Micah 6:13-16

  13 H2470 [H8689] Therefore also will I make thee sick H5221 [H8687] in smiting H8074 [H8687] thee, in making thee desolate H2403 because of thy sins.
  14 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt eat H7646 [H8799] , but not be satisfied H3445 ; and thy casting down H7130 shall be in the midst H5253 [H8686] of thee; and thou shalt take hold H6403 [H8686] , but shalt not deliver H6403 [H8762] ; and that which thou deliverest H5414 [H8799] will I give up H2719 to the sword.
  15 H2232 [H8799] Thou shalt sow H7114 [H8799] , but thou shalt not reap H1869 [H8799] ; thou shalt tread H2132 the olives H5480 [H8799] , but thou shalt not anoint H8081 thee with oil H8492 ; and sweet wine H8354 [H8799] , but shalt not drink H3196 wine.
  16 H2708 For the statutes H6018 of Omri H8104 [H8691] are kept H4639 , and all the works H1004 of the house H256 of Ahab H3212 [H8799] , and ye walk H4156 in their counsels H5414 [H8800] ; that I should make H8047 thee a desolation H3427 [H8802] , and thy inhabitants H8322 an hissing H5375 [H8799] : therefore ye shall bear H2781 the reproach H5971 of my people.