Proverbs 4:1-12

NSB(i) 1 Listen my sons to what your father teaches you. Pay attention and gain understanding. 2 I give you good instruction. Do not abandon my Law! 3 I was my father’s son, tender and the only son to my mother. 4 Father taught me. He said: »Remember my words in your heart. Obey my commandments and live. 5 »Achieve wisdom and understanding! Do not forget or ignore what I say. 6 »Do not abandon wisdom, and she will protect you. Love her, and she will keep you safe. 7 »Wisdom is the most important thing. So gain wisdom! And by all means arrive at understanding. 8 »Love wisdom and she will exalt you. Embrace wisdom and she will honor you. 9 »She will present you with a crown of glory.« 10 Listen to me, my son. Accept what I tell you and live a long life. 11 I taught you wisdom and the right way to live. 12 Walk with wisdom and nothing will stand in your way. Run with wisdom and you will not stumble.