John 9:4-12

  4 G1691 I G1163 must G2038 work G2041 the works G3992 of him that sent G3165 me, G2193 while G2076 it is G2250 day: G3571 the night G2064 comes, G3753 when G3762 no man G1410 can G2038 work.
  5 G3752 As long as G5600 I am G1722 in G2889 the world, G1510 I am G5457 the light G2889 of the world.
  6 G2036 When he had G5023 thus G2036 spoken, G4429 he spat G5476 on the ground, G2532 and G4160 made G4081 clay G1537 of G4427 the spittle, G2532 and G2025 he anointed G1909   G3788 the eyes G5185 of the blind man G4081 with the clay,
  7 G2532 And G2036 said G846 unto him, G5217 Go, G3538 wash G1519 in G2861 the pool G4611 of Siloam, G3739 (which G2059 is by interpretation, G649 Sent.) G565 He went his way G3767 therefore, G2532 and G3538 washed, G2532 and G2064 came G991 back seeing.
  8 G1069 The neighbors G3767 therefore, G2532 and G2334 they which G4386 before G2334 had seen G846   G3754 that G2258 he was G5185 blind, G3004 said, G2076 Is G3756 not G3778 this G2521 he that sat G2532 and G4319 begged?
  9 G243 Some G3754 said, G3778 This G2076 is he: G243 others G3754 said, G2076 He is G3664 like G846 him: G1565 but he G3754 said, G1473 I G1510 am he.
  10 G3767 Then G3004 they asked G846 him, G4459 How G455 were G4675 your G3788 eyes G455 opened?
  11 G1565 He G611 answered G2532 and G2036 said, G444 A man G3004 that is called G2424 Jesus G4160 made G4081 clay, G2532 and G2025 anointed G3450 my G3788 eyes, G2532 and G2036 said G3427 to me, G5217 Go G1519 to G2861 the pool G4611 of Siloam, G2532 and G3538 wash: G1161 and G565 I went G2532 and G3538 washed, G308 and I received sight.
  12 G3767 Then G2036 they asked G846 him, G4226 Where G2076 is G1565 he? G3004 He said, G1492 I know G3756 not.