WITH GLORY AND HONOUR THOU HAST CROWNED HIM, AND HAST SET HIM TO GOVERN THE WORKS OF THY HANDS. 8 THOU HAST PUT EVERYTHING IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET." For this subjecting of the universe to man implies the leaving nothing not subject to him. But we do not as yet see the universe subject to him. 9 But Jesus--who was made a little inferior to the angels in order that through God's grace He might taste death for every human being--we already see wearing a crown of glory and honour because of His having suffered death. 10 For it was fitting that He for whom, and through whom, all things exist, after He had brought many sons to glory, should perfect by suffering the Prince Leader who had saved them.
Worrell(i) 7 Thou madest him a little less than angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honor; and didst set him over the works of Thy hands; 8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet." For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing unsubjected to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him. 9 But we behold Him Who was made a little lower than angels, Jesus, on account of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that, by the grace of God, He might taste death for every one. 10 For it was becoming Him, on Whose account are all things, and through Whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to perfect, through suffering, the Captain of their salvation.
Moffatt(i) 7 For a little while thou hast put him lower than the angels, crowning him with glory and honour, 8 putting all things under his feet. Now by putting all things under him, the writer meant to leave nothing out of his control. But, as it is, we do not yet see all things controlled by man; 9 what we do see is Jesus who was put lower than the angels for a little while to suffer death, and who has been crowned with glory and honour that by God's grace he might taste death for everyone. 10 In bringing many sons to glory, it was befitting that He for whom and by whom the universe exists, should perfect the Pioneer of their salvation by suffering.
Goodspeed(i) 7 You made him for a little while inferior to angels; Yet you have crowned him with glory and honor, And you have put him in charge of the works of your hands! 8 You have put everything under his feet!" In thus making everything subject to man, God left nothing that was not subjected to him. But we do not as yet see everything made subject to him, 9 but we do see Jesus, who was "made for a little while inferior to angels, crowned with glory and honor" because he suffered death, so that by the favor of God he might taste the bitterness of death on behalf of every human being. 10 For it was appropriate that he who is the great First Cause of the universe should, in guiding his many children to his glorious salvation, make their leader in it fully qualified through what he suffered.
Riverside(i) 7 Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels. With glory and honor thou hast crowned him. 8 All things thou hast put under his feet." When he put all things under him he left nothing that was not put under him. We do not yet see all things put under him, 9 but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death that by the grace of God he might taste of death for every man, now crowned with glory and honor. 10 For it was fitting that he through whom are all things and for whom are all things, when leading many sons to glory, should make the great Leader of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
MNT(i) 7 Thou hast made him only a little lower that the angels; With glory and honor hast thou crowned him; And hast set him to govern the works of thy hands; 8 Thou hast put all things under his feet. For this putting all things under man means leaving nothing not subject to him. But we do not yet see all things subject to him. 9 What we do see is Jesus, who was made for a time a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor, because of the suffering of death, in order that through God's grace he might taste death for every man. 10 For it befitted him, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Pioneer of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
Lamsa(i) 7 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels: and have crowned him with glory and honor, and have set him ruler over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. By putting all things under his control, he left nothing that he did not put under subjection to him. But now we do not see yet that all things are in subjection to him. 9 We see that he is Jesus who humbled himself to be a little lower than the angels, through his suffering and his death, but now he is crowned with glory and honor; for he tasted death for the sake of every one but God. 10 And it was meet and proper for him, in whose hand is everything and for whom are all things, to bring many sons to glory, so that from the very beginning of their salvation, they are made perfect through sufferings.
CLV(i) 7 Thou makest him some bit inferior to messengers, With glory and honor Thou wreathest him, And dost place him over the works of Thy hands." 8 All dost Thou subject underneath his feet.For in the subjection of all to him, He leaves nothing unsubject to him. Yet now we are not as yet seeing all subject to him." 9 Yet we are observing Jesus, Who has been made some bit inferior to messengers (because of the suffering of death, wreathed with glory and honor), so that in the grace of God, He should be tasting death for the sake of everyone." 10 For it became Him, because of Whom all is, and through Whom all is, in leading many sons into glory, to perfect the Inaugurator of their salvation through sufferings."
Williams(i) 7 You made Him inferior to angels for a little while, yet you have crowned Him with glory and honor, you have set Him over the works of your hands, 8 You have put all things under His feet!" Now when He gave Him authority over everything, He did not leave a single thing that was not put under His authority. But as yet we do not see everything actually under His authority, 9 but we do see Jesus, who was made inferior to the angels for a little while, crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by God's favor He might experience death for every human being. 10 For it was appropriate for Him, who is the Final Goal and the First Cause of the universe, in bringing many children to glory, to make the Leader in their salvation perfect through the process of sufferings.
BBE(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you gave him a crown of glory and honour, and made him ruler over all the works of your hands: 8 You put all things under his feet. For in making man the ruler over all things, God did not put anything outside his authority; though we do not see everything under him now. 9 But we see him who was made a little lower than the angels, even Jesus, crowned with glory and honour, because he let himself be put to death so that by the grace of God he might undergo death for all men. 10 Because it was right for him, for whom and through whom all things have being, in guiding his sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation complete through pain.
MKJV(i) 7 You have made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor and set him over the works of Your hands. 8 You subjected all things under his feet." For in subjecting all things to Him, He did not leave anything not subjected to Him. But now we do not see all things having been subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that He by the grace of God should taste death for all. 10 For it became Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to perfect the Captain of their salvation through sufferings.
LITV(i) 7 You made him a little less than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor; and You set him over the works of Your hands; 8 You put all things under his feet." Psa. 8:4 -6 For in putting all things under him, He left nothing not subjected to him. But now we do not yet see all things being subjected to him; 9 but we do see Jesus crowned with glory and honor, who on account of the suffering of death was made a little less than the angels, so that by the grace of God He might taste of death for every son . 10 For it was fitting for Him, because of whom are all things, and through whom are all things, bringing many sons to glory, to perfect Him as the Author of their salvation through sufferings.
ECB(i) 7 You lowered him somewhat less than the angels *; you wreathed him with glory and honor and seated him over the works of your hands: 8 you subjugated all under his feet. For in that he subjugated all under him he allowed naught unsubjugated to him: and now we still see not all subjugated under him. 9 And we see Yah Shua, who was lowered somewhat less than Elohim * for the suffering of death, wreathed with glory and honor; that he by the charism of Elohim tasted death for every man. * see Psalm 8:4-6 10 For it befitted him, for whom the all, and through whom the all, in bringing many sons to glory to complete/shalam the hierarch of their salvation through sufferings.
AUV(i) 7 You made him a little bit lower than the angels [i.e., a little less exalted]. [Note: Although these Psalms passages referred to mankind, they are here applied to Jesus. See verse 9]. You crowned him with splendor and honor {{some ancient manuscripts add “and placed him as ruler over what you made”}}. 8 You placed everything under his feet [Note: This is true of both mankind (Gen. 1:26-28) and of Jesus (Eph. 1:22-23)]. For in subjecting everything to him, God did not leave anything that is not subject to him. But at the present time we do not see what all has been subjected to him. 9 But we do see Jesus, who was made a little bit lower than the angels [i.e., by suffering death as a human being], and was crowned with splendor and honor because He suffered death. It was by God’s unearned favor that He would experience death for every person. 10 For it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, in order to lead many [of His] children to glory [i.e., heaven], would make the author [or, pioneer] of their salvation [i.e., Jesus] completely [qualified] through [His] sufferings.
ACV(i) 7 Thou made him a little something less than the agents. Thou crowned him with glory and honor. 8 Thou subordinated all things under his feet. For in subordinating all things to him, he left nothing not subordinate to him. But now we do not yet see all things subordinated to him. 9 But we see Jesus who has been made a little something less than the agents, who, because of the suffering of death, has been crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God he would taste of death for every man. 10 For it was fitting for him, through whom are all things, and because of whom are all things, having brought many sons to glory, to make the pathfinder of their salvation fully perfect through sufferings.
Common(i) 7 You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, 8 and put everything in subjection under his feet." Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. As it is, we do not yet see everything subject to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. 10 For it was fitting that he, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
WEB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor. 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet.” For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we don’t see all things subjected to him, yet. 9 But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many children to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
  7 G1642 You made G846 him G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels. G4737 You crowned G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor.
  8 G5293 You have put G3956 all things G5293 in subjection G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet." G1063 For G1722 in G3588 that G5293 he subjected G3956 all G5293 things to G846 him, G863 he left G3762 nothing G506 that is not subject G846 to him. G1161 But G3568 now G3708 we don't see G3956 all things G5293 subjected G846 to him, G3768 yet.
  9 G1161 But G991 we see G2424 him who G1642 has been made G1024 a little G1642 lower G5100   G3844 than G32 the angels, G1223 Jesus, because G3804 of the suffering G2288 of death G4737 crowned G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor, G3704 that G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 he G1089 should taste G2288 of death G5228 for G3956 everyone.
  10 G1063 For G4241 it became G846 him, G1223 for G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G2532 and G1223 through G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G71 in bringing G4183 many G5207 children G1519 to G1391 glory, G5048 to make G747 the author G4991 of G846 their G4991 salvation G5048 perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
NHEB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor. 8 You have put all things under his feet." For in that he put all things under him, he left nothing that is not under him. But now we do not yet see that all things are under him. 9 But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many children to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
AKJV(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of your hands: 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
  7 G1642 You made G1024 him a little G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels; G4737 you crowned G1391 him with glory G5092 and honor, G2525 and did set G1909 him over G2041 the works G5495 of your hands:
  8 G5293 You have put G3956 all G5293 things in subjection G5270 under G4228 his feet. G5293 For in that he put G3956 all G5293 in subjection G863 under him, he left G3762 nothing G506 that is not put G506 under G3568 him. But now G3708 we see G3768 not yet G3956 all G5293 things put G5293 under him.
