Isaiah 50:2-6

Thomson(i) 2 Why, when I came, was there no man? And why, when I called, did none answer? Is my hand unable to save? Or have I no power to rescue? Behold with my rebuke I can dry up the sea, and make the rivers a desert, so that the fishes thereof shall shrivel for want of water, and die for thirst. I can clothe the heaven with darkness, and make its covering like sackcloth. 4 The Lord Lord giveth me an instructed tongue, to know when it is proper to speak a word. He gave it me in the morning; he gave me in addition an ear to hear. 5 And the instruction of the Lord, Lord openeth mine ears and I am not rebellious, nor do I gainsay. 6 My back I have given to scourges, and my cheeks to be slapped with an open hand, and I turned not my face from the shame of spittles.