15 Now "you folks set [
Lord [= Yahweh] –
the Anointed One – apart (or: Yet, let the Lord Christ be set-apart)
" [
Isa. 8:13],
within your hearts! (or: So, treat the Anointed Owner as holy, in the core of your beings),
always ready (ever prepared)
toward a defense to everyone – for the one repeatedly asking you for a word (i.e., a rational explanation and a logical response)
about the expectation within you folks – but still with gentleness (tenderness; meekness; kindness)
and deep respect (or: serious caution; reverence; [the] fear [of the Lord]),
16 habitually holding a good conscience (or: having a virtuous joint-knowing, from possessing a clear joined-perception),
so that those, having a habit of spitefully abusing and harassing your good behavior (or: conduct; way of life)
within, and in union with, Christ, may be brought to shame and disgrace relating to that within which you folks are constantly being defamed (spoken down against).
17 You see, [
it is]
a stronger [
case, position or reputation]
to be repeatedly experiencing harassment, abuse or suffering [
while, or, because of]
habitually doing good (practicing virtue; creating goodness) –
if God's purpose (intent; will)
may be repeatedly willing it – than [
because of]
constantly doing what is wrong, bad or worthless,