Genesis 34:11-31

  11 H7927 And Shechem H559 said H1 unto her father H251 and unto her brethren, H4672 Let me find H2580 favor H5869 in your eyes, H559 and what ye shall say H5414 unto me I will give.
  12 H7235 Ask H3966 me never so much H4119 dowry H4976 and gift, H5414 and I will give H559 according as ye shall say H5414 unto me: but give H5291 me the damsel H802 to wife.
  13 H1121 And the sons H3290 of Jacob H6030 answered H7927 Shechem H2544 and Hamor H1 his father H4820 with guile, H1696 and spake, H2930 because he had defiled H1783 Dinah H269 their sister,
  14 H559 and said H3808 unto them, We cannot H6213 do H1697 this thing, H5414 to give H269 our sister H376 to one H6190 that is uncircumcised; H2781 for that were a reproach unto us.
  15 H2063 Only on this H225 condition will we consent H2145 unto you: if ye will be as we are, that every male H4135 of you be circumcised;
  16 H5414 then will we give H1323 our daughters H3947 unto you, and we will take H1323 your daughters H3427 to us, and we will dwell H259 with you, and we will become one H5971 people.
  17 H8085 But if ye will not hearken H4135 unto us, to be circumcised; H3947 then will we take H1323 our daughter, H1980 and we will be gone.
  18 H1697 And their words H3190 pleased H2544 Hamor, H7927 and Shechem H2544 Hamor's H1121 son.
  19 H5288 And the young man H309 deferred H6213 not to do H1697 the thing, H2654 because he had delight H3290 in Jacob's H1323 daughter: H3513 and he was honored H1004 above all the house H1 of his father.
  20 H2544 And Hamor H7927 and Shechem H1121 his son H935 came H8179 unto the gate H5892 of their city, H1696 and communed H582 with the men H5892 of their city, H559 saying,
  21 H582 These men H8003 are peaceable H854 with H3427 us; therefore let them dwell H776 in the land, H5503 and trade H776 therein; for, behold, the land H7342 is large H3027 enough H6440 for them; H3947 let us take H1323 their daughters H802 to us for wives, H5414 and let us give H1323 them our daughters.
  22 H2063 Only on this condition H582 will the men H225 consent H3427 unto us to dwell H259 with us, to become one H5971 people, H2145 if every male H4135 among us be circumcised, H4135 as they are circumcised.
  23 H4735 Shall not their cattle H7075 and their substance H929 and all their beasts H225 be ours? only let us consent H3427 unto them, and they will dwell with us.
  24 H2544 And unto Hamor H7927 and unto Shechem H1121 his son H8085 hearkened H3318 all that went out H8179 of the gate H5892 of his city; H2145 and every male H4135 was circumcised, H3318 all that went out H8179 of the gate H5892 of his city.
  25 H7992 And it came to pass on the third H3117 day, H3510 when they were sore, H8147 that two H1121 of the sons H3290 of Jacob, H8095 Simeon H3878 and Levi, H1783 Dinah's H251 brethren, H3947 took H376 each man H2719 his sword, H935 and came H5892 upon the city H983 unawares, H2026 and slew H2145 all the males.
  26 H2026 And they slew H2544 Hamor H7927 and Shechem H1121 his son H6310 with the edge H2719 of the sword, H3947 and took H1783 Dinah H3318 out H7927 of Shechem's H1004 house, H3318 and went forth.
  27 H1121 The sons H3290 of Jacob H935 came H2491 upon the slain, H962 and plundered H5892 the city, H2930 because they had defiled H269 their sister.
  28 H3947 They took H6629 their flocks H1241 and their herds H2543 and their asses, H5892 and that which was in the city, H7704 and that which was in the field;
  29 H2428 and all their wealth, H2945 and all their little ones H802 and their wives, H7617 took they captive H962 and made a prey, H1004 even all that was in the house.
  30 H3290 And Jacob H559 said H8095 to Simeon H3878 and Levi, H5916 Ye have troubled H3427 me, to make me odious to the inhabitants H776 of the land, H3669 among the Canaanites H6522 and the Perizzites: H4962 and, I being few H4557 in number, H622 they will gather themselves together H5221 against me H5221 and smite me; H8045 and I shall be destroyed, H1004 I and my house.
  31 H559 And they said, H6213 Should he deal H269 with our sister H2181 as with a harlot?