  9 G991 But we see G2424 Jesus, G3588 who G1642 was made G1024 a little G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels G3804 for the suffering G2288 of death, G4737 crowned G1391 with glory G5092 and honor; G5485 that he by the grace G2316 of God G1089 should taste G2288 death G3956 for every man.
  10 G4241 For it became G3739 him, for whom G3956 are all G3739 things, and by whom G3956 are all G71 things, in bringing G4183 many G5207 sons G1391 to glory, G5055 to make G747 the captain G4991 of their salvation G5048 perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
KJC(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of your hands: 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
KJ2000(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of your hands: 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it befitted him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
UKJV(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honour, and did set him over the works of your hands: 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
RKJNT(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honour, and did set him over the works of your hands: 8 You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in putting all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made for a little while lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honour because he suffered death; that he, by the grace of God, should taste death for every man. 10 For it was fitting that he, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
  7 G1642 You made G846 him G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels; G4737 you crowned G846 him G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor, G2532 and G2525 did set G846 him G1909 over G2041 the works G4675 of your G5495 hands:
  8 G5293 You have put G3956 all things G5293 in subjection G5270 under G846 his G4228 feet. G1063 For G1722 in G3588 that G5293 he put G3956 all G5293 in subjection under G846 him, G863 he left G3762 nothing G506 that is not put under G846 him. G1161 But G3568 now G3708 we see G3768 not yet G3956 all things G5293 put under G846 him.
  9 G1161 But G991 we see G2424 Jesus, who G1642 was made G1024 a little G5100   G1642 lower G3844 than G32 the angels G1223 for G3804 the suffering G2288 of death, G4737 crowned G1391 with glory G2532 and G5092 honor; G3704 that G1089 he G5485 by the grace G2316 of God G1089 should taste G2288 death G5228 for G3956 every man.
  10 G1063 For G4241 it was fitting G846 for him, G1223 for G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G2532 and G1223 by G3739 whom G3956 are all things, G71 in bringing G4183 many G5207 sons G1519 to G1391 glory, G5048 to make G747 the author G4991 of G846 their G4991 salvation G5048 perfect G1223 through G3804 sufferings.
RYLT(i) 7 You did make him some little less than messengers, with glory and honour You did crown him, and did set him over the works of Your hands, 8 all things You did put in subjection under his feet,' for in the subjecting to him the all things, nothing did He leave to him unsubjected, and now not yet do we see the all things subjected to him, 9 and him who was made some little less than messengers we see -- Jesus -- because of the suffering of the death, with glory and honour having been crowned, that by the grace of God for every one he might taste of death. 10 For it was becoming to Him, because of whom are the all things, and through whom are the all things, many sons to glory bringing, the author of their salvation through sufferings to make perfect,
EJ2000(i) 7 Thou didst make him a little lower than the angels; thou didst crown him with glory and honour and didst set him over the works of thy hands. 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not see yet that all things are put under him. 9 But we see this same Jesus, crowned with glory and honour, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 ¶ For it was expedient that he, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, preparing to bring forth many sons in his glory, should perfect the author of their saving health through sufferings.
CAB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels, You crowned him with glory and honor, 8 You have subjected all things under his feet." For in subjecting to him all things, He left nothing not subjected to him. But now we do not yet see all things having been subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, through the suffering of death, having been crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God, He might taste death for everyone. 10 For it was fitting for Him, on account of whom are all things and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the Author of their salvation through sufferings.
WPNT(i) 7 You made him lower than the angels, for a little while; You crowned him with glory and honor, 8 You subjected all things under his feet.” It follows that in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not so subjected. However, we do not yet see everything subjected to him, at present. 9 But we do see Jesus, who ‘was made lower than the angels, for a little while’ (in order to suffer death), ‘crowned with glory and honor’—this, by the grace of God, so that He\up6 [S]\up0 might taste death on behalf of everyone. 10 Because it was appropriate to Him\up6 [F]\up0, for whom are all things and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to perfect the Author of their salvation through sufferings.
JMNT(i) 7 "You made him a brief time inferior, at the side of agents (or: alongside folks with a message); You crowned him with glory and honor (or: You put a celebration and victor's wreath on him in a manifestation which called forth praise with a good reputation, and for value), and then You set him down (or: made him to stand; or: = appointed him) upon the works (or: actions) of Your hands. 8 "You subjected all things (or: You humbly align and arrange all people) under his feet, in order to support him." [Ps. 8:5-7] For you see, in the [situation] to subject the whole (or: humbly align and arrange all), nothing is sent away not subjected (or: humbly aligned) to Him. Yet now we are not yet seeing the whole (or: all) having been subjected (or: humbly aligned, placed or arranged under [Him]). 9 But yet, we are continuously seeing Jesus – having been made inferior for a brief time beside agentshaving been encompassed with glory (or: crowned by a good reputation) and with honor (or: in value) on account of (or: through) the effect of the experience of death (or: Now in this certain short bit of time, we keep on observing Jesus – having been made less because of the result of the suffering from, and which was, death – now having been encircled with the Victor's wreath in a manifestation which calls forth praise and with esteemed respect, at the side of the folks with the message), so that by the grace of and from God (or: for God's grace; in the favor which is God; [note: MSS 0243 & 1739, plus a Vulgate MS and in the works of Origen, Ambrose and Jerome and quoted by various writers down to the 11th century, the reading is: apart from God]) He might taste of death over [the situation and condition of] all mankind (or: for and on behalf of everyone). 10 You see, it was fitting for Him – on account of Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) and through Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) – in, when and by leading many sons [note: a figure for all humanity] into glory (a good reputation), to finish and perfect the Leader who first walked the Path of their deliverance (to bring to a complete state the Originator and Chief Agent of their rescue; to script the final scene for the Chief Conveyor of their restoration; to bring the Pioneering Bringer of their salvation to the destined goal) through the effects of sufferings and results of experiences [note, pascho means: to be affected by something - either good or bad; to feel, have sense experiences; thus, also: to suffer or undergo passion].
NSB(i) 7 »You made him a little lower than the angels for a little while. (Greek: brachus, short time) (Psalm 8:4, 5) You crowned him with glory and honor, and set him over the works of your hands. 8 »You put all things in subjection under his feet.« You subjected all things to him and left nothing that is not subject to him. Now we do not see yet all things in subjection to him. 9 We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and honor for suffering death. By the grace of God he tasted death for every man. 10 It was appropriate that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, should bring many sons to glory, to make the Chief Agent of their salvation perfect through suffering.
ISV(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels, yet you crowned him with glory and honor 8 and put everything under his feet.”Now when God put everything under him, he left nothing outside his control. However, at the present time we do not yet see everything put under him. 9 But we do see someone who was made a little lower than the angels. He is Jesus, who is crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might experience death for everyone.
10 It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering as part of his plan to glorify many children,
LEB(i) 7 You made him for a short time lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor;* 8 you subjected all things under his feet.*
For in subjecting all things,* he left nothing that was not subject to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him, 9 but we see Jesus, for a short time made lower than the angels, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, so that apart from God* he might taste death on behalf of everyone. 10 For it was fitting for him for whom are all things and through whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to perfect the originator of their salvation through sufferings.
BGB(i) 7 ἠλάττωσας αὐτὸν βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους, δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφάνωσας αὐτόν, 8 πάντα ὑπέταξας ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτοῦ. Ἐν τῷ γὰρ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα οὐδὲν ἀφῆκεν αὐτῷ ἀνυπότακτον. νῦν δὲ οὔπω ὁρῶμεν αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα ὑποτεταγμένα· 9 τὸν δὲ βραχύ τι παρ’ ἀγγέλους ἠλαττωμένον βλέπομεν Ἰησοῦν διὰ τὸ πάθημα τοῦ θανάτου δόξῃ καὶ τιμῇ ἐστεφανωμένον, ὅπως χάριτι Θεοῦ ὑπὲρ παντὸς γεύσηται θανάτου. 10 Ἔπρεπεν γὰρ αὐτῷ, δι’ ὃν τὰ πάντα καὶ δι’ οὗ τὰ πάντα, πολλοὺς υἱοὺς εἰς δόξαν ἀγαγόντα τὸν ἀρχηγὸν τῆς σωτηρίας αὐτῶν διὰ παθημάτων τελειῶσαι.
