14 for you see, Christ's love (urge for accepting reunion)
continuously holds us together. [
We are]
deciding (discerning; judging)
this: that [some MSS add: since]
One Person (or: Man)
died over [
the situation of]
all mankind (or: for the sake of all);
consequently all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humanity died).
15 And further, He died over all humanity (over [the situation] of, and for the sake of all)
to the end that those living may (or: could; would)
no longer live for themselves (to themselves; in themselves; by themselves),
but rather for (or: in; by; to; with)
the One dying and then being awakened and raised up over them (over their [situation]; for their sakes),
16 so that we, from the present moment (or: from now) [
, have seen and thus know (or: perceive; or: are acquainted [with])
no one on the level of (or: in the sphere of; in correspondence to)
flesh (= the estranged human nature; = the self enslaved to the System),
if even we have intimately, by experience, known Christ ([the] Anointed One)
on the level of flesh (or: = in the sphere of estranged humanity; or: = in correspondence to a self oriented to the System),
nevertheless we now (in the present moment)
no longer continue [
knowing [
Him or anyone]
17 Consequently, since someone [
within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with [the] Anointed One; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ), [
there is]
a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of a different kind; [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality):
the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements])
passed by (or: went to the side).
Consider! New things have come into existence (have been birthed; or: It has become new things; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [note:
cf Rev. 21:5]