Proverbs 4:1-12

ECB(i) 1 Hear, you sons, the discipline of a father; and hearken to know discernment; 2 for I give you good doctrine: forsake not my torah. 3 For I was a son of my father - tender; an only at the face of my mother: 4 and teaches me and says to me, O that your heart uphold my words; guard my misvoth and live. 5 Chattelize wisdom; chattelize discernment: neither forget nor spread from the sayings of my mouth. 6 Forsake her not, and she guards you; love her, and she guards you: 7 the firstfruits, wisdom; chattelize wisdom: and with all your chattelizing chattelize discernment. 8 Exalt her and she exalts you; she honors you when you embrace her: 9 she gives your head a wreath of charism; with a crown of beauty she shields you. 10 Hear, O my son, and take my sayings; and abound the years of your life: 11 I teach you in the way of wisdom; I aim you in routes of straightness: 12 so that as you walk, your paces constrain not; and as you run, you stumble not.