BIB(i) 7 ἠλάττωσας (You made lower) αὐτὸν (him) βραχύ (a little) τι (some) παρ’ (than) ἀγγέλους (the angels); δόξῃ (with glory) καὶ (and) τιμῇ (honor) ἐστεφάνωσας (You crowned) αὐτόν (him), 8 πάντα (all things) ὑπέταξας (You have put in subjection) ὑποκάτω (under) τῶν (the) ποδῶν (feet) αὐτοῦ (of him). Ἐν (In) τῷ (-) γὰρ (for) ὑποτάξαι (subjecting) αὐτῷ (to him) τὰ (-) πάντα (all things), οὐδὲν (nothing) ἀφῆκεν (He left) αὐτῷ (to him) ἀνυπότακτον (unsubject). νῦν (At present) δὲ (however), οὔπω (not yet) ὁρῶμεν (do we see) αὐτῷ (to Him) τὰ (-) πάντα (all things) ὑποτεταγμένα (having been subjected). 9 τὸν (Who) δὲ (however) βραχύ (a little) τι (one) παρ’ (than) ἀγγέλους (the angels), ἠλαττωμένον (having been made lower), βλέπομεν (we see), Ἰησοῦν (Jesus), διὰ (because of) τὸ (the) πάθημα (suffering) τοῦ (-) θανάτου (of death), δόξῃ (with glory) καὶ (and) τιμῇ (with honor) ἐστεφανωμένον (having been crowned), ὅπως (so that) χάριτι (by the grace) Θεοῦ (of God) ὑπὲρ (for) παντὸς (everyone) γεύσηται (He might taste) θανάτου (death). 10 Ἔπρεπεν (It was fitting) γὰρ (for) αὐτῷ (to Him), δι’ (for) ὃν (whom are) τὰ (-) πάντα (all things) καὶ (and) δι’ (by) οὗ (whom are) τὰ (-) πάντα (all things), πολλοὺς (many) υἱοὺς (sons) εἰς (to) δόξαν (glory) ἀγαγόντα (having brought), τὸν (the) ἀρχηγὸν (archetype) τῆς (of the) σωτηρίας (salvation) αὐτῶν (of them), διὰ (through) παθημάτων (sufferings) τελειῶσαι (to make perfect).
BLB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor; 8 You have put in subjection all things under his feet. For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing unsubject to him. But at present not yet do we see all things having been subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, because of the suffering of death, having been crowned with glory and with honor, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. 10 For it was fitting to Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, having brought many sons to glory, to make perfect the author of their salvation through sufferings.
BSB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor 8 and placed everything under his feet.” When God subjected all things to him, He left nothing outside of his control. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. 10 In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting for God, for whom and through whom all things exist, to make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
MSB(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor, 8 and placed everything under his feet.” When God subjected all things to him, He left nothing outside of his control. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. 10 In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting for God, for whom and through whom all things exist, to make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
MLV(i) 7 You made him a bit of something inferior less than the messengers. You crowned him with glory and honor. And stood him over the works of your hands. \ulnone\nosupersub 8 You subjected all things underneath his feet.’For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing which is not subject to him. But we now do not yet see all things having been subjected to him. 9 But we see Jesus who has been made a bit of something inferior, less than the messengers, having been crowned with glory and honor, because of the suffering of the death he underwent, that in the grace from God, he should taste of death on behalf of everyone. 10 For it was suitable for him, because of whom are all things and through whom are all things, having led many sons to glory, to complete the author of their salvation through sufferings.
VIN(i) 7 You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor 8 You have put everything under his feet!" In thus making everything subject to man, God left nothing that was not subjected to him. But we do not as yet see everything made subject to him, 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because He suffered death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone. 10 In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting for God, for whom and through whom all things exist, to make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Luther1545(i) 7 Du hast ihn eine kleine Zeit der Engel mangeln lassen; mit Preis und Ehren hast du ihn gekrönet und hast ihn gesetzt über die Werke deiner Hände; 8 alles hast du untertan zu seinen Füßen. In dem, daß er ihm alles hat untertan, hat er nichts gelassen, das ihm nicht untertan sei; jetzt aber sehen wir noch nicht, daß ihm alles untertan sei. 9 Den aber, der eine kleine Zeit der Engel gemangelt hat, sehen wir, daß es Jesus ist, durch Leiden des Todes gekrönet mit Preis und Ehren, auf daß er von Gottes Gnaden für alle den Tod schmeckete. 10 Denn es ziemete dem, um deswillen alle Dinge sind, und durch den alle Dinge sind, der da viel Kinder hat zur HERRLIchkeit geführet, daß er den Herzog ihrer Seligkeit durch Leiden vollkommen machte.
  7 G4675 Du G846 hast ihn G5100 eine G1909 kleine Zeit G32 der Engel G1642 mangeln lassen G1391 ; mit Preis G2532 und G5092 Ehren G846 hast du ihn G2532 gekrönet und G846 hast ihn G2525 gesetzt G3844 über G2041 die Werke G5495 deiner Hände;
  8 G3956 alles G5293 hast du untertan G863 zu G4228 seinen Füßen G1722 . In G846 dem, daß er G3956 ihm alles G3708 hat G5293 untertan G5293 , hat G3762 er nichts G3956 gelassen, das G3768 ihm nicht G5293 untertan G1161 sei G3568 ; jetzt G1063 aber G5293 sehen wir noch nicht, daß ihm alles untertan sei.
  9 G3588 Den G1161 aber G32 , der eine kleine Zeit der Engel G991 gemangelt hat, sehen G5100 wir G3704 , daß G2424 es JEsus G1223 ist, durch G3804 Leiden G2288 des Todes G1391 gekrönet mit Preis G2532 und G5092 Ehren G3844 , auf daß er von G2316 Gottes G5485 Gnaden G5228 für G3956 alle G2288 den Tod schmeckete.
  10 G1063 Denn G846 es G3739 ziemete dem G1223 , um G3956 deswillen alle G2532 Dinge sind, und G1223 durch G3956 den alle G3739 Dinge sind, der G4183 da viel G1519 Kinder hat zur G1391 Herrlichkeit G846 geführet, daß er G747 den Herzog G4991 ihrer Seligkeit G1223 durch G3804 Leiden G5048 vollkommen G5048 machte .
Luther1912(i) 7 Du hast ihn eine kleine Zeit niedriger sein lassen denn die Engel; mit Preis und Ehre hast du ihn gekrönt und hast ihn gesetzt über die Werke deiner Hände; 8 alles hast du unter seine Füße getan." In dem, daß er ihm alles hat untergetan, hat er nichts gelassen, das ihm nicht untertan sei; jetzt aber sehen wir noch nicht, daß ihm alles untertan sei. 9 Den aber, der eine kleine Zeit niedriger gewesen ist als die Engel, Jesum, sehen wir durchs Leiden des Todes gekrönt mit Preis und Ehre, auf daß er von Gottes Gnaden für alle den Tod schmeckte. 10 Denn es ziemte dem, um deswillen alle Dinge sind und durch den alle Dinge sind, der da viel Kinder hat zur Herrlichkeit geführt, daß er den Herzog der Seligkeit durch Leiden vollkommen machte.
  7 G1642 Du G846 hast ihn G1024 G5100 eine kleine G1642 Zeit niedriger G3844 sein lassen denn G32 die Engel G1391 ; mit Preis G2532 und G5092 Ehre G846 hast du ihn G4737 gekrönt G2532 und G2525 hast G846 ihn G2525 gesetzt G1909 über G2041 die Werke G4675 deiner G5495 Hände;
  8 G3956 alles G5293 hast G5270 du unter G846 seine G4228 Füße G5293 getan G1063 G1722 In G846 dem, daß er ihm G3956 alles G5293 hat untergetan G863 , hat G3762 er nichts G863 gelassen G846 , das ihm G3762 nicht G506 untertan G3568 sei; jetzt G1161 aber G3708 sehen G3768 wir noch G3768 nicht G846 , daß ihm G3956 alles G5293 untertan sei.
  9 G1161 Den aber G3588 , der G1024 G5100 eine kleine G1642 Zeit niedriger G3844 gewesen ist denn G32 die Engel G2424 , Jesum G991 , sehen G1223 wir durchs G3804 Leiden G2288 des Todes G4737 gekrönt G1391 mit Preis G2532 und G5092 Ehre G3704 , auf daß G1089 er G2316 von Gottes G5485 Gnaden G5228 für G3956 alle G2288 den Tod G1089 schmeckte .
  10 G1063 Denn G4241 es ziemte G846 dem G1223 , um G3739 deswillen G3956 alle Dinge G2532 sind und G1223 durch G3739 den G3956 alle Dinge G4183 sind, der da viel G5207 Kinder G1519 hat zur G1391 Herrlichkeit G71 geführt G5048 , daß G747 er den Herzog G846 ihrer G4991 Seligkeit G1223 durch G3804 Leiden G5048 vollkommen machte.
ELB1871(i) 7 Du hast ihn ein wenig unter die Engel erniedrigt; mit Herrlichkeit und Ehre hast du ihn gekrönt [und ihn gesetzt über die Werke deiner Hände ]; 8 du hast alles seinen Füßen unterworfen" . Denn indem er ihm alles unterworfen, hat er nichts gelassen, das ihm nicht unterworfen wäre; jetzt aber sehen wir ihm noch nicht alles unterworfen. 9 Wir sehen aber Jesum, der ein wenig unter die Engel wegen des Leidens des Todes erniedrigt war, mit Herrlichkeit und Ehre gekrönt, - so daß er durch Gottes Gnade für alles den Tod schmeckte. 10 Denn es geziemte ihm, um deswillen alle Dinge und durch den alle Dinge sind, indem er viele Söhne zur Herrlichkeit brachte, den Anführer ihrer Errettung durch Leiden vollkommen zu machen.
