Proverbs 4:1-12

Wycliffe(i) 1 Sones, here ye the teching of the fadir; and perseiue ye, that ye kunne prudence. 2 Y schal yyue to you a good yifte; forsake ye not my lawe. 3 For whi and Y was the sone of my fadir, a tendir sone, and oon `gendride bifore my modir. 4 And my fadir tauyte me, and seide, Thin herte resseyue my wordis; kepe thou myn heestis, and thou schalt lyue. 5 Welde thou wisdom, welde thou prudence; foryete thou not, nethir bowe thou awey fro the wordis of my mouth. 6 Forsake thou not it, and it schal kepe thee; loue thou it, and it schal kepe thee. 7 The bigynnyng of wisdom, welde thou wisdom; and in al thi possessioun gete thou prudence. 8 Take thou it, and it schal enhaunse thee; thou schalt be glorified of it, whanne thou hast biclippid it. 9 It schal yyue encresyngis of graces to thin heed; and a noble coroun schal defende thee. 10 Mi sone, here thou, and take my wordis; that the yeris of lijf be multiplied to thee. 11 Y schal schewe to thee the weie of wisdom; and Y schal lede thee bi the pathis of equyte. 12 In to whiche whanne thou hast entrid, thi goyngis schulen not be maad streit; and thou schalt rennen, and schalt not haue hirtyng.