Ephesians 1:15-20

  15 G1223 Wherefore G5124   G2504 I also G191 , after I heard [G5660]   G2596 of G5209 your G4102 faith G1722 in G2962 the Lord G2424 Jesus G2532 , and G26 love G1519 unto G3956 all G40 the saints,
  16 G3973 Cease [G5731]   G3756 not G2168 to give thanks [G5723]   G5228 for G5216 you G4160 , making [G5734]   G3417 mention G5216 of you G1909 in G3450 my G4335 prayers;
  17 G2443 That G2316 the God G2257 of our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G3962 , the Father G1391 of glory G1325 , may give [G5632]   [G5630]   G5213 unto you G4151 the spirit G4678 of wisdom G2532 and G602 revelation G1722 in G1922 the knowledge G846 of him:
  18 G3788 The eyes G5216 of your G1271 understanding G5461 being enlightened [G5772]   G1519 ; that G5209 ye G1492 may know [G5760]   G5101 what G2076 is [G5748]   G1680 the hope G846 of his G2821 calling G2532 , and G5101 what G4149 the riches G1391 of the glory G846 of his G2817 inheritance G1722 in G40 the saints,
  19 G2532 And G5101 what G5235 is the exceeding [G5723]   G3174 greatness G846 of his G1411 power G1519 to G2248 us-ward G3588 who G4100 believe [G5723]   G2596 , according to G1753 the working G846 of his G2479 mighty G2904 power,
  20 G3739 Which G1754 he wrought [G5656]   G1722 in G5547 Christ G1453 , when he raised [G5660]   G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead G2532 , and G2523 set [G5656]   G1722 him at G846 his own G1188 right hand G1722 in G2032 the heavenly places,
  15 G1223 δια Because Of G5124 τουτο This G2504 καγω I Also G191 (G5660) ακουσας Having Heard Of G3588 την The G2596 καθ Among G5209 υμας You G4102 πιστιν Faith G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G2962 κυριω Lord G2424 ιησου Jesus, G2532 και And G3588 την The G26 αγαπην Love G3588 την Which "is" G1519 εις Toward G3956 παντας All G3588 τους The G40 αγιους Saints,
  16 G3756 ου   G3973 (G5731) παυομαι Do Not Cease G2168 (G5723) ευχαριστων Giving Thanks G5228 υπερ For G5216 υμων You, G3417 μνειαν Mention G5216 υμων Of You G4160 (G5734) ποιουμενος Making G1909 επι In G3588 των   G4335 προσευχων   G3450 μου My Prayers,
  17 G2443 ινα That G3588 ο The G2316 θεος   G3588 του God G2962 κυριου Of Lord G2257 ημων Our G2424 ιησου Jesus G5547 χριστου Christ, G3588 ο The G3962 πατηρ   G3588 της Father G1391 δοξης Of Glory, G1325 (G5630) δωη May Give G5213 υμιν To You G4151 πνευμα "the" Spirit G4678 σοφιας Of Wisdom G2532 και And G602 αποκαλυψεως Revelation G1722 εν In "the" G1922 επιγνωσει Knowledge G846 αυτου Of Him,
  18 G5461 (G5772) πεφωτισμενους Being Enlightened G3588 τους The G3788 οφθαλμους   G3588 της Eyes G1271 διανοιας Mind G5216 υμων Of Your, G1519 εις   G3588 το For G1492 (G5760) ειδεναι To Know G5209 υμας You G5101 τις What G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 η The G1680 ελπις Hope G3588 της   G2821 κλησεως   G846 αυτου Of His Calling, G2532 και And G5101 τις What G3588 ο The G4149 πλουτος Riches G3588 της Of The G1391 δοξης Glory G3588 της   G2817 κληρονομιας   G846 αυτου Of His Inheritance G1722 εν In G3588 τοις The G40 αγιοις Saints,
  19 G2532 και And G5101 τι What G3588 το The G5235 (G5723) υπερβαλλον Surpassing G3174 μεγεθος Greatness G3588 της   G1411 δυναμεως   G846 αυτου Of His Power G1519 εις Towards G2248 ημας Us G3588 τους Who G4100 (G5723) πιστευοντας Believe G2596 κατα According To G3588 την The G1753 ενεργειαν Working G3588 του Of The G2904 κρατους   G3588 της Might G2479 ισχυος   G846 αυτου Of His Strength,
  20 G3739 ην Which G1754 (G5656) ενηργησεν He Wrought G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G5547 χριστω Christ, G1453 (G5660) εγειρας Having Raised G846 αυτον Him G1537 εκ From Among "the" G3498 νεκρων Dead, G2532 και And G2523 (G5656) εκαθισεν He Set G1722 εν "him" At G1188 δεξια Right Hand G846 αυτου His G1722 εν In G3588 τοις The G2032 επουρανιοις Heavenlies,