  7 G1642 Du hast G846 ihn G1024 G5100 ein wenig G3844 unter G32 die Engel G1642 erniedrigt; G1391 mit Herrlichkeit G2532 und G5092 Ehre G4737 hast G846 du ihn G4737 gekrönt G2532 [und G846 ihn G2525 gesetzt G1909 über G2041 die Werke G4675 deiner G5495 Hände];
  8 G5293 du hast G3956 alles G846 seinen G4228 Füßen G5293 G5270 unterworfen" G1063 . Denn G1722 indem G846 er ihm G3956 alles G5293 unterworfen, G863 hat G3762 er nichts G863 gelassen, G846 das ihm G506 nicht unterworfen G3568 wäre; jetzt G1161 aber G3708 sehen G846 wir ihm G3768 noch nicht G3956 alles G5293 unterworfen.
  9 G991 Wir sehen G1161 aber G2424 Jesum, G3588 der G1024 G5100 ein wenig G3844 unter G32 die Engel G1223 wegen G3804 des Leidens G2288 des Todes G1642 erniedrigt G1391 war, mit Herrlichkeit G2532 und G5092 Ehre G4737 gekrönt, G3704 - so daß G2316 er durch Gottes G5485 Gnade G5228 für G3956 alles G2288 den Tod G1089 schmeckte.
  10 G1063 Denn G4241 es geziemte G846 ihm, G1223 um G3739 G1223 deswillen G3956 alle Dinge G2532 und G1223 durch G3739 den G3956 alle Dinge G4183 sind, indem er viele G5207 Söhne G1519 zur G1391 Herrlichkeit G71 brachte, G747 den Anführer G846 ihrer G4991 Errettung G1223 durch G3804 Leiden G5048 vollkommen zu machen.
ELB1905(i) 7 Du hast ihn ein wenig unter die Engel erniedrigt; mit Herrlichkeit und Ehre hast du ihn gekrönt und ihn gesetzt über die Werke deiner Hände; 8 du hast alles seinen Füßen unterworfen.» Denn indem er ihm alles unterworfen, hat er nichts gelassen, das ihm nicht unterworfen wäre; jetzt aber sehen wir ihm noch nicht alles unterworfen. 9 Wir sehen aber Jesum, der ein wenig unter die Engel wegen des Leidens des Todes erniedrigt war, mit Herrlichkeit und Ehre gekrönt so daß er durch Gottes Gnade für alles den Tod schmeckte. 10 Denn es geziemte ihm, um deswillen alle Dinge und durch den alle Dinge sind, indem er viele Söhne zur Herrlichkeit brachte, den Urheber ihrer Errettung durch Leiden vollkommen zu machen.
  7 G1642 Du hast G846 ihn G1024 -G5100 ein wenig G3844 unter G32 die Engel G1642 erniedrigt G1391 ; mit Herrlichkeit G2532 und G5092 Ehre G4737 hast G846 du ihn G4737 gekrönt G2532 [und G846 ihn G2525 gesetzt G1909 über G2041 die Werke G4675 deiner G5495 Hände ];;
  8 G5293 du hast G3956 alles G846 seinen G4228 Füßen G5270 -G5293 unterworfen G1063 . "Denn G1722 indem G846 er ihm G3956 alles G5293 unterworfen G863 , hat G3762 er nichts G863 gelassen G846 , das ihm G506 nicht unterworfen G3568 wäre; jetzt G1161 aber G3708 sehen G846 wir ihm G3768 noch nicht G3956 alles G5293 unterworfen .
  9 G991 Wir sehen G1161 aber G2424 Jesum G3588 , der G1024 -G5100 ein wenig G3844 unter G32 die Engel G1223 wegen G3804 des Leidens G2288 des Todes G1642 erniedrigt G1391 war, mit Herrlichkeit G2532 und G5092 Ehre G4737 gekrönt G3704 , daß G2316 er durch Gottes G5485 Gnade G5228 für G3956 alles G2288 den Tod G1089 schmeckte .
  10 G1063 Denn G4241 es geziemte G846 ihm G1223 , um G1223 -G3739 deswillen G3956 alle Dinge G2532 und G1223 durch G3739 den G3956 alle Dinge G4183 sind, indem er viele G5207 Söhne G1519 zur G1391 Herrlichkeit G71 brachte G747 , den Urheber G846 ihrer G4991 Errettung G1223 durch G3804 Leiden G5048 vollkommen zu machen.
DSV(i) 7 Gij hebt hem een weinig minder gemaakt dan de engelen; met heerlijkheid en eer hebt Gij hem gekroond, en Gij hebt hem gesteld over de werken Uwer handen; 8 Alle dingen hebt Gij onder zijn voeten onderworpen. Want daarin, dat Hij hem alle dingen heeft onderworpen, heeft Hij niets uitgelaten, dat hem niet onderworpen zij; doch nu zien wij nog niet, dat hem alle dingen onderworpen zijn; 9 Maar wij zien Jezus met heerlijkheid en eer gekroond, Die een weinig minder dan de engelen geworden was, vanwege het lijden des doods, opdat Hij door de genade Gods voor allen den dood smaken zou. 10 Want het betaamde Hem, om Welken alle dingen zijn, en door Welken alle dingen zijn, dat Hij, vele kinderen tot de heerlijkheid leidende, den oversten Leidsman hunner zaligheid door lijden zou heiligen.
  7 G846 Gij hebt hem G1024 G5100 een weinig G1642 G5656 minder gemaakt G3844 dan G32 de engelen G1391 ; met heerlijkheid G2532 en G5092 eer G846 hebt Gij hem G4737 G5656 gekroond G2532 , en G846 Gij hebt hem G2525 G5656 gesteld G1909 over G2041 de werken G4675 Uwer G5495 handen;
  8 G3956 Alle dingen G5270 hebt Gij onder G846 zijn G4228 voeten G5293 G5656 onderworpen G1063 . Want G1722 daarin G846 , dat Hij hem G3956 alle dingen G5293 G5658 heeft onderworpen G3762 , heeft Hij niets G863 G5656 uitgelaten G846 , dat hem G506 niet onderworpen G1161 zij; doch G3568 nu G3708 G5719 zien wij G3768 nog niet G846 , dat hem G3956 alle dingen G5293 G5772 onderworpen zijn;
  9 G1161 Maar G991 G5719 wij zien G2424 Jezus G1391 met heerlijkheid G2532 en G5092 eer G4737 G5772 gekroond G3588 , Die G1024 G5100 een weinig G3844 minder dan G32 de engelen G1642 G5772 geworden was G1223 , vanwege G3804 het lijden G2288 des doods G3704 , opdat G5485 Hij door de genade G2316 Gods G5228 voor G3956 allen G2288 den dood G1089 G5667 smaken zou.
  10 G1063 Want G4241 G5707 het betaamde G846 Hem G1223 , om G3739 Welken G3956 alle dingen G2532 zijn, en G1223 door G3739 Welken G3956 alle dingen G4183 zijn, dat Hij, vele G5207 kinderen G1519 tot G1391 de heerlijkheid G71 G5631 leidende G747 , den oversten Leidsman G846 hunner G4991 zaligheid G1223 door G3804 lijden G5048 G5658 zou heiligen.
DarbyFR(i) 7 Tu l'as fait un peu moindre que les anges; tu l'as couronné de gloire et d'honneur, et l'as établi sur les oeuvres de tes mains; 8 tu as assujetti toutes choses sous ses pieds"; car en lui assujettissant toutes choses, il n'a rien laissé qui ne lui soit assujetti; mais maintenant nous ne voyons pas encore que toutes choses lui soient assujetties; 9 mais nous voyons Jésus, qui a été fait un peu moindre que les anges à cause de la passion de la mort, couronné de gloire et d'honneur, en sorte que, par la grâce de Dieu, il goûtât la mort pour tout. 10
Car il convenait pour lui, à cause de qui sont toutes choses et par qui sont toutes choses, que, amenant plusieurs fils à la gloire, il consommât le chef de leur salut par des souffrances.
Martin(i) 7 Tu l'as fait un peu moindre que les Anges, tu l'as couronné de gloire et d'honneur, et l'as établi sur les oeuvres de tes mains. 8 Tu as assujetti toutes choses sous ses pieds. Or en ce qu'il lui a assujetti toutes choses, il n'a rien laissé qui ne lui soit assujetti; mais nous ne voyons pourtant pas encore que toutes choses lui soient assujetties. 9 Mais nous voyons couronné de gloire et d'honneur celui qui avait été fait un peu moindre que les Anges, c'est à savoir Jésus, par la passion de sa mort, afin que par la grâce de Dieu il souffrît la mort pour tous. 10 Car il était convenable que celui pour qui sont toutes choses, et par qui sont toutes choses, puisqu'il amenait plusieurs enfants à la gloire, consacrât le Prince de leur salut par les afflictions.
Segond(i) 7 Tu l'as abaissé pour un peu de temps au-dessous des anges, Tu l'as couronné de gloire et d'honneur, 8 Tu as mis toutes choses sous ses pieds. En effet, en lui soumettant toutes choses, Dieu n'a rien laissé qui ne lui fût soumis. Cependant, nous ne voyons pas encore maintenant que toutes choses lui soient soumises. 9 Mais celui qui a été abaissé pour un peu de temps au-dessous des anges, Jésus, nous le voyons couronné de gloire et d'honneur à cause de la mort qu'il a soufferte, afin que, par la grâce de Dieu, il souffrît la mort pour tous. 10 Il convenait, en effet, que celui pour qui et par qui sont toutes choses, et qui voulait conduire à la gloire beaucoup de fils, élevât à la perfection par les souffrances le Prince de leur salut.
