John 9:4-12

Bishops(i) 4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me, whyle it is daye. The nyght commeth when no man can worke 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the lyght of the worlde 6 Assoone as he had thus spoke, he spat on the grounde, and made claye of the spittle, and he annoynted with the claye the eyes of the blynde 7 And sayde vnto hym: Go, washe thee in the poole of Siloe, whiche by interpretation, is [as much to say, as] sent. He went his way therefore, & washed, and came agayne, seyng 8 So, the neyghbours, and they that hadde seene hym before when he was blynde, sayde: Is not this he that sate and begged 9 Some sayde, this is he: Other sayde, he is lyke hym. He hym selfe sayde, I am [euen] he 10 Therfore sayde they vnto him: Howe are thyne eyes opened 11 He aunswered and sayde: The man that is called Iesus made claye, and annoynted myne eyes, and sayde vnto me, go to the poole Siloe and washe: And when I went and washed, I receaued [my] syght 12 Then sayde they vnto hym, where is he? He sayde, I can not tell