Ezekiel 16:10
10 Et vestivi te discoloribus, et calceavi te janthino, et cinxi te bysso, et indui te subtilibus:
10 And I clothed thee with embroidery, and shod thee with violet coloured shoes: and I girded thee about with fine linen, and clothed thee with fine garments.
10 I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers' skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.
10 Καὶ ἐνέδυσά σε ποικίλα, καὶ ὑπέδυσά σε ὑάκινθον· καὶ ἔζωσά σε βύσσῳ καὶ περιέβαλόν σε τριχάπτῳ,
10 And I will clothe thee with variegations, and shoe thee with tahash, and I will bind thee round with fine linen, and cover thee with silk.
10 I clothed thee also with richly woven work, and shod thee with sealskin, and I wound fine linen about thy head, and covered thee with silk.
10 und kleidete dich mit gestickten Kleidern und zog dir sämische Schuhe an; ich gab dir feine leinene Kleider und seidene Schleier
10 und kleidete dich mit gestickten Kleidern und zog dir Schuhe von feinem Leder an; ich gab dir köstliche leinene Kleider und seidene Schleier
10 Kemudian Kupakaikan kepadamu gaun yang bersulam, sepatu dari kulit yang terhalus, ikat kepala dari kain linen dan jubah sutra.
10 Ti misi delle vesti ricamate, de’ calzari di pelle di tasso, ti cinsi il capo di lino fino, ti ricopersi di seta.
10 aprengiau margais drabužiais, apaviau brangiais odiniais sandalais, apgaubiau plona drobe, uždėjau šilkinį šydą
10 Também te vesti de bordados, e te calcei com pele de texugo, cingi-te de linho fino, e te cobri de seda.