  7 G846 Tu l G1642 ’as abaissé G5656   G1024 pour un peu G5100 de temps G3844 au-dessous des G32 anges G846 , Tu l G4737 ’as couronné G5656   G1391 de gloire G2532 et G5092 d’honneur,
  8 G5293 Tu as mis G5656   G3956 toutes choses G5270 sous G846 ses G4228 pieds G1063 . En effet G1722 , en G846 lui G5293 soumettant G5658   G3956 toutes choses G3762 , Dieu n’a rien G863 laissé G5656   G846 qui ne lui G506 fût soumis G1161 . Cependant G3708 , nous ne voyons G5719   G3768 pas encore G3568 maintenant G3956 que toutes choses G846 lui G5293 soient soumises G5772  .
  9 G1161 Mais G3588 celui G1642 qui a été abaissé G5772   G5100   G1024 pour un peu de temps G3844 au-dessous G32 des anges G2424 , Jésus G991 , nous le voyons G5719   G4737 couronné G5772   G1391 de gloire G2532 et G5092 d’honneur G1223 à cause de G2288 la mort G3804 qu’il a soufferte G3704 , afin que G5485 , par la grâce G2316 de Dieu G1089 , il souffrît G5667   G2288 la mort G5228 pour G3956 tous.
  10 G4241 ¶ Il convenait G5707   G846   G1063 , en effet G1223 , que G3739 celui pour qui G2532 et G1223 par G3739 qui G3956 sont toutes choses G3956   G71 , et qui voulait conduire G5631   G1519 à G1391 la gloire G4183 beaucoup G5207 de fils G5048 , élevât à la perfection G5658   G1223 par G3804 les souffrances G747 le Prince G846 de leur G4991 salut.
SE(i) 7 Tú lo hiciste un poco menor que los ángeles, lo coronaste de gloria y de honra, y lo pusiste sobre las obras de tus manos; 8 todas las cosas sujetaste debajo de sus pies; porque en cuanto le sujetó todas las cosas, nada dejó que no sea sujeto a él. Mas aun no vemos que todas las cosas le son sujetas. 9 Pero vemos a aquel Jesús coronado de gloria y de honra, que es hecho un poco menor que los ángeles por pasión de muerte, para que por la gracia de Dios gustase la muerte por todos. 10 Porque convenía que aquel por amor del cual son todas las cosas, y por el cual son todas las cosas, habiendo de traer en su gloria a muchos hijos, perfeccionase por aflicciones al autor de la salud de ellos.
ReinaValera(i) 7 Tú le hiciste un poco menor que los ángeles, Coronástele de gloria y de honra, Y pusístete sobre las obras de tus manos; 8 Todas las cosas sujetaste debajo de sus pies. Porque en cuanto le sujetó todas las cosas, nada dejó que no sea sujeto á él; mas aun no vemos que todas las cosas le sean sujetas. 9 Empero vemos coronado de gloria y de honra, por el padecimiento de muerte, á aquel Jesús que es hecho un poco menor que los ángeles, para que por gracia de Dios gustase la muerte por todos. 10 Porque convenía que aquel por cuya causa son todas las cosas, y por el cual todas las cosas subsisten, habiendo de llevar á la gloria á muchos hijos, hiciese consumado por aflicciones al autor de la salud de ellos.
JBS(i) 7 Tú lo hiciste un poco menor que los ángeles, lo coronaste de gloria y de honra, y lo pusiste sobre las obras de tus manos; 8 todas las cosas sujetaste debajo de sus pies; porque en cuanto le sujetó todas las cosas, nada dejó que no sea sujeto a él. Mas aun no vemos que todas las cosas le son sujetas. 9 Pero vemos a aquel Jesús coronado de gloria y de honra, quien fue hecho un poco menor que los ángeles por pasión de muerte, para que por la gracia de Dios gustara la muerte por todos. 10 ¶ Porque convenía que aquel por amor del cual son todas las cosas, y por el cual son todas las cosas, habiendo de traer en su gloria a muchos hijos, perfeccionara por aflicciones al autor de la salud de ellos.
Albanian(i) 7 Ti i vure të gjitha nën këmbët e tij''. Sepse, mbasi i vuri të gjitha nën pushtetin e tij, nuk la asgjë pa iu nënshtruar. Por tani nuk shohim ende që të gjitha janë nën pushtetin e tij, 8 por shohim Jezusin të kurorëzuar me lavdi dhe me nder për vdekjen që pësoi; ai u bë për pak kohë më i vogël se engjëjt, që me hirin e Perëndisë të provonte vdekjen për të gjithë njerëzit. 9 Sepse i duhej atij, për të cilin dhe nëpërmjet të cilit janë të gjitha, duke çuar shumë bij në lavdi, ta bënte të përsosur me anë të vuajtjeve realizuesin e shpëtimit të tyre. 10 Sepse ai që shenjtëron dhe ata që shenjtërohen janë të gjithë prej një; prandaj as nuk turpërohet t'i quajë vëllezër,
RST(i) 7 Не много Ты унизил его пред Ангелами; славою и честью увенчал его, и поставил его над делами рук Твоих, 8 все покорил под ноги его. Когда же покорил ему все, то не оставил ничего непокоренным ему. Ныне же еще не видим, чтобы все было ему покорено; 9 но видим, что за претерпение смерти увенчан славою и честью Иисус, Который не много был унижен пред Ангелами, дабы Ему, по благодати Божией, вкусить смерть за всех. 10 Ибо надлежало, чтобы Тот, для Которого все и отКоторого все, приводящего многих сынов в славу, вождя спасения их совершил через страдания.
Peshitta(i) 7 ܐܡܟܬܝܗܝ ܩܠܝܠ ܡܢ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܘܐܝܩܪܐ ܤܡܬ ܒܪܝܫܗ ܘܐܫܠܛܬܝܗܝ ܒܥܒܕܐ ܕܐܝܕܝܟ ܀ 8 ܘܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܫܥܒܕܬ ܬܚܝܬ ܪܓܠܘܗܝ ܒܗܝ ܕܝܢ ܕܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܫܥܒܕ ܠܗ ܠܐ ܫܒܩ ܡܕܡ ܕܠܐ ܡܫܥܒܕ ܗܫܐ ܕܝܢ ܠܐ ܥܕܟܝܠ ܚܙܝܢܢ ܕܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܡܫܥܒܕ ܠܗ ܀ 9 ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܕܡܟ ܩܠܝܠ ܡܢ ܡܠܐܟܐ ܚܙܝܢܢ ܕܗܘܝܘ ܝܫܘܥ ܡܛܠ ܚܫܐ ܕܡܘܬܗ ܘܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܘܐܝܩܪܐ ܤܝܡ ܒܪܝܫܗ ܗܘ ܓܝܪ ܒܛܝܒܘܬܗ ܐܠܗܐ ܚܠܦ ܟܠܢܫ ܛܥܡ ܡܘܬܐ ܀ 10 ܝܐܐ ܗܘܐ ܓܝܪ ܠܗܘ ܕܟܠ ܒܐܝܕܗ ܘܟܠ ܡܛܠܬܗ ܘܒܢܝܐ ܤܓܝܐܐ ܐܥܠ ܠܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܕܠܪܝܫܐ ܕܚܝܝܗܘܢ ܒܚܫܗ ܢܓܡܪܝܘܗܝ ܀
Arabic(i) 7 وضعته قليلا عن الملائكة. بمجد وكرامة كللته واقمته على اعمال يديك. 8 اخضعت كل شيء تحت قدميه. لانه اذ أخضع الكل له لم يترك شيئا غير خاضع له. على اننا الآن لسنا نرى الكل بعد مخضعا له. 9 ولكن الذي وضع قليلا عن الملائكة يسوع نراه مكللا بالمجد والكرامة من اجل ألم الموت لكي يذوق بنعمة الله الموت لاجل كل واحد. 10 لانه لاق بذاك الذي من اجله الكل وبه الكل وهو آت بابناء كثيرين الى المجد ان يكمل رئيس خلاصهم بالآلام.
