Colossians 1:9-13

  9 G1223 For G5124 this cause G2249 we G2532 also G575 , since G3739 the G2250 day G191 we heard [G5656]   G3973 it, do G3756 not G3973 cease [G5731]   G4336 to pray [G5740]   G5228 for G5216 you G2532 , and G154 to desire [G5734]   G2443 that G4137 ye might be filled [G5686]   G1922 with the knowledge G846 of his G2307 will G1722 in G3956 all G4678 wisdom G2532 and G4152 spiritual G4907 understanding;
  10 G5209 That ye G4043 might walk [G5658]   G516 worthy G2962 of the Lord G1519 unto G3956 all G699 pleasing G2592 , being fruitful [G5723]   G1722 in G3956 every G18 good G2041 work G2532 , and G837 increasing [G5746]   G1519 in G1922 the knowledge G2316 of God;
  11 G1412 Strengthened [G5746]   G1722 with G3956 all G1411 might G2596 , according to G846 his G1391 glorious G2904 power G1519 , unto G3956 all G5281 patience G2532 and G3115 longsuffering G3326 with G5479 joyfulness;
  12 G2168 Giving thanks [G5723]   G3962 unto the Father G3588 , which G2427 hath made G2248 us G2427 meet [G5660]   G1519 to G3310 be partakers G2819 of the inheritance G40 of the saints G1722 in G5457 light:
  13 G3739 Who G4506 hath delivered [G5673]   G2248 us G1537 from G1849 the power G4655 of darkness G2532 , and G3179 hath translated [G5656]   G1519 us into G932 the kingdom G846 of his G26 dear G5207 Son:
  9 G1223 δια On Account Of G5124 τουτο This G2532 και Also G2249 ημεις We G575 αφ From G3739 ης The Day G2250 ημερας In Which G191 (G5656) ηκουσαμεν We Heard " Of It, " G3756 ου Do G3973 (G5731) παυομεθα Not Cease G5228 υπερ For G5216 υμων You G4336 (G5740) προσευχομενοι Praying G2532 και And G154 (G5734) αιτουμενοι Asking G2443 ινα That G4137 (G5686) πληρωθητε Ye May Be Filled With G3588 την The G1922 επιγνωσιν   G3588 του Knowledge G2307 θεληματος Of Will G846 αυτου His G1722 εν In G3956 παση All G4678 σοφια Wisdom G2532 και And G4907 συνεσει Understanding G4152 πνευματικη Spiritual,
  10 G4043 (G5658) περιπατησαι To Walk G5209 υμας "for" You G516 αξιως Worthily G3588 του Of The G2962 κυριου Lord G1519 εις To G3956 πασαν All G699 αρεσκειαν Pleasing, G1722 εν In G3956 παντι Every G2041 εργω Work G18 αγαθω Good G2592 (G5723) καρποφορουντες Bringing Forth Fruit G2532 και And G837 (G5746) αυξανομενοι Growing G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G1922 επιγνωσιν Knowledge G3588 του Of G2316 θεου God;
  11 G1722 εν With G3956 παση All G1411 δυναμει Power G1412 (G5746) δυναμουμενοι Being Strengthened G2596 κατα According G3588 το To The G2904 κρατος   G3588 της Might G1391 δοξης Of Glory G846 αυτου His G1519 εις To G3956 πασαν All G5281 υπομονην Endurance G2532 και And G3115 μακροθυμιαν Longsuffering G3326 μετα With G5479 χαρας Joy;
  12 G2168 (G5723) ευχαριστουντες Giving Thanks G3588 τω To The G3962 πατρι Father, G3588 τω Who G2427 (G5660) ικανωσαντι Made Competent G2248 ημας Us G1519 εις For G3588 την The G3310 μεριδα Share G3588 του Of The G2819 κληρου Inheritance G3588 των Of The G40 αγιων Saints G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G5457 φωτι Light,
  13 G3739 ος Who G4506 (G5673) ερρυσατο Delivered G2248 ημας Us G1537 εκ From G3588 της The G1849 εξουσιας   G3588 του Authority G4655 σκοτους Of Darkness, G2532 και And G3179 (G5656) μετεστησεν Translated " Us " G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G932 βασιλειαν Kingdom G3588 του Of The G5207 υιου   G3588 της Son G26 αγαπης Of Love : G846 αυτου His