Micah 6:13-16

Thomson(i) 13 therefore I will begin with smiting thee; I will make thee desolate for thy sins. 14 Thou shalt eat but shalt not be satisfied. Though darkness come and warn thee thou shalt not escape; and if any escape, to the sword they shall be delivered up. 15 Thou shalt sow but thou shalt not reap. Thou shalt press the olive, but shalt not anoint thyself with oil. You shall make wine, but shall not drink it. And the ritual services of my people shall be utterly destroyed. 16 As thou hast kept the statutes of Zambri, and all the works of the house of Achab; and you have walked in their ways, that I might deliver thee up to desolation, and the inhabitants of this city to hissing; therefore you shall bear the reproaches of peoples.