Amharic(i) 7 ከመላእክት ይልቅ በጥቂት አሳነስኸው፤ የክብርና የምስጋና ዘውድ ጫንህለት፥ በእጆችህም ሥራ ላይ ሾምኸው፤ 8 ሁሉን ከእግሮቹ በታች አስገዛህለት ብሎ መሰከረ። ሁሉን ከእርሱ በታች ባስገዛ ጊዜ ያልተገዛለት ምንም አልተወምና። አሁን ግን ሁሉ እንደ ተገዛለት ገና አናይም፤ 9 ነገር ግን በእግዚአብሔር ጸጋ ስለ ሰው ሁሉ ሞትን ይቀምስ ዘንድ፥ ከመላእክት ይልቅ በጥቂት አንሶ የነበረውን ኢየሱስን ከሞት መከራ የተነሣ የክብርና የምስጋናን ዘውድ ተጭኖ እናየዋለን። 10 ብዙ ልጆችን ወደ ክብር ሲያመጣ የመዳናቸውን ራስ በመከራ ይፈጽም ዘንድ፥ ከእርሱ የተነሣ ሁሉ በእርሱም ሁሉ ለሆነ፥ ለእርሱ ተገብቶታልና።
Armenian(i) 7 Հրեշտակներէն քիչ մը վար ըրիր զայն. փառքով ու պատիւով պսակեցիր զայն, եւ քու ձեռքերուդ գործերուն վրայ նշանակեցիր զայն. 8 ամէն բան հպատակեցուցիր անոր ոտքերուն ներքեւ»: Քանի որ բոլորը հպատակեցուց անոր, անոր դէմ ըմբոստացող ոչինչ թողուց. բայց հիմա բոլորը անոր հպատակած չենք տեսներ: 9 Սակայն փառքով ու պատիւով պսակուած կը տեսնենք Յիսո՛ւսը, որ հրեշտակներէն քիչ մը վար եղած էր մահուան չարչարանքին համար, որպէսզի Աստուծոյ շնորհքով մահ համտեսէ բոլորին համար: 10 Որովհետեւ կը պատշաճէր անոր,- որուն համար է ամէն բան, եւ անո՛վ եղած է ամէն բան,- որ շատ որդիներ փառքի մէջ մտցնելու համար՝ չարչարանքներո՛վ կատարեալ ընէ անոնց փրկութեան Ռահվիրան:
Basque(i) 7 Eguin vkan duc hura chipichiago Aingueruäc baino: gloriaz eta ohorez coroatu vkan duc hura, eta ordenatu vkan duc hura eure escuezco obrén gaineco. 8 Gauça guciac suiet eguin vkan dituc haren oinén azpico. Eta gauça guciac haren suiet eguin dituenaz gueroz, eztu deus vtzi haren suiet eztén: baina eztacussagu oraino gauça guciác haren suiet diradela. 9 Baina Aingueruäc baino chipichiago eguin içan cena, ikusten dugu cein baita Iesus, bere herioco passioneagatic, gloriaz eta ohorez coroatu içan dela: Iaincoaren gratiaz guciacgatic herioa dasta leçançát. 10 Ecen conuenable cen harc, ceinegatic baitirade gauça hauc gucioc, eta ceinez baitirade gauça hauc gucioc, anhitz haour gloriara eramaiten çuenaz gueroz, hayén saluamenduaren Princea afflictionez consecra leçan.
Bulgarian(i) 7 Ти си го направил малко по-долен от ангелите, със слава и чест си го увенчал и си го поставил над делата на ръцете Си; 8 всичко си подчинил под краката му.“ И като му е подчинил всичко, не е оставил нищо неподчинено на него; но сега ние не виждаме още да му е подчинено всичко. 9 Но виждаме Иисус, който за малко време е бил поставен по-долу от ангелите заради претърпяната смърт, че е увенчан със слава и чест, за да вкуси смърт, с Божията благодат, за всеки човек. 10 Защото беше уместно Онзи, заради когото е всичко и чрез когото е всичко, като довежда много синове до слава, да направи съвършен чрез страдания Автора на тяхното спасение.
Croatian(i) 7 Ti ga tek za malo učini manjim od anđela, slavom i časti njega ovjenča, 8 njemu pod noge sve podloži. Kad mu, doista, sve podloži, ništa ne ostavi što mu ne bi bilo podloženo. Sad još ne vidimo da mu je sve podloženo, 9 ali Njega, za malo manjeg od anđela, Isusa, vidimo zbog pretrpljene smrti slavom i časti ovjenčana da milošću Božjom bude svakome na korist što je on smrt okusio. 10 Dolikovalo je doista da Onaj radi kojega je sve i po kojemu je sve - kako bi mnoge sinove priveo k slavi - po patnjama do savršenstva dovede Početnika njihova spasenja.
BKR(i) 7 Maličkos jej menšího andělů učinil, slavou a ctí korunoval jsi ho, a ustanovils jej nad dílem rukou svých. 8 Všecko jsi podmanil pod nohy jeho. A kdyžť jest jemu všecko poddal, tedy ničeho nezanechal nepodmaněného jemu. Ačkoli nyní ještě nevidíme, aby jemu všecko poddáno bylo. 9 Ale toho maličko nižšího andělů, vidíme Ježíše, pro utrpení smrti slávou a ctí korunovaného, aby z milosti Boží za všecky okusil smrti. 10 Slušeloť zajisté na toho, pro kteréhož jest všecko, a skrze kteréhož jest všecko, aby mnohé syny přiveda k slávě, vůdce spasení jejich skrze utrpení dokonalého učinil.
Danish(i) 7 Et Lidet gjorde du ham ringere end Englene; med Ære og Hæder kronede du ham og satte ham over dine Hænders Gjerninger; 8 alle Ting lagde du under hans Fødder. - Idet han altsaa underlagde ham alle Ting, undtog han Intet, som jo er ham underlagt; dog see vi endnu ikke alle Ting at være ham underlagte. 9 Men den, som et Lidet var bleven ringere end Englene, Jesus, see vi formedelst Dødens Lidelse kronet med Ære og Hæder, at han efter Guds naadige Villie skulde smage Døden for Alle. 10 Thi det sømmede ham, for hvem alle Ting ere og ved hvem alle ting ere, ham, som vildeføre de mange Børn til Herlighed, ved Lidelser at indvie deres Saliggjørelses Stifter.
CUV(i) 7 你 叫 他 比 天 使 微 小 一 點 ( 或 作 : 你 叫 他 暫 時 比 天 使 小 ) , 賜 他 榮 耀 尊 貴 為 冠 冕 , 並 將 你 手 所 造 的 都 派 他 管 理 , 8 叫 萬 物 都 服 在 他 的 腳 下 。 既 叫 萬 物 都 服 他 , 就 沒 有 剩 下 一 樣 不 服 他 的 。 只 是 如 今 我 們 還 不 見 萬 物 都 服 他 。 9 惟 獨 見 那 成 為 比 天 使 小 一 點 的 耶 穌 ( 或 作 : 惟 獨 見 耶 穌 暫 時 比 天 使 小 ) ; 因 為 受 死 的 苦 , 就 得 了 尊 貴 榮 耀 為 冠 冕 , 叫 他 因 著 神 的 恩 , 為 人 人 嘗 了 死 味 。 10 原 來 那 為 萬 物 所 屬 為 萬 物 所 本 的 , 要 領 許 多 的 兒 子 進 榮 耀 裡 去 , 使 救 他 們 的 元 帥 , 因 受 苦 難 得 以 完 全 , 本 是 合 宜 的 。
  7 G846 你叫他 G5100 比天使微小一點(或作:你叫他暫時 G3844 G32 天使 G1642 G846 ),賜他 G1391 榮耀 G5092 尊貴 G4737 為冠冕 G2532 ,並 G1909 G4675 G5495 G2041 所造的 G2525 都派 G846 他管理,
  8 G3956 叫萬物 G5293 都服在 G846 他的 G4228 G5270 G1063 。既 G1722 G3956 G5293 物都服 G846 G3762 ,就沒 G863 有剩下 G3762 一樣不服 G846 G1161 的。只是 G3568 如今 G3708 我們還 G3708 不見 G3956 萬物 G5293 都服 G846 他。
  9 G1161 G991 獨見 G3588 G3844 成為比 G32 天使 G1642 G1024 一點 G2424 的耶穌 G5100 (或作:惟獨見耶穌暫時 G1223 比天使小);因為 G2288 受死 G3804 的苦 G5092 ,就得了尊貴 G1391 榮耀 G4737 為冠冕 G2316 ,叫他因著神 G5485 的恩 G5228 ,為 G3956 人人 G1089 嘗了 G2288 死味。
  10 G1063 原來 G1223 那為 G3956 萬物 G1223 所屬為 G3956 萬物 G71 所本的,要領 G4183 許多 G5207 的兒子 G1519 G1391 榮耀 G4991 裡去,使救 G846 他們的 G747 元帥 G1223 ,因受 G3804 苦難 G5048 得以完全,本是合宜的。
CUVS(i) 7 你 叫 他 比 天 使 微 小 一 点 ( 或 作 : 你 叫 他 暂 时 比 天 使 小 ) , 赐 他 荣 耀 尊 贵 为 冠 冕 , 并 将 你 手 所 造 的 都 派 他 管 理 , 8 叫 万 物 都 服 在 他 的 脚 下 。 既 叫 万 物 都 服 他 , 就 没 冇 剩 下 一 样 不 服 他 的 。 只 是 如 今 我 们 还 不 见 万 物 都 服 他 。 9 惟 独 见 那 成 为 比 天 使 小 一 点 的 耶 稣 ( 或 作 : 惟 独 见 耶 稣 暂 时 比 天 使 小 ) ; 因 为 受 死 的 苦 , 就 得 了 尊 贵 荣 耀 为 冠 冕 , 叫 他 因 着 神 的 恩 , 为 人 人 尝 了 死 味 。 10 原 来 那 为 万 物 所 属 为 万 物 所 本 的 , 要 领 许 多 的 儿 子 进 荣 耀 里 去 , 使 救 他 们 的 元 帅 , 因 受 苦 难 得 以 完 全 , 本 是 合 宜 的 。
  7 G846 你叫他 G5100 比天使微小一点(或作:你叫他暂时 G3844 G32 天使 G1642 G846 ),赐他 G1391 荣耀 G5092 尊贵 G4737 为冠冕 G2532 ,并 G1909 G4675 G5495 G2041 所造的 G2525 都派 G846 他管理,
  8 G3956 叫万物 G5293 都服在 G846 他的 G4228 G5270 G1063 。既 G1722 G3956 G5293 物都服 G846 G3762 ,就没 G863 有剩下 G3762 一样不服 G846 G1161 的。只是 G3568 如今 G3708 我们还 G3708 不见 G3956 万物 G5293 都服 G846 他。
  9 G1161 G991 独见 G3588 G3844 成为比 G32 天使 G1642 G1024 一点 G2424 的耶稣 G5100 (或作:惟独见耶稣暂时 G1223 比天使小);因为 G2288 受死 G3804 的苦 G5092 ,就得了尊贵 G1391 荣耀 G4737 为冠冕 G2316 ,叫他因着神 G5485 的恩 G5228 ,为 G3956 人人 G1089 尝了 G2288 死味。
  10 G1063 原来 G1223 那为 G3956 万物 G1223 所属为 G3956 万物 G71 所本的,要领 G4183 许多 G5207 的儿子 G1519 G1391 荣耀 G4991 里去,使救 G846 他们的 G747 元帅 G1223 ,因受 G3804 苦难 G5048 得以完全,本是合宜的。
Esperanto(i) 7 Vi malaltigis lin malmulte antaux la angxeloj, Per honoro kaj beleco Vi lin kronis. Vi faris lin reganto super la faritajxoj de Viaj manoj; 8 CXion Vi metis sub liajn piedojn. CXar, metante cxion sub lin, Li nenion lasis ne submetita. Sed nun ni ankoraux ne vidas cxion submetita sub lin. 9 Sed la malmulte sub la angxeloj malaltigitan Jesuon ni vidas, pro la sufero de morto, kronita per honoro kaj beleco, por ke per la favoro de Dio li gustumu morton por cxiu. 10 CXar konvenis al Li, por kiu cxio estas, kaj de kiu cxio estas, alkondukanta multajn filojn al gloro, perfektigi per suferado la estron de ilia savo.
