Proverbs 4:1-12

Thomson(i) 1 Hear, children, the instructions of a father; and attend to know the meaning: 2 for I am giving you a good gift: forsake not my law: 3 for I was a son obedient to a father; and beloved in the sight of a mother: 4 and they said when they taught me, "Let our words sink deep in thy heart. Keep our commandments; do not forget; 5 overlook not the dictate of my mouth: 6 forsake it not, and it will defend thee: love it and it will preserve thee: 7 [Omitted] 8 secure it and it will exalt thee: honour it that it may embrace thee: 9 that it may be to thy head a crown of graces and cover thee with a crown of pleasure. 10 Hear my son and receive my words; that, when the years of thy life shall be multiplied, thou mayst have many ways of livelihood: 11 for I am teaching thee ways of wisdom; and confirming thee in right paths. 12 For when thou goest, thy steps will not be straitened: and when thou runnest thou shalt not be tired.