Proverbs 4:1-12

JuliaSmith(i) 1 Hear, ye sons, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. 2 For I gave to you good instruction; ye shall not forsake my law. 3 For I was son to my father; tender and only before the face of my mother. 4 And he taught me, and he will say to me, Thy heart shall hold fast my words: watch my commands and live. 5 Obtain wisdom, obtain understanding: thou shalt not forget, and thou shalt not decline from the words of my mouth. 6 Thou shalt not forsake her, and she will watch thee: love her, and she will guard thee. 7 Wisdom the beginning; obtain wisdom, and with all thine acquisition, obtain understanding. 8 Lift her up and she shall exalt thee: she will honor thee when thou. shalt embrace her. 9 She will give to thy head a garland of grace: a crown of glory she will deliver thee. 10 Hear, my son, and receive my words, and the years of life shall be multiplied to thee. 11 In the way of wisdom I taught thee; I caused thee to tread in the tracks of uprightness 12 In thy going, thy steps shall not be pressed; and if thou shalt run thou shalt not be weak.