Estonian(i) 7 Sa tegid ta pisut alamaks Inglitest; Sa ehtisid teda au ja austusega; 8 kõik Sa panid tema jalge alla!" Sest alistades kõik temale, ei jätnud ta midagi temale alistamata. Aga nüüd me ei näe veel kõike temale alistatuna. 9 Ent Teda, Kes sai üürikeseks ajaks alamaks Inglitest, Jeesust, me näeme Tema surma kannatamise pärast au ja austusega ehitud, et Ta Jumala armust igaühe eest maitseks surma. 10 Sest Temale, Kelle pärast ja Kelle läbi on kõik, sobis, et Ta selle, kes palju lapsi ausse viib, nende õndsuse ülemjuhi, teeks täiuslikuks kannatuste kaudu.
Finnish(i) 7 Sinä olet hänen vähäksi hetkeksi enkelitten suhteen alentanut: sinä olet hänen kunnialla ja ylistyksellä kaunistanut, ja asettanut kättes töiden päälle. 8 Kaikki olet sinä heittänyt hänen jalkainsa alle. Sillä siinä, että hän kaikki on hänen allensa heittänyt, ei hän mitään jättänyt, jota ei hän ole hänen allensa heittänyt; mutta nyt emme vielä näe kaikkia hänen allensa heitetyksi. 9 Vaan Jesuksen, joka vähäksi hetkeksi enkelitten suhteen alennettu oli, näemme me kuoleman kärsimisen kautta kaunistetuksi kunnialla ja ylistyksellä, että hänen piti Jumalan armosta kaikkein edestä kuolemaa maistaman. 10 Sillä se sopi hänen, jonka tähden kaikki ovat ja jonka kautta kaikki ovat, joka paljon lapsia kunniaan saattaa, että hän heidän autuutensa Pääruhtinaan kärsimisen kautta täydelliseksi tekis.
FinnishPR(i) 7 Sinä teit hänet vähäksi aikaa enkeleitä halvemmaksi, kirkkaudella ja kunnialla sinä hänet seppelöitsit, ja sinä panit hänet hallitsemaan kättesi tekoja; 8 asetit kaikki hänen jalkojensa alle." Sillä, asettaessaan kaikki hänen valtansa alle, hän ei jättänyt mitään hänen allensa alistamatta. Mutta nyt emme vielä näe kaikkea hänen valtansa alle asetetuksi. 9 Mutta hänet, joka vähäksi aikaa oli tehty enkeleitä halvemmaksi, Jeesuksen, me näemme hänen kuolemansa kärsimyksen tähden kirkkaudella ja kunnialla seppelöidyksi, että hän Jumalan armosta olisi kaikkien edestä joutunut maistamaan kuolemaa. 10 Sillä hänen, jonka tähden kaikki on ja jonka kautta kaikki on, sopi, saattaessaan paljon lapsia kirkkauteen, kärsimysten kautta tehdä heidän pelastuksensa päämies täydelliseksi.
Haitian(i) 7 Ou fè yo yon ti jan pi ba pase zanj yo pou yon ti tan. Tankou yon kouwòn sou tèt yo, ou ba yo tout lwanj ak tout respè. 8 Ou mete tout bagay anba pye yo. Liv la di Bondye mete tout bagay anba pye lèzòm, sa vle di pa gen anyen ki pa sou zòd yo. Men, nou wè koulye a moun pa gen pouvwa sou tout bagay. 9 Okontre, lè nou gade Jezi, nou wè pou yon tan Bondye te mete l' pi ba pase zanj yo, pou l' te ka mouri pou tout moun, tankou yon favè Bondye t'ap fè yo. Koulye a, poutèt lanmò li te soufri a, Bondye ba li tout lwanj ak tout respè ki pou yon wa. 10 Se Bondye ki fè tout bagay, se Bondye k'ap kenbe tout bagay. Se tou nòmal pou l' te vle fè anpil nan pitit li yo resevwa pa yo nan bèl pouvwa li a. Se poutèt sa, li fè Jezi vin bon nèt avèk tout soufrans sa yo. Paske se Jezi ki chèf k'ap mennen yo nan chemen delivrans lan.
Hungarian(i) 7 Kisebbé tetted õt rövid idõre az angyaloknál, dicsõséggel és tisztességgel megkoronáztad õt és úrrá tetted kezeid munkáin, 8 Mindent lábai alá vetettél. Mert azzal, hogy néki mindent alávetett, semmit sem hagyott alávetetlenül: de most még nem látjuk, hogy néki minden alávettetett. 9 Azt azonban látjuk, hogy Jézus, a ki egy kevés idõre kisebbé tétetett az angyaloknál, a halál elszenvedéséért dicsõséggel és tisztességgel koronáztatott meg, hogy az Isten kegyelmébõl mindenkiért megízlelje a halált. 10 Mert illendõ vala, hogy a kiért minden és a ki által minden, sok fiakat vezérelvén dicsõségre, az õ idvességök fejedelmét szenvedések által tegye tökéletessé.
Indonesian(i) 7 Untuk waktu yang singkat Engkau menjadikan dia sedikit lebih rendah daripada malaikat. Engkau memberikan kepadanya kedudukan yang mulia dan terhormat 8 serta menjadikan dia penguasa atas segala sesuatu." Nah, kalau dikatakan bahwa Allah menjadikan manusia "penguasa atas segala sesuatu", itu berarti bahwa tidak ada sesuatu pun yang tidak di bawah kekuasaan manusia. Meskipun begitu, kita tidak melihat sekarang manusia berkuasa atas segala sesuatu. 9 Tetapi kita sudah melihat Yesus berkuasa! Ia dijadikan sedikit lebih rendah daripada malaikat untuk waktu yang singkat, supaya atas kebaikan hati Allah Ia dapat mati untuk seluruh umat manusia. Kita melihat Dia sekarang diberikan kedudukan yang mulia dan terhormat karena Ia sudah menderita sampai mati. 10 Memang sudah sepatutnya Allah--yang menciptakan segala sesuatu untuk maksud-Nya sendiri--membuat Yesus penyelamat yang sempurna melalui penderitaan. Dengan itu Allah dapat mengajak banyak orang untuk turut diagungkan bersama Yesus. Sebab Dialah pembuka jalan bagi mereka untuk bisa diselamatkan.
Italian(i) 7 Tu l’hai fatto per un poco di tempo minor degli angeli; tu l’hai coronato di gloria e d’onore, e l’hai costituito sopra le opere delle tue mani; tu gli hai sottoposto ogni cosa sotto i piedi. 8 Perciocchè, in ciò ch’egli gli ha sottoposte tutte le cose, non ha lasciato nulla che non gli sia sottoposto. Ma pure ora non vediamo ancora che tutte le cose gli sieno sottoposte. 9 Ben vediamo però coronato di gloria e d’onore, per la passione della morte, Gesù, che è stato fatto per un poco di tempo minor degli angeli, acciocchè, per la grazia di Dio, gustasse la morte per tutti. 10 Perciocchè, egli era convenevole a colui, per cagion di cui, e per cui son tutte le cose, di consacrare per sofferenze il principe della salute di molti figliuoli, i quali egli avea da addurre a gloria.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 7 Tu l’hai fatto di poco inferiore agli angeli; l’hai coronato di gloria e d’onore; 8 tu gli hai posto ogni cosa sotto i piedi. Col sottoporgli tutte le cose, Egli non ha lasciato nulla che non gli sia sottoposto. Ma al presente non vediamo ancora che tutte le cose gli siano sottoposte; 9 ben vediamo però colui che è stato fatto di poco inferiore agli angeli, cioè Gesù, coronato di gloria e d’onore a motivo della morte che ha patita, onde, per la grazia di Dio, gustasse la morte per tutti. 10 Infatti, per condurre molti figliuoli alla gloria, ben s’addiceva a Colui per cagion del quale son tutte le cose e per mezzo del quale son tutte le cose, di rendere perfetto, per via di sofferenze, il duce della loro salvezza.
Japanese(i) 7 汝これを御使よりも少しく卑うし、光榮と尊貴とを冠らせ、 8 萬の物をその足の下の服はせ給へり』と。既に萬の物を之に服はせ給ひたれば、服はぬものは一つだに殘さるる事なし。されど今もなほ我らは萬の物の之に服ひたるを見ず。 9 ただ御使よりも少しく卑くせられしイエスの、死の苦難を受くるによりて榮光と尊貴とを冠らせられ給へるを見る。これ神の恩惠によりて萬民のために死を味ひ給はんとてなり。 10 それ多くの子を光榮に導くに、その救の君を苦難によりて全うし給ふは、萬の物の歸するところ、萬の物を造りたまふ所の者に相應しき事なり。
Kabyle(i) 7 Terriḍ-t seddaw n lmalayekkat i kra n lweqt, mbeɛd tefkiḍ-as lqima d lɛezz, 8 terriḍ kullec seddaw iḍaṛṛen-is. Mi gerra Sidi Ṛebbi kullec seddaw iḍaṛṛen-is, yefka-yas ad iḥkem ɣef kullec; ladɣa urɛad nwala tura yeḥkem ɣef kullec. 9 Lameɛna Ɛisa, win akken yerra Sidi Ṛebbi seddaw n lmalayekkat i kra n lweqt, nețwali-t tura di tmanegt-is yeččuṛ d lɛezz ɣef ddemma n leɛtab n lmut-is; s ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi i gemmut ɣef yemdanen meṛṛa. 10 Sidi Ṛebbi i d-ixelqen kullec yerna kullec d ayla-s, yehwa-yas ad issiweḍ ccan n Ɛisa amsellek n yemdanen ɣer lekmal, mi t-id isɛedda si leɛtab ameqqran, iwakken a d-yawi aṭas n yemdanen ɣer lɛaḍima-s;
Korean(i) 7 저를 잠간 동안 천사보다 못하게 하시며 영광과 존귀로 관 씌우시며 8 만물을 그 발 아래 복종케 하셨느니라 하였으니 만물로 저에게 복종케 하셨은즉 복종치 않은 것이 하나도 없으나 지금 우리가 만물이 아직 저에게 복종한 것을 보지 못하고 9 오직 우리가 천사들보다 잠간 동안 못하게 하심을 입은 자 곧 죽음의 고난 받으심을 인하여 영광과 존귀로 관 쓰신 예수를 보니 이를 행하심은 하나님의 은혜로 말미암아 모든 사람을 위하여 죽음을 맛보려 하심이라 10 만물이 인하고 만물이 말미암은 자에게는 많은 아들을 이끌어 영광에 들어가게 하시는 일에 저희 구원의 주를 고난으로 말미암아 온전케 하심이 합당하도다
Latvian(i) 7 Tu padarīji viņu tik nedaudz zemāku par eņģeļiem; ar godu un slavu Tu to kronēji un nostādīji viņu pāri savam roku darbam. 8 Visu Tu noliki zem tā kājām. Jo, pakļāvis viņam visu, Viņš nekā nav atstājis tam nepakļauta; bet tagad vēl mēs neredzam, ka viss viņam pakļauts. 9 Mēs gan redzam Jēzu, kas uz īsu brīdi bija zemāk nostādīts par eņģeļiem, nāves ciešanu dēļ kronētu ar godu un slavu, lai Dieva žēlastībā baudītu nāvi par visiem. 10 Jo pieklājas Tam, kura dēļ un caur kuru viss ir, kas daudzus bērnus veda godībā, pestīšanas devēju caur ciešanām padarīt pilnīgu.
Lithuanian(i) 7 Padarei jį trumpam laikui žemesnį už angelus, šlove ir garbe jį apvainikavai ir pastatei jį virš savo rankų darbų, 8 visa paklojai po jo kojomis”. Jeigu jau visa paklojo, tai nepaliko nieko, kas nebūtų jam paklota. Vis dėlto dabar mes dar nematome, jog visa jam paklota. 9 Bet matome Tą, trumpam laikui padarytą žemesnį už angelus­Jėzų, už mirties kentėjimus apvainikuotą šlove ir garbe. Reikėjo, kad Dievo malone už kiekvieną Jis paragautų mirties. 10 Nes Tam, dėl kurio ir iš kurio yra viskas, priderėjo, vedant daugybę vaikų į garbę, kentėjimais ištobulinti jų išgelbėjimo Vadovą.
PBG(i) 7 Na małą chwilę mniejszym uczyniłeś go od Aniołów, chwałą i czcią ukoronowałeś go i postanowiłeś go nad uczynkami rąk twoich, 8 Wszystkoś poddał pod nogi jego. A poddawszy mu wszystko, nic nie zostawił, co by mu poddanego nie było; lecz teraz jeszcze nie widzimy, aby mu wszystko poddane było. 9 Ale tego, który na małą chwilę mniejszym stał się od Aniołów, Jezusa, widzimy przez ucierpienie śmierci chwałą i czcią ukoronowanego, aby z łaski Bożej za wszystkich śmierci skosztował. 10 Albowiem należało na tego, dla którego jest wszystko i przez którego jest wszystko, aby wiele synów do chwały przywodząc wodza zbawienia ich przez ucierpienie doskonałym uczynił.
Portuguese(i) 7 Fizeste-o um pouco menor que os anjos, de glória e de honra o coroaste, 8 todas as coisas lhe sujeitaste debaixo dos pés. Ora, visto que lhe sujeitou todas as coisas, nada deixou que não lhe fosse sujeito. Mas agora ainda não vemos todas as coisas sujeitas a ele; 9 vemos, porém, aquele que foi feito um pouco menor que os anjos, Jesus, coroado de glória e honra, por causa da paixão da morte, para que, pela graça de Deus, provasse a morte por todos. 10 Porque convinha que aquele, para quem são todas as coisas, e por meio de quem tudo existe, em trazendo muitos filhos à glória, aperfeiçoasse pelos sofrimentos o autor da salvação deles.
Norwegian(i) 7 Du gjorde ham lite ringere enn englene; med herlighet og ære kronte du ham, og satte ham over dine henders gjerninger; 8 alle ting la du under hans føtter. For idet han underla ham alle ting, undtok han intet som ikke er ham underlagt; men nu ser vi ennu ikke at alle ting er ham underlagt; 9 men den som var gjort lite ringere enn englene, Jesus, ham ser vi, fordi han led døden, kronet med herlighet og ære, forat han ved Guds nåde skulde smake døden for alle. 10 For det sømmet sig for ham for hvis skyld alle ting er til, og ved hvem alle ting er til, da han førte mange barn til herlighet, gjennem lidelser å fullende deres frelses høvding.
Romanian(i) 7 L-ai făcut pentru puţină vreme mai pe jos de îngeri, l-ai încununat cu slavă şi cu cinste, l-ai pus peste lucrările mînilor Tale: 8 toate le-ai supus supt picioarele lui.`` În adevăr, dacă i -a supus toate, nu i -a lăsat nimic nesupus. Totuş, acum, încă nu vedem că toate îi sînt supuse. 9 Dar pe Acela, care a fost făcut,,pentru puţină vreme mai pe jos decît îngerii``, adică pe Isus, Îl vedem,,încununat cu slavă şi cu cinste``, din pricina morţii, pe care a suferit -o; pentruca, prin harul lui Dumnezeu, El să guste moartea pentru toţi. 10 Se cuvenea, în adevăr, ca Acela pentru care şi prin care sînt toate, şi care voia să ducă pe mulţi fii la slavă, să desăvîrşească, prin suferinţe, pe Căpetenia mîntuirii lor.
Ukrainian(i) 7 Ти його вчинив мало меншим від Анголів, і честю й величністю Ти вінчаєш його, і поставив його над ділами рук Своїх, 8 усе піддав Ти під ноги йому! А коли Він піддав йому все, то не залишив нічого йому непідданого. А тепер ще не бачимо, щоб піддане було йому все. 9 Але бачимо Ісуса, мало чим уменшеним від Анголів, що за перетерплення смерти Він увінчаний честю й величністю, щоб за благодаттю Божою смерть скуштувати за всіх. 10 Бо належало, щоб Той, що все ради Нього й усе від Нього, Хто до слави привів багато синів, Провідника їхнього спасіння вчинив досконалим через страждання.
UkrainianNT(i) 7 Умалив єси його малим чим од ангелів; славою і честю вінчав єси його, і поставив єси його над ділами рук Твоїх; 8 все покорив еси під ноги його. А впокоривши йому все, нїчого не зоставив невпокореним йому. Тепер же ще не бачимо, щоб усе було йому впокорене, 9 а бачимо Ісуса, малим чим умаленого від ангелів, за муку смерти увінчаного славою й честю, щоб благодаттю Божою за всіх пожив смерти. 10 Подобало бо Тому, про кого все і ким усе, що привів многих синів у славу, починателя спасення їх страданнями звершити.
SBL Greek NT Apparatus

7 αὐτόν NIV RP ] + καὶ κατέστησας αὐτὸν ἐπὶ τὰ ἔργα τῶν χειρῶν σου WH Treg
8 τῷ γὰρ WH Treg NIV ]  γὰρ τῷ RP • ὑποτάξαι Holmes WHmarg ] + αὐτῷ WH Treg NIV RP
9 χωρὶς Holmes ] χάριτι WH Treg NIV RP